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A theoretical model is presented which integrates the consumption and production components of the rural household. A theoretically determined system of expenditure equations, derived factor demand equations and an off-farm labor supply equation are estimated using primary data for Saskatchewan farm households. From the empirical results we conclude that if the wage rate can be observed or estimated, the farm household's behavior can be explained empirically in a manner consistent with received theory. Summary and Conclusions A theoretical model integrating the consumption and production sides of the farm household or enterprise is estimated empirically using primary data for Saskatchewan farm households. The farm household was assumed to maximize its utility function subject to farm production and cash flow constraints. The empirical results indicate that the theoretical model can be estimated successfully even when data are sparse. While the coefficients for the expenditure, derived demand, and off-farm labor supply equations are consistent with coefficients from similar equations estimated separately by others, the theoretically more precise integrated approach specifies the simultaneous effect of the variables across equations. From the empirical results and the theoretical considerations it is obvious that the wage rate is a key explanatory variable in the model. The wage rate links the three components of the model–final expenditures, the derived input demands and off-farm labor hours. The wage rate is one determinant of the allocation of the operator's time (although other factors such as the nature of the operation and opportunities to work off-farm dominated in this study), and both the wage rate and the allocation of the time determine the eventual income available to the rural household. In essence, then, the problem of explaining farm household behavior when the household's business enterprise function cannot be separated from its consumption activity is similar to that of traditional models based on the theory of the firm and models of consumer behavior. The only difference is that the wage rate is observable in the traditional models but needs to be estimated as a shadow price in models which seek to explain rural household behavior. As a result, research in this area must start with an explanation of the allocation of (at least) the operator's labor and a measure of the shadow wage rate. If the entire household's allocation of time between on-farm and off-farm labor and leisure is determined, it is possible to treat its consumption and production activities separately. Further research is required to extend the model to explain household labor supply to both the farm and off-farm labor markets.  相似文献   

This article extends the current literature on estimating the labor supply function in agriculture by providing a different method to derive the shadow wage and shadow income. The method is based on the observation that the shadow wage is the marginal product of labor at the optimal point of both farm and household production functions. Thus, under certain assumptions on the functional form of the production functions, both the shadow wage and shadow income can be derived without estimating the production function. Using a sample of Vietnamese farmers, the results from the new method are shown to be consistent with the theory.  相似文献   

This paper measures farm-specific technical efficiencies of rice farms in Central Luzon, the Philippines, at discrete points in time. Stochastic frontier production functions are estimated from the International Rice Research Institute's Loop Survey for the years 1970, 1974, 1979 and 1982. From the results, a measure of relative technical efficiency is calculated for each farm for each year. The four distributions of technical efficiencies are examined. Results show that technical inefficiency is the major reason for deviation from the frontier production function. All four samples show a large range of inefficiency but in general efficiency has improved, particularly between 1979 and 1982.  相似文献   

A shadow-price profit frontier model is developed to examine production efficiency of Chinese rural households in farming operations. The model incorporates price distortions resulting from imperfect market conditions and socioeconomic and institutional constraints, but retains the advantages of stochastic frontier properties. The shadow prices are derived through a generalized profit function estimation. The shadow-price profit frontier is then estimated and an efficiency index based on the estimated profit frontier is computed and decomposed to household characteristics. Empirical results using data from China's Rural Household Survey for 1991 reject the neoclassical profit maximization hypothesis based on market prices in favor of the general model with price distortions. Farmers' resource endowment and education influence their response to the market restrictions, thus alter their performance in terms of efficiency. The estimated efficiency index ranges from 6% to 93% with a sample average of 62%. Households' educational level, family size and per capita net income are positively related to production efficiency. Households living in mountain areas or with family members employed by the government or state industries are relatively inefficient. Reducing market intervention, allowing right of use of farm land to be transferred among households, encouraging migration of excess farm labor, and promoting farmers' education will improve rural households' efficiency in agricultural production.  相似文献   

This paper explores further some of the ideas put forward by McInerney (1993) in his economic perspective of animal welfare. It uses a simple economic framework to consider citizens' concerns and perceptions about farm animal welfare and the production and consumption of livestock products in society. People's perceptions that certain aspects of livestock production give rise to poor farm animal welfare are a potential source of disutility for them. This disutility may be associated with people's own consumption of livestock products and/or with other people's consumption. The latter is a negative externality of consumption in society, resulting in very real indirect costs associated with livestock production. The paper discusses the need for valuing farm animal welfare, considers techniques for evaluation and highlights some of the policy issues involved.  相似文献   

