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This article distinguishes two sources of productivity increases, namely product/process innovations and trade innovations. An empirical analysis for 13 OECD countries shows that product/process innovations, represented by aggregated investments in Research and Development (R&D), are major determinants for productivity growth in large industrial countries, whereas trade innovations, represented by export intensity, seem to contribute most to productivity in trade-oriented economies. These trade innovations relate to the ability to reduce transaction costs so that these trading nations specialize in the organization of production in this era of globalization where the production chain is split up in more and more component parts.  相似文献   

Alänge, Jacobsson, and Jarnehammar (1998) presented an analytical framework for studying the diffusion of organisational innovations, based on the developments in literature on technical innovations and their diffusion. The aim of this paper is to examine the validity of the framework. Two exploratory case studies were carried out on the diffusion of the organisational innovation TQM. The case studies showed that the framework is a useful tool for studying the diffusion of organisational innovations. However, factors such as learning processes on a national and international level and the role of fads need further consideration. In addition, factors needed for a long-term commitment such as boards and owners and internal political and cultural systems need to be further investigated. The paper also presents a model for analysing the different phases in a diffusion process.  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent-based model of the diffusion of water-saving innovations. The empirical foundation of this model is a study, which was carried out for that specific purpose. As an example case, the diffusion of three water-related innovations in Southern Germany was chosen. The model represents a real geographic area and simulates the diffusion of showerheads, toilet flushes, and rain-harvesting systems. Agents are households of certain lifestyles, as represented by the Sinus-Milieus® from commercial marketing. Agents use two different kinds of decision rules to decide upon adoption or rejection of the modeled innovations: A cognitively demanding deliberate decision rule and a very simple decision heuristic. Thus, the model integrates concepts of bounded rationality. The overall framework for decision-making is the Theory of Planned Behavior, which has been elaborated using innovation characteristics from diffusion research. The model was calibrated with empirical data stemming from a questionnaire survey and validated against independent data. Scenarios for the nearer future show that water-saving innovations will diffuse even without further promotion, and different promotion strategies that relate specifically to both innovations and lifestyles can be pointed out.  相似文献   


There are two unusual and important features in the evolution of the savings rate in Chile. First, the economy increased the average savings rate by 11 percentage points in the period 1985–2013 compared to 1960–1984, mainly due to a large change in private savings rate (10 percentage points), and an additional 1 percentage point from the public sector. The second feature is related to the change in the composition of private savings. After several years of nearly no corporate savings, this component became an important part of total savings reaching an average of almost 10% of Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) during the period 1986–2012. Our results show that the 1984 tax reform, the boost in the marginal productivity of capital and the deepening of the financial market were the main drivers that explain the dramatic increase in corporate savings. We also found that the reduction in personal income tax after the tax reform and the higher income per capita growth helped to explain the increase in household savings, while the structural balance rule helped to explain the increase in public savings.  相似文献   

We analyse the relationship between functional income distributionand economic growth in Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands,the UK and the USA from 1960 until 2005. The analysis is basedon a demand-driven distribution and growth model for an openeconomy inspired by Bhaduri and Marglin, which allows for eitherprofit- or wage-led growth. We find that growth in France, Germany,the UK and the USA has been wage-led, whereas Austria and theNetherlands have been profit-led. In the case of Austria a domesticallywage-led economy changes to profit-led when including the effectof distribution on external trade. The Netherlands, however,are already profit-led without external trade. Our results sofar only partially confirm Bhaduri and Marglin's theoreticalconclusion that wage-led growth becomes less feasible when theeffects of distribution on foreign trade are taken into account.  相似文献   

The relationship between the number of road accidents and the volume of traffic is econometrically estimated in this paper. A stratified random sample of 399 road segments covering urban and rural roads in New York State(USA) in 1985 is analysed. No significant externality is detected. On ver high volume urban roads the marginal to average accident rate ratio is 1.06. On all other roads, a ratio of 0.98 is estimated. These findings contrast sharply with those of Vickrey, who estimated a ratio of 1.5 for California freeways in 1962. The results are, however, consistent with the ‘official view’ of both the US and UK highway authorities that no significant accident externality exists.  相似文献   

This article evaluates spillover effects of innovation of Taiwan's industries by using the input–output (IO) analysis framework. On the basis of IO tables for the years 1981, 1986 1991 and 1996, the structure, magnitude and ranking list of the spillover effect of innovation are revealed. Additionally, several findings are also achieved from the empirical results. First, the spillover effect of process innovation is stronger and about more than twice the spillover effect of product innovation in Taiwan. Furthermore, Taiwan's industries manifest a dispersive technological distribution structure and the spillover effect of the process innovation is more dispersive than that of product innovation. Moreover, Taiwanese industries are rather dependent on foreign technologies, particularly in terms of product innovation.  相似文献   

Spillover effects and conditional dependence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A better understanding of cross-market linkages and interactions would help to better manage international financial exposure. So far, no attempt has been made to investigate the degree of price and volatility spillovers in a non-Gaussian conditional framework. We present a new model for these transmission mechanisms that relies on asymmetric-t marginal distributions and a copula function to characterize the conditional dependence. Rendering the dependence parameter time varying, we investigate how the dependence structure is affected by stock return innovations.  相似文献   

We study the welfare effects of a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pension system in transition, as well as in the steady state, by showing how the total welfare effects are determined by a cumulative effect on capital. Theoretical studies have shown that the introduction of a PAYG pension system reduces steady-state welfare under dynamic efficiency. Nevertheless, such pension systems have been widely adopted in the real world. To explain this, we algebraically and graphically prove that the PAYG pension system could be Pareto-improving in transition under dynamic efficiency. Similarly, it is acknowledged that this pension system should be introduced under dynamic inefficiency because it improves steady-state welfare. However, we show that the PAYG pension system may be Pareto-deteriorating in transition. Our findings imply that governments adopt PAYG pension systems to achieve policy targets other than long-run welfare maximization.  相似文献   

