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In this month, another two SUV models have gone on the market. In todaiv,‘s Chinese auto nlarkct, the most booming market in the ,world, Ihe only one competing car might be SUV sports utility vehicle. Since the second half or last year when China‘s SUV market began to pose robust growth, some  相似文献   

In recent years, oil prices have goneup many bines in China. What is the-cause of this? And what is the forcecontrolling China's oil price? To find outthe answer, Jiang Fan and Jia Liyan,correspondents from Economic Monthly,had an interview with Dr. Chen Huai, aresearch fellow with the State CouncilDevelopment and Research Chenter.Administrative Force Interferes withthe Oil Price Correspondent: Since December1998, China's oil price has gone up onsix occasions in succession, while the…  相似文献   

Although iy is predicated that worldeconomy slows down its developmentand brings about negative influence toChina's foreign exports, the 89th ChinaExport Commodities Trade fair brokethrough all previous records in terms ofthe customer's number and trade volume. It indicates that there is more roomfor the growth in China's foreign tradethis year.According to statistics from thefair's organizing committee, about112,000 customers from 181 countriesand regions attended the fair, for the firsttim…  相似文献   

China's auto manufacturers will consume 12.55 million tons of rolled steel this year, according to Shi Jianhua,deputy head of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.  相似文献   

ChinaBusinessTimesrecentlyreleasedtheYear2000SurveyReportonChina'sPrivateCorporations.Thelastsurveyonprivatecorporationsnationwidewasmadepublicin1997.TheYear2000SurveyReportonChina'sPrivateCorporations,byanalyzingtheexternalenvironmentfacedbyChina'sprivatecorporationsfordevelopmentoverthepastthreeyears,especiallymacropoliciesbytheChinesegovernmentforprivatecorporations,reachedaconclusionthatprivatecorporationsshowstronganimationandarestilladvancingatasteadypace.Herearesomeexcerptsfromthe…  相似文献   

China's gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to exceed RMB20 trillion (about US$2.56 trillion) this year, up 10.5% over 2005, said Ma Kai, minister of the State Development and Reform Commission (SDRC), in Beijing on Saturday.  相似文献   

Since China suffered SARS, China'seconomy has surely faced manydifficulties. But the Chinesegovernment has taken eight measures toovercome SARS difficulties to ensure theforecast of 7% and 7.4% economic growthfor the second season and the whole yearwill not be changed. In the third season,China will have its economy graduallyrecover. Foreign direct investment was notinfluenced greatly by SARS. China's marketis so attractive to foreign direct investmenfor China's further opening of i…  相似文献   

Areport released by the ChinaNational Information Centerestimates that China's residentconsumption market will maintain thisyear's increasing trend next year, and thatretail prices for consumer goods willincrease by 10% or so, and that theconsumer demand structure is more likelyto diversify and classify.In terms of the consumer market, nextyear home appliance companies will puttheir main force into new types of homeappliances, such as high-tech, energysaving, and environmental friendliness,an…  相似文献   

This article assesses the trade effects of anti-dumping (AD) duties levied on 177 (8-digit) products by India during the period 1994 to June 2001. A panel regression has been applied to quantify the effects of AD actions on import volumes, values, and prices. It finds that the investigation effects of AD actions are not substantial. The imposition of AD duties restrains trade (both volume and value) and raises import prices. While trade effects start dissipating in subsequent years, import prices from both named and unnamed countries rise significantly in the post-duty years. There is little evidence that trade is diverted from unnamed to named countries. Thus, the domestic industry is benefited due to the price rise. Their financial position improves at the expense of both consumers and downstream industries. Since anti-dumping is an expensive form of protection, only large and dominant producers in concentrated industries emerge as the major beneficiaries of this protection. Finally, the developing trade partner countries suffer significant import losses when named. However, the trade destruction effect is insignificant for developed countries. Even though the unit value of their imports rises, there is no evidence of decline in trade from these countries.  相似文献   

