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The CEO is often the most isolated and protected employee in the organization. Few leaders, even veteran CEOs, can do the job without talking to someone about their experiences, which is why most develop a close relationship with a trusted colleague, a confidant to whom they can tell their thoughts and fears. In his work with leaders, the author has found that many CEO-confidant relationships function very well. The confidants keep their leaders' best interests at heart. They derive their gratification vicariously, through the help they provide rather than through any personal gain, and they are usually quite aware that a person in their position can potentially abuse access to the CEO's innermost secrets. Unfortunately, almost as many confidants will end up hurting, undermining, or otherwise exploiting CEOs when the executives are at their most vulnerable. These confidants rarely make the headlines, but behind the scenes they do enormous damage to the CEO and to the organization as a whole. What's more, the leader is often the last one to know when or how the confidant relationship became toxic. The author has identified three types of destructive confidants. The reflector mirrors the CEO, constantly reassuring him that he is the "fairest CEO of them all." The insulator buffers the CEO from the organization, preventing critical information from getting in or out. And the usurper cunningly ingratiates himself with the CEO in a desperate bid for power. This article explores how the CEO-confidant relationship plays out with each type of adviser and suggests ways CEOs can avoid these destructive relationships.  相似文献   

以能力与行为的辩证关系为逻辑起点,以领导行为为中心,考量企业领导者在个体、团队、组织三个层面中所扮演的角色,其相应表现的领导行为为树影响、带队伍、指方向、做决策、抓控制,形成多层面的企业领导力评价指标体系,实证验证和确立了权重。  相似文献   

This article examines the new leadership role of the English elected mayor. The authors suggest that the management and governance of the local authority is subject to significant change within the mayoral system, and that elected mayors represent a form of strong political management which is essentially new within English local government. The authors discuss the prospects for the future of the executive mayor, and suggest potential areas for further research, including succession planning in mayoral authorities, the nature of the first mayoral re-election campaigns outside London, and the possible growth of this form of local leadership.  相似文献   

This study examines the long run performance of firms offering multiple rights issues in the UK and differentiates between one-time and multiple issuers. By analysing a sample of 1146 rights issues offered by 788 London Stock Exchange listed industrial companies between 1988 and 2008, this study reports that firms making multiple rights issues do not experience significant long run underperformance following the third or subsequent issues. However, the one-time rights issuers do experience underperformance during the sample period. The findings of this study thus imply that those firms which are making multiple rights issues are of better quality and investors could avoid loses by investing in firms which had made more than one rights issue in the past. The results also suggest that researchers which are intending to examine the long run post-event performance of firms should control the incidence of similar events that had happened in previous years.  相似文献   

陈伟钢 《银行家》2012,(2):134-137
正领导力就是把握组织使命及动员人们围绕这个使命奋斗的一种能力。——德鲁克领导力就是动员大家为了共同的愿景而努力奋斗的艺术。——库泽斯领导力是转变他人的思维方式,激发行动,并以此来成就事物的能力。——蒂奇  相似文献   

基于社会角色理论,依据问卷调研数据,考量服务型领导行为对于员工建言影响机制与边界条件。结果显示:服务型领导行为通过改善领导-员工关系,有助于促进员工产生建言行为,女性领导影响更强。因此,管理者应采取服务型领导行为,促进企业在复杂的竞争中依靠全员智慧得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

A model of a systemic bank run   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a model of the view that the 2008 financial crisis is reminiscent of a bank run, focussing on six stylized key features. In particular, core financial institutions have invested their funds in asset-backed securities rather than committed to long-term projects: in distress, these can potentially be sold to a large pool of outside investors at steep discounts. I consider two different motives for outside investors and their interaction with banks trading asset-backed securities: uncertainty aversion versus adverse selection. I shall argue that the version with uncertainty averse investors is more consistent with the stylized facts than the adverse selection perspective: in the former, the crisis deepens, the larger the market share of distressed core banks, while a run becomes less likely instead as a result in the adverse selection version. Therefore, the outright purchase of troubled assets by the government at prices above current market prices may both alleviate the financial crises as well as provide tax payers with returns above those for safe securities.  相似文献   

Historical data for over hundred years and 14 countries is used to estimate the long-run effect of productivity on the real exchange rate. We find large variations in the productivity effect across four distinct monetary regimes in the sample period. Although the traditional Balassa-Samuelson model is not consistent with these results, we suggest an explanation of the results in terms of contemporary variants of the model that incorporate the terms of trade mechanism. Specifically we argue that changes in trade costs over time may affect the impact of productivity on the real exchange rate over time. We undertake simulations of the modern versions of the Balassa-Samuelson model to show that plausible parameter shifts consistent with the behavior of trade costs can explain the cross-regime variation of the productivity effect.  相似文献   

Previous studies typically find a statistically insignificant relation between the market risk premium and its expected volatility. Further, several of these studies estimate a negative risk return tradeoff, contrary to the predictions of mainstream theory. Using simulations, I demonstrate that even 100 years of data constitute a small sample that may easily lead to this finding even though the true risk return tradeoff is positive. Small-sample inference is plagued by the fact that conditional volatility has almost no explanatory power for realized returns. Using the nearly two century history of U.S. equity market returns from Schwert [1990. Indexes of United States stock prices from 1802 to 1987. Journal of Business 63, 399–426], I estimate a positive and statistically significant risk return tradeoff. Finally, exploratory analysis suggests a role for a time-varying relation linked to the changing nature of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

