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公交运营调度是公交企业管理业务的核心,提高我国城市公交的运营调度水平,是改善城市公交服务质量、提高公交吸引力的重要途径.长期以来,我国大部分城市的公交企业制定公交运营计划主要依靠管理人员的经验和直觉,公交运营技术含量低,服务水平低下.本文以武汉59路公交为例,从其运营管理的现状及存在的运营问题出发,探索其客流动态变化规律,继而分析并优化其运营参数,最终为59路公交提供具有参考价值的行车作业计划参数表.  相似文献   

自2012年以来,优先发展公共交通上升为国家战略,各地区将公共交通的发展作为经济发展的重要指标,与此同时,随着人们经济生活水平的不断提高,人们对于出行的交通工具、环境等的要求逐渐提高。哈尔滨作为首批公交示范都市,积极担起优化公交服务的责任,不断加大对公共交通服务质量的监管力度,为此,以哈尔滨市为例,从哈尔滨市公交服务质量监管现状入手,提出其存在的问题,并分析其产生的原因,进而探索出哈尔滨市公交服务质量监管问题的解决对策。  相似文献   

城市公共交通行业是社会公益性行业,涉及到千家万户的根本利益。公共交通服务质量的好坏,直接关系到广大群众的出行质量,也关系到整个公交行业的形象:提高公交行业服务质量,是全面推进公交综合改革的重要内容。银川市公交行业发展外部环境的改善和优化,既为公交事业的快速发展和公交企业的做强做大创造了良好条件,也对整个公交行业的管理水平和服务质量提出了更高要求怎样用创新的观念打造一支优秀的公交队伍,是当前研究和探索的热点课题。  相似文献   

结合当前公交系统的现状,对满意度评价的必要性进行深入的分析,建立了评价的指标体系。采用企业客户关系统计中的四分图模型,从公交乘客的角度出发,确定各评价指标得分及其权重值,从时间调控、线路安排、服务质量等方面的满意度进行打分测评,从而建立公交满意度的评价体系,找到乘客不满的根源所在,并结合四分图模型的分析结果提出相关建议。通过对南昌市公交进行实例分析证明该指标体系、分析方法及相关建议的合性理、有效性及可推广性。  相似文献   

早在2005年国务院转发的《关于优先发展城市公共交通的意见》中,就明确了优先发展城市公交是一项社会系统工程。它是缓解城市交通压力的重要手段,也是一项惠民工程。我市也提出了优先发展城市公交以政府投入为主的原则和实行低票价等一系列政策。在这个发展思路下.全面建立公交成本费用评价评估制度和政策性亏损补贴补偿制度以及使用财政补贴的监督机制(以下简称“两个制度”、“一个机制”),是实行低票价政策的基础,是落实优先发展公交战略的破题性工作。只有这样,“优先发展公交”一些政策才不会停留在文件上,才能解开困惑公交优先发展战略、难以形成和保持统一低票价优势的死结.才能真正体现公共交通的公益性,切实让市民享受到经济便捷、舒适安全的公共交通服务,从而达到缓解城市交通拥堵,促进城市和谐发展的目的。  相似文献   

对车辆进行合理地、实时地运营调度是公交公司工作的核心内容.如何把公交企业运营工作的车辆调度从繁重而又效率低下的手工作业中解放出来是整个交通行业亟需解决的问题.本文建立了公交车辆排班问题的数学模型,引入遗传算法,构造了符合实际的编码方式遗传操作,从而实现了公交信息管理系统中的职能静态调度.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展、人口数量的不断增加,快节奏的生活方式,导致大多数城市出现交通拥堵的情况。 为了可以有效的解决目前城市所面临的交通拥堵的问题,国内众多的公交管理企业通过与互联网络公司相结合,旨在推进智能化公交管理系统,以期望可以解决城市交通拥堵的问题。 但是,我国智能化公交管理体系起步较晚,缺少一定的项目管理实施经验,导致我国公交企业在推进智能化公交管理的过程中所达到的效果并不理想。 文章主要通过对 BH 公交管理企业在推进公交智能化系统的项目管理过程进行研究,以现代项目管理理论为基础,与 BH 公交管理企业项目管理过程的实际运行情况相结合,讨论项目管理在 BH 企业公交智能化系统建设过程中的应用过程。  相似文献   