对于多数喜欢越野性能的消费者来说,他们喜欢的SUV车型应该是动感十足、个性时尚,经济实用、安全舒适,既能开着去上下班,又能在周末等休闲日和亲朋好友一起去野外郊游。如今,消费者选择城市SUV的决定性因素又增加了一点——节能。近期,华泰圣达菲在广州车展预订火爆及北京现代途胜等城市SUV的热销昭示着,在城市SUV市场,一股节能之风悄然刮起,并大有愈演愈烈之势。  相似文献   

追朔SUV的发展,它起源于上世纪80年代的美国。由于兼具轿车的舒适与豪华、越野车的动力与野性、MPV的功能与时尚等多种优势,加上适应能力强,可行驶范围广泛,所以近几年国内外消费者对SUV产品特别青睐。  相似文献   

SUV即运动型多功能车。它既具有轿车的舒适性,又具有越野车的越野性能,用途广泛。  相似文献   

进入2002年,我国皮卡呈现出较为强劲的发展势头,其原因是以长城为首的皮卡厂家推出了经济型SUV。2003年,经济型SUV活跃在中国汽车市场上,全国皮卡企业(含经济型SUV)销量169068辆,比2002年增长43.1%。有一种观点认为:“经济型SUV救了皮卡”。这话并不完全正确,实际上除经济型SUV之外,纯粹意义上的皮卡每年都有稳步并持续的上升。如果没有多功能车的推出,皮卡销量还会有更大幅度的提升。  相似文献   

“猎豹车不错”,这是众多用户的口碑式评价。确实,猎豹车在动力性、操控性、越野性、舒适性、安全性等方面表现不俗,且价格定位又较合理,因此得到消费者的青睐和喜爱是必然的,这也是其保持连续四年国内越野车市场头把交椅的原因之一吧。但不容置疑的是猎豹“老”了。面对国内市场上琳琅满目的新型SUV,以三菱帕杰罗V31,V33为技术平台的猎豹车,却数年一贯,车型显得陈旧、落伍。尽管其在技术含量和配置上做了许多改进,但外形却没什么变化。  相似文献   

吴国华 《国际贸易》2002,(12):13-15
在世界经济衰退和国际贸易投资萎缩的形势下,2002年我国外贸出口实现了高速增长.前11个月,出口增幅节节攀升,累计增长21.6%,比2001年同期增幅高出15.6个百分点,预计全年可比2001年增加出口500多亿美元.这种高速增长态势能否在2003年延续下去?  相似文献   

由郑州日产生产的日产汽车公司(NISSAN)最新款SUV汽车PALADIN(帕拉丁),2月18日在郑州下线,2月28日在北京长城脚下的长城公社正式亮相上市。去年国内的SUV市场就很热闹,今年仍不减温,众厂家纷纷推出各自的SUV车型,且排产量惊人。当然,这其中鱼龙混目,但也反映出SUV的市场潜力和较高的增长幅度。PAL—ADII'q(帕拉丁)作为后来者,以何优势突破重围,跻身于SUV市场并成为旗舰?  相似文献   

2003年4月3日,美国国际贸易委员会举行的最终裁决听证会,以四对零的绝对票,认定中国球轴承应诉企业对美国轴承工业没有造成任何损害,判决中国输美国球轴承倾销案不成立。随后,中国机电产品进出口商会与53家生产出口球轴承企业相继收到了来自美国方面的正式确认信息,至此,历时十四个月之久的入世后首起中美反倾销案以中国应诉企业全面获胜而结案。  相似文献   

The press conference and flag presentation ceremony of the 6th China Auto International fAlgeria & Egypt)Exhibition Tour was held on November 3,2008 at China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT),Beijing.An international exhibition automobile team,which is composed of China's independent brands and represents the independent research,development and manufacturing level of Chinese automobile industry,is ready to set out for Africa.  相似文献   

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