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As the sudden earthquake hit China,quite a few factories collapsed to pieces in seismic area,and many textile thctories still couldn't resume production in the constant aftershocks.Will they recover immediately? Will the suffering pass on to other places in China? With these questions,China's Foreign Trade does a detailed research.  相似文献   

All the indicators of China's economic data in the first half of 2008 have shown that the fast growth is not going to translate into overheating. But given the complicated economic .situation now, it remains a headache to maintain a steady economic growth. What challenges will there be in China's economic development in the second half of this year'? And what policy would be the key to the problems'?  相似文献   

As the major trading partners to each other, China and the U.S. have enjoyed two-digit growth in bilateral trade during the past few years. ,Now, as the dust settles from Obama's election,what can we expect from the president-elect in terms of China policy? Will Obama and his administration redraw the trade policy with China after he taking office, and how much effect will that exert on the Sino-U.S. trade relation?  相似文献   

Assurance form officials
Will the RMB appreciate or fall against the dollar? Is China's record deficit too heavy a burden on the government? Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People's Bank of China, and Xie Xuren, Minister of Finance Ministry, have answered these questions when meeting the press in Beijing during the "two sessions".  相似文献   

China achieved unprecedented breakthroughs in export growth in 2002. Will China be able to maintain a high growth rate in exports this year? Will there be any changes in the model export growth? And will the country's economic growth continue to depend on the growth of exports? To answer these questions, reporter Zou Jianfeng talked with a number of experts  相似文献   

Widening Opportunities for Foreign Market Participants As a result of a direct interaction with its partners and clients in China extending over 5 decades, Credit Suisse already enjoys a very strong position in the country's financial markets. The bank moreover feels generally positive about the significant additional opportunities that have become available to foreign banking institutions as a result of China's accession to WTO and the substantial reforms implemented in that context, stated Dr. Urs Buchmann, Managing Director, Country Head China, Credit Suisse.  相似文献   

Special Report Equity ? Headache ! Do the private enterprises need a war to protect their equity ? China' s private enterprises can learn a class from the Gome equity war. It becomes a classic case in China' s history of private enterprises with may features that most of the other private enterprises also have.  相似文献   

China Direct Exports Inc. is a pioneer in the ever-evolving world of international trading. Unlike the traditional import/export method that involves multi-layers of middlemen, China Direct Exports brings a wide array of products to retailers and the frontline distributors directly from its partner factories in China.  相似文献   

China Direct Exports Inc.is a pioneer in the ever-evolving world of international trading.Unlike the traditional import/export method that involves multi-layers of middlemen,China Direct Exports brings a wide array of products to retailers and the frontline distributors directly from its partner factories in China.  相似文献   

Traditional Spring Festival in China means a family reunion time no matter how difficult to realize it. Due to China's large amount of population moving at one time, its limited transportation capacity is often hard to bear in the around one month lasting time. A railway ticket to home could be as precious as gold. We often call this nationwide migrating crusade "Chunyun" in China. In the special period, Chinese transportation industry, especially the railway transportation, receives the highest focus from all the aspects. What's the difference of Chunyun this year? What new efforts exerted by Chinese government? Let's hear the voice from the Ministry of Railways.  相似文献   

Strikes, stoppages and suicides that happened in foreign factories such as Honda and Foxconn on China's coast in recent months have shaken the popular image of the country's workers as docile, diligent and dirt cheap. It seems that labor disputes are becoming a common feature of the Chinese economic landscape.  相似文献   

China's capital market is a hot issue in the new year. The best strategy to develop the Chinese capital market in the coming 15 to 20 years was discussed in the China Capital Market Forum, which was held in China at Renmin University on January 13. Government officials, scholars, and entrepreneurs commented that by 2020, the Chinese capital market will develop into one of the best capital markets in the world, not only in terms of size, but also asset quality, liquidity and dynamic trade. Is this a realistic goal? What steps should we take to pursue this target? With these questions in mind, after the forum, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Prof. Wu Xiaoqiu, Vice President of Renmin University of China, and the Director of the Finance & Securities Institute of Renmin University.  相似文献   

Energy saving,emission reduction and economic development are major issues China has to meet in building a harmonious society.On one hand,China should pursue a sustainable,fast and sound economic development,on the other hand,she should try to decrease the overuse of energy resources and the environmental problems caused by the rapid economic growth. In this regard,on June 24,the Standing Committee of National People's Congress deliberated the draft of Energy Saving Law,according to which China is to take“resources saving”as a basic national policy.This is a key issue to the long-term benefits of China.With relevant questions,China's Foreign Trade interviewed Dr, Yonglong L(?),Secretary-general,Chinese Committee for SCOPE(Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment/ICSU).and Research Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Let's listen to Dr.L(?)'s comments with wisdom.[第一段]  相似文献   

Q: How long have you been doing business in China?
A: MAHLE Powertrain started introductions to Chinese OEM's in 2004. As the interest grew, a team of local engineers was established at the MAHLE Technical Center in Shanghai. I moved to China in early 2007.  相似文献   

How to support China's economy in the hard financial times? That is a question hovering above the overseas Chinese entrepreneurs heads. Besides the traditional .trade promotion and business transactions in China,Hu Qiyin, Director of F&P Group, an overseas Chinese entrepreneur in Finland, has more ways to build the links with motherland.  相似文献   

The President of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Roh Moo-hyun announced that Korea fully recognized China's market economy status. Roh's announcement was made during a joint press conference with Chinese President Hu Jintao, who was on a state visit to ROK in November. China is now the largest trading partnet of ROK, with trade volume between the two countries expected to reach 100 billion US dollars this year. The two leaders agreed that the bilateral trade volume should be doubled to 200 billion US dollars by 2012. A significant milestone having been reached between the two countries, what kind of impact can be expected to follow from the events in regards to the bilateral economic and trade relations between China and ROK? With such questions in mind, China's Foreign Trade reporters interviewed Kim Ha-joong, Ambassador of ROK to China.  相似文献   

As the Spring Festival of China with a long vocation of seven days nationally is approaching, more and more attention is paid to the out-bound and inn-bound traveling market. Will people hold their pockets firmly in the "cold winter" of world-wide financial crisis, or will they grab the great discount of traveling and take a good relax?  相似文献   

Italy is a modern, industrialized nation which has managed to preserve its traditional culture intact. It is China's old friend, and its long-time trade partner. In 2006, the Year of Italy in China, various measures were taken to broaden the scope of China and Italy's relationship, not only in terms of economic cooperation and trade, but also concerning historical and cultural awareness. What sort of new opportunities for cooperation will we be seeing in the new year? China's Foreign Trade interviewed Antonino Laspina, Commissioner of the Italian Trade Commission's Beijing office, about this question and more.  相似文献   

For China, Shanghai World Expo is the biggest international carnival after Beijing Olympic Games. It was nearly 150 years ago when the first World Expo was held in United Kingdom in 1851, and now it's China's turn to be the host country to exhibit the future development of mankind. However the large-scale investment of World Expo 2010 is controversial so far, followed by a question: what is the return of investment of the Shanghai World Expo?  相似文献   

Due to the downturn in global economy, the economic growth rate in China sharply decreased in the first quarter of 2009. However, the fluctuating macro economy won't change the uptrend in food and beverage industry. The ratio between added-values of food industry and agriculture industry in China is 0.22 at present, but the ratio in developed western co'untries averagesl.2,mean-ing-ihat-there-is still great p'otentiai and room in Chinese food industry. During the "llth five-year" period, the beverage industry is expected to grow at a rate of 15% or above. In this way, the production in this industry in 2010 will reach 68 million tons.  相似文献   

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