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From November I, 2004, Air France introduced its brand-new B777-300 passenger aircraft for BeijingParis route. The passenger flying on this route will enjoy the brand-new products and service. 相似文献
On November 9, 2004, Air France unveiled its range of totally revamped inflght products to anticipate and satisfy its customers' expectations as closely as possible. There are two main new features, the redesigned I'Espace Premiere First Class at the pinnacle of luxury with added space and privacy, and the further enhanced I'Espace Affaires Business Class for optimum passenger comfort. 相似文献
Starting from 14 June 2005, Air France is adding one more daily flight on its Beijing - Paris's route. Air France customers will then have a choice of fourteen weekly flights between the two cities. 相似文献
In winter,the whole park becomes a world of whitesnow.The trees bloom with white flowers,and the hills wear a pure silk,and the cute ground wins the favor of skiing funs. 相似文献
Estaing, former French president, Valery Giscard d'Estaing attended Sino-French Economic Seminar held in Shanghai in early April and said that the world center has shifted from the west to the east with many European and US companies entering into Asia, and China has the ability to play an important role in the world stage. Estaing, naming himself"French Confucian", then said in Chinese that a cook-group includes 10 people in ancient Chinese soldier system and the cook is in charge of cooking for them. And people who belong to the same cook are actually "Partners". 相似文献
On the wall above Air France' Chinachief representative Bernard Aubreton'sdesk is a map of China. Some small yellow flags on the map are very eye-catching, and they represent the developedcoastal areas in East China. The triangle-shaped flags show a tendency topush forward to western and centralChina. Each flag points to a key city ,which indicates that Air Francesalespeople are conducting market research effectively there.Air France is the first foreign airlineto hire local Chinese peop… 相似文献
Doha, QATAR: August 31, 2005 Qatar Airways, the Official Airline for the 15th Asian Games Doha 2006, and the Doha Asian Games Organising Committee (DAGOC), today unveiled the first Qatar Airways Airbus A330 themed aircraft to promote the biggest ever sporting event to be staged in the region. 相似文献
Continental Airlines announced on Jan. 8 that it has completed the installation of Audio/Video on Demand (AVOD) in the BusinessFirst cabins of its entire fleet of 41 Boeing 757 aircraft used primarily on transatlantic flights to/from its New York hub at Newark Liberty International Airport. AVOD systems will be installed in the economic cabins of these aircraft beginning summer 2007. 相似文献
The Bank currently is rated by Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's. The ratings on the Bank are the same as those assigned to the People's Republic of China. 相似文献
Li Mengna 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2009,(13):66-67
On January 1, 2008, the new Labor Contract Law (LCL) went into effect in China. The New YorkTimes predicted that it was “ushering in sweeping changes to Chinese labor policy” at that time. However, over 1 year after the new LCL introduction, “sweeping” has been a forgettable word and the LCL has disappeared from the media coverage. To foreign companies in China, the financial crisis is not their only concern today, 相似文献
On November 9, 2004, Air France unveiled its range of totally revamped inflght products to anticipate and satisfy its customers' expectations as closely as possible. There are two main new features,the redesigned l'Espace Premiere First Class at the pinnacle of luxury with added space and privacy, and the further enhanced l'Espace Affaires Business Class for optimum passenger comfort. 相似文献
Robert Shepherd 《Consumption Markets & Culture》2013,16(2):133-144
This article reviews the answers posed to the question of travel motivation in recent research. Much of this research, whether in tourism studies or related disciplines such as anthropology, critical theory, and cultural studies, begins by assuming a clear-cut and specific distinction between "travelers" and "tourists" and a more generalized but just as clear distinction between "travelers", "tourists" and "fieldworkers". These distinctions are based on an over-reliance on defining specific tourist types that downplay the role that gender, ethnicity, nationality and socioeconomic privileges have in the question of who goes where. Given this, theories that seek to explain why people go to particular places are neither right nor wrong, but are simultaneously valid in a partial sense. This is because each describes not just a different type of traveler but more importantly also individuals at different stages along their journeys. 相似文献
国旅运通全球商务旅行(CITS GBT)近期的一项调查显示,无论是本土公司还是跨国公司,大多数在华企业都表示:2021年将在差旅支出上保有充足的灵活度以支持可能的全球经济复苏和业务发展,而履行雇主关怀义务已成为重中之重。 相似文献
Starting from 14 June 2005, Air France is adding one more daily flight on its Beijing - Paris‘s route. Air France customers will then have a choice of fourteen weekly flights between the two cities.…… 相似文献
未来可以支撑一家企业获得持续成功的好题材已经越来越少,即便有,信息的高速流动和整个社会对蓝海的渴望,也会使其一旦出现,就很快成为红海。与其做逃避主义的梦,不如勇敢面对那些过去被忽视的、但困扰社会已久的真难题(从某种意义上讲,它们是泡沫时 相似文献
About Easy Pha-max Easy Pha-max Marketing Sdn is the subsidiary of INS Bioscience which is the marketion distribution arm of Easy Pha-max brand of health supplement in the local international markets.…… 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2007,(20):68-71
右眼失明,只有一只腿能走路的少年叶绍全,是如何从苦难中成长为一名杰出的青年企业家,踏上世界大舞台,创造商业奇迹的?成功将自己一手创立的大马品牌推往全世界的拿督叶绍全,他的秘诀是什么?正当许多人雷声大雨点小地喊起"生物科技"的口号时,究竟有谁在默默耕耘,脚踏实地的善用生物科技的潮流,并将产品直销国外? 相似文献
关于旅行社面向商务旅游转型的思考 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
旅游旅行社面向商务旅游的转型已经成为一个现实问题:一方面,商务旅游的迅速发展对旅行服务提出了新的要求;另一方面,传统产品市场的竞争迫使旅行社寻找新的市场空间;而旅行社的企业资源则为其转型提供了基础.为了成功地实现面向商务旅游的转型,旅行社必须和目标客户建立起长期的、稳定的合作关系,必须将为客户的事务性活动提供服务作为产品核心,必须深入企业内部,了解企业管理中存在的关键问题,并对组织结构进行相应的调整. 相似文献
自驾车旅游研究的新视角:旅游网络论坛的主帖分类研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
随着互联网的普及,自驾车旅游与旅游网络论坛产生了密切的联系。确立主帖的分类体系为询问帖、分享帖、活动帖、资讯帖是4个主要类型,体现出旅游者信息行为、旅游体验分享行为和社区交往行为。“行车路线”、“寻找同行”、“图文游记”是会员最关注的话题。网络论坛具备了单向传媒、口碑传播和专家意见多种信息渠道的功能,灵活性强,能够满足游客个性化的需求。 相似文献
《Journal of Internet Commerce》2013,12(1):49-63
ABSTRACT When the Internet started to establish itself in the corporate world, some observers foresaw a diminishing role for, if not the end to, many intermediary functions. Consequently it has been argued that suppliers will need to use the Internet and related technologies to cut costs and establish closer links with consumers by bypassing organizations that currently play an intermediary role in the traditional transaction system. The objective of this case study is to enhance the understanding of the process of transition from a traditional business model to an e-commerce model. It focuses on a very small business that has successfully navigated the transition to e-commerce. 相似文献