In this paper a two period life cycle model of the farm household is constructed allowing for production and restrictions on debt in which the consumption and production decisions of the farm household are simultaneous. It is shown that the farm household's production responses to exogenous changes may be qualitatively different to that predicted by the profit-maximising model when all markets are perfect. In particular, when the household is debt constrained, ‘perverse’ output effects are possible with output increasing in response to output price decreases. Further, for such households, compensation payments will have production effects. Finally, the financial situation of the farm has an impact on production for debt constrained farms.  相似文献   

This paper discusses many of the problems encountered in estimating production functions in a low-income farm area in Saskatchewan. It also ermines the difficulties of interpreting the estimated structural coefficients and their usefulness in policy formulation.
The econometric difficulties discussed in production function estimation are those of function selection and choice and rearmament of variables. Many of the comments are also relevant to other forms of quantitative research.
It is combed that: a great deal of arbitrariness is involved in selecting the appropriate production function model, statistical results often conflict with economic theory, it is impossible to interpret the results in a meaningful manner, and production function research is unable to. provide fruitful information for the type of policy decisions deemed desirable to change the economic structure of low-income farm areas.  相似文献   

Structural changes in Saskatchewan agriculture have led to significant changes in the time allocation of labor of farm women. This paper analyzes the nonfarm labor market participation and labor supply of farm women in the theoretical context of a household production function and contrasts them with those of men. Participation is analyzed using probit models, and nonfarm labor supply functions are estimated using tobit models. Personal characteristics such as age, education, number of children and nonfarm labor participation of the spouse are significantly related to the nonfarm labor market participation and labor supply of farm women, and the direction of influence is as expected. Farm characteristics such as farm size and type are significant in the case of males but not for females. Labor market characteristics are represented only by distance to the nearest center of Complete Shopping Center status or higher and, while this variable is negatively significant for males as expected, it is not significant for females Les changements structurels qui on frappé l'agriculture de la Saskatchewan ont entraîné des modifications significatives à la répartition du temps des agricultrices en matière de travail. L'article présente une analyse de la participation au marché du travail non agricole, ainsi que de l'offre de main-d'oeuvre des agricultrices, dans le contexte théorique d'une fonction de production de ménage, en comparaison avec la situation observée chez les hommes. Le degré de participation e'tait analysé à partir de modèles probit et les fonctions d'offre de main-d'oeuvre non agricole étaient estimées à partir de modéles tobit. Les caractères personnels comme l'âge, I'instruction, le nombre d'enfants et la participation du conjoint à un travail non agricole étaient significativement reliés, dans le sens attendu, à la participation des femmes au marché du travail non agricole et au temps qu'elles pouvaient y consacrer. Les caractères de l'exploitation, superficie et type, n'étaient significatifs que pour les hommes mais pas pour les femmes. Le seul caractére du marché de main-d'oeuvre considéré était la distance entre la ferme et l'agglomération la plus proche de niveau de centre commercial complet ou de niveau supérieur. Bien que, comme on pouvait s'y attendre, cette variable était significativement négative dans le cas des hommes, elle n'avait pas de valeur significative pour les femmes  相似文献   

The contribution which farmers' wives make to the farm business is typically overlooked and under-valued, yet the farm could not function without it. The paper describes the nature of the work done by wives on farms in the UK and Ireland as revealed by two recent postal surveys. Using data from the Farm Business Survey for England and Wales, it attempts to quantify some aspects of the work. It is suggested that farm wives may contribute 5 per cent of the manual hours worked by the regular labour force and 9–10 per cent of the total regular labour input on main holdings. Further, as hired and family labour is shed and farmers seek additional employment, the wife's labour contribution is likely to become more significant. Continued neglect of women's involvement may jeopardise the future of the family farm. The paper suggests how data collection procedures might be improved to give a more realistic picture of the wife's contribution.  相似文献   

Ricardo's discovery that the rents of agricultural lands arise essentially out of the differences between them can be restated by saying that the rent of land should depend on its marginal product. In come countries the Ricardian situation persists; where agricultural labour has “nowhere else to go” rents rise as a function of rural population density. The paper reviews the measures of marginal product which have been made using three methods of estimation: the production function (Cobb Douglas): estimates made by precise linear programming; and estimates of the “residual” income to land. The production function technique has been applied in countries at all stages of development ranging from African hand hoe agriculture to Australia and Belgium, and for a range of farm sizes. There are fewer examples of measures made by the other two methods; they are more suitable for use in advanced economics.  相似文献   

