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文章简要介绍了飞机起落架专用磨床的机构和特点,重点分析了西门子802D sl数控系统的性能、硬件配置及软件编程。围绕磨床控制系统的构成,讲述了电气系统802D sl的PCU、机床控制面板、MCPA模块、伺服驱动单元、伺服电机、PP72/48模块、变频器、交流电机的连接,同时还阐述了软件编程内容。  相似文献   

文章针对目前家用桑拿设备和洗浴器功能分离、控制不方便等缺点,设计出一种新型智能桑拿洗浴器,利用PLC程序将传统的热水器和桑拿机融合为一体。该智能桑拿洗浴器是以西门子S7-200smart作为控制器,由触摸屏、传感器、电热水器3部分组成。无线模块选用WG-8010内置工业级GPRS,通过与西门子PLC的结合,设计用手机APP与西门子进行无线通信,实现手机远程控制的功能。触摸屏可以显示室内的温度、湿度、氧气浓度以及水箱温度。本设计不仅实现了桑拿洗浴一体化,且具有节能、运行稳定以及洗浴便利等特点。  相似文献   

正9月22日,西门子(中国)有限公司网站公告称,罗伯特·博世有限公司和西门子股份公司于当天达成协议,西门子将以30亿欧元向博世集团出售其持有的合资公司博世和西门子家用电器集团(下称"博西家电")50%股份,交易完成后,博西家电将成为博世集团的全资子公司,并且可以继续长期使用西门子品牌。届时,西门子品牌的家电仍会现身中国的家电柜台,而西门子公司却要就此挥别这个耕耘20年的市场。  相似文献   

9月22日,西门子(中国)有限公司网站公告称,罗伯特·博世有限公司和西门子股份公司于当天达成协议,西门子将以30亿欧元向博世集团出售其持有的合资公司博世和西门子家用电器集团(下称“博西家电”)50%股份,交易完成后,博西家电将成为博世集团的全资子公司,并且可以继续长期使用西门子品牌。  相似文献   

苏宁西门子索尼组建“3S”联盟;西门子获3.34亿欧元订单;罗旭德:中国是西门子关键的新兴市场;诺基亚西门子押宝中国3G研发。[第一段]  相似文献   

如何建设创新文化?著名企业西门子给了我们很好的启示。150多年来,西门子不断创新,改变着行业,改变着世界。西门子认为,对一家公司来说,在市场上取得优势地位的必经之路包括整合产品组合、优化流程、减少产  相似文献   

受全球金融危机影响。不少外资企业纷纷调低在华业绩预期,并且放缓未来三五年的投资投入。对此,西门子中国总裁兼CEO郝睿强近日明确表示,西门子在中国的业务已经成为西门子全球业务的支柱,西门子不仅不会削减对华投入,而且还会继续加大对中国珠三角地区的投资。郝容强表示,西门子对中国的投资,不是利用中国低廉劳动力来生产产品,而是在中国生产很多高科技含量的产品,并且服务全世界市场。目前西门子公司财务状况非常好,没有外债。  相似文献   

沈忱 《上海国资》2014,(9):26-27
凯飒或多或少希望能重组西门子,他想在电气化之后再加两个词:自动化和数字化西门子股份公司总裁兼首席执行官凯飒正在试图改变西门子的结构,包括:精简层级结构、优化业务组合、改良管理方法;但企业文化转型是改革核心,更是难上加难。电气化重组"老字号"企业随着时间的推移可能会发生根本的改变,例如诺基亚就是从1865年的一个小纸浆厂成长为手机制造巨头。最近,诺基亚将其手机业务卖给微软,转而制造上网设备。相形之下,西门子一直"相当专一"。1868年,《经济学人》杂志首次撰文报道西门子在某财团支持下建造从英国到俄罗斯和印度的电缆线。  相似文献   

西门子的浦东情首访上海西门子数字程控通信系统有限公司俞静自1847年西门子公司创始人维尔纳·冯·西门子先生发明了电报取得专利至今,一直站在世界通讯技术发展最前沿的西门子公司已有15o岁“高龄”了。“宝刀未老”的西门子电话和通信终端设备体现了当代领先的...  相似文献   

汤洁 《上海国资》2024,(1):58-61
<正>一个公司要兴旺发达,全体员工必须团结一致,愉快而高效地工作1847年,发明家托马斯.阿尔瓦.爱迪生出生在美国俄亥俄州。同年,与爱迪生一样善于发明的维尔纳.冯.西门子正值而立之年,这一年,他和哈尔斯克依靠堂兄弟的投资建立了西门子·哈尔斯克电报机制造公司,用于生产西门子发明的针式电报机,这就是西门子公司的前身。作为西门子的创始人,维尔纳.冯.西门子曾说过这样一句话——“我很快就意识到,一个公司要兴旺发达,全体员工必须团结一致,愉快而高效地工作。  相似文献   

针对我国对高素质数控专业人才的迫切需求,分析了制造业对于数控人才培养的新要求,介绍了数控技术专业理论与实践相结合的教学体系,提出了重视利用基于虚拟实现技术的编程与仿真手段增强教学效果的观点。  相似文献   

金川集团股份公司龙首矿混合井副井提升机电控传动部分采用ABB公司两套DCS800直流传动装置构成的12脉动变流调速系统,主控PLC为西门子S7300/400系列,采用PROFIBUS现场总线控制技术完成整个工艺流程的控制,形成了一套具有运行稳定、保护可靠、调速精度高等特点的直流调速系统.  相似文献   

