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In this study we estimate technical efficiency of Indian commercial banks from 1989 to 2009, using a multiple-output generalized stochastic production frontier and analyze the effects of financial reforms on estimated efficiency. The generalized method estimates technical efficiency in the presence of multiple outputs, filling a gap in the existing literature. Our results show that Indian commercial banks were operating with 64% efficiency on average during the sample period. The initial phase of reform had a positive impact on while the later phase adversely affected technical efficiency of banks. Public sector banks show higher efficiency levels compared to private and foreign banks.  相似文献   

以国内10家商业银行作为样本,以银行总资产、人力资本为投入项,个人贷款利息收入、手续费收入为产出项,参照2009—2011年10家样本银行的经营数据,采用前沿的非参数分析方法——数据包络分析(DEA)对样本银行个人金融业务X效率进行比较分析。结果显示:在参考期间内国内商业银行个人金融业务规模效率、配置效率与纯技术效率接近生产可能性边界,但仍存在着X低效率与技术低效率的问题,且国有商业银行与股份制商业银行的发展水平存在一定差距。  相似文献   

本文应用随机边界方法(SFA)测度了中国16家全国性商业银行的X效率和规模效率,并在此基础上针对其经营绩效与市场结构间关系的几种经验假说进行了检验。统计结果显示,样本期内各商业银行的效率情况总体上均不断改善,其中股份制银行的X效率水平普遍高于国有银行,但在减速递增的过程中差距在不断缩小;另一方面,国有银行在规模经济上具有显著优势,并且2002年以来优势还在进一步扩大;最后,关于银行绩效与市场结构关系的四个主要经验假说在中国银行业市场均不适用,中国商业银行部门的成本控制优势在迅速扩大业务规模的过程中并未有效地转化为盈利能力的提高。  相似文献   

European Bank Performance Beyond Country Borders: What Really Matters?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The paper analyzes bank performance in the context of the integrated EuropeanUnion market and its member countries. First, the paper investigates the technicalefficiency of banks in each country sample using a Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) model incorporating only banking variables. Then, a second DEA modelis defined incorporating environmental factors together with banking variables inorder to standardize the country-specific environmental conditions. Based on thesemodels, the paper systematically analyzes the efficiency position for each of theEuropean banking industry if average banks decide to operate in any other country.The results indicate that adverse (advantageous) environmental conditions are apositive (negative) factor for the home banking industry and being technicallyefficient appears to be a significant deterrence to foreign competition.  相似文献   

Research findings on the role of fair value accounting (FVA) in the global financial crisis suggest that FVA is not applied neutrally by banks. The results of FVA are accepted when they contribute to higher profits and are actively resisted when they lead to losses. The aim of this article is to investigate how FVA is practically applied by banks in detail. The focus is on banks as most of their assets are financial instruments and thus potentially fair valued, and banks’ behaviour is significantly influenced by their regulatory environment. The research objective is pursued by using a case study of two South African banks. One of these is the largest and most systemically important bank in the South African system and the other is on the crossover between systemic and not systemic. It is found that FVA as applied by these two banks is not neutral. Also included is a demonstration of a method to derive the unrealised portion of profit and equity, the identification of the gap between assets and liabilities at fair value as the driver of where in a banking group FVA profits and losses are realised, and the finding that the restatement of comparative figures was used to circumvent the prohibition on reclassifications into and out of the ‘designated as at fair value’ category.  相似文献   

