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We consider an American put option on a dividend-paying stock whose volatility is a function of the stock value. Near the maturity of this option, an expansion of the critical stock price is given. If the stock dividend rate is greater than the market interest rate, the payoff function is smooth near the limit of the critical price. We deduce an expansion of the critical price near maturity from an expansion of the value function of an optimal stopping problem. It turns out that the behavior of the critical price is parabolic. In the other case, we are in a less regular situation and an extra logarithmic factor appears. To prove this result, we show that the American and European critical prices have the same first-order behavior near maturity. Finally, in order to get an expansion of the European critical price, we use a parity formula for exchanging the strike price and the spot price in the value functions of European puts.  相似文献   

We formulate a macro‐model of a small open economy in order to investigate the relative performance of rules that respond to asset prices and those that do not. Our model consists of three asset prices: the stock price, the long‐term interest rate and the exchange rate. These asset prices interact with nominal wage and price Phillips curves, a law of motion for the labour share, a dynamic IS curve that describes output adjustment and a Taylor‐type interest rate policy rule. Estimations of the model show that policy rules that respond to asset price movements dominate rules that do not.  相似文献   

This paper empirically tests two competing views about capital–labour substitution at the aggregate level in capitalist economies: the classical model with Marx‐biased technical change versus the neoclassical model. Following Foley and Michl (1999 ), the classical viability condition of technical change is used to draw out two different hypotheses about the profit share in national income corresponding to the two competing models. A stochastic version of the viability condition is empirically tested with data from the Extended Penn World Tables 2.1 using a simple cross‐country estimation strategy. It is found that the data overwhelmingly rejects the neoclassical theory.  相似文献   

In a production price framework, a two‐sectoral gravitation process with cross‐over adjustments of prices and quantities is advanced. To overcome an inconsistency in the treatment of fixed capital in disequilibrium, the socio‐technological input coefficients are assumed to vary with the sectoral output–capital ratio, such that for each relative price there exists an optimal degree of capital utilization which maximizes the sectoral rate of profit. Production prices prevail if these maximizing rates of profit are equalized. In addition, a financial sector determining the rate of interest is incorporated into the model. The mathematical analysis establishes a broad scope for local stability of the long‐run equilibrium position once a condition applies that ensures stability of the output adjustments in the short period.  相似文献   

货币政策是否应该干预股票资产价格的波动,这是一个广受关注且富有争议的问题.这一问题的关键因素在于正确判断通货膨胀与股票资产价格的关联性.目前,股票收益率与通货膨胀之间存在四种相关关系,即正相关、负相关、不确定以及不相关.我国的资本市场成立较晚,研究股票收益率与通胀率之间关系的成果非常少.所以从我国沪深两市股指与通货膨胀走势、沪深两市股指波动区间、波动频率与通货膨胀间的关系,以及我国沪深两市股票市盈率与通货膨胀关系描述等三方面来揭示股票资产定价与通货膨胀间的关系,为全面认识我国证券市场与通胀间的关系提供实事依据.  相似文献   

目前,在我国股票市场上一直存在着新股发行价低于上市价格的抑价现象,其主要原因是股市发行与交易市场参与者之间信息不对称。应加速完善上市公司信息披露机制,提高信息的真实性、及时性以及投资行为的理性化程度,借助信息和资金优势带动股票市场价格保持在合理且相对平稳的范围内。只有这样,股票市场价格才会更加清晰的反映出公司实际投资价值,发行价与上市价间的差距也会逐步降低。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to calculate the market valuation of non‐financial characteristics, namely, the social responsibility criteria (social, ethical and environmental) included in the Spanish Socially Responsible Investment Funds. The hedonic price method is applied for this purpose. This method relates the price of Socially Responsible Investment Funds with both financial and social responsibility characteristics. Because of the large number of social responsibility characteristics included in these funds, prior to application of the hedonic price method, the principal components factor analysis technique is used. The data are taken from the prospectus for each fund and from the data provided by the National Securities Market Commission. Results indicate that the Spanish market is sensitive to the social responsibility practices of companies. In particular, the market value practices related to environmental sustainability, the enforcement of labour rights, sustainable production and consumption and non‐abusive market practices.  相似文献   

