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The objective of this exploratory study is to compare and contrast various aspects of US management with Singapore management. One hundred and four top managers, 99 middle managers and 780 operating employees from 20 manufacturing companies participated in the survey. The chief executive of each company was contacted by mail before the survey was begun.Hypotheses concerning the management philosophies, management practices and management effectiveness were tested for differences between US subsidiaries and Singaporean firms.The results of the research indicate significant statistical differences for the two groups of companies with respect to the management variables. Explanations regarding these differences are presented.A paper comprising a substantial portion of this article was presented by the author at the43rd National Academy of Management Conference held in Dallas, Texas between August 14 and 17, 1983.The author is grateful to Dr Bruce W. Stening, of the Department of Management at the University of Western Australia for his perceptive guidance during the study. The author is with the Department of Management, University of Western Australia.  相似文献   

In most foreign subsidiaries, expatriate top managers are routinely exchanged after a certain period of time. The handing over procedure between the expatriate predecessor manager and his successor has attracted very little academic research. A proper succession ensures continuity and the accumulation of experience in the foreign operation. Our sample includes expatriate business managers employed by companies from Australia, Germany, Holland and Italy assigned to Hong Kong. A mail questionnaire is used to collect the information, and this investigation is a direct extension of a previous exploratory study undertaken by one of the authors. The main issue in this paper is to investigate the duration of the overlap period at the foreign subsidiary. This dependent variable is related to three sets of independent variables: personal, corporate and subsidiary characteristics.Dr Jan Selmer is Reader and Head, Department of Management, and Mrs Vivienne Luk is Senior Lecturer and BBA (Hons.) Degree Course Leader, both at the School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University. The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions of two anonymous reviewers as well as the Chief Editor on earlier versions of this paper. The research was supported by a Faculty Research Grant from Hong Kong Baptist University.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the transfer and adaptation of Japanese human resource management practices to Singapore. By comparing Japanese parent companies, their subsidiary companies in Singapore, and comparable local Singaporean companies, the modifications to the practices of the Japanese parent companies and the adoption of local practices by Japanese management are made evident. The findings seem to uphold both the convergence and the contingency theses.Dr. Chong Li Choy is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Management, National University of Singapore. Prof. Hem C. Jain is from the Faculty of Administration, University of New Brunswick.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a survey on the capital investment practices of large corporations in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Our findings are fairly consistent with those from similar U.S. surveys. However, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong companies seem to use multiple techniques, both simple and sophisticated, in evaluating investment projects, while U.S. companies appear to make great use of discounted cash-flow rate of return. Although Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong companies often make annual cash-flow forecasts over the life of a project, they do not undertake much analysis of risk involved in the project. Moreover, there is room for improving the practice of project implementation, the post-audit of implemented projects, and the use of post-audit data.Dr Wong Kie Ann is with the School of Management, National University of Singapore; Dr Edward J Farragner is with the Department of Finance, DePaul University, U.S.A.; and Mr Rupert K.C. Leung is with the Department of Business Management, Hong Kong Baptist College.  相似文献   

First, the process whereby developing countries become developed is discussed in terms of complexity, neutrality in social relations, and the achievement ethic. An examination of managerial attitudes in eight South-East Asian countries is followed by the results of a comparative study of manufacturing industry in Hong Kong and Singapore. It was concluded that in Singapore participation leads to higher productivity (rs 0.71, p<0.05) but only because the context is mainly foreign. This relationship was not found in Hong Kong probably because Hong Kong enterprises remain non-bureaucratic, i.e. non-western. A more participative style of management requires radical changes in non-managers' expectations of their employers, as well as a significant increase in the extent to which superiors trust their subordinates. The evidence suggests that Asian managers (except those in Japan and, possibly, Singapore) favour an autocractic approach.Dr. S.G. Redding is Professor of Management Studies and Head of Department at the University of Hong Kong. Dr. S. Richardson formerly Head, Production & Industrial Engineering Department, Hong Kong Polytechnic is now in the School of Management, National University of Singapore.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the pricing performance of new equity issues by companies which came to the new issue market and sought a listing on the Stock Exchange of Singapore during the period 1975–84. We find that the new equity issues in Singapore are more underpriced than those in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. It appears that the greater underpricing is due largely to more conservative pricing policies followed by underwriters in Singapore. This results in greater losses suffered by the existing shareholders of the issuing companies.Dr Kie A. Wong is Senior Lecturer in the School of Management at the National University of Singapore, and Mr H. L. Chiang is Bank Officer in the Citibank N.A., Singapore.  相似文献   

