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北京市统计局日前发布消息,2007年北京市职工年平均工资达到39867元。据了解,2007年北京市职工平均工资是根据北京市城镇单位(包括企业、事业和机关),按照国家统计制度要求上报的职工工资数据,经过汇总后计算的结果,包括在岗职工和不在岗职工。2007年,北京市职工平均工资达到39867元及以上的职工人数占全部职工人数的42.6%,没有达到职工平均工资的人数占57.4%。  相似文献   

张万顺 《魅力中国》2014,(4):367-367
文章从职工代表大会制度是民主管理工作的主线、企务公开是民主管理工作的平台、抓好基层民主管理是企业民主管理工作的基础、工会组织的人才队伍建设是民主管理工作的保障等四方面论述了企业工会如何做好民主管理工作。  相似文献   

阿如娜 《北方经济》2010,(21):31-33
一、内蒙古事业单位职工工资收入存在的主要问题 (一)与兄弟省区市事业单位职工工资收入存在差距 从近两年事业单位在岗职工平均工资水平看,2007年内蒙古事业单位在岗职工平均工资23174元,福建省26501元,比我区高3327元(我区与福建省在岗职工平均工资相差399元);辽宁省23339元,比我区高165元;同属西部地区的青海省28605元,比我区高5431元;山东省26504元,比我区高3330元.  相似文献   

山东发布2011年企业工资指导线基数为32074元 Shandong Issues 2011 Enterprise Salary Guide Line: Cardinal Number 32074 Yuan 山东省公布2011年企业工资指导线。以2010年全省企业在岗职工平均工资32074元为基数,基准线为职工平均工资增长15%,上线(预警线)为职工平均工资增长23%,下线为6.5%。  相似文献   

上半年城镇在岗职工平均工资14638元金融业工资最高 上半年,全国城镇单位在岗职工平均工资为14638元,与上年同期相比,增加了1674元,增长12.9%,同比回落5.1个百分点。  相似文献   

上半年城镇在岗职工平均工资14638元金融业工资最高 上半年,全国城镇单位在岗职工平均工资为14638元,与上年同期相比,增加了1674元,增长12.9%,同比回落5.1个百分点。  相似文献   

我们上海工艺美术工厂是一个老集体企业.现有职工174人,目前在岗职工91人;主要产品有绘画装裱、灯饰和礼品,销售总额285万元,利润3万元;厂房占地面积5.6亩,建筑面积8400平方米.随着市场经济和城市现代工业的迅速发展,上海工艺美术传统产业受到了很大的冲击.面临严峻的形势和挑战,如何拓展企业发展空间,我们在市、区有关部门的帮助下,开始了创建工艺美术园区的探索.  相似文献   

一、天津市企业在岗职工工资水平的现状据统计,2001年天津市从业人员人均劳动报酬为14242元,自1998年起年均递增12.7%。2001年天津市企业在岗职工人均工资达到13930元,自1998年起,年均递增12.8%,其中国有、集体和其他经济类型企业分别为14713元、8345元和14799元,年均分别递增14.2%、10.9%、6.5%。从企业和机关事业单位的对比情况看,机关事业单位的工资水平和增速领先。2001年机关、事业单位和企业在职职工人均工资分别为16395元、15219元和1154…  相似文献   

甘肃省靖远煤业有限责任公司是在原靖远矿务局的基础上整体改制而成的国家大型企业,是甘肃省重要的优质动力煤生产基地和出口煤基地.矿区面积102平方公里,地质保有储量9.6亿吨.现拥有资产近30亿元,在岗职工29715人.  相似文献   

上海市室内装饰合作联社是在上海家具合作联社和上海建筑五金工业合作联社的基础上,于2000年8月合并重组的.联社下属有四个企业一个研究所.当时年产值为3723万元,销售收入为2167.9万元,负债达7000多万元.职工近1500人,其中在岗职工607人,下岗人员582人,协保人员311人.还有1034名离退休人员.集体经济力量薄弱,职工下岗问题突出,四个企业中有两个企业亏损.在这严峻的形势面前,联社如何发挥其集体企业经济合作组织的作用,指导和帮助企业摆脱困境,实现集体经济的发展和集体资产的保值增值.我们主要做了以下四方面工作:  相似文献   

In this article, the effect of wages on the job tenure is studied using microeconomic data on industrial companies. The data cover a period of 11 years starting from the first quarter of 1980 and contain several pieces of information on workers, jobs, and companies. The models were estimated in a competing risk framework. According to the results the wage groups of the workers and relative wage within a company are positively related to the job tenure. These effects are larger among the persons who leave the industry than among the persons who find new industrial jobs.  相似文献   