This article examines leadership behaviour during a successful turnaround in a public services organization. Using findings from recent research on leaders in the public services, this article sets out a number of propositions about leadership behaviour. Then a case study of Newham Council from 1996 to 1999 is analysed to show that effective public services leaders do not simply work through visions, communications and empowerment. Successful leadership appears to be much more complex in turnaround situations than is suggested by much of the literature on visionary and transformational leaders.  相似文献   

This study explores audit implications of shared leadership in client firms. Analyzing data from 2002 to 2013 of Korean listed companies, we find that auditors spend fewer audit hours and charge lower audit fees for clients with multiple CEOs. Additional tests reveal that the lower audit fees for co-CEO clients are likely attributable to reduced audit effort rather than to reduced hourly rates. We also document that firms with co-CEOs exhibit better-reporting quality than do firms with a solitary CEO. In sum, this article presents evidence that mutual monitoring via co-CEO appointments assures high-quality financial reporting of audit clients, and thus leads to reduced audit fees.  相似文献   

亚力克斯·莫利曾这样说:“做领导就是要调动其他人从事更伟大的事业。照我做的去做比照我说的去做更令人信服。内在的热情是最有力的鼓动因素”。做一个优秀的CEO应该具备哪些特质?怎样才能成为一个优秀的CEO?在澳洲会计师公会CEO亚力克斯·莫利先生来京参加他的新书《没有不挫折的人生》(中文版)发布会之际,《国际融资》杂志记者专程采访了他,请他分享职业成功的经验以及对企业领导者的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the central role of leadership in the Government's conception of modernization and improvement, before outlining key approaches to understanding leadership and the management of influence in and by local authorities. Local authorities are increasingly concerned with distributed leadership (even though new structural arrangements may concentrate political leadership); of leadership at the cross-roads of different organizational cultures and structures; of the importance of inter organizational leadership not just leadership by individuals; and the importance of influence across organizational boundaries not just control of the internal organization. The authors call for models of leadership to be updated to reflect new challenges.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of place-based leadership in stimulating the co-creation of inclusive public services and outcomes. A conceptual framework, designed to illuminate the forces shaping the power of place, and to provide a fresh way of envisaging the changing nature of modern local leadership and public management, is presented. This New Civic Leadership (NCL) framework, one that can be contrasted with the outdated idea of New Public Management (NPM), is being used to guide the development of the One City Approach to urban governance in Bristol, UK. This effort to unite public purpose in a city is discussed, and emerging themes relating to the role of place-based leadership in spurring new ways of co-creating public service futures are explored.  相似文献   

基于权威关系模型和自我归类理论,考量自恋型领导对员工组织忠诚的影响,以及内部人身份感知的中介作用和权力距离导向的调节作用。结果发现:自恋型领导的自主特征正向影响员工组织忠诚,自恋型领导的任性、过度敏感特征负向影响员工组织忠诚;内部人身份感知在自恋型领导与组织忠诚之间发挥部分中介作用;权力距离导向强化了自恋型领导的自主、过度敏感特征对内部人身份感知的影响。  相似文献   

三边互动的图书馆领导生态初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆的领导者、被领导者、领导环境的三边互动,构成了图书馆的领导生态。本文以图书馆领导活动作为研究对象,着重剖析领导活动的主体——领导者,分析领导活动的基础——被领导者,解析与领导过程直接相关的因素——领导环境,从各种类型特点的利弊探讨如何运用和谐的图书馆机制,积极改善图书馆人文环境,促进三边的良性互动。  相似文献   

Turnaround champions--those leaders who manage to bring distressed organizations back from the brink of failure--are often acclaimed for their canny financial and strategic decision making. But having studied their work closely, Harvard Business School's Rosabeth Moss Kanter emphasizes another aspect of their achievement. These leaders reverse the cycle of corporate decline through deliberate interventions that increase the level of communication, collaboration, and respect among their managers. Ailing companies descend into what Kanter calls a "death spiral," which typically works this way: After an initial blow to the company's fortunes, people begin pointing fingers and deriding colleagues in other parts of the business. Tensions rise and collaboration declines. Once they are no longer acting in concert, people find themselves less able to effect change. Eventually, many come to believe they are helpless. Passivity sets in. Finally, the ultimate pathology of troubled companies takes hold: denial. Rather than volunteer an opinion that no one else seems to share, people engage in collective pretense to ignore what they individually know. To counter these dynamics, Kanter says, and reverse the company's slide, the CEO needs to apply certain psychological interventions--specifically, replacing secrecy and denial with dialogue, blame and scorn with respect, avoidance and turf protection with collaboration, and passivity and helplessness with initiative. The author offers in-depth accounts of how the CEOs at Gillette, Invensys, and the BBC used these interventions to guide their employees out of corporate free fall and onto a more productive path.  相似文献   

We perform the most comprehensive test of long-term reversal in national equity indices ever done. Having examined data from 71 countries for the years 1830 through 2019, we demonstrate a strong reversal pattern: the past long-term return negatively predicts future performance. The phenomenon is not subsumed by other established cross-sectional return patterns, including the value effect. The long-term reversal is robust to many considerations but highly unstable through time. Finally, our findings support the overreaction explanation of this anomaly.  相似文献   

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