International Diversification and Performance: Evidence from Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on how international diversification affects a firm in terms of multiple performance measures (accounting-based, market-based, and intangible value creation). The study is unique as it uses segment data made available only recently, which enables the examination of both product and international diversification with performance. The period studied coincided with Singapore firms performance during the Asian Financial Crisis. In contrast to previous studies on Singapore, our results show that product diversification is negatively correlated to all measures of performance, while international market diversification is positively correlated. We attribute the difference to the time period which covers both upswings and downturns of the economy, unlike previous studies which considered only the former. Other control measures were incorporated; firm size is highly significant in explaining all measures of performance but not so for firm age, leverage, risk and industry. For top managers, we suggest that regardless of economic climate, the dominant diversification strategy is to take a focused approach to product diversification, but a broad approach to international diversification.Dr. Er and Dr. Kwok are assistant professors in the Department of Finance & Accounting, National University of Singapore (NUS). Mr Lin recently graduated with a B.B.A. honours (1st class) degree from NUS.  相似文献   

This paper deals with social capital in a business network setting focusing on three aspects of social capital: social interaction, social bonds and trust. The paper argues that because of variations in underlying principles and inter-organizational business practices between different countries and culture, social capital processes will take different forms and place different levels of importance on relationships in different countries. The paper investigates how northern European managers perceive social interaction, social bonds and trust in conducting business with ethnic Chinese business partners. The explorative study builds on interviews with 28 Finnish and Swedish managers in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. The findings of the study indicate that when northern European and ethnic Chinese firms develop trading relationships, the resulting relationship is neither Nordic nor Chinese. Both parties deviate from their native behaviour and a new type of relationship evolves as the exchange partners interact.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations have made significant contributions to the economic growth of Singapore; American and Japanese companies are among those in the forefront. This study is aimed at finding the extent to which US and Japanese companies have transferred and implemented the management practices in their subsidiaries operating in Singapore. Extensive and intensive interviews of a small sample of companies in the electronic/electrical industry reveal that the Japanese are not practising what they do in Japan while the Americans have demonstrated that the transferability of their management practices is feasible and they are workable in Singapore.Joseph M. Putti is an Associate Professor at the School of Management, National University of Singapore. Thomas Chong F.H. is a Production Manager in Union Carbide, Singapore.  相似文献   

Seasonality in the Malaysian stock market   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Previous studies have found the existence of a January effect in many Western countries. In Malaysia, local stock market commentators often talk of a Chinese New Year rally which has not been tested. This study examines empirically the existence of seasonality according to the Gregorian, Chinese and Muslim calendars in the Malaysian-stock market. The results suggest that in Malaysia, when monthly returns are measured according to different types of calendar, evidence in support of seasonality is found. In the main, a January effect, Chinese New Year effect and anAidilfitri effect are found. The Muslim calendar time effect is less widespread than the Chinese New Year and January effect. Possible reasons for the existence of the various types of seasonality, both economic and non-economic, are suggested. In a separate part of the study, a Chinese New Year effect is also found in the Singapore and Hong Kong stock markets.Ms Wong Ping Ling is a financial analyst of Dynaquest Sdn Bhd, a financial information services company in Penang, Malaysia. Dr Neoh Soon Kean is a lecturer of Science University of Malaysia, Penang. Dr Lee Kok Huat is an Associate Professor of University of Malaya. Dr Gregory Thong Tin Sin is an Associate Professor of Nanyang Technological Institute. This paper is mainly an extract from a MBA dissertation submitted to the University of Malaya. The authors would like to thank Ms Ng Poh Wah for her assistance in preparing this paper and Dynaquest Sdn Bhd for providing the facilities.  相似文献   