The increase of the use of derivative instruments by Islamic banks for different purposes motivate us to conduct this study. This work has twice objective: firstly, to investigate the effect of each derivative instrument (forwards, futures, swaps or options) on the performance of Islamic banks, and secondly to examine the effect of each derivative purpose (hedging or trading) on the performance of Islamic banks.To reach this end, dynamic panel data econometrics with GMM system are conducted on 32 Islamic banks during the period from 2007 to 2017. The CAMELS approach is used to measure the performance of sample banks.Statistics on sample banks reveal that Islamic banks are substantial users of derivatives, prefer using derivatives for trading purpose than for hedging purpose, and have acceptable level of performance.The main results confirm that using options affects positively and moderately the performance of sample banks. In the same way, we find that swaps have positive and weak impact on the performance of sample banks. However, the results reveal that using forwards decrease the performance of sample banks. Finally, we find that futures have ambiguous and marginal effect on the performance of sample banks.As regards derivative purposes, results do not see which purpose mainly motivate the Islamic banks to invest in the derivatives market.As theoretical implication, we suggest for further studies to explore more the differences between using derivatives by Islamic banks for trading and hedging purpose.Finally, as practical implications, we recommend for managers of Islamic banks to enlarge their use of options and swaps, to supervise their use of forwards and to stop their use of futures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to unveil and assess the potential US financial spillover on Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) bank lending and to check whether bank's internal characteristics shape such an effect or not. For this purpose, a dynamic panel model is estimated using the GMM system using data on an unbalanced panel of GCC banks over the period 2003–2018. We have found evidence of financial stress spillovers on bank lending and that their distributional impacts vary across time, banks size and capitalization. However, the role of banks liquidity in shaping the impacts of financial stress on lending is found to depend on dry-ups/abundance of market funding liquidity. The results are robust to both splitting the sample into pre- and post- crisis periods as well as to the inclusion of additional potential lending supply determinants.  相似文献   

The widespread notion that commercial banks “borrow short and lend long” implies that sharp market interest rate increases may induce a significant number of banking failures. This paper develops a method for estimating average asset and liability maturities for a sample of large money center banks. Regression models are tested to determine if market rate fluctuations have a significant impact on bank profitability. The conclusion is negative: large banks have effectively hedged themselves against market rate risk by assembling asset and liability portfolios with similar average maturities.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of acquisition announcements of publicly traded banks on stockholder wealth using event-study methodology and an updated and enlarged sample of such banking organizations. The findings imply that on average, acquisitions in the banking industry result in a wealth transfer from the shareholders of bidding firms to the shareholders of target firms, with no overall gain to the shareholders of the two firms combined. Of the characteristics examined, only capitalization of the target firm is found to distinguish between combinations with positive and negative combined wealth effects.  相似文献   

Corporate hiring of former audit personnel to fill key financial positions is a practice that has attracted attention from the media, the accounting profession, and regulators. The concern is that the former external auditor who now holds a key position with the client may be able to circumvent the audit or exert pressure on the audit team and adversely influence audit quality. We compare a sample of 172 test companies that appointed to the position of chief financial officer (CFO) personnel who are former employees of the companies' auditors, with a control sample of companies that appointed new CFOs who were not affiliated with their auditors. We investigate whether the level of discretionary accruals is greater for the test sample compared with the control sample during the two years following appointment of the CFO. Both univariate and multivariate results for signed discretionary accruals suggest some support for the hypothesis that firms with affiliated CFOs are associated with greater earnings management than firms with unaffiliated CFOs. Furthermore, the results for signed discretionary accruals suggest that the association is stronger for nonpartners who moved from the audit firm to the client with little or no time gap. On average, the results for absolute discretionary accruals do not suggest differences in earnings management between affiliated and unaffiliated CFOs. However, they do indicate some earnings management relative to unaffiliated CFOs by CFOs who had little or no time gap between leaving the audit firm and joining the client firm, although at a weaker level of significance.  相似文献   

We examine the ability of selected accounting and audit quality variables measured in a period prior to the financial crisis (i.e., the four quarters of 2006), to predict banks that subsequently failed during the financial crisis. We employ two sets of samples from the US: a troubled banks sample that includes banks that failed in or after 2007 as well as banks classified as being troubled based on profitability, loan quality, and balance sheet position in 2007, and a full sample that includes all banks with available required data. Using the troubled banks sample, we identify six reliable predictors of bank failure: auditor type, auditor industry specialization, Tier 1 capital ratio, proportion of securitized loans, growth in loans, and loan mix. For the larger full sample of banks, we identify the following ten predictors of bank failure: auditor type, Tier 1 capital ratio, proportion of securitized loans, nonperforming loans, loan loss provisions, growth in commercial loans, growth in real estate loans, growth in overall loans, loan mix, and whether the bank is a public bank.  相似文献   

