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新中国成立70多年来,中国的粮食安全水平不断提高,以低于世界人均的水土资源实现了高于世界人均的食物消费水平。中国粮食安全取得举世瞩目的成就,一方面归功于国内粮食综合生产能力的不断提升,另一方面也得益于中国全球领先的贸易开放程度和外部粮源的有效利用,农产品贸易已全面融入中国粮食安全。然而,随着收入增长、国内食物需求的不断转型升级,以及国际市场风险波动的持续加剧等都对粮食安全保障提出更高要求。中国农产品贸易进口种类高度集中、重点品种进口来源地依赖度偏高等特点会使中国在全球粮食市场动荡加剧背景下出现外部粮源的利用风险明显上升的情况。大食物观的提出是对传统粮食安全保障思路的拓展。保障“大食物安全”,既需要依赖于国内全方位、多途径的食物资源开发,也需要进一步提高贸易开放水平,促进食物进口结构多元化发展,加快形成更加稳定、更具韧性的农产品贸易格局,降低外部粮源利用的不确定性风险,提高国内粮食生产的资源利用效率,提升国内粮食生产的可持续性。同时,大食物观下多元化农产品进口格局的构建也对相应的制度支持和条件支撑提出了更高要求,今后需要不断提高动物疫病输入防控与进口产品质量管控能力,逐步完善冷链物流设施...  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情对全球农产品市场与贸易的影响及对策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新冠肺炎疫情在全球加速蔓延,对世界经济、国际农产品市场与贸易产生重大影响,主要表现为世界经济增速大幅下降并陷入衰退;全球农产品供需将从供应相对充足转向供不应求;国际农产品价格将止跌回升,甚至出现大幅上涨;全球农产品贸易将因限制性措施严重受阻,贸易规模显著下降;中国也因全球疫情蔓延而遭受巨大冲击。因此,本文建议加大国内农业生产支持力度、确保国内主要农产品供应,加快大宗农产品进口步伐,积极应对贸易限制措施,有效开展农业对外援助、深化粮食安全国际合作。  相似文献   

保障粮食和重要农产品有效供给是农业强国的基础和首要任务,当前摆在农业强国建设面前最亟待解决的一个问题就是饲用粮食供给问题。对全球农业要素禀赋、产出和贸易结构、国家生产能力、作物生产比较优势、国民粮食安全和营养状况等多维数据的分析表明,受资源环境承载力的刚性约束和粮食生产、贸易的技术性软约束,我国饲用粮食安全问题既是粮食贸易的安全性和稳定性问题,也是饲用粮食供给与食物需求结构不匹配问题,利用国际市场和外部农业资源来保障国内饲用粮食供给势在必行。未来,我国饲用粮食国际供应链要面对贸易渠道多元化难度大、现有渠道的不确定性难以回避、域内周边国家农业资源利用门槛高、粮食贸易容易沦为他国外交政策工具等四大困境。彻底解决饲用粮食安全问题需要稳固现有贸易渠道、调整农产品进口结构、优化国内膳食营养结构、管控饲用粮食需求、提高饲用粮种植比较优势、开拓域内国家农业资源、加强农业国际合作等一揽子政策组合。  相似文献   

进入新时代以来,中国农业全方位、高水平对外开放逐渐深化,农产品国际贸易规模快速增长,贸易结构持续优化,国际竞争力不断提升,国际合作实现新突破。中国国家粮食安全战略不仅要求种源安全和数量安全,而且愈发重视质量安全和供给能力安全。新形势下中国农产品国际贸易发展面临着进口种源“卡脖子”、大豆逆差扩大危机、国际竞争力短板与全球不确定因素冲击等挑战,加剧了粮食安全风险和脆弱性。新征程上要确保粮食和重要农产品种源绝对安全,推动种业高质量发展;牢牢守住粮食数量安全底线,构建多元化供给体系;着力提升粮食和重要农产品质量安全,增强农业国际竞争力;重视粮食和重要农产品供给能力安全,强化农业供应链韧性,构建农产品国际贸易发展新格局,保障中国粮食和重要农产品稳定安全供给。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情使粮食等大宗农产品贸易链、供应链受到一定程度的影响,农产品市场供给不确定性增加.面对新冠疫情和非洲猪瘟的叠加,党中央、国务院积极部署粮食、生猪、蔬菜等重要农产品的稳产保供工作,有效保障了农产品供给,保证了农产品市场价格的基本稳定。但必须清醒认识到我国粮食等重要农产品供给仍然处在紧平衡状态,持续抓好农产品稳产保供对全面建设社会主义现代化国家具有重要意义。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情冲击粮食安全:趋势、影响与应对   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新冠肺炎疫情在全球加速扩散蔓延,引发全球粮食市场异常波动以及对中国粮食安全的担忧。疫情对后期全球粮食生产与贸易的影响将进一步加大,全球粮食市场波动有可能进一步升级。随着全球金融市场充分释放流动性,国际投机资本若炒作农产品市场,爆发类似2008年粮食危机的风险将越来越高。分析表明,中国粮食安全保障体系总体上可从容应对全球粮食市场波动升级的挑战,但大豆等农产品进口需防控国际市场波动风险。本文认为,要高度重视全球粮食市场波动的可能风险和挑战,必须加强监测、及早谋划,系统应对、综合施策。包括:有效管控输入性不稳定预期对国内粮食市场的干扰和冲击;进一步强化粮食生产能力建设;构建国家粮食安全保障风险治理体系;完善重要农产品储备体系;强化农产品全球供应链管理;加强国际粮食安全、贸易和投资政策协调。  相似文献   