This paper develops a credit scoring model which incorporates financial ratios as inputs by applying the statistical technique of discriminant analysis. The objective is to identify and analyse the common financial characteristics which distinguish bad from good accounts. The sample is drawn from the loan portfolio of a major local bank in Singapore. The results indicate that there is a 95 per cent classification accuracy for the model presented.Dr Kwan Kuen Chor is Senior Lecturer at the School of Management, National University of Singapore. Ms Julia Tan is with Paribas South East Asia Ltd. Singapore.  相似文献   

A random sample of 306 Singaporean Chinese were interviewed using a structured interview schedule which contained twenty true-to-life situations. The situations were associated with four predetermined value areas: Relational, Temporal, Mannature and Activity. The general value structure of the Chinese in Singapore appears to be as follows: In the Relational area, the values are in the order of collaterality above individualism which in turn is above lineality. In the Temporal area, it is present and/or future above past. Mastery over nature, and harmony with nature subjugation to nature is shown to be the hierarchy in the area of Man-nature. In the Activity area, the value is for doing rather than being. The implications of these value orientations of the Chinese are discussed in relation to organizational behaviour.The research reported here is a part of a broader study into the core value system of the Chinese in Singapore, and the presentation should be seen in that context. The main research was supported by a grant from the National University of Singapore.  相似文献   

Research summary: Although the middle management literature has identified various bridging roles performed by middle managers in the market environment, it is relatively vague about whether and how they manage the political environment to achieve market‐related goals. In an inductive field study of four large state‐owned enterprises based in mainland Communist China, operational middle managers were found to take an active role in dealing with political actors to achieve market efficiency in their local environments, performing two distinct bridging strategies. Our field study suggests that middle managers are better equipped than their bosses (top executives) as well as their subordinates (frontline employees) to perform the bridging function between competing market and political imperatives in various local settings. Managerial summary: For firms that operate in diverse geographies, it is challenging for a handful of top executives to deal with numerous political actors. This burden could be shared with operational middle managers, who play a bridging role by drawing on their operational knowledge and local networks. Our research on middle managers who work under the scrutiny of political actors in China found that they bridge market and political ideology by conveying common features that seem legitimate to both. They also bridge market goals and political actors with personal affect. Compared to top executives and frontline employees, middle managers have unique advantages in performing these bridging functions. Firms can enhance their strategy execution ability by training middle managers in dealing with political actors in diverse contexts. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

James Tobin's portfolio theory can be applied to bank portfolio management in that a bank would maximise the rates of return of its portfolio of assets, subject to the expected degree of risk and liquidity. Chambers and Charnes (1961), Cohen and Hammer (1967), Booth and Dash (1979) and others apply the linear programming model to the management of bank funds. This paper carries out a linear programming analysis on the consolidated balance sheets of commercial banks in Singapore for the period 1978–1983. The results show that by and large banks do try to maximise the returns of their portfolio, subject to legal, policy, bounding and total asset constraints, which denote riskiness and liquidity of the portfolio of assets. In a direct way, banks conform to the portfolio choice theory; they have to balance yield and liquidity against security. Although the computer cannot replace a manager, linear programming can serve as a useful guide.Dr Lee Sheng-Yi is an Associate Professor (retired) in the National University of Singapore and a Visiting Senior Research Fellow in Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taipei; and Dr Yeong Wee Yong is a Senior Lecturer, School of Management Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore.  相似文献   

