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今年6月,河南女裤品牌娅丽达在品牌秋冬发布会上首次展示了女装产品,继领秀·梦舒雅和逸阳后,又一个著名女裤企业站到了品类系列化的阵营里。河南女裤为何逐步改变专而精的发展模式?河南女裤又将何去何从?近年来,河南女裤强势崛起,领跑国内市场,而如今一些以精和专闻名产业的河南女裤品牌开始试水女装,引起了广泛关注。6月12日,著名河南女裤品牌娅丽达的新品发布会上,伴随着音乐款款走出的模特穿上了娅丽达的品牌女装。河南女裤中又一位重要成员走上了品类系列化的发展道路。  相似文献   

2005~2006年的“CHIC”盛事,梦舒雅以“中国女裤领军品牌”的姿态强势入主“中国国际时装周”、“CHIC静态展”、强势冠名“中国女裤产业高峰论坛”,成为中国最具权威机构发布的“中国女裤行业调查报告”中最具实力的品牌。从1998年9月,中国第一家女裤专卖店——梦舒雅郑州银基专卖店诞生到如今,不到十年时间,梦舒雅女裤以女裤业领军品牌的傲然姿态,以不断完善的技术创新能力和卓越的企业管理能力,在顺应着整个行业发展之大势的同时,走出了一条属于自己的发展、壮大、做强之路。  相似文献   

过去曾是老纺织基地的河南,纺织服装在近几年快速地向产业链下游延伸,省会郑州市二七区的女裤产业经过20多年的积累与发展,其女裤生产量已经占据了全国女裤市场的半壁江山,中国女裤看郑州、郑州女裤看二七在业内早已成为不争的事实,未来中国女裤的国际名牌,有望从这座中国女裤名城率先叫响。  相似文献   

郑州二七杯首届中国女裤设计大赛logo征集活动在广大设计师朋友以及设计爱好者的支持下圆满结束。郑州二七杯首届中国女裤设  相似文献   

郑州女裤通过集群式的发展,在全国女裤市场中已占有相当的份额,以梦舒雅、娅丽达为代表的龙头企业在推进郑州女裤的发展过程中起到了关键作用。作为郑州女裤龙头企业之一的金田服饰有限公司,旗下的纽伦品牌不仅缔造了中国第一条斜裁花格女裤,还凭借独具特色的经营模式,积极地追逐着中国女裤代言人的宏伟目标。日前,《纺织服装周刊》记者走进金田服饰有限公司并采访了公司董事长杨辉。  相似文献   

对于业内人士来讲,“中国女裤看郑州”这句始于本世纪初的口号并不陌生.多年过去了,郑州女裤企业到底是怎样一种状况? 近日,《纺织服装周刊》记者来到了位于郑州市西四环纺织产业园的郑州云顶服饰有限公司,亲眼目睹了郑州女裤企业的活力和英姿,他们正以满腔热情拥抱“互联网+制造”,努力践行“中国制造2025”,全力迈向智能制造……  相似文献   

提起中国女裤,就不能不提到娅丽达。作为郑州女裤"双子星"之一,娅丽达专注于女裤经营十几年,毫无疑问的成为了中国女裤品牌中的佼佼者。如今,娅丽达正在向中国女裤专家的方向迈进,将女裤这一单品做到极致是其与众不同的经营理念。近日,记者采访了郑州娅丽达服饰公司董事长赵孙立,听他是如何阐释先"裤"后甜的。  相似文献   

近些年来,河南裤业的飞速发展令业内同行为之侧目,特别是以梦舒雅、娅丽达为代表的数十个女裤品牌在全国叫响了"中国女裤看郑州"的名头,称雄中原以及北方女裤市场已是不争的事实。但是如何过江,在竞争激烈的南方裤业市场占有一席之地,成为真正的全国性品牌呢?7月25~27日,包括梦舒雅、娅丽达在内的近30家河南裤业企业考察了位于常熟的"中国裤业中心"后,达成了"郑州女裤市场拓展联盟"并将入驻中国裤业中心。《纺织服装周刊》记者为此采访了河南省服装协会领导及企业代表。  相似文献   

