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浅谈馒头加工过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人们的饮食中,馒头占据着主要的地位,尤其是对于北方人来说,对馒头尤为钟爱。所以,有必要研究一下馒头的加工过程,对人们的主要饮食对象作更深入的研究,更加清晰地将馒头加工过程展现在大众面前,促进馒头加工业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

常熟蒸菜在宴席团餐中的作用和地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常熟蒸菜由来已久,本文就蒸菜的历史由来、选料原则及营养卫生等方面进行阐述,通过改善工艺流程来提高效率,并能最大化的保留营养素,对人们的膳食提出指导意见。  相似文献   

中国传统主食馒头的研究概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
馒头是我国的传统面食,也是中国的宝贵文化遗产。馒头与小麦品种和小麦粉品质的关系密切,而且馒头的制作与加工工艺、馒头中的添加组分对馒头品质的影响较大。简要介绍了馒头与小麦品种和小麦粉品质的关系,馒头的制作与加工工艺、馒头中的添加组分对馒头品质的影响及新型馒头的研究开发现状。  相似文献   

Global meat consumption poses a threat to environmental sustainability and human health. Therefore, moral and health‐related norms connected to eating meat are changing and consumers experience conflicts when choosing between meat and nonmeat options in various situations. To achieve a better understanding of the nature of these conflicts and how consumers cope with them, we study identities related to meat consumption and how they are organized. Identity theories are used as the lens to address the self‐relevance of meat to consumers. Thirteen Danish consumers shared how and why they ate, reduced, or avoided meat in a food‐based photo‐diary and in‐depth interviews, supported by a visualization approach, developed from self‐brand connection methods. Three higher‐order identities (pragmatic idealist, ethical foodie, and healthy hedonist) emerged, governing the consumption, reduction, or avoidance of different meat categories. Identity conflicts between health, moral (e.g., animal welfare), and hedonic concerns were present, but also identity stigma. Coping mechanisms include change of salience and changing patterns of meat consumption. Campaigners promoting a reduction in meat consumption and developers of alternative protein foods can use these insights to target identities and facilitate conflict resolutions. However, more research is needed on how generalizable results are.  相似文献   

肉及肉制品生产技术是食品加工技术专业中一门非常重要的课程,学生学习积极性决定了肉制品加工课程的学习效果。本文在从肉及肉制品生产技术的教学中如何提高学生的学习积极性上,从教师的角度、教学内容的层面、教学方式以及考核方式上探讨分析。  相似文献   

二次发酵法制作马铃薯馒头的工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用二次发酵法,以产品感官品质评定得分为依据,研究了马铃薯馒头制作过程中的几个关键工艺条件对产品品质的影响。采用四因素三水平正交实验对关键工艺条件进行分析,从而确定马铃薯馒头的最佳制作工艺条件为:马铃薯粉与小麦粉的添加量之比为2∶8,酵母粉的添加量为0.9%,第一次发酵时间为90 min,第二次发酵时间为20 min。  相似文献   

Free meals with fruit, a dormitory with air-conditioning and TV, reward holidays --these enticing job conditions are offered on the vacancy board for migrant workers by a private shoe-making factory in east China's Zhejiang province.  相似文献   

Fresh meat product retailing at traditional markets in Taiwan causes concerns over meat safety issues.The agricultural administration has established programmes to raise consumer awareness of potential risks of fresh meat that have remained at room temperature for several hours. Although supermarkets sell chilled and frozen meat products, the majority of grocery shoppers in Taiwan still prefer purchasing fresh meat products at traditional markets where meat is displayed on counters or hung on hooks. This study utilizes survey data to segment meat shoppers in Taiwan. Results indicate the shoppers who purchase meat products at supermarkets tend to continue shopping at that location. Potential shoppers of supermarkets, who may switch from traditional markets to supermarkets for meat products, are identified and the major concerns of this group are the meat safety issues. Factors that influence the possibilities of selecting supermarkets for meat products are examined.  相似文献   

