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Viasystems Group, Inc. (Viasystems) is an international supplier of electromechanical assemblies and components. It specializes in manufacturing printed circuits and assembling electric cables and industrial metal cabinets. The case concerns the Printed Circuit Division at Viasystems and its need to adapt its costing system to the relocation of its manufacturing activities to China under its strategic planning, begun in 2001. Planning and controlling operating costs and the presentation of the financial statements have therefore become major issues. The case is set in 2006, six years after the start of progressive offshoring of manufacturing to China. It describes: 1) how external environmental pressures and the need for profitability have led to a critical strategic decision; and 2) how this new business model has changed upper management's informational needs, leading them to rethink their costing system, particularly at the Chinese plants. Setting the case in 2006, when all the plants have been relocated to China, enables discussions of the challenges that management will have to cope with in the future, after the operations transfer has been completed and the consequences on the management control system.  相似文献   

Transition Therapeutics Inc. (Transition) and Waratah Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Waratah) are two publicly traded biopharmaceutical Canadian companies. In October 2001, Transition and Waratah announced that they had agreed to combine their respective businesses, assets, and operations. The business combination will be effected through an exchange of equity interests. The case unfolds before special shareholders' meetings for approval of the arrangement. Management is preparing the joint management information circular, which should include pro forma consolidated financial statements. However, many issues should be addressed to account for the business combination, and decisions on these issues might affect the accounting treatment as well as pro forma financial information. Note: Teaching Notes for instructional cases are not published in the journal but are made available to full CAAA member subscribers in a password‐protected area of the CAAA website. Go to https://www.caaa.ca/en/journals-and-research/accounting-perspectives-ap/teaching-notes/ to log in and access the notes.  相似文献   

Bonbons Hansel and Gretel inc. (BHGI) has acquired all shares of Les délices de Fée Dragée (LDFD). That French private company has made its mark in 50 years with a secret recipe of natural licorice candy that consumers absolutely love. BHGI now possesses an advantage over its domestic competitors with this recipe and the client list of LDFD, but the French factory will need to be refurbished in ten years. During due diligence, BHGI learns that a lawsuit was filed against LDFD. It is time to account for the acquisition and to determine the amount of goodwill. Headaches are anticipated when assessing the fair value of assets acquired, especially when considering the various possible assessment methods and assumptions to be used as input data for valuations approaches.  相似文献   

Floriculture du Suroît inc. is a SME in the horticulture field. It cultivates and sells geraniums, but a new subsidiary, Les Roses de Caroline, recently start the culture of roses. Floriculture has just obtained a governmental subsidy and, for the first time, the company will have to produce audited financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. Thus, the two owners will have to choose between two accounting frameworks, that is, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or Canadian Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE). Many differences exist between these two frameworks. More specifically, IFRS provide specific standards related to agricultural activity and investment properties, while ASPE do not. In addition, ASPE permit many choices between accounting treatments, which should be carefully analyzed. The owners are neophytes in accounting matter. Thus, they need help for accounting issues.  相似文献   

当暖冬成为常态、全球正在积极应对全球气候变暖之时,寒冬却不期而至,在中国中南部自西向东出现了几十年未遇的持续时间较长的冰雪天气,有些省份甚至发生了雪灾.这种持续的恶劣天气引发了巨大的系统性风险.  相似文献   

李红  王新军 《金融论坛》2021,26(10):41-49
本文选取非典时期全国208个城市416组数据,对非典疫情与商业健康保险需求的关系进行实证研究.研究发现:(1)针对保险需求不足的问题,利用保费补贴来补救的方法是可行的.(2)证实了人们在灾前灾后对风险发生的主观概率呈先低估后高估的特点,同时证明了最优承保水平与人们对灾害风险可能发生的主观概率之间存在正相关关系.(3)重大灾害事件发生之前,公众对政府灾后救助的预期会对灾前保险购买需求产生挤出效应,但需要满足两个重要前提:保险公司公平定价以及个人绝对风险厌恶递减.  相似文献   

This paper shows that concerted debt reduction may be welfare-improving even when the investment disincentive effect of a debt overhang is not large enough to place the debtor country on the wrong side of the debt Laffer curve. Whether the appropriate relief scheme involves debt reduction or new money, however, depends on whether investment disincentives or liquidity constraints dominate. It is shown that, except under very special circumstances, mixed policy packages involving both debt and liquidity relief may not yield the desired results. (JEL F34).  相似文献   

《Africa Research Bulletin》2010,47(2):18591B-18592A

高续增 《银行家》2008,(6):134-135
●近三十年来,中国蒸蒸日上,人们听惯了"发展"、"进步"、"小康"这样美好的字眼,满眼的欣欣向荣.但日前的汶川大地震给我们击一猛掌,让所有中国人重新想到了"人有旦夕祸福"这一古训.  相似文献   

美国当地时间9月14日晚8点,纽约中心区曼哈顿人流如织。在第七大道雷曼兄弟公司总部门口挤满了记者和好奇的行人.警察小心翼翼地用隔离栏围住大门,以防不测。一位路人踮着脚尖往大门方向张望,“发生什么事情了,雷曼公司真的要倒闭  相似文献   

澳大利亚财政救灾的法律名为《自然灾害减缓和恢复安排》(NDRRA),其中规定了A、B、C、D四类联邦政府针对不同对象的救助项目,具体如下:  相似文献   

台湾财政救灾中的“中央”与地方关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾多发地震、火山等自然灾害。为应对灾害来袭,台湾建立了四层资金准备机制。以中央政府为例,用于应急和灾后重建的财政资金计有四类:不低于当年总预算支出的1%的灾害准备金、视当年财政情况在总预算中设立的第二预备金、预算调整和发行债务筹集  相似文献   

通常用来毒耗子的老鼠药,这回让一头毛驴大大地吃到了苦头!标普公司相继下调美国信用评级和两房债信用评级,此举令全球市场为之震动。连日来,相关公司股票走势全球资本市场指数,均有不同程度的跌幅。除黄金不断走高外,折仓潮席卷各国股市。我们真的面临一次新的  相似文献   

从灾难备份与恢复看银行业的应用系统架构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行数据大集中,必然伴随着风险的集中化。为了保证业务运行的连续性。保障金融系统的安全稳定,各家银行高度重视灾难备份工作。不断进行深化研究与建设。以下几篇文章从金融信息系统灾难备份与恢复的视角,探讨银行业的应用系统架构、灾难备份的主要技术手段以及适合中小金融机构的灾备方案选择,以飨读者。  相似文献   

银行数据集中后,常被人告诫:不要把所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里。如何面对风险,做好大集中后的系统安全工作?如何有效的防范和化解风险?灾难备份可以为“鸡蛋”提供另一个“篮子”  相似文献   

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