The effects of monetary policy in the Czech Republic: an empirical study   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In this paper, we examine the effects of Czech monetary policy on the economy within the vector auto regression (VAR), structural VAR, Bayesian VAR with sign restrictions, and factor-augmented VAR, frameworks. We document a well-functioning transmission mechanism similar to the euro area countries, especially in terms of persistence of monetary policy shocks. Subject to various sensitivity tests, we find that a contractionary monetary policy shock has a negative effect on the degree of economic activity and the price level, both with a peak response after one year or so. Regarding prices at the sectoral level, tradables adjust faster than non-tradables, which is in line with microeconomic evidence on price stickiness. There is no price puzzle, as our data come from a single monetary policy regime. There is a rationale in using the real-time output gap instead of current GDP growth, as using the former results in much more precise estimates. The results indicate a rather persistent appreciation of the domestic currency after a monetary tightening, with a gradual depreciation afterwards.  相似文献   


Using data for a set of 823 R&D-intense manufacturing firms within the Triad and the Quality of Government (QoG) dataset over the 2002–2010 period, this article investigates the effects of institutional quality upon firms’ inefficiency, through the application of a Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA). Empirical evidence, which is robust to alternative specifications of the technology employed and different lag structures in R&D activities, reveals that improvements in the quality of institutions significantly reduce firms’ inefficiency and suggests that, among the set of relevant institutional factors considered, a pre-eminent role is found for the rule of law.  相似文献   

The aggregation level of industries in the Danish macroeconomic model ADAM is examined using a new indicator of aggregation bias. The indicator is decomposed into contributions from the original industries, thereby clearly identifying the aggregation problems which caused the six industry groups of the older versions of ADAM to be disaggregated into the current 19 groups. An aggregation key minimizing the new bias indicator is found: from the microlevel of 64 industries, 18 ‘optimal’ industry groups are formed through ‘clustering’; these groups are very similar to the current ADAM groups. Altogether, the conclusions based on the new indicator closely resemble those reached through years of practical experience.  相似文献   

A modern adaptation of the Ricardian model is used, which incorporates monopolistic competition and multiple factors to derive a MacDougall-type relation between a country's international competitiveness at the industry level and its productivity performance. This relation is implemented empirically for Canada and the United States, using panel data for twenty-five years and forty industries. A key finding is that the Canadian-U.S. productivity ratio is an important determinant of relative shares of Canadian firms in both Canadian and U.S. markets. Trade liberalization between Canada and the United States also plays a significant role in influencing market shares. JEL Classification: F11, F12
Niveau de productivité et compétitivité internationale : un autre coup d'œil à un vieux test . Ce mémoire utilise une adaptation moderne du modèle ricardien qui postule concurrence monopolistique et plusieurs facteurs pour dériver une relation à la MacDougall entre la compétitivité internationale d'un pays au niveau de l'industrie et son niveau de productivité. On calibre cette relation pour le Canada et les États-Unis en utilisant des données pour quarantes industries sur une période de vingt-cinq ans. Un résultat important est que le ratio de la productivité entre le Canada et les États-Unis est un déterminant important des parts de marché des firmes canadiennes tant au Canada qu'aux États-Unis. La libéralisation du commerce entre les deux pays joue aussi un rôle important dans la définition de ces parts de marché.  相似文献   

This article explores the hypothesis that the propensity to consume out of income varies in a nonlinear fashion with fiscal variables, and in particular with government debt per capita. Using panel data from 18 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, we examine whether there is any empirical evidence to support the hypothesis that households move from non-Ricardian to Ricardian behaviour as government debt reaches high levels and as uncertainty about future taxes increases. Our results provide support for this hypothesis, and also suggest that private and government consumption are complements in the household utility function.  相似文献   

There is a regular emphasis on the significant role of inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in promoting economic growth. This favourable relationship has induced many governments to adopt policies intended to increase FDI inflows and, thereby, to create conducive business and economic conditions for Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). This paper examines the effects of Economic Freedom (EF) and its sub-components reflecting the Quality of Institutions (QIs) on FDI inflows, using indices derived from the Fraser Institute and from the Heritage Foundation. The empirical analysis is carried out for a panel dataset using different econometric methodologies and empirical specifications. The results underline positive effects of EF on FDI inflows. They reveal that EF sub-components have varying impacts on FDI inflows, where rule of law, market openness, and less-restrictive regulatory environment stand out as the major FDI-promoting institutional factors. Also, there is an empirical evidence that the effects of EF sub-components on FDI inflows exhibit variations through the economic characteristics of the host countries and across geo-economic regions. The results suggest that governments should pursue EF-improving policies, which should be tailored according to the economic and geo-economic characteristics of the host countries, to increase FDI inflows.  相似文献   


In conventional studies, large firms tend to emphasize more on process innovation than product innovation. This paper explores factors that could indicate a distinct pattern of firms’ innovation-size relationship: threshold size that implies a positive effect of firm size on the probability of product innovation success; cannibalization effect that creates incentives for large firms to favor product innovations; and financial constraints that have differential effects given different firm sizes. A hypothesis about a non-monotonic relationship between the proportion of product innovation and firm size is tested with nonlinear and dynamic econometric models. For the large firms, empirical evidence shows product innovations result in an overall larger share of new products in total sales, relative to existing products in which process innovations are rooted.  相似文献   

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