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CCPIT is a professional promo- tion in international business exchange.We draw this con- clusion not only because of its vast geography coverage by 16 overseas representative offices,50 provincial  相似文献   

CCPIT is a professional promotion in international business exchange.We draw this conclusion not only because of its vast geography coverage by 16 overseas representative offices,50 provincial sub-councils and over 600 county-level branches, but also for its industry coverage. From 1988, when the first 5 industrial sub-councils claimed their establishment at the Great Hall of the People, now it has come to the 20 years anniversary for industrial sub-councils this year. Since then to now, 22 industrial sub-councils have been established in CCPIT system, covering every main sector in China. Through the past 20 years, industrial sub-councils have grown from a seed to a big tree.  相似文献   


While most consumers today feel concerned by environmental issues, the consumption of hot beverage in disposable cups remains very important. In this study, we use influence strategies related to social norms to reduce these behaviors and get consumers to consume their hot beverage in reusable cups. 14373 orders were analyzed and demonstrate that normative messages can be effective to change consumer behavior toward a more responsible choices.  相似文献   

The Chinese government will invest more than 100 billion yuan ($14.8 billion) to subsidize its fledgling environmentally friendly car industry over the next 10 years, the Shanghai Securities News reported onAugust 4th.  相似文献   

2006年3月30日,南京依维柯汽车有限公司在南京文化艺术中心举行了主题为“和谐十年,科学发展”合资十周年庆典活动。  相似文献   

西部频道的集体性危机意识 由于沿海城市承接着与外部的直接经济往来,在本次经济危机当中,东南沿海城市是中国受到冲击最为严重的区域,而在中西部地区,经济危机的影响力度似乎不甚明显,这与中西部地区经济结构密切相关。老工业、重工业城市身居内陆,  相似文献   

日前,美国伙同日欧在WTO争端解决框架内要求同中国就稀土出口限制问题进行双边磋商,这是争端解决程序的第一步。可以说美日欧对中国资源保护战略打响了第一枪。笔者2010年1月在本专栏曾撰文《美投诉中国出口限制暗藏玄机》,点出美国醉翁之意不在那8种产品,而在剥夺中国对稀土资源实行出口限制的权利。诚如笔者所料,这次是直接针对稀土而来。  相似文献   

陈海超 《广告大观》2009,(11):39-42
在采访上海家化的副总经理王茁的时候,谈到佰草集的中草药定位,王茁显得很有一丝骄傲:“佰草集是独一无二的。中草药配方的定位对于化妆品行业而言,具有鲜明的品牌特征。”他说,“对于目前的品牌建设自言.无论是中国抑或西方品牌,中国元素都成为一种风尚,这也成为了佰草集,抑或其他中国本土品牌‘走出去’的最大契机。”  相似文献   

D. LeBaron, with D. Carpenter. 2002. Mao, Marx, and the Market: Capitalist Adventures in Russia and China. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 303 pages; ISBN: 0‐471‐15315‐X. B. Granville & P. Oppenheimer (Eds.). 2001. Russia's Post‐Communist Economy. Oxford, England: University Press. 538 pages; ISBN 0‐19‐829525‐1. H. Fung & K.H. Zhang (Eds.). 2002. Financial Markets and Foreign Direct Investment in Greater China. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. 302 pages; ISBN: 0‐7656‐0804‐9.  相似文献   

德国ThyssenKrupp集团在合并两年半后已成功开展了多元化经营. 1999年,工业巨子ThyssenKrupp成为德国工业史上最大的合并公司之一.虽然它的名字仍是高等级钢与高质量轧钢的代名词,但诸如中国Transrapid之类的具有国际声望的项目,显示了ThyssenKrupp早已转变为综合服务供应商及工业产品制造商.然而,股票市场对ThyssenKrupp股票仍不看好:甚至在2000年股价重创后的今天,分析家仍只强调ThyssenKrupp的长期潜能.  相似文献   

A senior official of China's National Energy Administration (NEA) encouraged Chinese firms to invest in the renewable energy market of the United States to boost their competitiveness in the international market.  相似文献   

江枫 《中国海关》2001,(11):6-8
中国是一个负责任的大国,无论海关在税收和管理方面发生什么变化,我们都将认真履行我国作出的各项承诺,严格遵守WTO的各项规则.  相似文献   

