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Businesses make multimedia presentations, combining film clips and text, which could be made at less cost using a single medium. Extending prior findings that film clips in multimedia presentations can impact affective states (e.g., [Rose J. Behavioral decision aid research: Decision aid use and effects. In Arnold and Sutton, Research Accounting as an Information Systems Discipline (ch 6). Sarasota: AAA; 2002]), our study examines how multimedia presentations affect decision-making cognitively (rather than affectively). Participants performed two types of tasks using information presented to them in two single medium modes (text-only and film-only) and a multimedia mode (combined text/film). Based on theories of presentation modes/modalities, media richness, and information overload research, we hypothesize the effects of different presentation modes (single medium versus multimedia), task familiarity (familiar versus unfamiliar), and information overload (above versus below overload) on decision-makers' consistency with, compliance with, and willingness to apply externally provided information processing rules concerning the solving of various types of tasks. Results provide full to partial support for the predicted effects of task familiarity and information overload on consistency, compliance and willingness. Specifically, multimedia presentations increase the willingness to apply externally provided rules but decrease the consistency with which rules are applied to tasks. Overall, our study suggests that decision-makers are reluctant to use externally provided instructions, instead of their own internally learned rules, especially as their understanding of the task at hand increases. Such understanding is enhanced by high task familiarity, clear presentation formats (i.e., single medium), and low information load. This study has implications for businesses trying to decide how much to invest in multimedia presentations, and also on organizations and society at large as they frequently direct individuals to follow various types of instructions.  相似文献   

This paper studies the two potentially contrasting effects on IPO pricing and post-IPO operating performance of family ties as well as social ties the top management has with board members. While family ties may solve manager–owner conflicts of interests, they may also give rise to minority-shareholder expropriation and/or private benefits of control. Similarly, social ties may either create value or lead to entrenchment and excessive managerial power. Using q-analysis to measure the strength of top manager ties to board members, we find that IPO performance is positively related to the strength of social ties, but negatively to the strength of family ties. We also find that, controlling for social ties, board independence affects both IPO pricing and post-IPO operating performance. Further, we show that the association between IPO performance and ties depends on whether they are with inside or outside directors.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a field and survey study aimed at discovering the incidence and causes of two potentially important, often dysfunctional, control system side effects: manipulation of short-term performance measures and encouragement of a myopic, short-term orientation. Data collected from interviews and questionnaires show that these side effects were evident and that their incidence was positively related to the felt pressure to meet financial targets. Tests of possible moderating effects of environmental uncertainty, supervisor consideration, and profit center strategy were consistent with expectations only for the environmental uncertainty variable, however; managers operating in relatively uncertain environments were significantly more likely to react to budget pressure by pulling profits from the subsequent year into the current year than were those operating in relatively certain environments.  相似文献   

We estimate the treatment effect of guaranteed loans on the growth of a large sample of French small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The nature of our sample allows us to estimate the treatment effect up to 10 years after the treatment and to consider several performance measures and moderating factors. Our findings indicate that beneficiaries of guaranteed loans experience significantly higher growth in sales, employment, and total assets than otherwise similar companies. The effects are long lasting, do not entail a slowdown in productivity growth, are mostly driven by organic growth rather than by external acquisitions, and are larger in firms that are typically more financially constrained (young or small). Guaranteed-loan beneficiaries are also more likely to survive than non-beneficiaries. Our results are consistent across different identification strategies (matching, difference-in-differences, instrumental variable estimation) and control group choices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between market structure and performance in China’s banking system from 1985 to 2002, a period when this sector was subject to gradual but notable reform. Using panel data estimation techniques, both the market-power and efficient-structure hypotheses are tested. In addition, the model is extended to consider issues such as the impact of bank size/ownership and whether the big four banks enjoy a “quiet life”. On average, X-efficiency declined significantly and most banks were operating below scale efficient levels. Estimation of the structure–performance models lends some support to the relative market-power hypothesis in the early period. The reforms had little impact on the structure of China’s banking sector, though the “joint stock” banks became relatively more X-efficient. There was no evidence to support the quiet-life hypothesis, probably because strict interest rate controls prevented the state banks from earning monopoly profits. Thus the ongoing liberalisation of interest rates should be accompanied by reduced concentration. Overall, to improve competitive structure, new policies should be directed at encouraging market entry and increasing the market share of the most efficient banks.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of the degree of state ownership and ownership concentration on firm performance using annual data for 1034 companies listed on China's two exchanges for the period from 2000 to 2004. We find that, on average, the firms’ performance is negatively influenced by the state ownership. However, such a negative relationship is significant only at high levels of government ownership. Moreover, we find that a balanced ownership structure enhances the firm performance and there are indications of detrimental effects of block ownership.  相似文献   

