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国外知识编码研究评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识编码研究是知识管理领域的一个新主题。在研读大量文献的基础上,对知识编码的定义及其作用、知识编码的成本—收益分析、以及企业层次上的知识编码研究等进行了述评。指出了其中存在的不足,提出了需要进一步研究的內容。  相似文献   


Digital platforms turn traditional approaches of the firm, which relied on the wage relation to explain the major difference between firm and market, upside down and underline the advantages of coordination through organization over coordination through market. This study aims to propose a definition of the firm able to integrate, besides the integrated firm, also hybrid forms such as networks of subcontractor/subcontracting firms as well as atypical forms such as digital platforms. By reactivating the firm-boundary problem, this article suggests putting valorization by labor at the heart of the firm’s decisions concerning integration. It suggests therefore a general definition of the firm as a techno-institutional center of capital valorization, provided that firms make profits by means of the appropriation of labor incorporated into their (productive, structural, intellectual) capital through institutional arrangements. By stressing the relation of production between the owners of the means of production and the direct producers, the approach of the firm supported here should allow to cover the different existing models of the firm, from the classical firm to hybrid models, around which the boundary debate has revolved, to digital platforms.  相似文献   

Firm survival or reproduction does not occur as a matter of course. Especially under circumstances in which uncertainty and equivocality prevail is firm reproduction potentially problematic. Uncertainty prevails when there is insufficient or inadequate information to assess a situation, equivocality when the information available is multiinterpretable. Firm routines, social networks in a firm, and an organization’s identity can explain how a firm reproduces. We offer suggestions as to which of these will contribute to firm reproduction under what circumstances.  相似文献   

企业同质性假设、异质性假设与企业性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对企业同质性假设和异质性假设的进一步探讨,认为运用企业同质性假设的抽象方法可以合乎逻辑的解释企业的契约本质和企业契约的"规制或分配性",而企业异质性假设方法的运用可以理解企业的多样性和差异性,从而对企业契约的"生产性"做出令人信服的解释.企业契约理论和企业能力理论在事实上共同构成了一个有关企业性质认识的完整分析框架.  相似文献   

企业资源基础理论与企业能力基础理论辨析及其逻辑演进   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在企业竞争优势内生论的理论研究中,很多学者要么将企业资源基础理论统一于企业能力基础理论之中,要么将企业能力基础理论统一于企业资源基础理论之中。事实上,企业资源基础理论与企业能力基础理论是既统一又对立的矛盾体,二者的研究以获取企业竞争优势为目标,在对立统一中逐渐深化;前者逐渐演进至企业知识基础理论、企业社会资本理论;后者逐渐演进至企业核心能力理论、企业动态能力理论。在辨析企业资源基础理论与企业能力基础理论的同时,力求将上述理论的逻辑演进路径清晰地梳理出来,以期给人们的进一步研究和实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

刘秀玲 《技术经济》2009,28(12):71-75
本文运用企业异质性贸易理论,利用分行业上市企业的面板数据,将企业规模作为控制变量,研究了企业生产率、国外市场知识与中国企业出口额的关系。结果显示:企业生产率和国外市场知识对企业出口额的影响显著为正,影响效果存在行业差异;作为控制变量的企业规模,对企业出口额的影响存在不确定性,或正向相关或负向相关或呈U形关系。  相似文献   

Many economists, notably Austrian economists, have argued that the market process is essentially an experimental process. We briefly try to clarify this conceptualization, and then argue that we may understand the firm in much the same light. A basic view of the firm as an experimental entity is derived, drawing on property rights insights.  相似文献   

本文以现代奥地利经济学为基础,关注企业沟通成本与企业演化的关系.文章认为沟通成本由企业家精神所依赖的意会性知识以及企业家与要素所有者的主观素质差异所决定,沟通成本的大小是决定新企业成功创建和企业初始资本结构的一个关键因素.文章最后还分析了沟通成本对新企业组织形式、创新以及纵向一体化的影响.  相似文献   

企业的契约性质、所有权理论及公司治理结构述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张志华 《财经科学》2006,26(7):80-88
公司治理结构是一个企业所有权安排的契约,而企业所有权的制度设置是由企业的本质决定的,对企业本质的不同认识必然导致不同性质的公司治理结构.本文通过文献综述,旨在勾勒出企业的契约性质--企业所有权理论--公司治理结构三者的演进脉络和之间的对应关系,发现企业家人力资本产权与企业所有权之间的复杂联系是未来公司治理问题研究的焦点.  相似文献   

基于资源基础论,从竞争战略对企业边界的影响和企业边界对企业竞争优势的影响两个维度,对企业边界的相关研究文献进行了梳理。探讨了竞争战略、企业边界与竞争优势之间的互动机理,揭示了目前关于企业边界理论的研究现状及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

文章在对新新经济地理学假设进行拓展的基础上,从理论分析和数值模拟两个层面对企业异质性、规模报酬与劳动力空间流动进行了系统的研究,结论是:地区间企业生产技术水平的不同决定了企业与劳动力的转移方向,企业的生产技术水平与固定成本呈正向变动关系;落后地区和发达地区的发展与彼此对外市场开放相互依赖;由于落后地区总有一定的市场需求,棒—棒均衡在现实中存在的可能性很小。  相似文献   