The Siemens plant in North Tyneside, England gave the pretext for a range of local agencies to act together, to modernise part of the regional institutional infrastructure. This improvement meant that when the investment closed, and technological, organisational and skill modernisation by the firm in the region ceased, the region continued to experience the benefits from the temporary presence of the investment. This paper uses the case of Siemens to problematise the conventional understanding of the ephemerality of branch-plant investments to understand how they can usefully contribute to the modernisation of peripheral industrial regions within the UK.  相似文献   

数控车削编程与加工课程的主要任务是训练学生数控编程和数控加工的能力,培养学生的综合职业能力。采用"项目教学法",使学生的学习更有针对性和实用性。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the unique high- and new-technology enterprise (HNTE) program implemented in China. The program grants a reduced corporate income tax rate to certificated HNTEs. Based on a sample of Chinese listed firms during 2006–2016, we investigate the impact of HNTE certification on firms' R&D intensity and productivity using a combination of the propensity score matching approach and difference-in-differences estimator. The results confirm the overall effectiveness of the program in promoting innovative performance among Chinese listed firms in terms of both R&D intensity and productivity. Such effects are persistent over the valid certification period. However, the overall effects mask substantial heterogeneity across different types of certification users. Positive effects are mainly driven by repeatedly certificated firms, while no significant effects are found for firms acquiring their HNTE certificate for the first time. By distinguishing one-time and highly qualified certifications, we reveal the potential existence of fraudulent HNTEs. These results imply that the effectiveness of government programs in supporting innovation could be improved through a more thorough policy design and implementation.  相似文献   

The nominating committee (NC) of the board identifies and nominates individuals for board service, thus establishing the board's composition. Despite this important role, relatively little is known about the NC process, including NC members' actions and thought processes. Based on interviews of 20 U.S. public company NC members, including 16 chairs, we focus on two primary questions: (1) what is the extent of influence that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has over committee processes, and (2) to what extent are committee processes formalized (i.e., framed and acted upon in a mechanistic way)? We find that there is continuing recognition of CEO influence in the director nomination process, the level of which varies widely by company. Also, there is considerable variability in the formalization of the director nomination process (e.g., some NCs use search firms and a matrix/grid approach to assessing director skill sets across the board, while others do not). Finally, we find that many interviewees have professional or personal ties to the CEO and that nearly all of the NCs focus on “chemistry” and comfort in the director nomination process, where the often‐stated goal is to enhance the board's ability to function effectively and to reduce risk in the director nomination process. The overall message of the interviews perhaps is best captured by one interviewee, who described a “strange little dance.” Throughout the interviews, we find evidence that the NC must “dance” through a complex decision landscape.  相似文献   

全球金融危机的爆发,暴露出美国旧的金融监管体制漏洞百出。由此,2009年6月奥巴马政府出台了美国自上世纪30年代以来规模最大的金融改革方案。该方案不仅对于美国,而且对国际金融监管体系将产生重大影响,其中一些建议和措施尤其值得理论界关注和思考。本文追溯了美国金融监管体制改革的历史变迁,考察了美国现有金融监管体制的特点和缺陷,并结合此次金融监管改革方案的内容,深入分析其特征及存疑之处,并得出对完善我国金融监管体制的若干启示。  相似文献   

针对某铁路正下方既有涵洞内新建雨水箱涵工程问题,采用数值软件FLAC3D建立三维模型,分析有、无桩基支护两种方案,新建雨水箱涵的施工对上方铁路及既有涵洞的影响,经初步比选,选定无桩基支护方案.方案现场实施后,监测数据与数值计算结果吻合,表明计算的正确性及选定方案的有效性,可为类似工程提供参考.  相似文献   

科学的R&D人员绩效评价指标体系,是进行R&D人员绩效评价的基础。本文首先对R&D人员的特征进行分析,以建立符合R&D人员特点的绩效指标体系;然后根据现在比较流行的三种绩效观点,对R&D人员进行绩效界定;最后依据R&D人员绩效指标体系建立的原则,结合平衡计分的思想,建立能全面反映R&D人员绩效的指标体系。  相似文献   

Conclusion In this paper we have described a methodology to measure the effect of perceived discrimination on the supply of black job applicants and the effectiveness of an affirmative action program in overcoming this effect. Using multiple regression analysis we have shown that there exists a highly significant relation between the percentage of black and white applicants from the District of Columbia to Fairfax County and salary levels based on EEO-4 job categories. While the court has held that there is no evidence of current discrimination by Fairfax County, the success of its affirmative action program for D.C. black firefighter applicants in 1978 lends strong statistical support to the hypothesis of perceived discrimination and the effectiveness of a vigorous affirmative action program in reducing the labor market effects of perceived discrimination. Our result does not refute the county’s claim that lower salaries and transportation problems act to inhibit black applicants to the county from the District of Columbia; however, we have shown that perceived discrimination also plays a part. A vigorous outreach and affirmative action program has increased the supply of black applicants to the county. Economic variables such as salary differentials, transportation difficulties, etc., while they reduce the supply of black applicants from the District to Fairfax, may be partially overcome by a vigorous, active affirmative action program.  相似文献   

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