2011年,领秀在"女裤专家轻系列化"商业模式的有力助推下,坚定"女裤专家与领导者"的品牌定位,并通过"打广告、整渠道、强产品、强供应链、强团队"全面提升品牌综合实力。2012年,领秀企业因此迈入了二次发展的元年。3月26日,第20届中国国际服装服饰博览会(CHIC2012)顺利拉开帷幕,这一次,领秀又将如何独领风骚?  相似文献   

3月20日晚,万众瞩目的郑州二七杯首届中国女裤设计大赛决赛在郑州市会展中心隆重举行,呈现了当今中国女裤设计作品的最高水准。伴随20件入围决赛的佳作的精彩角逐,28万元的巨额奖金花落各家,这项历时5个多月由《纺织服装周刊》杂志社承办的赛事圆满结束。  相似文献   

关于服装材料创新设计的解析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
服装材料设计是服装设计中一个重要部分。服装材料的创新设计为服装设计开创了一个更新、更广阔的空间。本文详细解析服装材料的创新设计,其中又分为新材料的开发和材料的二次创造。总的来说,材料的创新设计推动了服装材料和服装设计的共同发展。  相似文献   

This article empirically explores the nature of the role of design in the new product development process. The investigation adopts a multiple case study methodology. Data were collected through a six‐month interview program carried out with mid‐size to large U.K. manufacturing companies. The researchers articulate the scope and detailed nature of actions undertaken by design across all phases of the new product development process. Design functional, integration, and leadership actions are unraveled from the data. A taxonomy characterizing three roles for design in new product development is developed and explained. In the first role, design is explored as a functional specialism. The second categorization develops the role of design as part of a multifunctional team. The third role depicts the designer as process leader. Detailed actions and skills associated with each role are discussed and illustrated. Contextual factors explaining and influencing each design role are unraveled. These are articulated as speed of development process, innovativeness of the product development effort, and use of external design agencies. The implications of these findings for the development of design skills and capabilities are discussed in terms of recruitment, training, and educational policies.  相似文献   

绿色设计在工业产品设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟 《河北工业科技》2007,24(4):241-243
随着人类生存环境的不断恶化,资源可持续发展的重要性逐渐被人们所认识,引发了绿色设计和人性化设计等设计思潮。从3个方面对绿色设计在工业设计中的应用进行了认识分析,指出绿色设计融入工业设计是工业设计发展的必然趋势,它会使工业设计更加符合人类消费心理的需求,符合社会发展的需求,使工业设计理论更为科学实用。  相似文献   