This article contends that, in their treatments of worker cooperatives, the predominant theories of the firm adhere to the logic of technological determinism, and can accordingly be evaluated using the ideas of Thorstein Veblen and Karl Marx. Invoking these patriarchs’ respective distinctions between instrumental and ceremonial institutions and between the technical and social relations of production, the article argues that, contrary to contemporary theories of the firm, worker cooperatives possess an inherent but often latent advantage in implementing bureaucratic organizational structures, enjoying their instrumental/technical benefits for technology and coordination without incurring their ceremonial/social drawbacks for behavior and cooperation.  相似文献   

We offer a framework for the economic analysis of corporate communication (CC) by relying on the concept of dynamic competition and the post-Keynesian theory of the firm. The concept of dynamic competition, based on rivalry between companies, encompasses the importance of information flows and CC in the environment, characterized by fundamental uncertainty. We contribute to the literature by developing a CC matrix used for classifying various CC practices on the basis of firms’ imperfect cognition processes and their attitude toward the stakeholders. Within the post-Keynesian theory of the firm, which has institutionalist origin, we show that transparent CC activities are a potentially powerful tool for the improvement of firms’ performance. We also show that, in Slovenia, the deceptive and non-transparent CC of many large firms and banks has negatively affected the business climate, consequently leading to the decline of the Slovenian economy.  相似文献   

The legal environment and rule of law are important for business, but existing studies often treat rule of law holistically. This article examines the role of courts, specifically the speed of court decisions, the enforcement of edicts, and the impartiality of decision-making as perceived by firms of various sizes, and the impact this has on firm investments in real property. The article analyzes a panel of 6,300 firms from 27 countries in the period from 2002 to 2009 to find that (i) firm size affects perceptions positively, while (ii) paying bribes affects perceptions negatively. At the same time, (iii) a firm’s connections to the government have no apparent impact. More importantly, while all three components have a positive correlation with the amount firms invest in land and machinery, the speed of courts has the greatest significance and the highest marginal effect. Firms perceiving courts to be quick invest nearly four times as much as the average real property investment. This finding suggests that policymakers should focus on reducing backlogs in the court system, perhaps by encouraging more arbitration or staffing more clerks.  相似文献   

科斯《企业的性质》之质疑   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
盛宇明 《经济学家》2003,4(1):78-85
企业是资源所有者的取得更多的收益而建立起来的经济组织,交易成本的存在并不是企业存在的根本原因,科斯将企业定义为不同于价格调节机制的企业家计划调节机制,源于其错将企业计划混同于计划经济,事实上,企业是以市场合约为基础形成的,按市场运行原则运作的市场性组织,其资源配置并不独立于市场价格机制之外,价格调节机制与企业家调节机制是不可分割的两个方面,任何企业作为市场参与者与市场都是互动的。  相似文献   

李庆华 《技术经济》2007,26(2):70-73
经济学关于企业性质的研究侧重于企业为什么存在的问题。然而,管理学更为关注的问题包括两方面:第一,企业为什么能够持续存在-由此形成了两种典型的观点:一是价值活动观;二是核心能力观。第二,企业为什么必须存在-现有理论观点主要包括:企业是价值创造的有机系统;企业是经济发展的基本单元;企业是社会运行的重要机构。  相似文献   

偏好、禀赋、技术与企业产权制度的演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对要素所有者的最大化行为的分析发现,企业产权分配依赖于要素的投入系数和产出系数,企业所依存的偏好、禀赋和技术条件正是通过对这两个参数的影响而主导着企业产权制度的发展.从历史过程和这三个条件的发展趋势来看,企业产权制度演进的趋势必然是以人力资本为主导的联合产权制度.  相似文献   

本文运用经济租金理论对企业竞争行为和企业经济租金获取的机制进行了论述,总结了企业租金获取方式的两种不同观点:资源依赖观和动态能力观,对各种企业经济租金的形式进行了分类说明。提出并阐述了一种新的企业知识能力租金形式,即企业运用知识创造新知识的能力或能力要素所获得的一种经济租金,进而分析了这种租金的表现特征,以及企业获取知识能力租金的3种基本途径。  相似文献   

This article suggests that the validity of the Trade-Off Theory (TOT) and Pecking-Order Theory (POT) to explain financing decisions varies among small, medium-sized and large firms. Using dynamic panel data tests on a sample of 3439 Spanish firms over the period 1995–2003, results are partially consistent with both explanations but suggest a greater validity of pecking-order predictions for small firms. In small firms, the negative influence of profitability and the positive influence of investment opportunities and of intangible assets on firm debt predicted by the POT are heightened. However, no differences are observed between small and large firms in their speed of adjustment to the target leverage as suggested by the TOT.  相似文献   

替代、互补及互嵌:企业与市场关系的新考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现实世界中,企业市场关系呈现出替代、互补及互嵌等多种特征,使得单一的“替代”说或“互补”论均缺乏足够的解释力。本文从交易费用角度将交易关系分为三种类型并指出企业和市场谁更有利于交易费用的节约,主要取决于交易品的特征以及交易本身的具体职能。企业其实是一种通过非人力资本和人力资本、人力资本和人力资本间相互交易以实现生产功能的特殊履约机制。这样就不难理解,只有部分交易可以通过企业与市场间的相互替代来提高效率,而更多的交易则须通过改善企业内部管理或改进市场制度本身来提高其效率。  相似文献   

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