在最近的计世资讯2006年Unix服务器满意度研究报告中,以HP Integrity为代表的惠普Unix服务器在用户综合满意度、产品满意度、服务满意度、用户品牌忠诚度4个方面都名列第一。在2006中国TOP100排行榜中,惠普占据45席,连续5年份额第一。  相似文献   

The shift to world-class manufacturing strategies has necessitated complementary changes in management accounting systems (MAS). Using survey data obtained from top manufacturing executives at 253 US firms, this study empirically examines the relationship between the level of just-in-time (JIT) practices implemented by US manufacturing firms and the performance measures and incentive systems that are incorporated in their MAS. The statistical tests provide empirical evidence that the use of non-traditional performance measures such as bottom-up measures, product quality, and vendor quality, as well as incentive systems of employee empowerment and compensation rewards for quality production are related to the degree of JIT practices implemented.  相似文献   

Not all corporate bailouts are the same. We study corporate bailouts from around the world during 1987–2005. Among these bailed-out firms, some firms are economically distressed while others are financially distressed. Some firms are bailed out with cash (either as equity or as loans) while others are bailed out with debt relief. Some firms are bailed out by the government while others are bailed out by other stakeholders. We examine these firms’ operating performance before and after their bailouts, but specifically across different bailout types, and we also measure their stock returns surrounding their bailout announcements.  相似文献   

Fees charged by mutual funds include front-end load charges, deferred sales charges that decrease over time, redemption fees that are imposed whenever shares are sold, and 12b-1 fees. Fees may be justified if they allow the fund to lower other costs or improve performance. In this paper, we find that, on average, 12b-1 fees, deferred sales charges, and redemption fees increase expenses whereas funds with front-end loads generally have lower expenses. We also find that funds with 12b-1 fees and redemption fees, on average, earn higher risk adjusted returns but funds with front-end load charges earn lower risk adjusted returns.  相似文献   

Prior research establishes that board governance quality measures positively impact firm environmental performance. In this study, we propose an empirical model using structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore additional enhancements to board governance, namely board environmental expertise (BEE) and board social engagement (BSE) and show that they incrementally improve firm environmental performance (EN). Our proposed latent construct measure, BEE, goes beyond traditionally dichotomous measures used in the literature. BEE has a total effect on firm environmental performance that is over two thirds the size of effects arising from traditional governance quality measures (GOV). The second enhancement of our model is the focus on BSE, a novel construct to the CSR literature. In addition to possessing environmental knowledge enabling expertise, we demonstrate that a board with a deeper commitment to society will further improve firm environmental performance. Using SEM, we find that the indirect effects of GOV, BEE, and BSE on EN represent a substantial portion of the total effects on EN. Hence, ignoring these indirect effects would result in substantial understatement of the effects of improvements to governance on environmental performance.  相似文献   

Integration of carbon oversight into board structures and processes has the potential to improve carbon performance and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders. However, it is not clear how climate governance affects carbon disclosure. Contributing to two strands of the literature, sustainability and governance issues, this paper examines the combined impact of climate governance on carbon disclosure. We find climate governance is associated with alignment between carbon disclosure and carbon performance. The results suggest that climate governance also reduces over-acclaiming of good performance via extensive disclosure, and low-polluters disclose more to differentiate themselves. Our findings highlight the importance of the frequency of reporting to the board and time horizon of carbon reporting for improving carbon disclosure and carbon performance. In contrast to traditional governance mechanisms, our results suggest climate governance better reflects firms’ commitment to addressing sustainability issues and transparent reporting.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of four different types of feedback (outcome, task properties, cognitive, combined task properties/cognitive) on the risk assessment judgments of auditors on two tasks, one requiring configural cue processing and the other not requiring configural cue processing. Task properties feedback and combined feedback improved performance on both tasks. Outcome feedback was more effective for the non-configural task, while cognitive feedback was more effective for the configural task. We also found that, on the configural task, the effect of cognitive feedback was heightened by lower levels of participant self-insight. Finally, combined feedback was particularly effective in transferring knowledge across tasks. These results have direct practical application for the use of feedback in audit practice. From a theoretical perspective they also help to reconcile earlier mixed results in accounting and psychology.  相似文献   

