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老年经济学与老龄化经济学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为新兴的经济学分支学科,老年经济学和老龄化经济学还有一些基础理论方面的问题需要研究.老年经济学和老龄化经济学是两个彼此独立又相互联系的经济学分支学科,它们彼此之间在研究对象、研究内容、基本假设和原则,以及理论支持体系等方面都存在着差别.对这些差别的认识将有助于我们对老年经济学和老龄化经济学分析的深入.  相似文献   

A number of business ethics theorist have highlighted the potential for economics to contribute to the advancement of business ethics. In response, this article emphasizes the insights of a particular area of economics that could provide such expansion and development. Subjectivist economics may yet provide an effective analytical framework through which to investigate and evaluate business decision making, and hence the ethics of business. Integrating the concepts of uncertainty, time and imagination, subjectivist economic theory contributes to a greater appreciation of economic choice and behaviour. While such notions are often effectively omitted from modern economic analysis to aid formal representation, business ethicists could utilize such concepts more effectively than their colleagues in economic theory. Significantly, the well-known economists who have championed the insights of subjectivist economics have themselves recommended its extension to an analysis of ethics.  相似文献   

董志强  蒲勇健 《商业研究》2004,100(4):95-99
近10来年兴起的人事管理经济学是经济学原理运用于工商管理的一个典范。探讨人事管理经济学的产生、发展、主要理论成果是今后继续深入研究的课题,并简要评析了人事管理经济学的学术价值与应用价值。  相似文献   

古典经济学和马克思经济学是前后相继的两个经济学体系。两者在方法论上既有区别,又有联系。文章就两门学科的研究方法作了简明概括的比较,论证了马克思经济学在研究方法上对古典经济学的继承、发展和创新。  相似文献   

意识形态的制度经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏宁 《商业研究》2004,9(23):17-18
意识形态不仅是我们这个时代的哲学主题 ,而且也是制度经济学研究的重要课题。意识形态具有政治合法性、团结统一性、价值导向性三个功能 ,并在经济发展中产生了巨大的作用。正确看待意识形态问题 ,对于已经进入WTO、更加融入世界经济大潮中的中国来讲具有重要的意义  相似文献   

Under certain conditions, spatial economics models predict an increase in product price after entry of new competitors in a market area. However, a review of spatial economics models suggests new competitors should cause lower prices in urbanized markets, although the effect is dependent on distance between the existing and new firms. An empirical analysis of entry in a local retail food market supports this hypothesis for food products but not nonfood products.  相似文献   

经济人假设是经济学理论重要的假设之一,以此为基础构建起从古典经济学到新古典经济学的理论体系。但其与现实的脱离,导致了经济学理论对现实经济解释力的下降。行为经济学将心理学分析法与经济学研究结合起来,依赖有关人的判断和决策的分析来了解经济主体行为,对经济人假设提出了挑战,并对其加以完善。其重要意义在于提高了经济学对现实的解释力、给予经济行为主体实际决策过程以良好的描述,同时为管理学、会计学、市场营销、金融学等与经济学相关的领域提供了新的研究途径。  相似文献   

从法经济学的视角看,食品安全问题的根源在于食品的品质具有隐蔽性,买卖双方之间存在严重的信息不对称。信息不对称会导致市场交易的负内部性或负外部性,从而使市场失灵;由于法律的不完备性,普通法制度的阻吓效果会被削弱。应创造监管职能,并且将这些职能赋予特定国家机关而非法庭,是对不完备法律引起的威慑失灵问题做出的回应。由特定国家机关对食品安全实施规制,是对市场和法庭的必要补充。  相似文献   


Although the term “corporate governance” is relatively new in the economist’s lexicon, the issues with which it is concerned are as old as the profession itself. In this article, first I try to illustrate this, and then I trace the development of the literature, including discussions of the so-called managerial discretion literature and the principal–agent literature. Following a discussion of asset bubbles, I illustrate the tension between concerns about corporate governance and neoclassical economics by examining the literature on managerial compensation and mergers. This literature reveals a wide gap between traditional neoclassical economics and more recent developments in behavioral economics.  相似文献   

The pervasiveness of the entrepreneurial phenomenon draws scholars’ attention to what determines the decision to become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial decisions imply judgemental decisions. Different approaches in economics conceive such judgemental decisions as firm entry, or real investment in the creation of a new business, or making a career choice in favour of a particular type of self-employment. In this paper, the literature on entrepreneurs’ features, motives, and markets is enriched with theoretical and empirical results from industrial organization, financial economics, and labour economics.  相似文献   

统计学是收集、整理和分析数据的方法论科学.经济学实证研究首先必须开展经济数据的收集和整理,在抽样调查及数据预处理过程中体现出"为何统计"及"统计什么"的思想;经济数据分析过程中描述及推断统计方法的应用,包含着"如何统计"的思想.总体上,经济学利用统计方法得到的结论不具有完全确定性,体现出或然性统计思想.  相似文献   