Equal organic composition of capital (EOCC) is shown to be a necessary and sufficient condition for constant relative prices in no‐joint production technologies with neoclassical production functions. It is then proved that such neoclassical technologies are regular (which implies that consumption is well behaved across steady‐state equilibria). Regularity is also a necessary and sufficient condition for near aggregation (which implies an aggregate production function with all but one of the usual neoclassical properties). Except perhaps for some fluke cases, the existence of an aggregate production function with all of the usual neoclassical properties (full aggregation) requires the stronger EOCC property.  相似文献   

Hybrid securities are becoming an increasingly important component of the capital structure of Australian firms. While displaying characteristics of both debt and equity, one principal equity attribute of hybrids is their ability to pay franked dividends. This enables resident domestic investors to claim corporate tax payments as a credit against personal tax obligations under Australia's dividend imputation tax system. This paper estimates a value for the ‘franking credits’ that attach to hybrid securities by examining stock price changes around ex‐dividend dates. We add to the literature that examines the ex‐day price changes of ordinary shares (OS) in that the hybrid securities we examine have high dividend yields and are relatively insensitive to market movements. Therefore the signal‐to‐noise ratio is much higher than for OS. Our analysis reveals that cum‐dividend day prices on hybrid securities do not include any value for franking credits. This result is consistent with the notion that the price‐setting investor in the Australian market is a foreign investor who places no value on franking credits.  相似文献   

利率、股票价格与货币政策传导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈德伟  金戈 《商业研究》2005,(13):162-164
利率与股票价格的互动关系是货币政策通过股票市场途径传导的重要环节。通过基于VAR的格兰杰因果检验和方差分解等技术,实证分析我国利率变动与股票价格的相互关系,结果表明,利率与股票价格在长期中存在均衡关系,利率变动是股票价格变动的格兰杰原因,其影响逐步增大,并在第四期以后稳定在28·6%;而股票价格对利率的影响较小,统计上不表现为利率变动的格兰杰原因。这说明我国金融市场具有分割性,货币政策通过股票市场途径的传导在上游是通畅的。  相似文献   

I analyze two connections between neoclassical and classical economics. First, I consider the indeterminacy that arises for both schools: in the neoclassical theories of overlapping generations and of factor pricing and in Sraffa's price theory. Neoclassical indeterminacy occurs only in environments where relative prices can change through time; otherwise, determinacy obtains. Although these results challenge the Sraffian position on indeterminacy, the classical principle that current economic activity is embedded in the past proves to be a powerful insight: it establishes the robustness of factor‐price indeterminacy and casts doubt on the importance of overlapping‐generations indeterminacy. Second, I argue that recent claims that capital‐theoretic paradoxes arise in intertemporal general equilibrium modes, not just in aggregative theory, cannot be validated.  相似文献   

《Emerging Markets Review》2011,12(4):354-370
We investigate the extent of regional financial integration in the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Interest rate data show that convergence exists and that interest rate differentials are relatively short-lived—especially relative to other unified currency area and comparable to those of the Euro Area post 1999. Equity data using cross-listed stocks confirm that stock markets are fairly integrated compared to other emerging market regions, although price equalization is hampered by market illiquidity. The limited volume data available suggests that intra-GCC capital flows are sizeable.  相似文献   

近年来,随着环境政策日趋严格,环境负面消息累积导致的股价崩盘风险不断提高。文章基于2007-2019年中国沪深两市A股重污染企业的经验数据,探讨了环境管理体系认证对股价崩盘风险的影响。研究发现,环境管理体系认证能够显著抑制股价崩盘风险,且当媒体关注越高、分析师关注越高时,环境管理体系认证对股价崩盘风险的抑制作用更强。进一步探讨影响机制发现,环境管理体系认证主要通过治理机制和信息机制来影响股价崩盘风险,换言之,环境管理体系认证能够通过提高公司环境绩效和公司信息透明度来抑制股价崩盘风险。研究结论揭示了环境管理体系认证具有资本市场有效性,丰富了股价崩盘风险的影响因素研究,对于政府完善环境管理体系认证制度以提高资本市场稳定性、企业优化战略决策以提升企业价值具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The model under consideration consists of m pure consumption goods, n capital goods, and hm primary factors of production in long-run time-phased equilibrium. Two alternative capital intensity conditions are defined in terms of physical unit input coefficients which suffice for equalization of the interest rate, all capital good prices, and all primary factor prices, provided only there is positive trade in every consumption good and in at least one capital good. If the capital intensity conditions hold at all factor prices, the result remains valid even if trading regions have a technology consisting of neoclassical production functions.  相似文献   

