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需求引致创新这一理论虽然得到普遍认可,但鲜有微观实证考察市场需求与企业创新的因果关系。中国20世纪90年代的社会体制变革和市场经济改革等制度冲击促使中国经济快速发展,人均收入提高和贫富分化,从而导致消费需求的结构性升级,这一发展契机为需求引致创新理论的实证检验提供了绝佳的自然实验。本文通过中国城镇居民收支调查数据构造家电消费的市场规模变量,与中国工业企业数据库的相关行业进行匹配,检验了1996—2009年中国家电行业市场规模对企业创新的影响。实证结果表明,家电市场规模的扩大显著促进了企业创新投入和创新产出的提高。企业创新与产业发展程度密切相关,处于产业萌芽成长期的企业创新对市场规模的反应非常敏锐,而处于产业停滞衰退期的企业市场规模带来的收益反而削弱了其创新动力。市场需求对企业创新的影响存在滞后性和超前性,过去的市场需求有利于提升当期的创新投入,而未来可预见的市场需求既有效促进了创新投入的提高,也提升了企业的创新产出。本文的研究为需求引致创新理论提供了实证检验,挖掘了其微观影响机制,为总需求管理中的创新支持政策制定提供了事实依据。  相似文献   

现代企业保险需求理论通过研究企业保险行为对市场价值的影响来解释企业购买保险的动机。然而该理论是建立在企业理性人假设上,忽略了企业人格化的特征,文章在企业人格化假设基础上构建了企业保险需求函数,并通过调查问卷获取的数据,运用计数模型对文章中构建的模型进行实证检验。实证结果表明企业的风险状态、企业决策者意愿、企业规模、企业对人力资本重视度、保险市场规范程度、保险公司风险管理优势、保险产品丰富程度、保险的税收优惠和保险商品本身价格对企业保险需求具有显著性影响。  相似文献   

运用协整分析方法和误差修正模型,对我国货币需求函数进行实证研究,认为我国现阶段货币政策是比较有效的,不存在流动性陷阱问题。  相似文献   

企业市场文化作为企业文化发展的新动向之一,其对企业、顾客乃至整个社会经济的重大推动作用得到了人们越来越高的重视。随着市场的不断开放和竞争激烈程度的加剧,如何抓住市场主体中的顾客的心,在顾客导向下建立起企业的市场文化则成为我国企业必须高度重视和亟待解决的重大课题。因此,新形势下建设顾客导向型的企业市场文化,我们必须正确的理解和把握企业市场文化的涵义,在创新理念指导下,从企业市场文化的物质层、行为层和精神层三个层面进行努力。  相似文献   

首先回顾了企业规模和企业产出间关系的相关理论研究成果,指出中小企业的创新能力正得到越来越多的认同,继而从衡量企业创新产出的标准出发,分析了中小企业的创新能力不断受到人们重视的原因。此后,以抽样调查数据为基础,深入揭示了我国企业规模同其创新产出总量间的正向关系,并用科学的测度方法证实了中小企业在创新效率及部分行业创新产出方面具有优势。  相似文献   

基于客户需求的企业产品协同创新是企业开展创新活动的重要组织形式,要实现这一创新形式就必须充分认识和把握客户协同创新的形成机理。基于此,从认识客户需求类型开始研究,分析了客户协同创新的流程和影响客户协同创新的因素,为企业构建基于客户协同创新系统提供了有力的支撑。  相似文献   

中国财产保险需求影响因素的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用中国1980-2009年的相关数据,引入六个解释变量,采用逐步回归方法,对中国财产保险需求的影响因素进行了实证分析,结果表明:与人寿保险需求截然不同,经济增长、人均收入、风险意识对财产保险需求未发现有显著影响;而固定资产投资、汽车拥有量和货物运输量对财产保险需求有着显著的推动作用.实证结果进一步解释了财产保险市场结构严重失衡的状况.  相似文献   

立足企业创新 扩大国内需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

理论分析表明,创新与企业绩效正相关,二者的关系受企业规模的调节.基于中国制造业上市公司样本的实证研究发现,无论是采用财务指标还是市场指标来度量企业绩效,创新都与企业绩效显著正相关.然而,创新与企业绩效之间显著的正相关关系仅存在于小企业中,在大企业里,创新与企业绩效不存在统计上显著的关系.稳健性检验表明这些结论不受样本选择的影响.原因可能在于,大企业的创新效率以及利用创新成果的效率和意愿都较低.  相似文献   


In conventional studies, large firms tend to emphasize more on process innovation than product innovation. This paper explores factors that could indicate a distinct pattern of firms’ innovation-size relationship: threshold size that implies a positive effect of firm size on the probability of product innovation success; cannibalization effect that creates incentives for large firms to favor product innovations; and financial constraints that have differential effects given different firm sizes. A hypothesis about a non-monotonic relationship between the proportion of product innovation and firm size is tested with nonlinear and dynamic econometric models. For the large firms, empirical evidence shows product innovations result in an overall larger share of new products in total sales, relative to existing products in which process innovations are rooted.  相似文献   

Mergers lead to larger firms and a less competitive market structure, but their effects on innovation are not clear. Mergers may improve innovation incentives by promoting economies of scope and scale, R&D activities, and increasing the ability to deal with uncertainties. However, mergers may also discourage innovation by reducing competition, increasing costs, and decreasing production and R&D efficiencies. In this study, we investigate merger impacts on innovation using a panel data consisting of four different data sets on publicly traded US manufacturing firms from 1980 to 2003. Our proxy for innovation is based on citation-weighted patent stocks. In our estimation model, we control for endogeneity using instrumental variables and factors such as market share, size, industry, and time. We find that mergers are positively and significantly correlated with firms’ innovation. Our findings also indicate that merger effect on innovation is heterogeneous across industries, increases with market share, and is greater in the long run. Our findings are robust to alternative measures of innovation.  相似文献   