We examine the stock price reaction for a sample of commercial banks to the signing of cease-and-desist orders, written agreements, and formal agreements with bank regulators. These agreements restrict financially distressed institutions from certain activities that may be perceived by the capital markets as favorable or unfavorable. Our finding of a significantly negative mean signing-day abnormal return suggests that these enforcement actions are not fully anticipated by the market and that, on average, these enforcement actions are perceived as being unfavorable for bank shareholders. Our cross-sectional analysis suggests that at least part of the negative market reaction is caused by a reduction in the moral hazard problem associated with financially distressed federally insured commercial banks. Although these actions are beneficial to both the federal deposit insurer and ultimately taxpayers, we interpret the cross-sectional findings as implying that regulators are not acting in a timely fashion to restore the financial health of these distressed “banks. Even though equity values fall, on average, when banks are faced with an enforcement action, our findings do not support the pre-FIRREA policy not to publicly disclose the signing of enforcement actions because the enforcement action itself is not the source but is merely a reflection of the bank's problems.  相似文献   

We examine whether “too‐big‐to‐fail” (TBTF) factors affect estimates of scale economies for large banks. From a standard model of bank production that does not control for any TBTF factors, we find evidence of scale economies for our sample of large banks. We then control for TBTF factors by using a measure of the “implicit subsidy” that emerges from a reduction in TBTF banks’ funding costs due to investor expectations of government support. We do this in two ways: first, we estimate scale economies from an augmented model of bank production that employs a proxy for the counterfactual price of debt that banks would face in the absence of any TBTF funding cost advantage; second, we estimate scale economies from a model of bank production that is estimated only for a sample of banks considered unlikely to be TBTF. After controlling for TBTF factors using either method, we no longer find evidence of scale economies for our sample of large banks. These results suggest that estimated scale economies for large banks are affected by TBTF factors.  相似文献   

Real Wage Rigidities and the New Keynesian Model   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Most central banks perceive a trade-off between stabilizing inflation and stabilizing the gap between output and desired output. However, the standard new Keynesian framework implies no such trade-off. In that framework, stabilizing inflation is equivalent to stabilizing the welfare-relevant output gap. In this paper, we argue that this property of the new Keynesian framework, which we call the divine coincidence , is due to a special feature of the model: the absence of nontrivial real imperfections. We focus on one such real imperfection, namely, real wage rigidities. When the baseline new Keynesian model is extended to allow for real wage rigidities, the divine coincidence disappears, and central banks indeed face a trade-off between stabilizing inflation and stabilizing the welfare-relevant output gap. We show that not only does the extended model have more realistic normative implications, but it also has appealing positive properties. In particular, it provides a natural interpretation for the dynamic inflation–unemployment relation found in the data.  相似文献   

This paper documents evidence on the efficacy of maturity-gap disclosures of commercial banks in indicating their net interest income that is exposed to interest-rate risk. For the large sample of banks that filed call reports from 1990 to 1997, a period that includes a wide range of interest rate movements, we find that (i) one-year maturity gap measures are significantly related to the one-year- and three-years-ahead change in net interest income, (ii) fixed-rate and variable-rate instruments differ in explanatory ability, and (iii) the one-to-five-year aggregate gap measures also have some power in explaining three-year-ahead changes in net interest income. These findings hold after controlling for the ex post growth in assets as well as the amount of rate-sensitive assets and liabilities (a competing set of explanatory variables). Because the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)'s [Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), (1997). Disclosure of accounting policies for derivative financial instruments and derivative commodity instruments and disclosure of qualitative and quantitative information about market risk inherent in derivative financial instruments, other financial instruments, and derivative commodity instruments. Release Nos. 33-7386; 3438223; IC-22487; FR-48; International Series No. 1047; File No. S7-35-95 (January 31, 1997), Washington, DC] tabular disclosures are finer than maturity-gap data, our findings mitigate concerns about the usefulness of the SEC's market-risk-disclosure requirements. Furthermore, they suggest contrary to the claims of certain banks that the omission of prepayment and early withdrawal risk from gap measures does not totally compromise the ability of gap data to indicate interest-risk exposures.  相似文献   