新冠疫情爆发导致部分国家粮食减产并伴生粮食出口国相关农产品限制出口政策,同时因贸易活动减少及疫情防控原因造成了相关农产品海关停滞时间长、物流效率低,使我国粮食进口成本增加且损耗增多.在当前疫情常态化的背景下,保证国际粮食市场供应链的稳定是我国针对部分品类进口粮食保持最低规模的重要手段之一.本文将根据目前疫情常态化背景下...  相似文献   

流行性传染病的爆发往往伴随着食物与营养安全的风险。本文首先从全球视角回顾流行性传染病爆发对食物与营养安全的经验与教训,其次分析新冠肺炎疫情对中国食物和营养安全的潜在冲击,最后对如何在防范新冠肺炎疫情下保障中国和全球居民的食物和营养安全提出政策建议。本文分析指出,短期内中国食物与营养相对安全,但需要警惕疫情对中长期食物安全的影响。鉴于新冠肺炎疫情传播呈现全球化趋势,为防范全球食物和营养安全的系统性风险,需要加强全球合作,采取包括保障食物供应链畅通、保持贸易开放、减少对农业生产的冲击及关注贫困人口等综合应对措施。  相似文献   

作为全球第一粮食进口大国,来自外部的粮食供应已经成为我国粮食安全的重要保障。新冠疫情导致各国纷纷采取管制措施,粮食市场供应链脆弱性明显提升,一场新的粮食危机可能一触即发。本文将对新冠疫情对我国外部粮食供应的影响与对策展开深入分析,为国内粮食安全未雨绸缪。  相似文献   

正联合国世界粮食计划署发出警告,2021年或将成为联合国成立以来"最具粮食危机感"的一年。我国粮食虽然连年丰收,但去年进口创纪录、国内粮价明显上涨,特别是玉米和大豆价格大幅上涨。尽管全球粮食供求相对宽松,但结构性矛盾突出,需高度警惕全球粮食结构性缺口加剧我国结构性矛盾,国际投机资本进一步推高国际粮价传导国内风险,以及疫情持续蔓延导致的贸易链供应链梗阻影响我国粮食进口,要未雨绸缪,采取有效举措确保国内粮食供给、市场不出问题。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has put unprecedented strain on food supply chains. Given the ever-increasing degree of globalization, those supply chains very often stretch across international borders. In the short run, countries have largely been working to keep those supply chains intact and operating efficiently so that panic buying is cooled and shifts in consumption habits arising from personal isolation can be accommodated. Once the crisis has passed, based on what has been learned regarding the international food system's resilience, governments may wish to strengthen institutions that govern international trade. On the other hand, based on their COVID-19 experience, governments may feel that they are too dependent on foreign sources of supply and may wish to reverse the impacts of globalization on their food systems. As a result, they may become increasingly isolationist, eschewing international cooperation. Which of these opposing forces will prevail may depend on the paths economies follow after the disequilibrium precipitated by the pandemic.  相似文献   

The effect of COVID-19 on Canadian food security is examined from two different perspectives. COVID-19 creates a unique “income shock” that is expected to increase the prevalence of household food insecurity. This food insecurity can be measured by utilizing the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). More fundamentally, COVID-19 heightens household concern about the capacity of the Canadian food system to ensure food availability. Despite surges in demand and supply chain disruptions, we currently do not observe broad, rapid appreciation in food prices. This suggests that there is an adequate supply of food for the near term. There is less certainty over intermediate and longer time periods because so many factors are in flux, particularly the rate of increases in sicknesses and deaths across the country and globally. Data on these health factors and elements of the food supply chain are needed to predict beyond a short time frame. In this regard, we discuss three ongoing considerations—ease of capital flows, international exchange, and maintaining transportation—that will help ensure food availability in the longer run.  相似文献   

稳定粮食安全根基是应对各类黑天鹅、灰犀牛事件的有力保障。疫情期间,充足的粮食供给再次发挥了安天下、稳民心的作用。从目前调查的情况来看,疫情对粮食生产经营的影响是暂时的、局部的、有限的,疫情持续也带来农资价格上涨、物资到位迟缓等问题。但种粮效益低、农业气象偏差、传统病虫害与输入性虫害叠加、国际经贸形势日趋复杂等挑战交织,是确保全年粮食产量、供应稳定的主要挑战。要高度重视抗疫战线拉长带来的负面影响,积极疏通农资供应渠道、有序组织返田返工,更要稳住政策支持,完善设施装备配套,强化技术支撑,做好防灾减灾。  相似文献   