Since 2002, the Institute for Peace Promotion and Injury/Violence Prevention (CISALVA) at the Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia and the Colombia Program at Georgetown University have developed and implemented 21 epidemiologically based municipal crime observatories in intermediate-sized municipalities in Colombia. These crime observatories serve as monitoring centres that provide low cost, geo-referenced methods of data collection and analysis, which allow cities to develop more responsive policies and prevention programmes and enhance governance. This article focuses on the methodology employed and lessons learned that may be applicable to similar settings. Worth noting within the results was a significant decrease in homicides after the first year of the programme. Whether or not such results could be attributed to the method or to the nature of the interventions and policy initiatives stemming from it remains open to conjecture.  相似文献   

远离病态依附--中国引进外国直接投资发展模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
宋泓 《国际贸易》2001,(2):14-19
依附与自立 二战以后,自跨国公司大规模从事外国直接投资活动以来,发展中国家和地区便有两种发展模式的选择:(1)主要依靠跨国公司及其外国直接投资活动,选择"依附"发展模式.(2)象以往一样,依靠当地企业和本国自身的资本积累走经济"自立"之路.  相似文献   

Content personalization on government websites provides individuals with a personal selection of information. In this study, we determine the role of trust in a government organization, trust in the technology, and perceived controllability on the intention to use content personalization for eGovernment websites. A total of 1141 participants were presented with scenarios describing a nonpersonalized webpage and one of four approaches to online content personalization, followed by an online survey. Results were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. Perceived controllability is the most important antecedent of the intention to use online content personalization for eGovernment; trust in the technology also has a considerable influence. Trust in the government organization plays a minor role. The adaptable approach to online content personalization has the highest likelihood of citizen acceptance. When designing personalized eGovernment information services, designers should instill a feeling of controllability over the coming about of tailored content and trust in the technology.  相似文献   

Moral entrepreneurship is the fine art of recycling evil into good by taking advantage of situations given or constructed as crises. It should be seen as the ultimate generalisation of the entrepreneurial spirit, whose peculiar excesses have always sat uneasily with homo oeconomicus as the constrained utility maximiser, an image that itself has come to be universalised. A task of this essay is to reconcile the two images in terms of what by the end I call ‘superutilitarianism’, which draws on the lore of both superheroes and utilitarianism. After briefly surveying the careers of three exemplars of the moral entrepreneur (Robert McNamara, George Soros and Jeffrey Sachs), I explore the motives of moral entrepreneurs in terms of their standing debt to society for having already caused unnecessary harm but which also now equips him with the skill set needed to do significant good. Such a mindset involves imagining oneself a vehicle of divine will, which would be a scary proposition had it not been long presumed by Christians touched by Calvin. In conclusion, I argue that moral entrepreneurship looks most palatable – and perhaps even attractive – if the world is ‘reversible’, in the sense that every crisis, however clumsily handled by the moral entrepreneur, causes people to distinguish more clearly the necessary from contingent features of their existence. This leads them to reconceptualise past damages as new opportunities to assert what really matters; hence, a ‘superutilitarian’ ethic that treats all suffering as less cost than investment in a greater sense of the good.  相似文献   

一 新<海关法>第十条第二款规定:"报关企业接受委托人的委托办理报关手续的,应当对委托人所提供情况的真实性进行合理审查."所谓"合理审查",是指报关企业在接受进出口货物收发货人的委托,以委托人的名义或者以自己的名义向海关办理报关手续时,对于委托人提供的有关报关事项的情况应给予合理注意,以保证其真实性.简言之,"合理审查",就是报关企业对委托人提供报关情况的一种合理注意义务.  相似文献   

50年前,当新生的共和国为自己的第一个汽车基地鸣响奠基的礼炮时.中国的汽车工业还只是个蹒跚起步的孩子;而50年后的今天.作为国车长子的解放卡车.已经把全球卡车销量冠军的王冠戴在了自己的头上,把世界卡车巨头奔驰和沃尔沃甩在后面。解放产品不仅占据了国内市场的半壁江山,还出口到46个国家和地区,连续5年整车出口全国第一  相似文献   

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