In 2010, the Indian government declared 2010–2020 to be the ‘Decade of Innovation’ and established the State Innovation Councils and Sectoral Innovation Councils to encourage and facilitate innovation by technological firms. In this paper, we study the relationship between collaboration and innovation in a cross‐section of Indian firms, paying particular attention to the impact of the innovation councils. Our results suggest that domestic collaborations have an important impact on firm innovation, as do the innovation councils, but that the impact of the councils is less for firms that collaborate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of relationship lending on innovation (the probability to innovate and the intensity of innovation). Using a unique dataset providing detailed information on bank–firm relationships across European firms, we relate different proxies of relationship lending (soft information, long-lasting relationships, number of banks and share of the main bank) to innovation. We find a very strong and robust positive effect of ‘soft-information-intensive’ relationships, a less robust positive effect of long-lasting relationships and a negative effect of credit concentration as measured by the number of banking relationships. We also find that ‘soft-information-intensive’ relationships reduce credit rationing for innovative firms, while long-lasting relationships seem to favour innovation via other relational channels. These results raise some concern on the impact of screening processes based on automatic procedures, as those suggested by the Basel rules, on firms' capability to finance innovative activities in Europe.  相似文献   

Government support plays an important role in the Chinese economy. New energy industries, which involve innovation-driven sources and environmental protection, are also supported by the government. This paper aims to study the effects of supply-side traditional government support on firms’ innovation and development. We propose a theoretical mechanism and study the innovation reaction of firms to government support in different situations. We further use propensity score matching to verify the results in the theoretical model and conduct a robustness analysis. Our main conclusions include the following. (1) In normal years, government support can promote only the innovation output of firms that have innovated; however, support cannot promote the innovation probability of firms that have not innovated. Government support can only enhance the intensive margin of innovation and cannot enhance the extensive margin of innovation with less competition. (2) In the situation of a bad economic environment and intense competition, firms’ innovation probability rises as government support increases. Therefore, the government should provide more R&D special subsidies and implement strict financial supervision to make support policies effective, especially in normal years.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the total factor productivity of 1067 Japanese manufacturing firms. In production estimation, we employ the directional distance function and Luenberger productivity indicator. Research and development strategy survey data are used to analyze the determinant factors related to improvements in innovation and productivity. Our results indicate that increasing technology and knowledge through a ‘black box’ process is related to an increase in productivity. Furthermore, the protection and management of production knowledge and expertise is a valid method of increasing global technical change.  相似文献   

This paper measures the level of persistence in innovation using a large representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms for the period 1990–2008. We determine survival in innovation activities using discrete-time duration models, which control for some of the existing problems in the continuous-time duration models used in previous studies (namely, unobserved heterogeneity and the proportional hazards assumption). This paper examines the relationship between the firm-specific characteristics of technological regimes and the persistence measured by innovative spells at the firm level. The results show that high technological opportunities, patents, cumulativeness of learning based on previous experience and accumulated R&D, as well as the use of generic knowledge provided by universities enhance persistence in innovative activity.  相似文献   

It is a commonly accepted fact that a quite strong relation exists between research investments and the general wealth of a given area. The main goal of this study is to analyse and determine which financing sources better serve this need for innovation, taking a sample of 1000 private firms in current economic downturn. Small firms from Southern Italy often have no access to debt capital on nondeterministic research activities, and more importantly, it still seems like banks cannot afford to finance these kinds of operations, mainly because of their indeterminate nature. This research draws the conclusion that only self-evidently solvent firms have a chance of getting the financial help needed to innovate.  相似文献   

Knowledge sharing is the key factor that influences the performance of open source software (OSS) projects, which are the representative cases of distributed innovation. This paper aims to explore the mechanism of knowledge sharing in OSS projects from the perspective of developers in China. A quantitative method with the analysis of 403 valid questionnaires is adopted. A series of hypotheses about how distributed innovation (independent variables) influences knowledge sharing (mediating variable) and then affects the performance of OSS projects (dependent variable) are tested and approved. On the one side, we argue that developers will actively affect knowledge sharing in terms of participative motivation, social network and organisational culture. On the other hand, users may also affect the knowledge sharing when considering innovation willingness and capacity. It is interesting to find that social network is the most important factor in Chinese cases. It is strongly recommended to strengthen the collaboration between software companies and OSS communities.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in the field of management of technology is how firms develop radical and incremental innovations that sustain the competitive advantage in markets. Current frameworks provide some explanations but the general sources of major and minor technological breakthroughs are hardly known. The study here confronts this problem by developing a conceptual framework of problem-driven innovation. The inductive study of the pharmaceutical industry (focusing on ground-breaking drugs for lung cancer treatment) seems to show that the co-evolution of consequential problems and their solutions induce the emergence and development of radical innovations. In fact, firms have a strong incentive to find innovative solutions to unsolved problems in order to achieve the prospect of a (temporary) profit monopoly and competitive advantage in markets characterised by technological dynamisms. The theoretical framework of this study can be generalised to explain one of the sources of innovation that supports technological and industrial change in a Schumpeterian world of innovation-based competition.  相似文献   

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