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马克思运用唯物史观考察和分析资本主义发展的历史趋势和大生产发展的客观规律,科学地设想了未来社会的所有制形式。以马克思主义为指导的中国共产党在把马克思的所有制思想运用于中国社会主义实践的过程中,从理论到实践、从主要借鉴别国经验到自主探索、从固守传统模式到结合时代特征不断进行改革创新,成功地探索出中国特色的社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,把马克思的所有制思想发展到全新的阶段。  相似文献   

Conclusion Whereas Marx and Kalecki shared a broad vision of the capitalist system, the convergence of their theories occurred mainly on the ground of effective demand.Marx furnished Kalecki with the idea that deficiencies in aggregate demand are rooted in the normal workings of the capitalist system, but he did so without providing any theoretical demonstration of this proposition. Kalecki was confident, however, that he had solved Marx's unresolved problems by proving that the equations that determine the level of total output are contained in the scheme of extended reproduction.Whether Marx would have considered Kalecki's solution appropriate for the system inCapital is quite another matter. As explained above, Kalecki shifted the emphasis from the production of surplus value to the realization of surplus value and from the conditions of exploitation to the conditions of the market. It is a change that Marx would have had difficulties in accepting. Indeed, it was precisely his reluctance to follow this route that steered Marx away from an attempt at solving the problem of effective demand; a problem he skirted when he was in the process of formulating his schemes of reproduction.If one adds Kalecki's interest in market prices and his distaste for the labor theory of value, it would be difficult to avoid the conclusion that Kalecki was neither a faithful disciple of Marx nor a single-minded articulator of his economic theories. It has been argued that this was precisely Kalecki's strength [Robinson, 1979, p. 253]: With the light that Sraffa has thrown on the theory of value and Kalecki on the process of realization of the surplus, we can develop a complete system, not ofneo-Marxism but ofintelligible Marxism.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Twenty-Sixth Atlantic Economic Society Conference, October 6–9, 1988, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

《资本论》第一卷第一版序言中关于资本论研究对象、研究目的的叙述是针对是整部《资本论》而言的。文章认为其中的中文译文"本书"一词仅指《资本论》第一卷,与德文原文不符,更不符合马克思的本意,是错误的。从方法论上看,仅仅从《资本论》第一卷来界定资本主义生产方式的一般内涵是错误的;从内容上看,资本主义生产方式的一般内涵的界定,若仅仅与《资本论》第一卷内容相关也是不符合马克思本意的。我们应该通过研究整部《资本论》的理论部分,即1~3卷来界定资本主义生产方式的一般内涵。  相似文献   

Summary Towards an Interpretation of the Marxist System. — The paper deals with the structure of The Capital by Karl Marx, examining especially the relation of volume I to volume III. The starting point is given by the questions Marx raises: What are the conditions required for capital to form, and what trends, following from the existence of capital, govern the development of capitalism ? In answering these questions, Marx applies the principle of diminishing abstraction. In order to explain capitalism it is necessary first to abstract from its surface appearance the essence of the capitalist system. This done, Marx proceeds to cancel the simplifying assumptions one after another, thus returning step by step to the surface, which he then explains. According to this method, the formation of capital can only be understood through abstraction from the concrete market processes. In volume I, therefore, Marx concentrates on an analysis of the production process, working with the assumptions of the law of value, from which he deduces the theorems of the production of increment value, whence, in turn, he draws conclusions about the development of the capitalist system. Next, Marx raises the question of the realization of the total increment value produced (vol. II). For this purpose, he abstracts from the production process, again presupposing the validity of the law of value. The resulting dialectic contradiction is cleared up in volume III, where Marx returns to the surface phenomena of the capitalist economic process, which he now analyses as a whole and unified process of production and circulation. Here, the distribution of total benefit is more particularly explained from the viewpoints of economic sections and functions.
Résumé Vers une interprétation du système marxiste. — L’article examine la structure du ?Capital? par Karl Marx, en étudiant spécialement la relation du volume I au volume III. Le point de départ est donné par les questions posées par Marx: Quelles sont les conditions de la formation de capital, et quelles sont les forces qui, en résultant de l’existence de capital, déterminent le développement du capitalisme ? Pour répondre à ces questions, Marx se sert du principe méthodique de l’abstraction diminuante. Afin d’expliquer le capitalisme, il faut d’abord abstraire de l’apparence superficielle l’essence du système capitaliste. Alors seulement, Marx retourne pas à pas à la surface, en supprimant l’une après l’autre les suppositions simplificatrices, pour arriver à l’explication de la réalité concrète. Suivant cette méthode, on ne peut comprendre la formation de capital qu’en faisant abstraction des processus concrets du marché. Dans son premier volume, Marx se concentre donc sur l’analyse du processus de production, en se basant sur les suppositions de la loi de la valeur. Il en déduit les théorèmes de la production d’une plus-value, dont il tire des conclusions concernant le développement du système capitaliste. Puis, Marx pose la question de la réalisation du total de la plus-value produite (vol. II). Pour cela, il fait abstraction du processus de production, en supposant, cette fois également, la validité de la loi de la valeur. La contradiction dialectique qui en résulte est résolue dans le volume III, oú Marx retourne aux phénomènes superficiels du processus économique capitaliste, qu’il analyse maintenant dans l’ensemble du processus de production et de circulation. Ici, la distribution du total des profits est expliquée plus spécialement d’après sections économiques et fonctions économiques.