[目的]基于多视角开展"一带一路"沿线国家群组划分,提出"一带一路"农业国际合作重要战略节点国家,并探讨新冠肺炎疫情对重要战略节点国家与我国农业国际合作的影响,对进一步促进我国与"一带一路"沿线国家全面农业国际合作,打破农业国际合作瓶颈具有重要意义。[方法]文章通过地理位置、地缘政治、资源禀赋、农产品贸易等多个角度,结合引力模型和聚类分析法,对"一带一路"农业国际合作的重要战略节点国家进行分析。并从农产品贸易和投资两个角度探讨新冠肺炎疫情对重要战略节点国家和我国农业国际合作的影响。[结果]在"一带一路"沿线国家中,我国农业合作的重要战略节点国家按重要性划分为两个层次,第一层次为俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、波兰、缅甸、越南、泰国、巴基斯坦、埃及、印度尼西亚和马来西亚;第二层次为希腊、柬埔寨和老挝。新冠肺炎疫情对重要战略节点国家和我国的农业贸易、投资合作造成了不可忽略的影响。[结论]为进一步加强我国与"一带一路"重要战略节点国家农业国际合作,应在十九大提出的"六个坚持"理念指引下,从基础设施建设、资源禀赋、部门协调、共同抗疫四个方面,继续深化"一带一路"农业国际合作。  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian food processors. First, COVID-19 may have an impact on food processing economic activities because of supply and demand shocks. Second, the impact of COVID-19 on food processing may depend on the type of products and the size of the processors. The effects of measures taken by the government to flatten the epidemiological curve on the economic activities of the food processing sector are uncertain.  相似文献   

This article reviews the emerging trends in global food supply and demand up to 2020, and discusses policy challenges and obstacles to meeting this demand. Data were obtained from the International Food Policy Research Institute's International Model for Policy Analysis of Commodities and Trade (Rosegrant et al.). The country-specific data pertains to 37 countries and regions and 17 food commodities and prices in the world market. Cereal prices are expected to decline by about 11% by 2020; meat prices may decline by 6%. After 2010, cereal prices are expected to dramatically decline. Cereal demand will change with changes in income and urbanization. Maize and coarse grains will be replaced by wheat and rice. Life style changes may lead to a switch from rice to wheat. Growth in food consumption in developed countries will slow. A projected 82% of growth in global cereal consumption and almost 90% of increased global meat demand will occur in developing countries during 1993-2020. Asia alone will account for 48% of increased cereal consumption and 61% of increased meat consumption. 88% of food production growth will occur in developing countries through increased yields and 94% in developed countries. World trade in cereals will increase from an estimated 185 million metric tons annually to 328 million during 1993-2020. Food security for the poor and child malnutrition will remain unimproved. Yield growth is affected by agricultural research, fertilizer and energy use, land degradation, water scarcity, and bad policy. Water scarcity is the most limiting on yield growth. Malnutrition problems present multiple challenges.  相似文献   

Food-security implications of the war in Ukraine are exacerbated by adverse weather events, spillover effects from the distortion of energy and fertiliser markets, and domestic policies that countries around the world have implemented in pursuit of food security. Estimates suggest that the cumulative effect of these channels in terms of restricting agricultural and food trade is in the order of over 10 times larger, and their cumulative effect on global food supply is on average three times more substantial than the direct agricultural supply disruptions in Ukraine. The latter, however, disproportionally impacts low-income countries that are particularly vulnerable to food supply shortages and price increases. In the case of the EU, although overall food availability is not at stake, food affordability for low-income households is a concern, especially when combined with rising prices of other essential goods, such as energy and transportation. To ensure the resilience of domestic and global food systems, the EU and its Member States should extend a set of already implemented policies, including better-targeted support for the low-income households in the region, implementation of trade facilitation measures via international cooperation, and support for agricultural production in the most vulnerable countries, and should also facilitate the restoration of Ukraine's lost agricultural assets.  相似文献   

This paper provides an early assessment of the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for food supply chains and supply chain resilience. The effects of demand-side shocks on food supply chains are discussed, including consumer panic buying behaviors with respect to key items, and the sudden change in consumption patterns away from the food service sector to meals prepared and consumed at home. Potential supply-side disruptions to food supply chains are assessed, including labor shortages, disruptions to transportation networks, and “thickening” of the Canada–U.S. border with respect to the movement of goods. Finally, the paper considers whether the COVID-19 pandemic will have longer-lasting effects on the nature of food supply chains, including the growth of the online grocery delivery sector, and the extent to which consumers will prioritize “local” food supply chains.  相似文献   

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