This paper re‐formulates and tests statistically a hypothetical law (HL) of capital accumulation that manifests itself in three scenarios for Italian economy. HL refines Verdoorn law and ‘Ricardian’ relationship between employment and returns; it generalizes neoclassical and Goodwinian models. Big cycles are not sustainable in inertia Scenario I. Lowering direct diseconomy of scale does not alter a non‐trivial stationary state in stabilization Scenario II. Weakening an inverse relation between employment ratio and growth rate of capital intensity raises stationary relative labour compensation without deteriorating profitability in stabilization Scenario III. Stationary states with zero relative labour compensation are not economically relevant.  相似文献   

This article considers a two‐sector model of scalar capital from the perspectives of smoothly differentiable neoclassical technologies and also non‐differentiable technologies based on discrete alternative Leontief–Sraffa techniques. The analysis shows that in these Thünen‐like scenarios without joint production the real wage and the interest rate are necessarily in an inverse Ricardian tradeoff. This complements the findings of Samuelson and Etula (2006 , Japan and the World Economy, 18, pp. 331–356) and completes the analysis of single homogeneous scalar capital.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether Asian emerging stock markets (India, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand) have become integrated into world capital markets since their official liberalization dates by estimating and testing a dynamic integrated international capital asset pricing model (ICAPM) in the absence of purchasing power parity (PPP) using an asymmetric multivariate GARCH(1,1)-in-Mean approach. Also examined in this paper is whether there are pure contagion effects between stock and foreign exchange markets for each Asian country during the 1997 Asian crisis. The empirical results show that first, both currency and world market risks are priced and time-varying, suggesting that an international asset pricing model under PPP and constant price of risk might give rise to model misspecification. Second, the stock markets for India, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand were segmented from the world capital markets before their liberalization dates, but all six markets have become fully integrated since then. Third, the market liberalization has reduced the cost of capital and price volatility for most of the countries. Finally, as for the contagion effects, strong positive impact of return shocks originating from the domestic stock market to its foreign exchange market during the crisis is found. This dynamic relationship between stock market and foreign exchange market is consistent with stock-oriented exchange rate models.  相似文献   

This paper uses the unique matched individual parent and affiliate data from the foreign investment survey of the Bureau of Economic Analysis to examine how US firms of different industries and capital intensities at home adapt to lower costs of labour and other host‐country characteristics in their foreign production. We find that foreign affiliates of US multinationals carry their parent firms’ technology with them in producing abroad. That is, affiliates of capital‐intensive parents produce in a relatively capital‐intensive manner wherever they are located. Despite these resemblances to their parents, affiliates produce in a more labour‐intensive manner where labour is cheaper and also where the scale of production is small. We found no evidence that more labour‐intensive firms selected production locations where labour was cheaper. Labour costs dominated the methods of production but not its location. Affiliates that export are more responsive in their factor proportions to the labour costs where they produced than affiliates selling only in their host countries. The probability that an affiliate would export, however, did not seem to be much affected by factor proportions. It was much more closely related to the scale of the affiliate's operations; larger affiliates were more likely to be exporters.  相似文献   

韩金红 《商业研究》2012,(4):109-115
本文以2007-2010年我国资本市场的整个波动周期为考察期间,在考虑了变量内生性的问题的基础上,采用2SLS方法实证分析了机构整体持股对于股价波动的影响。研究发现:机构整体持股对股市波动的影响因不同的市场状态而具有非对称性,并可以用市场状态假说进行解释;在对于机构分类的实证研究中发现,在控制内生性情况下,同一类别的机构投资者对股市波动的影响是随着市场的变化而变化;同时,即使在相同的市场环境下,不同的投资者对市场波动的影响也不相同。因此,需要辨证认识各类机构投资者的作用,针对不同机构投资者的特征及不同的市场状态采取不同措施以稳定市场。  相似文献   

自2000年至今,美国的联邦基金利率变动经历了三个时期:降息期(2001年5月到2003年6月)、加息期(2004年6月到2007年9月)、再降息期(2007年9月至今)。美国的低利率政策助长了股票市场和房地产市场的资产价格膨胀,催化了泡沫经济的形成和加剧。这正是后来引发次贷危机——世界金融危机——全球经济危机的首要因素。有鉴于美国联邦基准利率变动的经验和教训,我国必须增强基准利率的可控性和可测性,加强金融市场的风险监控、货币政策和财政政策的有效配合。  相似文献   

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