Perfect farm‐retail price transmission sometimes is taken to mean an elasticity of price transmission (EPT) equal to 1. We show that this definition is inconsistent with Gardner's (1975) model. We also show that the absolute marketing margin (defined as the difference between the retail price and farm price) responds differently to shifts in retail demand, input supply, and technical change in the marketers’ production function than does the relative marketing margin (defined as the ratio of the retail price to the farm price). The empirical implications of these results are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Textbooks and articles on farm management stress the importance of the management capacity of the farmer with respect to his farm results. However, explicit definitions together with an elaboration of this concept are hard to find. In this article, aspects of management capacity are grouped into: (1) personal aspects, consisting of fanner's drives and motivations, fanner's abilities and capabilities and his biographical facts such as age and education; and (2) aspects of the decision-making process, consisting of practices and procedures with respect to planning, implementation and control of decisions at the farm. Empirical studies on the role of management capacity in relation to farm results are reviewed. Frontier production functions are widely used in recent literature to estimate technical and economic efficiency of farms. However, in explaining differences in efficiency most studies do not go further than adding a biographical variabk (e.g., level of education). This study concludes that a next step would be to include aspects of the decision-making process. Longitudinal on-farm observations, which give possibilities for studying the dynamic aspects of the decision-making, are suggested to further analyze the concept of management capacity.  相似文献   

L'objet de la recherche est d'élaborer des concepts qui permettraient de mieux comprendre comment les agriculteurs choisissent, décident et gèrent leur exploitation avec une relative efficacité. Sd'appuyant sur des travaux de recherche clinique suivant l'exemple dans les milieux industriels, on propose quelques concepts et un modèle pour un renouvelle-ment de la théorie de la gestion: la Théorie du Comportement Adaptif. Ce renouvelle-ment repose certes sur la théorie de la firme et utilise les travaux sur la modélisation systé-mique et la rationalité limitée de H. Simon. Le postulat de cohérence et les concepts de projet, situation, perception et adaptation sont les éléments centraux de cette théorie qui permet de rendre endogène les fonctions de production et dd'utilité. Ces éléments assez généraux sont appliqués au Système Exploitation-Famille, qui insiste sur les interrelations entre exploitation et famille. Cette façon de voir l'agriculture familiale permet de mieux comprendre la diversité des comportements des agriculteurs et de proposer une conception plus adaptée de la gestion plus centrée sur Facteur et son projet. This paper is the outcome of multidisciplinary team working on the practices of farmers. The economists of this team present the theoretical conclusions and the practical consequences of their research on management and training in management. The work used clinical research methods also called the research-intervention method by colleagues working in industrial milieux. The authors propose some concepts and a model for theory of adaptative behavior. The approach relies on the theory of the firm and is based on the works of H. Simon relating to systemic modeling and bounded rationality. The consistency assumption and concepts of project, situation, perception and adaptation are the basic elements of this theory, which permits endogenization of the utility and production functions. This general model is applied to the family farm system, emphasizing interrelations between farm and family. This model applied to family farm enterprises allows a realistic, intuitive approach to the diversity of farms with the concept of management focused on the actors and their projects.  相似文献   