Radical or “discontinuous” products based on new technological breakthroughs are playing an ever‐increasing role in the success of firms. However, little research has been conducted that investigates the roles of marketing and industrial design (ID) in the development of these types of products. Further, past research has tended to overlook the role that industrial design, and the impact of the marketing‐industrial design interaction, can have on the development of discontinuous new products. Frequently, the term design is used broadly or is equated with engineering; thus, while the marketing–research and development (R&D) interaction is studied, the marketing–ID as well as the industrial design–R&D relationships are not considered. This article examines the roles of marketing and industrial design in the product development process for discontinuous innovations. Specifically, questions concerning how and the degree to which marketing and industrial design are integrated into the development process are investigated. The investigation employs multiple methods, or triangulation, in order to secure an in‐depth understanding of the roles of these disciplines. In the course of examining these questions, key factors influencing industrial design and marketing involvement are identified and preliminary models are examined. The research, which was conducted in two phases, employed a mixed‐method, multiple sample design. The methods used included a survey, field observation study, and depth‐interviewing. Data were collected from three different samples: R&D managers, project team members (including personnel from various disciplines—marketing, R&D, industrial design, engineering, etc.), and industrial design managers. The use of the different data sources and sampling of various groups of managers was employed in order to provide a rich context for investigating the research questions of interest. In addition, a preliminary analysis of factors (e.g., degree of product discontinuity, product innovation objectives, process discontinuity, process formality) identified in the first phase was conducted, and these relationships were explored further in the second phase of the research. Findings across the two phases of this research suggest that the development of discontinuous new products involves a process that is different from more conventional new product development—particularly as it concerns the roles of marketing and industrial design. The high degree of discontinuity inherent in such projects, along with the strong R&D orientation often surrounding them, results in delayed involvement of marketing and ID, as well as altering their roles in the new product development (NPD) process. Factors such as the degree of product discontinuity (DPD), process discontinuity (PCD), and process formality (PF) seemed to exert a differential influence on the involvement of marketing and ID. Although their roles and involvement are altered in discontinuous new product development, this research suggests that marketing and ID roles in this context involve increased challenges with respect to validation of key assumptions and product application directions. Additionally, managers operating in this development context need to explicitly consider the influence of factors such as discontinuity level in undertaking NPD projects with respect to how it affects the execution of industrial design and marketing activities.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to investigate the benefits that may be gained from using aesthetic design in new service development. The research is performed in two phases. In the first phase, case research examining the use of aesthetic design in 16 new service development projects in new technology‐based firms is used to determine the objectives underlying managers' decisions to use aesthetic design in new service development. The results of the case research suggest that the objectives underlying managers' decisions to use aesthetic design in new service development are attracting new customers, creating and fostering a positive image of their firm in their market, retaining existing customers, and doing so at lower cost. In the second phase, the results of the case research are used to generate hypotheses that are tested using longitudinal survey data collected in 98 new technology‐based firms. The findings suggest that by and large the benefits expected by managers are realized. The practitioner implications of this research are that new technology‐based firms that emphasize the use of aesthetic design in new service development can expect to have a greater proportion of sales from new customers, be less dependent on a few large customers, be more successful in entering new markets, have a more favorable firm image, and enjoy higher turnover growth from existing customers and higher profits than comparable firms not using aesthetic design. The data do not provide support for the hypothesis that firms using aesthetic design in new service development will have customers that are less inclined to switch their allegiance to competitors, whereas it does support the hypothesis that firms using aesthetic design will enjoy higher turnover growth from existing customers than others. This could indicate that, although firms cannot expect to retain customer loyalty based on aesthetic design, they can expect to earn greater revenues from customers who do remain loyal if they emphasize aesthetic design.  相似文献   

There is a growing belief that investing in industrial design is beneficial to company performance. This article sheds more light on how and when integrating industrial design in the product development process can enhance a company's competitive position. The basic premise is that the impact of industrial design on company performance is not unconditional, but dependent on industry evolution and design strategy. We opted to define industrial design in a general way, namely as the activity that transforms a set of product requirements into a configuration of materials, elements and components. This activity can have an impact on a product's appearance, user friendliness, ease of manufacture, efficient use of materials, functional performance, and so on. The empirical data incorporated in this study stems from two Dutch manufacturing industries, namely home furniture and precision instruments. Home furniture and precision instruments were selected because the strategy of integrating industrial design in the product development process is rather mature in the first‐named industry and emerging in the second. We collected data from firms investing considerably in industrial design (n = 23) and firms investing little to nothing in industrial design (n = 24), using a semistructured questionnaire that was administrated during face‐to‐face sessions with senior managers. Two out of the three research hypotheses were supported. It was found that the extent to which firms integrate industrial design in new product development projects has a significant and positive influence on company performance (Hla), in particular when the strategy of investing in industrial design is relatively new for the industry involved (Hlb). There was no systematic pattern indicating that design innovation is more important in industries where the use of design is mature than in industries where the use of design is emerging (H2). Instead, we found that design innovation has significant positive performance effects in both types of industries. One important managerial inference from our study is that new product development managers should consider the changing nature of competition during industry evolution while developing strategies that encompass the use of industrial design in new product development. Another important managerial inference is that, besides being innovative in the field of products, being innovative with respect to design and design strategy can help to enhance competitiveness regardless of industry evolution.  相似文献   