Resumen Hacia una interpretatión del sistema marxista. — E1 autor analiza la estructura de ?El Capital? de Karl Marx, interesàndose en primer lugar por la relación existente entre el primer y el tercer libro de dicha obra. Con este fin parte del problema, planteado por Marx, referente a las condiciones para la creatión de capital y a las tendencias de desarrollo del capitalismo résultantes de la existencia de capital. Para analizar este problema, Marx utiliza el método de abstraction decreciente: Se puede explicar el sistema capitalista si se abstrae de aspectos superficiales. Es después de ésto, que Marx suprime paulatinamente los supuestos simplistas para acercarse a la superficie y explicar ésta. De acuerdo con este principio metodol?gico la génesis de El Capital sólo se puede comprender, si se abstrae de procesos concretos de mercado. Asl, en el primer libro Marx se concentra en el análisis del proceso de productión, supone la validez de la ?ley del valor?, deduce de allf los teoremas de la productión del valor a?adido, llegando de esta manera a conclusiones sobre la evolutión del sistema económico capitalista. En el segundo libro Marx estudia las condiciones bajo las que se realiza el valor anadido producido, para lo cual abstrae del proceso de productión y sigue admitiendo la validez de la ?ley del valor?. La antinomia dialéctica que de allf résulta, la trata de resolver en el tercer libro. Marx se ocupa nuevamente de las manifestaciones superficiales del sistema capitalista que ahora analiza como con junto de procesos de productión y procesos de circulatión. De esta manera explica en primer lugar la distributión del beneficio total entre sectores y funciones económicos.

Riassunto Per l’interpretazione del sistema di Marx. — L’articolo discute la struttura del ?Capitale? di Karl Marx. Soprattutto vi è esaminata la relazione del volume I e volume III. Si parte dal problema di Marx sulle condizioni per il sorgere di capitale e sulle tendenze di sviluppo per il capitalismo risultanti dall’esistenza di capitale. Marx si serve per questo scopo del principio metodico dell’astrazione decrescente: per poter chiarire l’essenza del capitalismo si deve dapprima astrarre dalle forme superficiali visibili di questo sistema. Solo poi Marx mediante eliminazione graduale di supposizioni semplificanti si awicina di nuovo passo passo alla superficie per chiarire anche questa. In conformità a questo principio metodico, il sorgere del capitale puó essere compreso soltanto quando si astrae da concreti processi di mercato. Marx si concentra perció nel I volume sull’analisi del processo di produzione e lavora supponendo la legge del valore. Egli ricava da ció il teorema delia produzione del plusvalore, da cui trae di nuovo conseguenze per lo sviluppo del sistema economico capitalista. Subito dopo Marx pone la domanda sulle condizioni delia realizzazione del plusvalore totalmente prodotto (II volume). Per questo egli astrae dal processo di produzione, pressuppone, peró, di nuovo la validità delia legge di valore. La contraddizione dialettica che di qui risulta è risolta nel volume III. Marx si awicina qui alle forme superficiali visibili del processo econ?mico capitalista che ora è analizzato corne unita di processo di produzione e circolazione. Qui è spiegata soprattutto la distribuzione del profitto totale secondo settori dell’economia e funzioni economiche.

