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Juite Wang 《R&D Management》2017,47(1):127-140
An innovative R&D project that creates a great business opportunity usually involves high technological and market uncertainty. It is easy to see that developing only one solution approach in the R&D project is too risky. The selectionism or the parallel development strategy can be applied to construct an innovation funnel that increases the flexibility to hedge against the uncertainty. However, little research has been devoted to selection of which alternative solution approaches should be included for the innovation funnel. This research aims to develop a simulation-based methodology that can help R&D managers evaluate and construct an innovation funnel containing promising alternative approaches for a novel R&D project to maximize project profit, while minimizing downside risk within an allowable loss. A new risk measure based on the concept of conditional value-at-risk from the finance literature is defined to evaluate the project downside risk. An example of drug development project is used to illustrate the proposed methodology. We recommend that firms should improve their capabilities on market research, concept screening, and R&D efficiency for taking full advantages of selectionism.  相似文献   

As a research subject, business model innovation spans the strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship fields. Yet, despite the importance of the concept, prior work has paid little attention to how decision-makers cope with uncertainty and gain understanding about interdependencies in new business model configurations. To address this gap, we combine top-down theorising and evidence-based exploration and seek to unpack some of the coping mechanisms that operate in the evolutionary view of business model innovation. Using in-depth interviewing to collect data, our study reveals five strategies – customer centricity, value co-creation, capability evolution, ecosystem growth, and adaptive pricing – that decision-makers apply to cope with uncertainty in business model innovation. We find that coping mechanisms support decision making during the development of new business models. Furthermore, we find that the five coping strategies delineate decision making for value proposition, value creation, and value capture configurations in more detail than existing literature has described. Our findings have important implications for decision making in business model innovation.  相似文献   

Service innovation has become increasingly important for the growth of developed and developing countries. Despite an extensive body of literature on the role of joint innovation capabilities in improving a firm's innovativeness, the multivariate influences of operant resources and joint innovation capabilities, as well as the interplay among these in the prediction of service innovation have not been scrutinized in the context of B2B SMEs in a developing country. This study aims to fill this gap by testing a model that shows the relationships among complementarity of knowledge and capabilities as operant resources, joint innovation capabilities, and service innovation. We derive hypotheses about these relationships and test them using data from a sample of 302 respondents from 151 firms operating in the UAE. The results show that the relationships between complementarity of knowledge and joint innovation capabilities, and between joint innovation capabilities and service innovation, are significant and positive. They also show that the mediation effect of joint innovation capabilities on the relationship between complementarity of knowledge and service innovation is positive and full. This study also tests the moderating roles of competitive intensity and demand uncertainty in the relationship between joint innovative capabilities and service innovation and finds that their connection is stronger when competitive intensity is high.  相似文献   

Research into two important control mechanisms for managing the supply chain relationship - contracts and trust - is on the rise. However, our understanding of how they influence innovation in a firm remains rather unclear. Thus, the primary objective of this study is to examine the individual and interactive effects of contracts and trust on firms' innovation performance and the contingent effects of environmental uncertainty on those relationships in China. The empirical results from a survey of Chinese manufacturing firms indicate that there is a positive relationship between trust and firms' innovation performance, an inverted U-shaped relationship between the use of contracts and firms' innovation performance, and that contracts and trust are substitutes. Moreover, we find that environmental uncertainty enhances the effects of trust, but does not influence the impact of contracts on innovation performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the integration of the human and technological aspects of innovation management by modelling the innovation stimulus – innovation capacity relationship in determining innovation performance. The research framework developed in this study was tested amongst 194 managers of Australian firms. The survey responses indicate that both the relationships between innovation stimulus and innovation capacity and between innovation capacity and innovation performance are significant and strong. However, innovation stimulus does not show any direct effect on innovation performance, suggesting that its effect is mediated through innovation capacity. The overall practical implication that can be drawn from the findings is that to achieve high innovation performance, organizations first need to develop the behavioural and cultural context and practices for innovation (i.e. stimulus), and only within such conducive environments is it possible for organizations to develop innovative capacity in research and development and technology so as to more effectively deliver innovation outcomes and performance.  相似文献   

This paper conducts an empirical investigation to assess the impact of price uncertainty on industry output concentration. Results show that greater price uncertainty leads to greater output concentration; the result is robust to controls for technological factors, barriers to entry effects and other industry controls. The empirical results are consistent with theory which shows that depending on firms attitudes towards risk, output concentration is likely to be endogenous to price uncertainty. Our empirical finding suggests that examining the magnitude of uncertainty could be a useful additional criteria in antitrust policymaking.  相似文献   

