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It was the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Chinese auto in dustry in 2003. In the past 50 years, Chinese auto industry developed from nothing, then expanded from small to big, and now it is growing from big to strong. In the 1980s when China implemented the reform and opening-up policy, Chinese auto industry got a rapid development; it has set up several key attto companies such as FAW Corp., Dong Feng Auto Group, Shanghai Auto Group, etc., manly important auto spare-parts enterprises and several motorcycle manufacturing enterprises of world scale. The amual automobile output in China stands at the fourth  相似文献   

The establishment of a China- Russia strategic partnership has greatly increased both finan- cial and commercial communications between the two countries.Since the Chinese automobile first entered Russia in 2003,after just a few years of develop- ment,Russia has become the most im- portant market for Chinese automobile exports. According to the annual report published by the China Chamber of  相似文献   

In recent years,as the automobile industry in China is booming,more and more Chinese autos go abroad,and take a share in the international market.There are many international and domestic auto exhibitions,which give those companies arenas to show.How- ever,if you would like to have an intuitive and in-depth understanding of the advantages of Chinese autos,and get fully knowledge of  相似文献   

In recent years,as the automobile industry in China is booming,more and more Chinese autos go abroad,and take a share in the international market.There are many international and domestic auto exhibitions,which give those companies arenas to show.How- ever,if you would like to have an intuitive and in-depth understanding of the advantages of Chinese autos,and get fully knowledge of  相似文献   

Chinese auto market has developed with an annual growth rate of 36%, the first in speed in the world. The investment of transnational companies in China's auto production are enough to produce 2.7 million autos, but China's wish to become the "world center of automobile manufacture" is still a dream.In the 2005 Report on Transnational Companies in China issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Jia Xinguang, Chief Analyst of China Auto Consulting and Development Corporation, criticized the "South Korean mode" of Chinese automobile industry.  相似文献   

It was the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Chinese auto in dustry in 2003. In the past 50 years, Chinese auto industry developed trom nothing, then expanded from small to big, and now it is growing from big to strong. In the 1980s when China implemented the reform and opening-up policy, Chinese auto industry got a rapid  相似文献   

In recent years,Chinese automotive industry,as one of the pillar industries has kept on rising.In 2006,Chinese auto production ranked the third in the world. The governmental authorities are also studying the corresponding taxations to boost the healthy development of Chinese automotive industry. Mr.Shi Yaobin,Chief-Director of Taxation Department, the Ministry of Finance of ER.C,gave a lecture on current taxation items in China's auto industry and released infor-  相似文献   

The rapid development of Chinese auto industry has led to an escalated boom of the independent brands of Chinese auto industry, as well as a success in the overseas market. Especially in the fields of the business cars, thanks to the abundant experiences accumulated during the past 50 years and the mature products, Chinese auto industry has won some comparative advantages in the international market.……  相似文献   

The rapid development of Chinese auto industry has led to an escalated boom of the independent brands of Chinese auto industry, as well as a success in the overseas market. Especially in the fields of the business cars, thanks to the abundant experiences accumulated during the past 50 years and the mature products, Chinese auto industry has won some comparative advantages in the international market.  相似文献   

It was the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Chinese auto industry in 2003. In the past 50 years, Chinese auto industry developed from nothing, then expanded from small to big, and now it is growing from big to strong.  相似文献   

<正>销售工作从本质上来说是管理工作。消费者需求是企业营销源头活水,销售渠道如灌溉系统。从中国农民几千年总结出来的田间管理经验中,我们的销售工作似乎可以得到一些启示。事实上,在我们的销售工作中,制造商这一大水库,一直控制着整个灌溉系统流量。经销商是分散在各地的小水库,它从制造商那里获得水,并通过水渠向田间送水;零售商就是田间地头的蓄水池,农民从池里取水浇田。从大水库列小水库再到  相似文献   

曹玫 《电子商务》2005,(1):37-39
<正>一旦诚信问题被化解,网上商城与传统卖场的尖峰对话时刻也将不远矣在国美、大中、苏宁三大巨头奋力鏖战,分角必争之时,数码网上商场的主力“搜易得”,消除羁绊,大举发力,提前投入到了这场没有硝烟的战争之中。它的参与,使零售业的市场格局变得更加微妙,也让三大巨头深感危机。  相似文献   

茅于轼 《大经贸》2001,(7):12-14
茅于轼要为中小企业正名。在国外,政府"帮小"不"帮大",在我国,政府是"帮大"不"帮小",中小企业甚至往往成为打击和刁难的对象。这几年,政府花大力气关闭五小企业,理由是技术落后、破坏环境、恶性竞争。茅于轼认为,三条理由似是而非,都站不住脚。而坚持发展是硬道理的原则,就必须善待中小企业。  相似文献   

"物流管理"和"供应链管理"是"异名同质"吗?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在社会上将物流管理和供应链管理两者合一研究的文章很多,有的观点则将两者归为“异名同质”问题。本文从物流与供应链的概念、物流管理与供应链管理的概念和研究的对象及内容出发,针对物流管理和供应链管理是“异名同质”的认识提出质疑,认为物流管理与供应链管理目标的一致性并不能证明二者工作性质的一致性;既要看到二者部分管理内容的重合性,也要看到管理范围的局限性:“企业物流一体化”向“供应链一体化”的转变,是对物流服务对象的认识。物流管理和供应链管理既有相互联系、相互包容的一面,也有其各自的运行规律,分清两者之间的区别不仅对设置与专业发展相关的课程、培养人才起着至关重要的作用,而且对于企业清晰管理组织设置和管理权限划分也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

韦峰 《大经贸》2001,(8):90-91
2000年底,由美国中国商会、美国太平洋开发集团、美国零售连锁企业协会和美国采购商联盟等联合组织的美国采购团,开始了在华的第一轮采购.按照规划,从当年12月份开始,美国将派遣采购团每月来华采购一次,预计年采购额将高达4亿美元.大采购的第一站选在了美方认为国际贸易发展最先进的北京地区,计划中的采购金额为4000万美元.而最后结果却出人意料,首轮采购以无果告终.分析造成这一尴尬结局的主要原因之一,是北京企业的电子贸易化程度太低,无法与美方习惯采用的电子化、网络化国际贸易操作方式配合协作,因而不能正常地进行商务沟通和运作.……  相似文献   

现今的营销面临着前所未有的挑战,企业发现顾客的芳心已越来越难打动,顾客的购买已越来越精明了。  相似文献   

本文在准确分析全球技术贸易的格局及中国所处地位的基础上,力图从理论上探讨“新技术民族主义”的合理性,进而深刻地认识基于WTO规则下的技术贸易和技术发展的实质和特征,借鉴美国、欧盟等发达国家推进自主创新的政策及其措施,以促进中国的科技进步及其经济增长。  相似文献   

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