Research summary: Tournament theory suggests that a large gap in pay between CEOs and top managers can provide incentives to perform, but we argue that it can also elicit negative effort and even motivate the kind of behavior that leads to lawsuits. We posit that this negative effort is greater when firms have high levels of unrelated diversification because there is less operational interdependency, so tournament effects are stronger. We also contend that the influence of tournament incentives on behavior leading to lawsuits is weaker when environmental uncertainty is high. We discuss the consequences of these findings for research on fraud and tournament theory as well as the practical repercussions for firms, investors, and policymakers. Managerial summary : Each year, the press has a field day when companies announce the outsized compensation packages laid out for CEOs. Economists use “tournament theory” to describe how high CEO pay motivates everyone else to work hard to get into the top job. The problem with this approach is that, yes, top managers work harder when the gap between their and the CEO's pay increases, but as that gap widens, it also incentivizes top managers to cheat or cut corners. As a result, we find that the gap between CEO and top manager compensation predicts the likelihood that shareholders will file a securities class action lawsuit against the company. This gap in pay is an especially good predictor of lawsuits for highly unrelated diversified companies and companies facing a low level of external uncertainty. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research summary: We study the association between firms' entrepreneurial outcomes and their gender composition. Though highly topical, there is little solid empirical knowledge of this issue, which calls for an inductive approach. We match a paired‐respondent questionnaire survey with population‐wide employer‐employee data, and find evidence that the presence of female top managers is positively related to entrepreneurial outcomes in established firms. Yet, this relation is conditional on the proportion between male and female top managers. Another finding is that the overall proportion of women in the firm's workforce negatively moderates the relation between female top managers and entrepreneurial outcomes. We discuss various mechanisms that can explain these findings, and argue that they are best understood in terms of the dynamics of social categorization. Managerial summary : We investigate how companies benefit from having more women on the top‐management team. We show that beyond a threshold level of female top managers, more women are associated with more entrepreneurial outcomes (more products and services profitably launched). However, this positive effect is weakened in firms that have many women in the workforce. These effects may be explained in terms of the ways employees mentally categorize managers and how this influences their work motivation. We find evidence for such an explanation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On Hofstede's treatment of Chinese and Japanese values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hofstede has identified four important work-related values, but he imposes his mental programming on the interpretation of other cultures, which are qualitatively different from those on which he relies to develop his constructs. This criticism is evidenced by Hofstede's treatment of Chinese and Japanese values. This paper discusses the treatment along the four value dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity, and their integration. The paper concludes that Hofstede's analysis of Chinese and Japanese values is inadequate because Japanese and Chinese (including people in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore) may either have different interpretations of the same value scale, or have other value dimensions not tapped by Hofstede's value framework.  相似文献   

This research tested the relationship between the characteristics and background of U.S. top executives, and measures of corporate performance. Data were obtained from 953 top managers; the dominant coalition of the largest 150 companies within five U.S. industries—dairy, footwear, tyres, mobile homes, and machine tools. Results were generally positive: managerial characteristics not only predicted performance variations within industries—the top performers having significantly different managerial profiles than poorly performing companies—but also that the characteristics of managers within high-performing companies were similar across the five industries.  相似文献   

Research summary : We examine the influence of CEO and compensation committee liberalism on top management teams (TMT ) pay arrangements. Given that politically liberal individuals tend to value egalitarianism, we test whether firms with liberal CEO s tend to (1) reduce pay dispersion among non‐CEO executives; and (2) reduce pay gaps between CEO and non‐CEO executives, and whether compensation committee liberalism moderates these relationships. We find some evidence of a direct effect of CEO liberalism on TMT pay arrangements as well as some interaction between CEO and compensation committee liberalism on the pay arrangements. This study provides a better understanding of the antecedents of TMT pay arrangements and empirical evidence showing the influence of values at the top of organization . Managerial summary : Do the values of the CEO and compensation committee influence the pay of other top managers? Our study provides evidence that political ideology affects top manager pay. We examine whether CEO liberalism produces more egalitarian pay arrangements among top managers, and whether the liberalism of the compensation committee affects that relationship. We find that CEO liberalism reduces differences in the total pay among top managers, but does not influence the difference between CEO total pay and the total pay of top managers. We also find that compensation committee liberalism strengthens the negative influence of CEO liberalism on differences in total pay among top managers. Finally, we find that CEO liberalism reduces the difference between CEO bonus pay and the bonus pay of other top managers . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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