评价和改进医疗服务质量是我国新一轮医药卫生体制改革的重要目标,这需要建立在拥有一套科学和完善的评价指标体系基础之上。然而,我国现有的医疗服务质量评价指标体系滞后于医疗卫生体制改革实践,缺乏系统的理论框架,仅侧重于医院等级评价和业务考察,而没有将评价看作是一个系统的过程,也就难以促进医疗服务质量的持续改进。尝试将广泛应用于公共部门绩效评价的通用评估框架引入医疗卫生服务领域,开发了一套包含三个评价层级共27个指标的医疗服务质量评价指标体系,并以北京S医院为例进行了应用和完善。研究表明,通用评估框架可以为我国医疗卫生质量评价提供新的思路,在实际应用中具有较好的效果,可以准确地呈现医院医疗服务质量的结果和影响医疗服务质量的因素,但也需要在今后的应用中不断更新评价指标,聚焦新医改的任务,增加客观性指标。  相似文献   

在电信企业服务质量的评价中运用SERVQUAL模型,建立23个指标形成电信企业服务质量评价体系。通过相关问卷调查和因子分析,将电信企业服务归结为有形性、响应性、可靠性、信任性、移情性、补救性6个维度,利用FAHP方法获得各层指标的权重,然后建立评价模型并进行模糊评价,最后得出顾客对电信企业服务质量的感知与期望综合评分的差距较大,并对服务质量的每一个维度找出改进策略,改善电信企业的服务水平。  相似文献   

公交企业财务风险预警系统是通过确定公交企业财务风险预警指标和相应的预警区间,判断企业存在财务风险程度的一种制度体系。本文基于分析深圳公交企业的财务风险,提出构建公交企业财务风险预警系统的框架,为进一步研究我国公交企业财务风险管理提供新的思路。  相似文献   

A review of the literature indicates that transit systems have had difficulties determining meaningful and appropriate performance measures. Specifically, there has been little done in establishin effectiveness and efficiency measures for the transit industry. The purpose of this paper is three-fold. First, reasons for the lack of such measures in the transit agency will be discussed. Secondly, specific types of effectiveness and efficiency measures for the transit industry will be offered. Finally, the need for a more disaggregated measurement approach for the transit industry will be discussed.  相似文献   

For more than five decades, the federal, state, and local governments have subsidized mass transit systems through sales, gasoline, and property taxes with an expectation that it would improve mobility to low‐income citizens, reduce carbon footprints and traffic congestion, and facilitate regional economic growth. However, in times of financial crisis and chronic government budget deficits, the inefficient use of a mass transit system can increase public outcry over the wasteful spending of government funds and taxpayers’ monies. To find ways to utilize mass transit systems more efficiently across the United States, this paper aimed to identify the benchmark transit practices that every mass transit system can emulate and then continuously improve its performance. To achieve these goals, this paper analyzed the multiple years of past performances of 262 mass transit agencies in the United States using data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index and then provided practical guidelines for enhancing mass transit efficiency.  相似文献   

Performance measurement is critically important to business success. Collecting and responding to information that does not provide management with guidance to meet established goals is counterproductive and potentially injurious to the success of the firm. This research develops a framework that allows individual firms to assess unique measurement needs in light of their stated goals, and to select performance measures most suited to addressing those measurement needs.  相似文献   

Performance measurement is critically important to business success. Collecting and responding to information that does not advise management about success in meeting established goals is counterproductive and potentially injurious to the success of the firm. This research develops a framework that allows individual firms to assess their unique measurement needs in light of their stated goals, and to select performance measures most suited to addressing those measurement needs.  相似文献   

