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陈倍麟 《上海商业》2006,(12):20-22
商业经营与地产开发结合的问题--当前业界关注的发展课题商业地产是在房地产业高速发展的前提下诞生的,它的成长过程,自然离不开整个中国房地产业的大气候。房产市场的宏观调控与前期商业地产的高投资回报率的资本引流作用,让商业地产在几年之内有了迅猛的发展。据某权威机构披露,商业地产的开发,已经占到了整个地产投资总额的16%,呈现出一种倾斜式增长的迹象。于是一时之间,全国各地的商业地产项目都如雨后春笋般地拔  相似文献   

For more than 1500 private equity funds in China over the period from 1992 to 2013, we construct fund level performance metrics with investment level return data and examine performance and capital flows. The median (mean) fund IRR, net of fees, is 9.0% (51.7%), based on a sample that controls for survivorship bias. Fund IRRs are neither related to fund own characteristics, such as fund size, nor to overall market conditions around the time when the fund is raised. Competition reduces fund performance: returns are lower when there are many competitors entering the industry at the same time. Although experienced partnerships are more likely to raise a follow-on fund and to raise more capital, fund performance is not related to general partnership (GP) investment experience. Further, there is no performance persistence across funds managed by the same GP. Lastly, there is some evidence of investor maturity when judged on GPs' historical performance. This evidence characterizes a burgeoning yet immature PE industry in China.  相似文献   

This paper studies the interaction between housing market sentiment and government interventions. With a unique micro-level data from China, we construct a housing market sentiment index by applying the techniques in the finance literature. This index is significantly correlated with the confidence indexes from official sources. We find that housing market returns increase with contemporaneous sentiment, and high sentiment is followed by low returns. Tightening policies cannot reduce optimism, and high sentiment negatively impacts the effectiveness of tightening policies. This negative impact is especially significant in the zones where housing prices are sensitive to increasing sentiment.  相似文献   

This article combines arguments from entrepreneurship literature and social capital theory to examine the antecedents to the internationalization of small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) from China. Our quantitative study of 117 Chinese SMEs demonstrates the overall importance of entrepreneurial orientation and social capital of entrepreneurs in facilitating their internationalization efforts, and also reveals that different dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation and different types of social capital exert different levels of independent influence on Chinese SMEs' internationalization. Complementary data from multiple case studies explains the variation between our quantitative findings and the findings of previous research. By highlighting the value of the entrepreneurial attributes of Chinese SMEs and the social capital embedded in their networks in the pursuit of their internationalization, the article adds to the scant literature on the internationalization behavior of the rapidly emerging Chinese SMEs. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigate the export-growth relationship at disaggregate levels – disaggregation both at the country level and at the level of exports – focusing on the diversification and the composition of exports of countries. In a sample of 65 countries for the period 1965–2005 the dynamic panel estimation reveals that both diversification and composition of exports are important determinants of economic growth after controlling for the impacts of other variables like lagged income, investment, and infrastructure. There is a critical level of export concentration beyond which increasing export specialization leads to higher growth. Below this critical level, diversification of exports matters for gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Growth of high technology exports also contributes tothe output growth; the relationship becomes stronger for countries that have share of manufacturing exports in their total exports greater than the world average. These results are robust even when the dataset isclassified in four sub-panels based on the export-economic growth relationship.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic effect of globalization at the disaggregated level of sectoral export diversification and manufacturing specialization on income inequality using a panel data set of 52 Asian and Western countries from 1988 to 2014. The paper uses dynamic panel data models applying the System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimations that provide more accurate and better results than those obtained with static panel data models. The results suggest that there is no statistically significant relationship between manufacturing specialization and inequality while sectoral export diversification has been the driving force of inequality. For sub-groups of countries, higher sectoral export diversification increases inequality and higher manufacturing specialization decreases inequality in high-income Asian countries and European Union (EU) member states. Moreover, the study finds insignificant effects in low-income Asian countries and Anglo-Saxon countries.  相似文献   

即使是以房地产为主业的央企,也要切实履行其本质责任,急大众住房所需,急政府之所急,以“安得广厦万间,大庇天下寒土俱欢颜”的历史责任感,多建一些简单实用,物美价廉的符合大众所需的“T型房”。  相似文献   

Numerous existing studies have explored the impact of corporate diversification on firm performance, whereas considerably less research has investigated the inter-relationships among managerial ownership, diversification, and firm performance. This paper develops several hypotheses based on the agency theory self-interest perspective and tests the relationships among managerial ownership, corporate diversification, and firm performance using a sample of 98 emerging market firms listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. The results show a U-shaped relationship between managerial ownership and corporate diversification, similar to that found in prior studies. However, the inflection point is 33.17%, which is lower than that found in previous studies. Moreover, in contrast to prior results, corporate diversification is found to be positively associated with short-term firm performance and bears no relationship with mid-term firm performance, while firms engaged in unrelated diversification outperform those engaged in related diversification. This paper concludes with theoretical implications and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

