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This paper attempts to make a contribution to the on‐going debate among psychologists in Southern Africa about the relevance of their discipline to the social problems of this region. It argues that the main focus of attention among psychologists in this region should be directed at the poverty and underdevelopment that characterize most Black areas in Southern Africa. The paper further argues that the main cause of this poverty and underdevelopment lies in cultural factors, which account for a ‘person‐environment mismatch’ between the Western‐oriented organizations found in the region and the traditional African culture that characterizes most Black members of these organizations. It describes the main differences between Western and traditional African culture and considers whether psychologists and other behavioural scientists interested in contributing towards a solution of this problem, should attempt to Westernize the Africans or to Africanize the organizations.  相似文献   

This research is concerned with the patterns of child malnutrition in Indonesia since the mid 1980s. Aggregate data show that malnourished children are found among lower income groups. In this study a 10% reduction in the proportion of the population under the poverty line was found to be accompanied by a fall of around 4–6% in the number of children suffering from protein energy malnutrition. It is suggested that poverty reduction as a development goal can make a large contribution to alleviating malnutrition. However, malnutrition, particularly among pre-school children, is still a major problem in Indonesia.  相似文献   

The growing interest in social protection in the interdisciplinary field of development studies presents new challenges and opportunities. However, to respond effectively, development scholars should be cognisant of the extensive research that has been undertaken over many years in the interdisciplinary field of social policy into what is known as ‘social security’. They have hitherto neglected this research, but it can make a significant contribution to their own work. At the same time, they have a rare opportunity to inform social policy research, which has historically relied on a Eurocentric ‘welfare state’ approach that is of limited relevance to the developing world. By forging closer links between these two fields, we can address the challenges facing social protection more effectively.  相似文献   

张静  周宏 《特区经济》2011,(5):36-37
本文针对我国拍卖行业绩效不高,发展前景不乐观的现实情况,以SCP分析模型为基础,建立回归方程,使用eviews6.0对东莞市27家企业的2006~2009年的数据进行面板数据分析,检验影响拍卖行业市场绩效的主要因素。研究结果表明:在众多因素当中渠道差异、产品差异是影响拍卖行业市场绩效的最主要因素,并针对分析结果提出相应的发展建议。  相似文献   

李芬 《科技和产业》2017,(2):128-137
劳动密集型企业对世界经济的贡献是不容忽视的,但劳动密集型企业的优势却又会受到经济发展的冲击,因此研究劳动密集型企业意义重大。现有文献的研究多集中在对劳动密集型企业的概念、影响因素、某些具体行业、发展转型等方面,但仍存在研究不够深入、全面和与时俱进等不足,因此,未来的研究首先应有一个系统的研究思路,然后结合时代发展的特点,多行业多领域多角度的对其进行研究,以为其发展转型提供参考。  相似文献   

This introductory article considers the increasingly prominent expectation that business can and will make a significant contribution to sustainable development under the banner of corporate citizenship or related terms. It suggests a research agenda that questions the underlying assumptions of this discourse and addresses some of the practicalities of enhancing the business contribution to development, with a focus on southern Africa. The suggested key research themes acknowledge the complexity and contradictions in current debates and expand the corporate citizenship agenda to embrace the possibility of more fundamental and systemic changes. These themes are (1) relating corporate citizenship to the southern African context; (2) the scope for innovative business opportunities and a new purpose for business; (3) the drivers and enabling conditions for corporate citizenship; (4) implementing corporate citizenship; and (5) measuring and monitoring the impacts of corporate citizenship efforts. The article cautions against too much optimism or excessive reliance on business contributions to development and it emphasises the need and opportunity for investigating the many open questions introduced here and in the articles in this special issue.  相似文献   