In the second half of inter–organizational product development, the new product is likely to face significant design changes. Our study focused on the adequacy of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to support the collaborative partners to steer and align the accompanying design activities. It quantitatively supported discussions between researchers, engineers, manufacturers and future users involved in the development of a voice–producing prosthesis. These discussions focused on the planning of respectively the product design objectives, design changes, and design activities. This product design planning was based on the product requirements relevant to the diverse groups involved, a pro–active view on the market circumstances, the available knowledge, skills and resources, lead–time and costs. The outcomes showed that the AHP is an adequate tool for R&D managers to support inter–organizational product development.  相似文献   

The architecture of a product is the design and specification of inherent subsystems, components, and interfaces between subsystems. Well‐defined interfaces allow the development of standardized subsystems that may be shared across product lines, e.g., technology platforms. Past research shows the benefits of modular product architecture in terms of improving cost of goods through common components and materials as well as improving development time cycles for derivative products. Product architecture does not occur by accident; it must be engineered and implemented. This study explores the impact of digital design and information technology (IT) on the development of modular product architectures. Through an empirical study of 122 firms and follow‐up interviews with several respondents, we study the impact of digital design tools and IT infrastructure on the development of modular product architecture and overall project outcomes. The results indicate that a firm's IT infrastructure has a strong, significant relationship with the development of modular product architecture. The findings also show a strong, positive relationship between the development of modular product architecture and project outcomes. However, in contrast to the common perception that digital design tools enhance R&D productivity and effectiveness, we do not find a significant relationship between digital design tool usage and modular product architecture or overall project outcomes. The findings suggest that digital design tools and their organizational implementation need improvement in up‐front new product development phases.  相似文献   

Microprocessors are being incorporated into an increasingly wide range of products. However, many of the companies that manufacture such products are not effectively managing software development for these embedded systems. Despite the current focus on concurrent engineering and cross-functional teams, software engineering is often poorly integrated with the rest of the product development effort. The result is usually a costly delay in the product's introduction to the market. Tomlinson G. Rauscher and Preston G. Smith describe several practices that have proved helpful for accelerating the development of products that incorporate embedded software. Managerial and economic opportunities for accelerating development of hardware-software systems involve planning for dramatic growth in products that include embedded software, cultivating in-house software knowledge, recognizing the financial effects of project decisions, and measuring project progress. Improving time to market requires hiring and developing software engineering staff and managers with the requisite knowledge of the application, ensuring that they understand the techniques for specifying requirements and design, and providing them with clear guidelines for evaluating the trade-offs between project duration, project cost, and product performance. Progress should be measured in terms of the number of components completed, rather than the number of lines of code that are written. During the development process, emphasis should be placed on managing the scheduling links between hardware and software development, obtaining user feedback about the system as early as possible, and using a flexible, ongoing review process. Development groups should establish software requirements and design parameters before they start coding, and testing should commence early in the system design process. By creating a working prototype of the user interface, developers can obtain user feedback and thereby sharpen the design specification. Effective, timely software development requires focusing greater energy and resources on development of the requirements specification. By expending this effort in the first phase of a project, the development team can minimize its use of the time-consuming code-and-debug approach to software development. In addition to breaking down a complex system into understandable pieces, a modular design supports efforts to accelerate product development. With a modular design, work on various modules can be assigned concurrently to relatively independent teams. A modular design facilitates testing of the product as well as reuse of software that was developed and deployed in previous projects.  相似文献   

顾客需求和设计开发,决定产品定位和产品的质量。阐述了顾客需求和设计开发管理中存在的问题,说明了进行顾客需求和设计开发创新管理的必要性,并通过故障模式及影响分析的案例来说明创新管理的重要性。  相似文献   

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