The association between job-related tension and managerial performance has been the subject of speculation and some preliminary research, with little resolution. Four potential reasons for the lack of resolution on this issue are explored in this paper. These are (1) the use of single organizational samples in prior studies, (2) the measurement of managerial performance, (3) the prospect of a curvilinear relation between job-related tension and performance, and (4) the possibility that budgetary participation moderates the association, if any, between job-related tension and performance. By systematically varying both the measurement of managerial performance and the employment of random sampling, the findings of this research suggest that the association between job-related tension and performance is significant and negative. There is no evidence to support the proposition that participation moderates the relation between job-related tension and performance.  相似文献   

As accounting environments become increasingly automated through information technology support systems, the underlying systems are increasingly restrictive in an effort to direct user behavior and decision making. However, consistent with the theory of technology dominance, restrictive systems have been found to dominate users' decision processes and to have a detrimental effect when decisions require knowledge from outside the system's capability. This study expands upon this research through an examination of users' preferences for more (less) restrictive systems based on their own level of domain knowledge. Incorporating theory on task technology fit, we theorize that users with less knowledge will prefer to be dominated by the system, while users with greater levels of knowledge will prefer a system that provides the user with a level of control over the decision process rather than submitting entirely to the decision aid's control. These theorizations are empirically tested through an experimental design that varies the level of systems restrictiveness across groups of novice and experienced participants. The results confirm that novice (experienced) participants find a highly restrictive system substantially (minimally) reduces cognitive load, increases (decreases) usefulness of the decision aid, and strengthens (weakens) the intention to reuse the system in the future. The results add an important piece to understanding the effect of restrictive systems in that the users that are most susceptible to dominance by decision aids are the users most willing to adopt a restrictive system that reduces the effort they must put forth and in turn reduces the knowledge they accrue from using the system.  相似文献   

When human resource accounting type information and salary data were disclosed in the experimental setting of a business game, it was determined that disclosure of salary data had no significant effect on group relations yet the HRA information disclosure tended to produce negative effects on both performance and group relations.  相似文献   

Banks hold capital to guard against unexpected surges in losses and long freezes in financial markets. The minimum level of capital is set by banking regulators as a function of the banks’ own estimates of their risk exposures. As a result, a great challenge for both banks and regulators is to validate internal risk models. We show that a large fraction of US and international banks uses contaminated data when testing their models. In particular, most banks validate their market risk model using profit-and-loss (P/L) data that include fees and commissions and intraday trading revenues. This practice is inconsistent with the definition of the employed market risk measure. Using both bank data and simulations, we find that data contamination has dramatic implications for model validation and can lead to the acceptance of misspecified risk models. Moreover, our estimates suggest that the use of contaminated data can significantly reduce (market-risk induced) regulatory capital.  相似文献   

Frank Hartmann 《Abacus》2005,41(3):241-264
This article examines how task uncertainty, environmental uncertainty and tolerance for ambiguity (TFA) affect managerial opinions about the appropriateness of accounting performance measures (APM). Based on accounting and psychology literature, this study argues that task uncertainty and environmental uncertainty differ in their direct effects on the appropriateness of APM, and furthermore that the relationship between uncertainty and the appropriateness of APM is moderated by managers' TFA. Hypotheses are developed, and tested with data from a survey study among 250 managers in eleven organizations, using partial least squares (PLS). Overall, the results show that the two types of uncertainty have opposite effects on managers' opinions about the appropriateness of APM, and that these effects are moderated by TFA, which confirms expectations. No direct effect of TFA on the appropriateness of APM was found. Overall, these findings provide an explanation of the inconsistencies in the extant behavioural management accounting literature that has addressed the appropriateness of APM under uncertainty.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of board characteristics and sustainable compensation policy on carbon reduction initiatives and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a firm. We use firm fixed effect model to analyse data from 256 non-financial UK firms covering a period of 13 years (2002–2014). Our estimation results suggest that board independence and board gender diversity have positive associations with carbon reduction initiatives. In addition, environment-social-governance based compensation policy is found to be positively associated with carbon reduction initiatives. However, we do not find any relationship between corporate governance variables and GHG emissions of a firm. Overall, our evidence suggests that corporate boards and executive management tend to focus on a firm's process-oriented carbon performance, without improving actual carbon performance in the form of reduced GHG emissions. The findings have important implications for practitioners and policymakers with respect to the effectiveness of internal corporate governance mechanisms in addressing climate change risks, and possible linkage between corporate governance reform and carbon related policies.  相似文献   

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