In today's dynamic, complex and interconnected environments, interfirm networks in its various forms (e.g. franchising, retail and service chains, cooperatives, financial networks, joint ventures, strategic alliances, clusters, public-private partnerships, digital platforms) are becoming increasingly important in helping firms improve their competitive position through an enhanced access to innovation, complementary resources and capabilities otherwise not available to them. Driven by increased performance pressures in unpredictable environments, firms embedded in networks are increasingly moving from cooperators to collaborators as value co-creators. The aim of this introductory article is to discuss the role of innovation in business networks by focusing on two major topics: Network innovation versus innovation through networks. In addition, we provide an overview of the articles included in the special issue on Networks and Innovation focusing on the questions: (1) what is the impact of network characteristics on a firm's innovation?; and (2) what are the determinants of innovation in interfirm networks?  相似文献   

Investment under economic and implementation uncertainty   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some investment decisions are exposed to uncertainty over their implementation phase apart from the underlying economic uncertainty. We provide a general way of introducing implementation uncertainty, which includes prior research as a special case. The generality of our treatment stems from the fact that implementation uncertainty is allowed to affect both the level and the timing of project profitability. In a case explicitly addressed, implementation uncertainty might even cause earlier investment if the probability of uncertainty resolution exceeds the opportunity cost of delaying investment. Investment will be earlier, the higher the effect of uncertainty resolution on project profitability.  相似文献   

Research Summary: Innovation is the principle driver of firm and economic growth. Thus, one disturbing trend that may explain stagnant growth is a 65% decline in firms’ R&D productivity. We propose that the rise of outside Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) may be partially responsible for the decline because those CEOs are more likely to lack technological domain expertise necessary to manage R&D effectively. While this proposition was motivated by interviews with Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), we test it at large scale. We find that firm R&D productivity decays during the tenure of outside CEOs relative to that of inside CEOs. We further find this effect is more pronounced for firms with high R&D intensity and for firms employing outside CEOs with more remote experience, lending circumstantial support for the underlying assumption regarding lack of expertise. Note that this is not a call for boards to avoid outside CEOs, rather it is recommendation to consider the implications for innovation. Managerial Summary: While outside CEOs offer advantages over internal candidates, we argue one unintended consequence is weaker innovation. This argument was prompted by two coincident trends: a 65% decline in companies’ R&D productivity and a doubling of outside Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). The argument was reinforced by interviews with Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), who recounted shifts in orientation from R&D as an investment to R&D as an expense that occurred shortly in response to a new CEO. We felt this shift was more likely with outside CEOs because they may lack technological domain expertise necessary to effectively manage R&D. Our results are consistent with the argument—company R&D productivity decreases under outside CEOs. Note, however, that we don’t advocate avoiding outside CEOs, rather we recommend R&D firms consider technological domain expertise during CEO hiring.  相似文献   

We analyze personalized pricing by a monopsonist facing a finite number of ex ante identical, capacity constrained suppliers with privately known costs. When the distribution of costs is sufficiently smooth and regular, the buyer chooses to make the same offer to all suppliers, leading to a posted price. When demand is sufficiently concave (convex) this price is lower (higher) than the classical monopsony price. In the limit as the seller capacities tend to zero, we obtain the classical monopsony price. Therefore, our model provides a decentralized micro-foundation for monopsony.  相似文献   

2003年纺织总体形势不错。生产、销售、出口都将超过2002年.创出历史新高,截至9月底,工业总产值达9107亿元人民币,同比增长21.71%:产品销售收入8546亿元.同比增长23.20%:出口567亿美元,同比增长26.33%;利润总额283亿元.同比增长318%。预计全年经济效益达400亿元人民币,出口超过700亿美元。10月底,纺织两大代表性产品纱产量达到了764万吨.化纤达到935万吨.两者的增长幅度同比均超过了16%.到2003年结束,分别达到950和1000万吨应该不成问题。解读2003年的纺织运行,生产销售平衡,出口增长正常,经济效益不差。概括说.总体向好。  相似文献   

Innovation is a driving force for most industries, where it moreover affects many stages of the vertical chain. We study the impact of vertical integration on innovation in an industry where firms need to undertake risky R&D investments at both production and distribution stages. Vertical integration brings better coordination within the integrated firm, which boosts its investment incentive at both upstream and downstream levels. However, it is only mutually beneficial for firms to integrate when both upstream and downstream innovations are important. When innovation is irrelevant at one level, firms favor instead vertical separation. The analysis provides insights for the wave of mergers and R&D outsourcing observed in the pharmaceutical industry and other vertically related industries.  相似文献   