土地所有制理论在马克思主义经济学理论体系中具有十分重要的地位。马克思和恩格斯一贯反对土地私有化,他们认为土地私有是荒谬性的、不合理的,因而主张土地公有。实现土地公有化有两种途径,一是对于大地产要收归国有并交由农业工人组成的农业生产合作社经营;二是对农民的小块土地所有制,应采取农民合作社的形式促使其向集体所有制过渡。当前我们应以马克思恩格斯土地所有制理论为指导,继续坚持我国农村土地集体所有制,反对部分学者提出的土地私有化主张;以新型农民合作社为载体继续发展壮大我国农村的集体经济。  相似文献   

黄邦根   《华东经济管理》2006,20(12):155-158
国内教科书将马克思主义政治经济学研究对象限定为生产关系及其运动规律的做法,不仅背离经济学的一般含义,不符合马克思、恩格斯的本意,而且不适应马克思主义政治经济学与时俱进的需要.鉴于我国正在建设社会主义市场经济体制的现实,马克思主义政治经济学的研究对象的创新,需要借鉴西方经济学的研究对象.马克思主义政治经济学不仅要研究生产关系及其运动规律,也要研究一国稀缺资源的配置和利用,并通过分析一国稀缺资源的配置和利用方式,来研究一国特定的生产关系及其运动规律.  相似文献   

跨越"卡夫丁峡谷"设想是马克思关于俄国以及其他东方落后国家如何发展的创造性设想,由于马克思晚年书信研究的兴起,人们对跨越"卡夫丁峡谷"设想的认识和理解众说纷纭。正确的认识和理解这一理论对正确理解和把握马克思主义唯物史观及运用这一理论指导建设有中国特色社会主义具有重要的理论及实践意义。  相似文献   

Conclusion Taken together, the papers on Marx and Marxism appearing in this issue are apartial representation of a complex and growing literature, much of it characterized by critical reevaluations, reflecting a state of ferment not seen in the discipline since the Keynesian revolution. This intellectual ferment, though independent, coincides with the economic reforms occuring presently in the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union.Whether or not either or both of these two developments will ultimately lead to a revolution in Marxian thought is not yet clear. In the meantime, the growing literature on Marx and Marxism, as well as the literature of other current heterodox schools, has been generally ignored by practitioners of standard economics. And here again, only time will tell if such neglect is justified.  相似文献   

文晓波 《乡镇经济》2011,2(1):53-57
文章分析了农地征收中的利益分配现状,在结合马克思地租理论分析的基础上,提出了完善农地征收利益分配机制的现实途径。  相似文献   

马克思自然资源与经济发展理论是马克思经济理论的重要组成部分。马克思不仅研究了自然资源在社会经济发展过程中的作用,揭示了自然资源在经济发展过程中的特点,而且也阐明了保护和开发自然资源的基本途径。  相似文献   

马克思的分配正义思想内涵丰富:用剩余价值、异化劳动、剥削等理论揭露和批判了资本主义分配的不正义;将资本主义分配不正义的根源直指资本主义的生产方式,要求推翻资本主义生产资料的私有制来实现正义分配;设想推翻资本主义私有制之后的生产资料公有制社会实现正义分配的分配原则。马克思的分配正义思想对缩小我国目前的收入分配差距具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

A. H. Van Zon 《De Economist》1985,133(3):352-410
Summary In this article a simple multisector model for the Netherlands is presented with six sectors of production. Estimation and simulation results are based on input-output data for the period 1950–1968. Simple log-linear equations (containing both relative price factors and scale factors) are used to describe the demand for (intermediary and primary) factors of production and the demand for final output (including private investment). Sectoral product prices and wage rates are determined within the model. This applies to the generation of disposable income of households as well. Using this simple multisector model, actual economic developments during the 1955–1968 period can be simulated in a reasonably satisfactory way.I am indebted to Professor S.K. Kuipers of the University of Groningen, Professor J. Muysken of the University of Limburg and an anonymous referee for their advice and their critical remarks. The Netherlands Organisation for the Advancement of Pure Scientific Research subsidized the multisector modelling project, of which this article summarizes the results (grant number 46–73).  相似文献   