本文通过将Novy改进的引力模型进行分解,发现影响外贸发展的主要因素是经济的发展和贸易成本的下降,通过结合中国、印度和20个国家近15年的贸易和经济发展数据,验证了Novy理论的普适性;在此基础上,本文还将中国与20个国家在中国加入WTO前后和金融危机爆发前后的贸易变化进行经验分析,得到的基本结论是:加入WTO后贸易成本的贡献度明显上升(提升17%),说明加入WTO后良好的贸易环境和各种壁垒的下降确实降低了我国的贸易成本,但经济增长对外贸发展仍然起到至关重要的推动作用(提升了51%)。而金融危机爆发之后,贸易成本的增加是导致金融危机后我国外贸下滑的主要原因,虽然经济增长对外贸有正向的贡献,但贡献度较小(仅为13%),不能弥补贸易成本的负面影响。  相似文献   


Statistics on homelessness in the City of Tshwane fail to give us ideas about the capacities homeless people have that could be used as a stepping stone for their own economic empowerment and development. Stories of homeless people considered in this research affirm that there are real people behind those ‘cold’ numbers. This research further unearths by means of a basic capacity inventory the potential for economic contribution that a homeless community could make in Tshwane. I found that, given the resources and support needed, the homeless community that participated in this research has the capacity to contribute, through self-employment, cooperatives, internship programmes, formal employment and so forth, to many industries in the City of Tshwane, some of which are mentioned in the article.  相似文献   

汪群  周建龙 《特区经济》2012,(5):293-295
借鉴国内外有关行为财务理论及实证研究成果,笔者以安徽省近年来实力较强的500家民营企业的投融资行为作为研究样本,着重从民营企业管理者"过度自信"心理方面入手,用实证研究的方法探索民营企业在进行投融资决策时所受到的非理性因素干扰的情况。通过本课题的研究,希望在一定程度上解决民营企业投融资行为"实际是什么"的问题,从而使我国的民营企业能够从发展历程中汲取经验和教训,在投融资决策中克服盲目和冲动情绪,努力减少由于非理性因素的干扰而导致的盲目融资和过度投资的行为,尽量避免或减少投资失败和财务困境。  相似文献   

Producer cooperatives, or firms with extensive employee ownership and participation, are marginal to most economies, and have a mixed record at best. A number of examples suggest, however, that under the right conditions, cooperatives can make a useful contribution to regional development. This paper discusses three such cases, the Mondragon Group in Spain and the Dairy and Sugar Cooperatives of Gujerat and Maharashtra, India. It also considers the case for interventions along cooperative lines to assist in the rationalisation of industries, and presents a summary evaluation of factors which appear to be important in determining the success of cooperative endeavours.  相似文献   

我国农业经济发展水平及其影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业经济发展与农业生产自然制约条件、农业人力资本投入、农业生产资本投入、农业生产技术、农业经济的市场作用、农业生产条件制约因素等密切相关.本文选取反映农业经济增长的13个指标,对其1980-2012年的时间序列运用主成分回归分析与其误差修正模型,研究我国农业经济发展全要素生产率及影响我国农业长期经济发展与短期经济发展的因素.结果表明,影响我国农业长期与短期经济发展的主要因素按影响力大小依次为农业生产条件、市场作用、自然制约条件、农业生产资本、农业生产技术、人力资源.  相似文献   

陈文婷  王涛 《南方经济》2016,35(9):77-90
家族企业的两类代理问题是家族企业区别于其他类型企业的特色之一。文章以深市上市家族企业为研究对象,对家族控制权与代理效率之间的关系,以及股权在家族成员之间的配置中的调节作用进行了实证研究。结果表明,控制性家族对企业控制权的增强有助于提高代理效率。内部股权集中度对家族控制权与代理效率之间的关系起到了显著正向调节作用,这表明家族控制权在内部权力分配集中的阶段对代理效率的贡献更强;另一方面也说明家族内部权力分配的不平等性并不一定会损害家族企业的治理效率,对于家族控制权更高的企业,适度的权力集中分配会对家族企业的发展提供有效的支持。  相似文献   