On 1st October 1980 the untimely death of Patrick Haggerty, former chairman and chief executive officer of Texas Instruments, occurred. Patrick Haggerty was a founding member of the editorial board of this journal and in the formative years of the Texas Instruments Company made a major contribution to the practice of strategic management, in addition to shaping the destiny of a great and progressive corporation. As a mark of our respect and in memoriam the editors are proud to publish one of Mr Haggerty's last lectures given to NASA at Houston, Texas on 13th February 1980 in which he outlines briefly the history and philosophy which led to the development of many of the systems of strategic management at Texas Instruments, which have shaped policy within this highly innovative organization.  相似文献   

How to successfully drive open innovation (OI) has been an important issue. However, the existing literature on the determinants of OI mainly focuses on organizational and contingent factors, and the “human side” of it is still not well understood, which also motivates us to explore it more deeply. This paper attempts to link upper echelon theory with OI research using data from a large sample of Chinese listed companies to investigate how the overconfident tendency of the CEO affects his or her preference for different OI modes. At the same time, what role do other top management team (TMT) members play in this process. The results show that overconfident CEOs favor market and organization-oriented OI over technology-oriented OI, and TMT governance can moderate such relationship, that is, as the level of TMT governance increases, the preference of overconfident CEOs for market and organization-oriented OI will be weakened, avoiding the negative effect of excessive adoption of such activities on firm performance. By focusing on the human side of OI, this paper adds to the literature on the impact of strategic leadership, namely the influence of key individual CEO and other executives within the organization on OI management, which is also a response to the emphasis that more attention should be paid to the microfoundations of OI in the future.  相似文献   

Franchising, as an imitative business model, provides a challenging context to create and manage innovation, as franchisors may wish to limit their franchisees' innovative activities to ensure network consistency. Drawing on data from two related empirical studies of franchisees operating in the UK, we seek to understand how franchisees contribute to innovation within their systems. Our first quantitative study reveals that although many franchisees develop innovations, these innovations are not always adopted by the franchise system, suggesting acts of hidden innovation. These findings motivated our second, qualitative study. Through a case analysis of 29 franchisees from 7 different franchise systems, we identify a number of organizational and relational factors that influence both franchisee engagement in innovation, and the extent to which their innovations are disclosed to the network. From these, we develop a theoretical framework of franchisee-led innovation processes, which contributes to the role of social exchange theory in innovation practices within business-to-business contexts. Our findings extend emerging research on innovation in franchise systems, and also provide practical insights on how franchisees can be best supported in creating and disclosing innovations to benefit the franchise system.  相似文献   

This paper examines supply contract negotiation when buyer's revenue and seller's cost are uncertain. In these circumstances, both the seller and the buyer have an option to determine when to sell and buy, which may influence negotiation outcomes. Thus, we developed a bilateral negotiation model to derive the optimal selling (buying) rule considering the option. Our results show that the options of waiting to sell and to buy (1) narrow the traditional zone of possible agreement and (2) lower the probability of negotiation agreement. It is also shown that impasses can occur due to uncertainty, even when a purchase price is lower than the buyer's future revenue and higher than the seller's future cost.  相似文献   

不断推进技术创新提高产品科技含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,上海烟草工业印刷厂以“做精做强”的战略思想为指导,强化市场与服务主业的意识;以品牌建设为主线,不断推进技术创新;以进程控制为重点,提高与稳定产品质量,通过新工艺、新材料的开发,不断提升品牌卷烟包装印刷品的技术含量。  相似文献   

Current analyses of predatory behavior neglect uncertainty. Its presence complicates a firm's evaluation of profits and risks associated with various pricing strategies. Using a price leadership model (with the supply of the competitive fringe not known in advance), we show that a risk averse dominant firm will price lower than the price which maximizes expected profits. Such behavior could be misconstrued as being predatory if marginal and average variable cost rules are used for establishing the proof of predation.  相似文献   

Competitive strategy under uncertainty involves a trade-off between acting early and acting later after the uncertainty is resolved, and another trade-off between focusing resources on one scenario and spreading resources on several scenarios, thus maintaining flexibility. This paper analyzes both these trade-offs taking into consideration the nature of uncertainty, industry economics, intensity of competition, and the position of a firm relative to its competitors.  相似文献   

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