结合中国实际,引入土地供给和制度政策变量修正传统的生命周期模型,并构建误差修正模型,选取北京市2000—2007年的季度数据实证分析住房价格波动的决定因素,并探讨制度变迁和政府调控对房价波动的影响。分析表明:(1)长期来看,住房价格与经济基本面变量之间有稳定的均衡关系;土地供给和金融制度也对长期房价走势有显著影响。(2)短期来看,住房价格的波动取决于经济基本面以及住房市场的内在调节能力;土地供给对房价波动具有显著影响,而住房资本使用成本、收入和贷款等需求面因素对房价波动的影响更大;2005年以来北京市住房价格向均衡水平的调整速度明显降低,外部冲击将造成实际价格对均衡水平的持久偏离。  相似文献   

姚恩育  鲁统磊 《浙商》2020,(8):54-59,8
可以定制的生产空间,专业的产业“社区”式服务,是网驿产业园最吸引人的魅力所在,这也是疫情期间,越来越多企业期盼的助力与服务。2020年的春天,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情打乱了很多企业原先的计划,对于中小微企业而言,这更是一场关系生存的“抗疫”挑战。  相似文献   

近年来,中国大中城市纷纷出现了商业地产开发的热潮。特别是,宏观调控对住宅类地产过快增长进行有效抑制后,部分地产商纷纷转向商业地产开发来弥补  相似文献   

Crime is an anti-social blight on communities that increases the cost of doing business, including for entrepreneurs. Drawing on Australian longitudinal data, this study examines the links between crime rates and the propensity for entrepreneurship within communities. We do so by matching propensity for entrepreneurship with types of crime found at the community level where crime occurs. We find that higher total crime rates, crimes against the person and property crime, significantly lower the propensity for entrepreneurship in communities. We also show that the core facets of community social capital – trust, membership in voluntary organizations and support and cooperation – mediate this relationship.Executive summaryWe comprehensively examine whether higher community crime rates – crime on people and crime on property – cause lower rates of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship research extensively examines how gaining social capital, defined as the social resources one gains within one's community, promotes entrepreneurship. This study considers whether a pervasive community dynamic in crime impedes entrepreneurship. Specifically, we show that the two main kinds of crime – people and property – inhibit entrepreneurship.We show the facets of community social capital that mediate the relationship between crime and entrepreneurship. We inform the role of community-based social capital in promoting entrepreneurship (Kwon et al., 2013) by considering how higher crime lowers social capital and in turn entrepreneurship. We show that core facets of relational social capital – trust, voluntary membership in community bodies, support, and cooperation – mediate the relationship between crime and entrepreneurship. Likewise, communities with more robust reserves of social capital are better able to withstand crime and promote entrepreneurship.Examining the link between crime and entrepreneurship allows us to contribute to the literature on entrepreneurship and social capital. We discuss the various ways in which crime diminishes social capital to shape entrepreneurship. In our framework that is predicated on theory on community social capital, crime creates distrust because it causes citizens to be wearier and more suspicious of each other, impeding sharing of ideas and knowledge for ventures. Crime impedes the efficacy and membership of community-based organizations that allow entrepreneurs to network. Crime reduces the support available for founders to start and sustain businesses in focal communities, as individuals seek opportunities and resources outside their communities. Crime diminishes the extent to which people take pride in and identify with their communities, as evidenced by voluntary membership in community organizations. Crime reduces collaboration because it leads to self-protective behaviors, including flight from high-crime communities, that hinder norms of reciprocity. Crime reduces cooperation as criminals are more likely to resort to coercion, as enforced by monitoring and violence, to solve business problems.Findings rely on a comprehensive database of crime rates across Australian postcodes. Crime is typically a localized phenomenon – it affects business outcomes in local communities. We obtain community-level crime rates from each Australian state and territory police force or relevant government agencies and match these data with entrepreneurship rates by postcode. Our primary identification strategy follows Dustmann and Fasani (2016), who estimate the effect of local area crime on mental health in the United Kingdom (UK). This identification strategy removes the effects of residential sorting and correlates crime with time-varying unobserved entrepreneurship determinants if there is no endogenous migration from local crime. The main findings are robust to instrumenting for local area crime to which movers are exposed and for historical abortion rates in the state or territory where the individual lives, as well as a number of other approaches to obtaining causal inference.The article holds considerable practical relevance for policymakers seeking to promote community entrepreneurship. Our study is highly relevant to community leaders and policymakers working to boost local entrepreneurship. Findings strongly suggest that efforts to reduce crime are a primary mechanism to protect social capital within communities and, therefore, entrepreneurship. Policy initiatives dedicated to creating and expanding social ventures would a) boost entrepreneurship and social capital and b) mitigate the detrimental effects of crime on entrepreneurship (Wry and York, 2017).  相似文献   