The Chinese government is working on a plan to boost the country's annual grain output by 10% by 2020, an industry expert said on August 29.  相似文献   

本文通过对旅游电子商务相关文献及海南旅游电子商务现状与特点的研究,建立了海南旅游电子商务发展的影响因素指标体系,并应用层次分析法对这些影响因素进行分析,求出各影响因素的权重。结果显示在海南旅游电子商务发展中,政府的支持最为重要,紧接其后的依次是企业管理水平、电子商务、管理人才的引进、法律保障、企业宣传等。  相似文献   

This paper addressed consumers’ attitude towards food labels and the influence of different aspects of meat labels on beef, poultry and seafood consumption using data from a national survey in the USA. Approximately 70% of the respondents reported that food labels helped in the purchases of beef and other meat products. While 50% thought that the present level of information on meat labels was about right, about 30% thought that it was insufficient. Similarly, 80, 81, 60, and 80% of the respondents thought that it was very important that meat labels contain information regarding nutrition, ingredients, health claim, and production process respectively. Those respondents who thought that nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were very important also thought that meat labels helped them select beef and other meat products. Consumer preferences for nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were positively related with meat consumption frequency.  相似文献   

根据肉类加工产业的特点,结合《建筑设计防火规范》对肉类加工厂的总平面及单体车间的防火设计进行分析,提出一些个人认为应该引起注意的关键点。  相似文献   

<正> 目前,我国肉类市场上各种中西式肉制品极为丰富,肉类行业涌现出了如双汇集团、春都集团等一批技术设备先进、功能设施齐全、管理科学规范的大型企业集团。肉类工业的发展在促进我国饲料业、种植业、养殖业、畜牧业的发展,推进农业产业化进程,  相似文献   

基于2001年~2017年新疆4种主要肉类产品价格时间序列数据,采用VAR模型和脉冲响应方法,分析了猪肉、牛肉、羊肉和鸡肉之间的价格波动关系以及相互影响程度,结果表明:2001年~2017年新疆各肉类产品价格均呈上涨趋势,其中2017年牛肉、羊肉价格与猪肉和鸡肉价格比较上涨幅度更大;短期内,各肉类产品受自身价格波动影响显著,长期内,牛肉、猪肉价格波动是引致新疆肉类产品市场价格波动的主要因子;从价格波动传导机制上看,猪肉和牛肉二者互为彼此价格波动的影响因素;鸡肉价格相对独立,不受其他肉类产品价格影响;羊肉价格受到猪肉、牛肉价格的影响较显著,但羊肉价格波动对猪肉、牛肉价格的影响有限。通过保证猪、牛产业规模化发展,保护扶持羊产业,鼓励发展鸡产业,建立新疆主要肉类市场价格联动的监测预警机制等措施,可以增加新疆肉类产品有效供给,降低肉类产品价格波动,保障新疆主要肉产品供需平衡。  相似文献   

Meat consumption in the UK has been falling for almost 20 years and the long-standing link between affluence and meat eating has been broken. In 10 years the proportion of the population claiming to be vegan or vegetarian doubled, while those identified as meat avoiders almost quadrupled with a further 40% now being classified as 'meat reducers' by Gallup. Means-End analysis was used for studying the underlying motivations of three groups: meat eaters, meat reducers and vegetarians. Health was found to be the central issue in food choice, but each group sought different terminal values. The view that meat reducers (and possibly even meat avoiders) are demi-vegetarians is challenged by the finding that their underlying motivations are similar to meat consumers and quite unlike those of vegetarians. Persuading meat reducers to adopt a vegetarian diet would require the difficult task of changing the enduring terminal values that they seek to attain through food choice behaviour. In contrast, persuading them to eat more meat would 'only' be a question of changing their beliefs about the healthiness of meat consumption. This paper reports on a study conducted in the UK and considers the implications of the findings for communications strategy.  相似文献   

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