Both large and medium‐sized mines in southern Africa are contributing less to the economy owing to rising production costs and poor demand for minerals. Politicians argue that small mines can make an important economic contribution. But this analysis shows that small mines face real constraints and that there are clear prospects only in semiprecious and dimension stones. Specific research is needed to help small mines overcome their limitations.  相似文献   

社会生产和分配的方式与人生存和发展条件的结合是人类追求全面自由发展的关键问题,也是人的发展经济学研究的重要内容。解决好这个问题要从理论到实践都做到:确立保障人生存和发展条件的思想并制度化为一种社会规定,把它作为经济发展必须遵循的原则,使人生存和发展的条件也是生产条件,并在生产成本中体现;让每一个参与社会生产劳动的人获得基本的生存和发展费用,在分配中实现其生存和发展条件的保障;让每一个有劳动能力的人都能够参加生产劳动并实现其自身的劳动力价值。用商品经济学观点来判定计划经济的效率或用非商品经济学的思想来看市场经济的效率都是错误的,是否保障好人生存和发展才是衡量经济活动好坏的标准,而最根本的一点就是每一个有劳动能力的人都能在好的生产组织方式和好的分配方式下参加生产劳动。  相似文献   

城市经济的快速发展带来了城市污泥大量增加,无害且资源化地处理城市污泥已经成为新的研究重点。污泥好氧堆肥技术则可以将城市污泥资源化利用,转变为环境友好型产品,符合绿色发展的理念。综述目前主流的城市污泥处理方法,介绍污泥好氧堆肥常用的活性调理剂和惰性调理剂,列举好氧堆肥的影响因子,总结堆肥腐熟度的判定指标并对好氧堆肥的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

基于企业内部风险视角,对2011—2021年A股上市公司进行调查研究,探讨数字化转型影响绿色发展的路径机理。研究发现,数字化转型通过降低经营风险和财务风险来推动绿色发展。异质性结果表明,数字化转型提高企业绿色发展的作用效果在国有企业以及东部地区更加明显。该结论不仅对数字化转型经济后果和企业绿色发展影响因素的研究作出了增量贡献,还为推动智能经济新形态和企业绿色高质量发展提供了一定的参考价值和启示意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this literature review is to analyse the contribution of current research and literature to an understanding of the relationship between labour market dynamics and HIV/AIDS prevalence in South Africa. It highlights and assesses the extent to which those factors that are regarded as determinants of HIV susceptibility, AIDS vulnerability and prevalence, interact with differentiation in the labour market. The conclusion is that current research studies do not sufficiently consider a more nuanced relationship between complex labour market dynamics and socio‐economic risk factors driving HIV/AIDS susceptibility and vulnerability.  相似文献   

中国农村金融生态环境现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋丹丹  唐赛  王吉恒 《乡镇经济》2009,25(9):116-119
文章确定了影响农村金融生态环境的指标体系,包括经济基础、金融发展水平、法制环境、诚信文化以及农村社会保障体系等五个方面。并采用运筹学的重要分析方法——包络分析法(DEA)计算了中国各个省份农村金融生态环境,确定了各省农村金融生态环境排名。文章所确定的指标体系和计算方法为评价农村金融生态系统的优劣提供了参考指标,为对策研究提供了量化基础。  相似文献   

Financial sector development may contribute to economic growth by facilitating capital accumulation and by improving productivity. This article investigates empirically the contribution that financial development may make to these two alternative drivers of economic growth in China using annual data for the period 1952 to 2005. Using cointegration and Granger-causality testing we examine the relationship between financial development and, respectively, capital accumulation and productivity in a time-series vector autoregression (VAR) framework. The substantive findings are that there is either bi-directional Granger causality between financial development and capital accumulation or that Granger causality runs from capital accumulation to financial development, depending on how capital accumulation and financial development are measured. The link between financial development and productivity is found to be statistically weak.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the contribution that village appraisals can make to sustainable development in local communities in rural areas. Based upon an evaluation of the JIGSO initiative, it both outlines the strengths of this approach and argues for the necessity of proper community infrastructure if most benefit is to be gained from it.  相似文献   

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