The tax benefit of interest deductibility encourages debt financing, but regulatory constraints create dependency between bank leverage and asset risk. Using a large international sample of banks this paper shows that banks located in high-tax countries have higher leverage and lower average asset risk-weights. This trade-off is stronger when regulation is more stringent and for banks with less capital. Non-financial firms' leverage and asset risk are positively related to tax rates, as further evidence of the regulatorily induced adjustment of portfolio risk. A difference-in-difference analysis provides support for a causal interpretation of these results. Overall, higher tax rates are positively correlated with systemic risk, suggesting that the lower asset risk does not offset the risk-inducing effect of tax rates on bank leverage.  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of macroprudential policy on bank profitability, using a sample of 7250 global banks over 1990–2018. A number of policy measures have a negative impact on profitability, but these effects vary according to countries' economic development, bank type and time period. Macroprudential policy also adversely affects profitability of small and highly capitalised banks more than larger and less capitalised banks. Comparing our results with existing estimates of the impact of macroprudential policy on credit expansion, some measures are found to reduce lending but not profitability; others affect both negatively; and some affect profitability with no significant effect on lending. Since it is desirable for banks to make profits and thus be able to build up capital from retained earnings, our results suggest that care is needed in choosing measures according to their effects on bank profitability.  相似文献   

Internal ratings-based models are used for a variety of important bank and regulatory decisions. Thus, model risk – the potential for different models to provide different probability-of-default (PD) estimates – is of crucial importance. Using a comprehensive German credit registry dataset from 40 banks and 17,000 corporate borrowers from 2008–2012, we assess the consistency of internal PD estimates across banks. We find three main results. First, the variability of PD estimates for the same borrower across banks is large. Second, bank fixed effects explain 5% of the variation in PD estimates across banks, while 95% of the variation is idiosyncratic. For the 10 largest banks in our sample, reported regulatory capital ratios would change by a maximum of ±10%, equivalent to approximately 1 percentage point, when using average risk weights from all banks instead of risk weights based on banks’ individual PD estimates. Third, we explore various bank characteristics that explain the size of bank fixed effects.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of banking crises on market discipline in an international sample of banks. We also evaluate how bank regulation, supervision, institutions, and crisis intervention policies shape the effect of banking crises on market discipline. We control for unobservable bank, country, and time specific effects using a panel data set of banks from 66 countries around 79 banking crises. The results suggest that on average market discipline weakens after a banking crisis. This weakening is higher in countries where bank regulation, supervision, and institutions promoted market discipline before the banking crisis, and where a more accommodative approach is adopted to resolve it.  相似文献   

This study estimates the shadow price of equity capital applying a directional distance function for Chinese commercial banks. Using an unbalanced panel of 746 observations from 2013 to 2019, we find that the average shadow price of equity in the Chinese banking system is 2.94%. Moreover, in our sample, the price of equity of most banks is lower than that of deposits, suggesting that the majority of sampled banks are underleveraged during the study period. We also find that politically connected banks have higher prices of equity than their non-politically connected counterparts, and that the price of equity is positively related to ownership concentration. Furthermore, large politically related banks tend to have lower shadow prices of equity than large non-politically related banks, although large banks usually have higher prices of equity than small banks.  相似文献   

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