从斯密“经邦济世”的经济学本质和任务,到当代高度数理化和技术化的“黑板经济学”,主流经济学在追求“价值中立”的过程中丢弃了自身的哲学思想渊源和伦理价值判断.结合我国经济学教学实践中存在的弊病,明确提出教学改革的方向是将黑板经济学和牛奶可乐经济学有机结合起来,而经济学案例教学是两者的融合剂;同时,强调在教学过程应强化经济学的伦理价值教育和增加其他经济学流派的介绍,这有助于构建“学以致用”的中国特色的经济学教学模式.  相似文献   


Business disciplines, including international business, are influenced by economics. This paper examines the facilitating role played by the English language in the dissemination of works in economics and attempts to show that authors who use English gain significant advantage over others. A look into the backgrounds of Nobel Prize winning economists and the predominance of American and British journals lend support to this view. Also, the overwhelming influence of quantitative neo-classical economics, which has gained great strength in the United States, seems to spread to the rest of the world. Still, international business is markedly different from economics not only in content but also in its relationship with other social sciences.  相似文献   

This paper is an autobiographical recollection of how my interest in and work on transaction cost economics progressively developed. It begins with an overview of the transaction cost economics project. A sketch of my undergraduate and graduate education follows. Key events in the 1960s that set the stage for my 1971 paper on “The Vertical Integration of Production” are then described. This paper would turn out to be the entering wedge from which transaction cost economics would take shape and continues today, as set out in the closing pages of the article.  相似文献   

商孟华 《财贸研究》2008,19(1):20-25
演化思维框架是演化经济学的理论基础。演化思维框架包括结构分析框架和过程分析框架。结构分析框架把经济系统看作是一个多层次的复杂系统,影响经济变迁的各种变量也可以划分为不同的层级。过程分析框架包括达尔文主义的遗传—变异—选择分析框架、微观演化框架和宏观演化框架三种模式。在总结了纳尔逊和温特的研究框架之后,评价了演化经济学所具有的鲜明特征。  相似文献   

Work in international economics for a major automobile manufacturer is full of various requests from a number of sources. At the core of that work, however, there is an intense focus on economic fundamentals that drive new vehicle sales. This article describes the role of economics in General Motors and the ongoing as well as ad hoc responsibilities of the economics staff. It also describes the career path and influences that have led to the author’s current focus on international markets. The author also describes an important instance in which surface appearances were highly misleading and deeper analysis prevented a serious miscalculation. A major lesson from his experience is that while models and formal forecasts are important, it is often shocks and random events that have the most influence on markets.  相似文献   

The growth in importance of intangible assets is changing our perceptions of economics and challenging ingrained managerial and organisational wisdom.  相似文献   

流通经济学:从概念到科学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大流通时代,流通经济研究却出现了低潮,这是应该引起思考的。本文在甄别流通经济学核心概念的基础上,认为流通领域的资源配置是流通经济学的研究对象,流通经济学的学科体系分为流通的基本假设、流通产业组织理论、流通产业结构研究、流通产业政策研究、流通发展与经济增长的关系研究、流通产业的发展趋势研究以及流通经济学专题等七大部分。文章提出,研究流通经济学首先要严格遵守形式逻辑内部一致的要求等一系列科学的研究方法,重视因果式、递推式的研究方法的运用,增加定量分析的比重,重视博弈论、计量经济学、系统经济学在流通经济学中的运用,使之真正成为科学。  相似文献   

志愿者不等于免费劳动力,从经济学角度看,志愿者行动不等于免费服务,志愿者开展的活动也具有一定的社会经济价值,有必要从经济学角度对志愿者行动进行分析.文章从成本、收益角度出发对志愿者行动进行经济学分析,研究结果表明,志愿者行动的成本包括社会成本、个人成本和机构成本三个部分;志愿者行动的收益包括社会收益、个人收益和机构收益三个部分.此外,志愿者行动经济价值的计算还有几个问题需要注意,如避免重复计算,志愿者行动的社会成本与机构成本为平均成本,志愿者行动的边际成本等于付薪人员成本,是使用和计算志愿者数量的界限,应考虑志愿者行动外部经济的影响等.  相似文献   

新古典经济学需求理论的主要目的是解释消费者对商品组合如何实现最优选择的问题,包括单个消费者是如何在不同商品选择中实现最大化满足的,消费者的个体需求是如何形成市场集体需求的等。本文在研读相关原著的基础上认为,新古典经济学需求理论在解决这些理论难题时,必须具体分析该理论的历史功绩和内在逻辑缺陷。  相似文献   

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