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城市户外广告规划的控制性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在探讨城市户外广告规划的一系列原则中,控制性无处不在,但迄今为止少有深入研究。从根本上来说,户外广告的规划本身既受控于城市总体规划,又受控于户外广告设置的若干法律法规,是在城市总体规划控制下的依法设置。控制的前提是要让户外广告为经济、为人居环境、为城市美化服务,因此,户外广告的密度、色彩、形态、造型和亮度,户外广告对环境的相容性、点缀性和装饰性,应能符合与满足这个特征。  相似文献   

岑明先生的《城市户外广告规划与设计》一书问世,这真是一件令人高兴的事!首先值得高兴的是,我国城市户外广告规划终于有了第一本理论著作。众所周知,城市广告规划与设计属于城市管理与经营的范畴。而城市管理与经营是个巨系统,需要多角度的细化与统筹。  相似文献   

本文结合传播学与户外广告设计两门学科,从城市发展的角度分析了现代户外广告设计的表现趋向和作用,探讨户外广告设计在传播中的作用,以及对城市人群生活形态的影响。户外广告设计是以空间与环境的方式表现出来的,能充分反映不同城市的文化特征、审美情感,也是人对城市环境的再创造。作为一门空间与场地的规划艺术,它又是联系人与产品、人与社会、人与环境之间的互动媒体形式。  相似文献   

吴颖  王绍伟 《中国市场》2014,(42):144-145
户外广告体现了城市发展特点、文化特色、自然风貌、环境特征等,同时也反映了一个城市的物质生活水平和精神生活面貌,是城市形象的重要组成部分。本文结合淮安市本身城市形象特点,从户外广告文化价值,合理规划和布局等多个方面解决现今淮安市户外广告所存在的问题,对如何利用户外广告提升淮安市城市形象建设进行研究。  相似文献   

构建城市视觉秩序下的户外广告规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市的视觉呈现是人文景观在地域性上的价值观、生活与情感的物化的高度概括。不同地域、城市有不同内在认同才会给城市带来良性的、可持续的发展可能。这取决于政府和城市民众个体对城市本源文化和自身的了解以及现实状况的判断。本文从户外广告作为城市视觉元素的存在,及其在城市视觉环境中的交互作用,户外广告在城市视觉秩序中的要求等三方面对新型城市的户外广告规划与城市建设的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济建设的发展,户外广告业呈迅猛发展的势头。户外广告不仅成为美化城市的一道亮丽的风景线,而且也成为传递经济信息的有效载体。政府有关主管部门,为了强化对户外广告的管理,也不断加大对户外广告空间有偿使用费征收的力度,引起了户外广告主、户外广告经营和户外广告发布的强烈反响。针对这一情况,我们对户外广告空间有偿使用费征收情况进行了调查。根据调查的情况分析,目前有户外广告管理收费上主要存在两个方面的问题:一是向广告主或广告经营征收空间有偿使用费,缺乏法律法规依据。二是户外广告空间有偿使用费征收的范围大、涉及面广。从调查的情况看,市(县)户外广告空间有偿使用费收取的范围不仅仅是商业广告,而且基本上涵盖了所有的户外广告,包括利用自己拥有使用权的建筑物作为载体进行自我宣传的店堂广告,以及根据政府亮化工程的要求,经规划部门统一规划而不含有商业宣传内容的灯箱等,都要交纳户外广告空间有偿使用费,对此,社会反响较大。  相似文献   

乡村户外广告作为乡村风貌的重要组成和信息传递的有效途径,其在乡村环境形象、空间品质和生活质量方面具有多重作用。本文以乡村户外广告为乡村风貌规划研究的切入点,探究乡村户外广告的现状问题、影响机制和风貌关系等,从乡村特殊的建成风貌环境、乡土景观识别和户外广告空间理论角度,以"整体控制,分类引导"为规划策略,在规划技术和规划实施两个层次对乡村户外广告的空间分布、资源量、类型和色彩形式等进行"面、线、类"多尺度、多维度控制引导,为改善乡村人居环境和整治乡村户外广告提供途径。  相似文献   