To identify and substantiate the correlates and antecedents of new venture performance, it is requisite to identify the most relevant performance dimensions and move toward the use of common measures of performance. Relevant, reliable, and valid measures of new venture performance are essential to explore vital relationships between independent variables and venture success and develop sound venture performance theory.In this paper we discuss three of the most common measurement approaches used in new venture performance research when only self-report data are available, and present a comparison of these approaches: (1) measuring firm performance in broadly defined categories, (2) the use of subjective measures of executive or owner satisfaction with firm performance, and (3) the use of subjective measures of firm performance relative to competitors. After discussing the relevance and potential benefits and drawbacks of each approach we use empirical data to examine and compare the availability, reliability, and relative validity of measures developed using these approaches.The sample consisted of manufacturing businesses (SIC codes 20–39) started or reorganized in the corporate form between 1980 and 1991 in nine counties in northwestern Pennsylvania's identified by a major marketing research service. Questionnaires were returned by primary respondents in 120 companies; complete matching firm performance data from a second respondent were returned for 45 of the firms.The pattern of results favors the use of two dimensions of venture performance: growth and business volume. The growth and business volume measures operationalized in this research have good availability and internal consistency and are superior to the satisfaction with performance and performance relative to competitors' scales in terms of content validity. Evidence of the external validity of the measures is provided by regression analysis showing independent variables identified and substantiated by previous research to be related to performance in the hypothesized manner.The satisfaction with performance index had a high disclosure rate, strong internal consistency, and relatively strong inter-rater reliability. There is little evidence supporting its external validity. With the exception of its negative relationship with the level of competition, none of the predicted relationships are substantiated.The performance relative to competitors' disclosure rate was somewhat lower as was the inter-rater reliability; however, it emerged as a strong independent construct with a high level of internal consistency. There was evidence for the external validity of this measure. The independent variables related to the performance relative to competitors' index are similar to those related to both the growth and business volume dimensions as predicted from previous theoretical work and research findings.In summary, this research makes several contributions to the new venture performance literature. First, when researchers are required to use self-reported measures of venture performance, growth and business volume are the dimensions of performance most familiar to and most commonly referenced by the founders. Second, it provides additional evidence for the accuracy and reliability of founder reported performance data. Third, it provides examples of specific measures with evidence that supports their relevance, availability, reliability, and validity. We believe this research can provide a base for future venture performance research. We hope that these findings will be used to help better our understanding of the dynamics impacting new venture performance and lead to improved managerial practice in emerging firms.  相似文献   

Brand equity is now receiving significant attention, both as a result of changes to international accounting standards relating to intangible assets and as a result of the renewed focus on the impact of marketing communications on brand performance. This paper reports on an investigation of the perceptions of senior marketing and advertising agency personnel regarding (1) the importance of brand equity as a valuation and performance measurement tool and (2) whether financially based brand equity measures and marketing-oriented measures can be translated into a single composite measure of brand equity/value. The findings reported herein indicate that, although financially based brand equity valuations have been a low priority in the past, there is increasing interest in this area and in the evaluation of the long-term impact of promotional activity as part of a wider drive for marketing accountability.  相似文献   

试论ERP环境下的财务管理信息系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王玉春  程昔武 《财贸研究》2004,15(3):117-122
企业的资金流状况 ,是企业运营效果和效率的衡量和表现 ,也是ERP实施管理的重要对象。而财务管理则是围绕资金流来组织财务活动、处理各方面财务关系的一项经济管理工作 ,因而建立和完善财务管理信息系统是成功实施ERP的重要步骤。本文阐述了财务管理信息系统的目标和应用环境 ,指出了它在ERP环境下所具有的特点 ,并结合目标和应用环境深入剖析了它的架构 ,旨在为财务管理信息系统的开发与设计提供一种思路。  相似文献   

Drawing on the performance appraisal and medical literatures, we examine representative ethical issues involved in current appraisal practices of individual physicians: the use of invalid and unreliable measures; organizational goals conflicting with patient health goals; using individual measures for what are group performance results; making individual attributions for what are systemic causes (and results); and using clinical feedback for organizational purposes. Suggestions for developing more ethical performance appraisals include reflecting upon the multiple purposes and means of appraisals, and the limitations of current practices. Greater understanding of the effects of current appraisal practices on physicians can help minimize its potentially adverse consequences on the delivery of quality healthcare.  相似文献   

基于可持续发展能力的绿色供应链绩效测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
供应链管理模式的出现适应了多变的供应链环境,提高了客户的满意程度。但是我们也不得不承认,供应链管理模式的出现也为供应链绩效测量提出了新的挑战。本文通过对绿色供应链绩效测量文献的研究发现,绿色供应链涉及的各相关方的战略目标多样化而且测量内容十分庞杂,这使得绿色供应链绩效测量系统复杂而难以执行。基于此,我们有必要把绿色供应链绩效测量回归到以供应链可持续发展能力为基础的测量系统中来。本文设计了以环境状况测量、环境行为测量、环境管理水平测量和环境投入产出测量四大模块为重点的绿色供应链绩效测量系统。  相似文献   

Although entrepreneurial leadership is embraced in the popular press and in classrooms, academic knowledge remains underdeveloped. We develop the construct of entrepreneurial leadership and argue that it involves influencing and directing the performance of group members toward achieving those organizational goals that involve recognizing and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities. We discuss environmental, organizational, and follower‐specific contingencies that may influence the success of entrepreneurial leadership, and we test the reliability and validity of an empirical measure for this construct (the ENTRELEAD scale). Using this novel measurement tool, we find that entrepreneurial leadership is more prevalent among founder‐leaders than nonfounder leaders, which indicates construct validity.  相似文献   

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