Norway maintains a complex system of activity or type specific coupled payments which account for a large share of farm income. Most of the payment rates are negatively related to farm size and are higher in remote areas compared to central regions. We present and use a newly developed recursive‐dynamic multi‐commodity model (Agrispace) with CES production functions depicting regional farm clusters derived from the full farm population. Using this model, we simulate impacts of current and alternative subsidy policies on production, prices, input use, income and farm structural change. Mapping cluster results to each farm along with behavioural rules allows estimation of individual profits and farm exits. Our results indicate that, in the short run, the current policy regime seems to support the policy objective of maintaining a variety of farms in all parts of Norway. In the long run, farm structural change is less affected by a policy reform that leaves total support levels unchanged.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that hog production can be characterized by complementarities between new technologies, worker skills, and farms size. Such production processes are consistent with Kremer's O‐ring production theory in which a single mistake in any one of several complementary tasks in a firm's production process can lead to catastrophic failure of the product's value. In hog production, mistakes that introduce disease or pathogens into the production facility can cause a total loss of the herd. Consistent with predictions derived from the O‐ring theory, we provide evidence that the most skilled workers concentrate in the largest and most technologically advanced farms and are paid more than comparable workers on smaller farms. These findings suggest that worker skills, new technologies, and farm size are complements in production. The complementarities create returns to scale to large hog confinements, consistent with the dramatic increase in market share of very large farms over the past 20 years.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨老龄化与农业技术推广对农户采纳绿色生产技术的影响。[方法]文章通过二元Logit模型,利用湖北省襄阳、宜昌、黄冈、潜江4市587户水稻种植户样本数据进行实证分析。[结果](1)老龄化阻碍了农户的绿色生产技术采纳行为,老年组农户相对于年轻组而言,采纳生物农药和测土配方施肥技术的概率在下降,采纳生物农药的年轻组和老年组农户分别占总样本的47.79%和37.67%,采纳测土配方肥的年轻组和老年组农户分别占25.00%和15.48%;(2)农业技术推广能够在一定程度上缓解老龄化对农户采纳绿色生产技术的阻碍。具体而言,政府宣传与政府培训均能显著促进年轻农户的绿色生产技术采纳行为;政府宣传能有效促进老年农户采纳绿色生产技术,但政府培训对其影响作用并不明显。[结论]政府应加强绿色生产技术的宣传力度和培训力度,针对中老年人降低培训难度,且为中老年人提供良好的学习环境。  相似文献   

The recent decline in farm incomes has focused attention on farmers' uneven propensity to adjust and adapt. Changes in farm policies are slowly redirecting the support paid to farmers in Europe, and further reforms are envisaged. This paper argues that farmers in Britain are likely to pursue highly diverse strategies in this changed context, according to their individual circumstances, values and attitudes. These groups (essentially ideal types) are derived both from in‐depth qualitative interviews and from a cluster analysis of variables relating to the farm and to the farm household's socialisation and attitudes. The paper seeks to draw out the implications of divergent farm household behaviour for future structural change, and for agricultural and rural policy. Opportunities are identified for the UK government to implement the EU Rural Development Regulation in ways that would suit the varied circumstances of British farmers in the postproductivist transition.  相似文献   

This paper examines managerial corruption in cooperatives (co-ops) and investor-owned firms (IOFs), including its impact on prices and farmer welfare. Even when co-op managers have greater incentives to engage in corruption because of the co-op's larger production, the resulting corruption is not sufficient to offset the competitive effect that co-ops exert vis-à-vis IOFs. This conclusion holds regardless of the functional form of the production function, the farm input supply curve, and the demand curve for the processed product. In addition to showing the robustness of the competition effect, the paper provides a highly flexible modeling framework that can be used to examine other co-op behavior questions.  相似文献   

我国家庭农场发展现状及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭农场是在我国农村现有基础上建立的,是新型的农业生产主体,是实行农业现代化的金钥匙。家庭农场的出现,既增加农民的收入,又可以实现农业生产的产业化。文章运用文献分析和实地调研相结合的研究方法,分析了当前我国家庭农场的发展现状,即我国家庭农场呈现出经营规模不同、经营品种不同、经营效益较好、具有市场竞争力等明显特征。家庭农场的发展面临大好机遇,但是也存在土地产权认识不明晰、资金短缺、劳动力缺乏等瓶颈问题。并提出明确家庭农场认定标准、引导土地向家庭农场流转、农民的技术培训、完善农业保险、政府给予一定的资金政策等建议,旨在为各地区制定发展家庭农场政策提供参考。  相似文献   

Farm couples' labor market responses are partly the discrete choice of entering the off‐farm labor market and partly the continuous choice of off‐farm working hours, given entry. Such a setting is interesting when examining the increasing occurrence of multiple job‐holdings among farmers in Western economies. Most existing analyses of off‐farm labor supply only model the decisions of the farmer, not the joint decisions of the farm couple. This article presents a framework for handling such interrelated discrete/continuous choices, involving also farm production and household consumption. The derived two‐equation sub‐model for husband/wife's censored labor responses is estimated from a 10‐year Norwegian panel data for 342 farms. The results agree to some extent with earlier studies, but are more informative because of the longer panels—which allows a more extensive examination of latent heterogeneity and behavioral persistence—because it provides cross‐effects in the spouses' labor supplies. The results show some interesting differences between how the independent variables influence the labor supply of operator and spouse. This is most evident for the cross‐effects of education, children, and wage rate. Overall, the results strongly support applying a panel‐censoring model that accounts for latent heterogeneity in this context.  相似文献   

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