杨斌  陈晓键 《商业科技》2014,(19):94-96
乡村户外广告作为乡村风貌的重要组成和信息传递的有效途径,其在乡村环境形象、空间品质和生活质量方面具有多重作用。本文以乡村户外广告为乡村风貌规划研究的切入点,探究乡村户外广告的现状问题、影响机制和风貌关系等,从乡村特殊的建成风貌环境、乡土景观识别和户外广告空间理论角度,以“整体控制,分类引导”为规划策略,在规划技术和规划实施两个层次对乡村户外广告的空间分布、资源量、类型和色彩形式等进行“面、线、类”多尺度、多维度控制引导,为改善乡村人居环境和整治乡村户外广告提供途径。  相似文献   

应曙光 《广告导报》2006,(6):131-132
户外广告作为城市形象的视觉界面,正被系统化的纳入城市经营,如何有效利用户外媒体资源?如何让户外广告的设置与城市建设相融合?如何让户外广告的形式和内容与周边环境及城市审美品味达成和谐?这一系列的问题都需要城市建设者和户外媒体的经营者们去认真思考和解决的问题。[编者按]  相似文献   

黄升民 《广告大观》2005,(11):29-30
最近,户外广告四面告急,不少城市采用行政手段拆除户外广告,声言公共资源,重新规划,于是,与原来的广告经营者投资者产生严重对立。身为广告学的学者,我认为这样的做法欠妥。首先,户外广告牵涉公共环境,把它视为公共资源并没有错误,问题是户外广告的建造和经营有其历史过程,在社会主义市场经济的时代背景之下,我们必须尊重产权拥有者和经营者的合法权益,不应采用简单粗暴的“一刀切”行政手段处理问题;第二,既然是公共资源,  相似文献   

专业认识实习是学生了解专业发展现状、验证专业知识的重要环节。多维度的野外实习环境可以对旅游管理专业学生起到巩固专业知识、领会专业精神、端正学习态度和树立职业理想的作用。成都理工大学旅游管理专业立足峨眉山实习基地,积极利用丰富的教学生活资源和旅游资源,较好地实现了野外认识实习的目的。基于创新的理念,还应从坚持四个原则、运行前周密计划安排、运行中严格落实各项预案、按规范要求完成野外认识实习报告四个方面进行创新。  相似文献   

Account planning is recognised as a best practice in British and American advertising. Despite reports of its global growth, information on its use around the world is limited. This study focuses on account planning in India, a region of considerable importance to international advertisers and advertising agencies. Using a two-stage organisational innovation diffusion framework, it examines planning initiation and assimilation in the Indian ad industry. It also investigates the impact of organisational factors on its diffusion. Results from the web survey (154 respondents from 101 agencies) indicate that, while initiation is widely reported in India, planning assimilation in agency activities is limited. Size and global agency affiliation (structural variables) affect initiation; leadership commitment and agency innovativeness (managerial and cultural variables) impact both initiation and assimilation. Similarities and differences with account planning use in UK and US agencies are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether creativity is sufficient by itself to attract attention to the ad space or whether the ad must also be conspicuous. Attention to the ad is an important driver of message processing that leads to favourable advertising effectiveness outcomes, such as improved memory for the brand. To provide insight on this, we conducted a field study of billboard advertising along an urban expressway to explore the variables that affect recognition of outdoor advertising. Using a computational neuroscience software program, we find evidence for the presence of an attention capture threshold. That is, creativity's message processing promoting strategy only improves memory when billboards cross a threshold, i.e., when the ads are at a sufficient level of conspicuity within an individual's visual field. This threshold represents a boundary condition for creativity and provides evidence that attention must first be captured in some contexts before creativity increases the memory for brands in advertising. Results also show that billboard size, visual saliency, and brand familiarity increase recognition rates.  相似文献   

现行机构仲裁浓重的行政色彩偏离仲裁机构本身之属性,其设立和管理上的行政色彩不利于我国仲裁事业在国际上的竞争。而作为另一种仲裁形式的临时仲裁被现行法排斥,这种立法模式使得我国与外国在承认和执行仲裁裁决时不对等。基于改善投资环境、发展对外经济贸易、完善仲裁制度、保护当事人利益、解决仲裁形式单一化的需要,我国亟需建构临时仲裁制度。建构临时仲裁制度应该在思想观念上转变且体现仲裁的非国内化;重新定义仲裁协议规范;确立临时仲裁员制度并适时建立仲裁协会;承认现有社会团体组织之临时仲裁权。以上尝试可在仲裁机构必要协助下完成。  相似文献   