财产的增长与财产利益关系的协调,构成我们时代的两大主题.本文探讨了构建马克思财产理论体系的必要性、可能性与重要性,从人的财产权利哲学的视角,界定其核心概念,考察其历史形成过程及其基本框架,希望既为人们形成科学的财产观提供帮助,又为财产总量的快速增加与财产利益关系的协调提供具有可操作性的思路.  相似文献   

马克思对市民社会概念的界定包含两个方面。一是描述性的"市民社会"概念:作为"资产阶级社会"的市民社会;一是分析性的"市民社会"概念:作为"物质交换关系总和"的市民社会,具体来说包括四方面的要素,即生产、所有、分工、交换。  相似文献   

Summary To confirm on a more disaggregated level earlier macro-economic studies in the field, an attempt is made in this paper to find out whether a vintage model of the clay-clay type also provides a framework for a plausible explanation of long-run sectoral developments of production capacity, labour requirements and employment. Nine sectors are considered, comprising the total enterprises sector. For this total enterprises sector an (amended) clay-clay vintage model is also (re-)estimated. The results indicate that in the process of adjustments, real labour costs are the strategic variable, though capacity utilization is also recognized as a factor affecting employment directly and indirectly. Projections of employment with the macro vintage model are satisfactory. Specifically, they are more satisfactory than the extrapolations for either manufacturing or non-manufacturing taken separately, and the macro projections compete fairly well with those based on an overall aggregation of employment projections over all nine sectors considered.  相似文献   

朱解放 《改革与战略》2011,27(12):91-94
马克思恩格斯的农业危机理论是马克思经济危机理论体系中不可或缺的重要组成部分。在我国市场经济快速发展的进程中,虽然没有出现全面性的农业危机,但农业危机已初见端倪。因此,当前学习和研究马克思恩格斯的农业危机理论,就具有非常重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

Models of cities based on conventional spatial market theory are unable to replicate a realistic size distribution. The stochastic process approach to size distribution, which assumes proportionate growth, does not provide an economic foundation for spatial trades. There is an apparent irreconcilability. We propose that since there is a continuum of equilibria in models of spatial markets with endogenous location, proportionate growth can work as equilibrium selection. We present computations for an urban configuration that has not been presented in the literature before. A small city locates inside a larger city's agricultural supply zone. This generates a larger variation in city size that may include a realistic size distribution.  相似文献   

刘得扬 《特区经济》2008,(9):267-269
马克思在《资本论》中提出了他的资本张力思想,认为企业在进行资本积累过程中既使资本量不变,这个资本量也可能由于劳动力的充分使用和使用得法、科学和自然资源的充分利用而发挥出更大的能力。本文从马克思资本张力的视角出发,探讨现阶段我国企业发挥资本张力的必要性,以及我国企业充分发挥其资本张力的具体途径与方法。  相似文献   

马克思认为,人的全面发展内在地体现在生产力的发展、生产关系的发展以及交往关系的发展中。因此,人的全面发展既是一种理想境界,又是一种发展现实。人的全面发展与社会发展是一个辩证统一的过程,社会是人的本质对象化的产物,社会发展最终又体现在人的全面发展上。社会的发展对人的全面发展有很大的推动作用。  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
A nthony S teel . The Receipt of the Exchequer, 1377–1485 .
A. G oodwin
A. T emple P aterson . Radical Leicester. A History of Leicester, 1780–1850 .
S. J. B utlin . Foundations of the Australian Monetary System, 1788–1851 .
A ldo de M addalena . La Politica Comnierciale Estera degli Stati Uniti dal 1789 al 181
Marx and Engels on Malthus, Selections from the writings of Marx and Engels dealing with the theories of Thomas Robert Malthus . Edited with an Introductory Essay and Notes by R onald L. M eek .
Introduction to Malthus . Edited by D. V. G lass .
G. F. M c C leary . The Malthusian Population Theory .
W ilfred M alenbaum . The World Wheat Econonmy, 1885–1939 .
E. F. S ouderlund
A. K. C airncross  相似文献   

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