We provide the first evidence that African banks with greater market power in lending and deposit markets earn more from non-traditional activities. This is consistent with dominant banks' ability to identify better non-traditional opportunities and utilize their greater bargaining capacity in contract creation. Non-African-owned banks are found to exploit non-traditional banking and earn higher non-interest income. In contrast, African banks in other African countries focus more on traditional financial intermediation. Our findings are important to other emerging markets because their banks are traditionally focused on financial intermediation and regulations and supervision in relation to non-traditional activities are relatively less developed.  相似文献   

金秋送爽,丹桂飘香。十月十八日,第二届上海商业地产发展趋势高峰论坛,上海美丽园龙都大酒店隆重开幕,到会嘉宾有上海商学院院长、上海市商业经济学会副会长方名山,上海大学副校长、上海市工商联副会长唐豪,上海市购物中心协会会长张国忠,上海财经大学国际工商管理学院副院长陈信康,上海社会科学院商业研究中心主任朱连庆,著名商业地产专家姜新国和陈  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between export diversification, export margins and economic growth at the industry level using Thailand as a case study during 2002–16. Our results show that the effects of export diversification and margins on economic growth vary across industries. Export diversification helps boost growth only in some sectors, including electronics, automotive and chemicals, plastic and rubber, while in the processed food, and textiles and apparel industries, specialisation matters more in promoting growth. In almost all industries, a non-linear relationship between diversification and economic growth is not revealed, except in textiles and apparel. The diversification is crucial in enhancing the impact of exports on growth only in the processed food and textiles and apparel industries. Expansion of intensive margins plays an important role in boosting growth in key industries within Thailand. The role of extensive margins, both in terms of new products and new market destinations, in promoting economic growth is limited. For extensive margins (new products), it is found to be significant in boosting economic growth only in processed food and textiles and apparel, while in the case of extensive margins (new market destinations), its significance in boosting growth is revealed only in the electronics sector.  相似文献   

解垩 《财贸研究》2012,(4):73-82
利用最新的中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据,研究资产对家庭消费的影响。在区分耐用品消费和非耐用品消费的基础上,分析房产和金融资产及扣除债务后的净资产在消费中的作用。实证结果显示:在房产拥有者中,房产的消费弹性在0.07~0.09之间,即房产增加100元,消费将增加7~9元;而金融资产的消费弹性比房产的消费弹性要小得多,当金融资产增加100元时,消费只增加2元左右;老年家庭房产的消费弹性低于年轻家庭;城市家庭的房产消费弹性高于农村家庭;借贷能力对资产的消费弹性没有影响。  相似文献   

It is ubiquitous for non-real estate firms to conduct real estate business in China. Home purchase restriction (HPR) affects corporate innovation by dampening the real estate investment of non-real estate firms. The extant literature has examined the impact of HPR on corporate innovation, but it has not focused on the expectation of HPR and the endogeneity problem. Employing a dataset of 1830 listed non-real estate firms over the period 2009–2016, this research explores the expectation of HPR on corporate innovation based on the motivations for real estate investment in non-real estate firms. We demonstrate that HPR facilitates the enhancement of research and development (R&D) investment in non-real estate listed firms by hindering real estate investment, particularly for non-high-tech firms. The effects of HPR arrive at the crest in the third implementation year and remain steady thereafter. The real estate investment of non-real estate firms rebounds and the R&D investment declines along with the cancellation of HPR. Tackling the selection bias and endogeneity problems, the baseline results are also robust. Hence, HPR should serve as a long-term vehicle to improving corporate innovation, in addition to preventing housing speculation.  相似文献   

调控复调控,楼市一路高歌不止,欣欣向荣的景象,惹火了投资者,更给媒体创造了一个又一个有意思的话题。正如冯仑回答潘石屹的问韪一样,当今的房地产就像钟摆,摆过去还会摆回来的。可是究竟摆到了什么位置?又会摆多长时间却不好回答。  相似文献   

Internal funds generated by assets in place are available to finance the bulk of new investment by nonfinancial firms. Self-interested management has incentives to misallocate these funds in order to increase their control rents. There are two ways to impact future discretionary investment. First, using debt diverts funds to creditors and away from management. Second, having in place more assets that do not provide internal financing reduces the funds subject to managerial discretion. Investment in such assets and debt financing are inversely related in controlling self-interested management. As a result, firms borrow more and own proportionally more assets that provide internal funds as the average profitability of these assets, or that of future investment, increases. Firms may borrow less while increasing investment in the less valuable assets that do not supply internal financing as the expected profitability of these assets increases.  相似文献   

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