路径损耗的计算是规划和设计无线局域网的一项重要工作。针对IEEE802. 11b标准的无线局域网,分析了在室内外不同环境条件下接收功率的计算表达式,通过对大型试验网络的实际测量数据的统计,提出了一种路径损耗计算的简化公式。本研究所取得的数据对构建无线局域网络具有实际参考价值。  相似文献   

The strategic planning process is dynamic and complex. Including a Group Support System (GSS) in the problem-solving process can improve the content quality of the strategic plan by allowing increased participation by more members of the organization. However, it can also add to the complexity of the problem by increasing the quantity of textual information that can result from group activity. Added complexity increases cognitive overload and frustrations of those participants negotiating the contents of the strategic plan. This article takes a multi-agent view of the strategic planning process. It considers group participants as multiple agents concerned with the content quality of the strategic plan. The facilitator agent is responsible for guiding groups in the strategic plan construction process as well as for solving process problems such as cognitive overload. We introduce an AI Concept Categorizer agent, a software tool that supports the facilitator in addressing the process problem of cognitive overload associated with convergent group activities by synthesizing group textual output into conceptual clusters. The implementation of this tool reduces frustrations which groups encounter in the process of classifying textual output and provides more time for discussion of the concepts themselves. Because of the large amount of convergent activity necessary for strategic planning, the addition of the AI Concept Categorizer to the strategic planning process should increase the quality of the strategic plan and the buy-in of the participants in the strategic planning process.  相似文献   

The planning of sound and substantial outdoor recreational programs is dependent upon an understanding of the valuative process of satisfaction which is largely a result of user judgments. This study describes overall satisfaction as a function of instrumental and expressive factors, expectations, and past-use. The study revealed that expressive and instrumental factors may be stronger predictors of overall satisfaction than are the expectation factors or past-use. However, the relative importance of instrumental and expressive factors reveals site-specific variation.  相似文献   

This study examines how (in)congruence regarding the format of the ad and the context in which the ad is placed influences ad recognition, perceived advertiser sensitivity, ad comprehension, and persuasion. Highly visual or informational ads were placed congruently or incongruently within a(n) highly visual or informational surrounding context. There was some positive support for mismatching the format of the ad and surrounding context in terms of ad recognition. Specifically, a highly visual ad placed within a highly informational setting resulted in the greatest ad recognition. However, in terms of the audience's perceptions of advertiser sensitivity, subjective ad comprehension, and ad persuasion, there was more positive support for matching the format of the ad with that of the surrounding context. In this regard, it is better to place visual ads congruently within visual contexts. Theories from information processing and hemispheric lateralization are drawn on to support this research.  相似文献   

对于在建建筑的规划管控,是一个城市规划管理局的重要职能,由于在建建筑众多,尤其对于一些大型城市,对于在建建筑的规划管控主要是从建筑物的尺寸角度来进行的,包括是否超宽、超高等。如何引入计算机数学思想,构建一个在建建筑的智能化规划监察管控系统,并杜绝人情因素,成为提升规划监察工作效率和质量,体现科学发展观的重要技术手段。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the role of ad creativity in YouTube video ads featuring augmented reality (AR) technology. Through an online experiment, we compared people who hold positive preexisting attitudes toward a familiar brand, people who hold negative preexisting attitudes toward a familiar brand, and people who are unfamiliar with a brand in terms of their perceived creativity of a video ad featuring AR technology. Further, we explored the differential effect of three dimensions of ad creativity, namely, message usefulness, ad novelty, and ad-consumer association, on short and long-term brand name recall, short and long-term brand message recall, ad attitudes, and brand attitudes. Results demonstrated that for a familiar brand, people’s perceived creativity of an ad is biased by their preexisting brand attitudes. For an unfamiliar brand, since people do not hold preexisting attitudes toward it, their perceived creativity of an ad for the unfamiliar brand is mostly shaped by their ad evaluations. Moreover, results revealed that the three dimension of ad creativity play different roles in ad effectiveness.  相似文献   

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