This study first investigates determinants of job searching strategies and then examines if social networks are connected with better job outcomes. Unlike previous studies that focus solely on income, this paper pays more heed to job satisfaction. Based on data drawn from China General Social Survey, we find that disadvantaged job seekers rely primarily on informal channels; whereas experienced and better-educated job seekers tend to search for jobs through formal channels. However, those reaping the largest benefit from using networks are the job seekers who are able to use formal and informal channels jointly. By disaggregating the whole sample, we further find that the promoting effect of network use is contingent on factors such as gender and types of jobs. Network use brings about larger benefits to female and job seekers target to prestigious occupations. Finally, it appears that whether a job seeker can receive influential help depends primarily on the social status of the contacts rather than their tie strength. The results of our paper thus urge us to examine the combination of different searching strategies rather than studying them separately.  相似文献   

I study job lock and job push, twin phenomena believed to be partially due to employment-contingent health insurance (ECHI). Using variation in Medicaid eligibility among household members of male workers to identify changes in those workers' reliance on ECHI, I estimate notable job lock and job push effects. For married male workers, a 15 percentage point increase in the likelihood a household member is eligible for Medicaid increases the rate of voluntary job exits over a four-month period by 14%. For job push, the same increase in a household member's likelihood of Medicaid eligibility reduces the transition rate into jobs with ECHI among all male workers by 8%.  相似文献   

Available data show that JTPA has provided some economically disadvantaged black women with employment and training services. Many black women who had suffered employment setbacks or entry problems during the recession that ended in 1982 need assistance in gaining access to the labor market. This is particularly true of young black women. At the same time, it is not clear from available evidence whether single black women who are supporting families alone and who are considered the core group of impoverishment in the black community have been-or, under the present configuration, can be-served adequately by JTPA.  相似文献   

建立一个全面、客观、公平、公正的组织管理者晋升机制,对于组织人力资源管理工作和组织的长远发展有着重要的实践意义。组织如何合理、准确地评价和选拔各级管理者,将是组织可持续发展的关键。为此,在讨论了管理者晋升流程的基础上,本文运用ANP理论,建立了管理者评价指标体系,构造了基于ANP的决策模型,并对管理者进行了决策评价。算例结果表明,ANP法的决策思路为科学、合理提拔优秀管理者提供了理论支撑,具有很好的实际参考价值。  相似文献   

葛俊艳  朱佳 《科技和产业》2022,22(4):98-102
采用心理社会安全氛围量表(PSC-12)、工作自主性量表、工作满意度量表以及离职倾向表,调查 273 名在职员工,考察工作自主性、工作满意度在心理社会安全氛围与离职倾向之间的链式中介作用。结果表明:工作自主性和工作满意度在心理社会安全氛围与离职倾向中起着链式中介作用;在心理社会安全氛围→工作自主性→工作满意度→离职倾向这一链式中介模型中,除了工作自主性到离职倾向这条路径的系数不显著以外,其余的路径系数均显著。由此可知,组织对员工心理健康的关注与重视能够有效提高员工的工作自主性和工作满意度,进而降低员工的离职倾向。  相似文献   

Durations of Dutch job vacancies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
J. C. van Ours 《De Economist》1989,137(3):309-327
Summary This paper studies the determinants of job vacancy duration in The Netherlands applying a hazard model to micro data. Important determinants of job vacancy duration appear to be required education, type of occupation and employers' size. Job vacancies for which the highest level of education is required last longest, those at the secondary level or general schooling at extended primary level last shortest. The durations of job vacancies for service occupations are shorter than those for other occupations. The duration of job vacancies increases with the size of the employer. Furthermore vacancies for jobs with unpleasant working conditions do not have a longer than average duration.The hazard model uses a Weibull specification of duration dependence, while the influence of unobserved variables is described with gamma-distributed error terms. Unobserved heterogeneity does not seem to be very important. Finally it appears that duration dependence is positive which may be an indication of employers lowering their hiring standards as the duration of the job vacancy increases.The author wishes to thank the Organisatie voor Strategisch Arbeidsmarktonderzoek (OSA) in The Hague, The Netherlands, for the use of the data and for its financial support. He also thanks the Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek (SEO) for the use of GRMAX. Last but not least the author wishes to thank F. den Butter and J. Thceuwes for their comments, G. Ridder for his comments and help and E. Gerritsen for her assistance with the computations.  相似文献   

We investigate the hypothesis that workers in foreign-owned plants face greater job insecurity than those in domestic-owned plants. Using linked employer-employee data from Germany, we examine whether foreign-owned plants are more likely to close down, and whether workers in foreign-owned plants face higher separation rates. Our results show that, in Germany, foreign-owned plants per se are not associated with greater job insecurity, either through plant exit or worker separation. However, small, non-exporting and privately owned foreign-owned plants do face a higher risk of closure than equivalent domestic plants.  相似文献   

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