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Trade, product cycles, and inequality within and between countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.  This paper incorporates Northern product innovation and product‐cycle‐driven technology transfer into the continuum‐of‐goods Heckscher‐Ohlin model. The creation of very skill‐intensive goods induces the North to transfer production of older, less skill‐intensive goods to the South. These relocated goods are the most skill intensive by Southern standards. Hence, product cycles raise the relative demand for skilled workers and thus wage inequality within both regions. This runs contrary to the Stolper‐Samuelson theorem, but accords well with the fact that wage inequality has risen in both Northern and Southern countries. Moreover, product cycles increase income inequality between countries. JEL classification: F1  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how financial globalization affects skilled-unskilled wage inequality. We treat financial globalization as more regions being integrated into the global financial market. We find that a higher degree of financial globalization will decrease skilled-unskilled wage inequality if it induces a small increase in the capital tax rate. However, a higher degree of financial globalization will increase skilled-unskilled wage inequality if it induces a big increase in the capital tax rate.  相似文献   

This paper shows the equivalence of spatial inequalities in industrial location and in income by revisiting the home market effect (HME) without any homogeneous good based on a reconstructed footloose capital model. In this simple framework, spatial inequalities in industrial location and in income are the HMEs in terms of firm share and wage, respectively. We show that the larger country has a more-than-proportionate share of firms and a higher wage. Furthermore, both the wage differential and the industrial location in the larger country evolve in an inverted U-pattern when transport costs decline. Finally, we analytically examine the effects of trade liberalization on the welfare and show that both countries may gain from globalization.  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in income distribution since the war in a number of OECD economies. It is shown that while most economies during the first two decades experienced decreasing income inequality, associated with the post-war boom, there has been considerable divergence thereafter. In this process the institutions of each country have mattered a great deal. By examining both liberal and corporatist economies we seek to delineate the links between economic performance and restructuring, and income inequality. The evidence is that, in contrast to the experience of liberal economies, the more corporatist economies have been able to adjust to the worsening economic climate without an increase in income inequality.  相似文献   

This paper provides theory and evidence on the links between income inequality within a destination country and the patterns of trade and export prices. The theoretical framework relates income inequality to product quality and prices using a simple demand composition effect. The model predicts that a more unequal income distribution in a destination country leads to higher average prices, though the effect is nonlinear and disappears for rich enough countries. The predictions are tested using detailed firm‐level data. Controlling for income per capita, prices are systematically higher in more unequal destinations, and the strength of this effect depends on income per capita. Results are particularly important for middle‐income countries and hold only for differentiated goods, and in particular for products with a high degree of vertical differentiation.  相似文献   

There is an on-going debate on the antecedents and consequences of income inequality. Recent studies find that income inequality was a cause of the recent financial crisis. However, the findings on the inequality–indebtedness relationship are mixed and based on analyses of developed countries. The aim of this research is to test how income inequality influences borrowing in post-communist countries, whose financial markets are not very developed, which has important implications for income inequality. Therefore, we include financial system development in the analysis. We base our analysis on state-level panel data and find that income inequality will increase indebtedness in the private sector. However, these results are model and region specific. To preclude higher income inequality and the emergence of a financial crisis, policies should be directed towards improving the role of financial intermediaries and stock markets.  相似文献   

The paper deals with income inequality in the selected MENA countries focusing on the dynamics of domestic wage differentiations. The main aim is to identify the sources of inequalities. GDP per capita, share of manufacturing sector, urban share of population, gender participation in the labor force, education and openness may be possible factors. The paper analyzes pay inequalities using a panel regression model where the Theil index is used as the dependent variable. The results show that GDP per capita and female labor force participation have positive (increasing) effects, and openness has a negative (decreasing) effect on pay inequalities in these countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, international knowledge spillovers are incorporated in a horizontal innovation model, designed to explain the observed uncertain effects that openness of trade can have on wage inequality in small developing countries. Openness of trade can produce two different effects: an increase in the relative price of less-skilled labor-intensive products and a wider skill discrepancy due to knowledge spillovers from the more to less developed country. The former triggers a fall in the wage premium, while the latter widens the wage premium gap in a developing country. These two opposing forces explain the observed uncertain effects of openness to trade on wage inequality in developing countries.  相似文献   

作为20世纪90年代以来出现的一股发展潮流,全球化无疑广泛而深刻地影响了世界各国的经济生活和对外交往。在当今世界,各个民族国家均被纳入到一个统一的全球化体系中去,必须与国际经济发生千丝万缕的联系。应该看到,全球化在推动世界经济发展的同时,所带来的利益格局也是不平衡的。发展中国家作为经济发展的后行者,虽然也从中分享到了部分利益,但却面临着全球化的更多问题和挑战。在全球市场竞争层面上,进入新世纪后,来自发达国家的跨国公司以其雄厚的资金与技术实力以及先进的营销手段,凭借全球化所带来的“竞争平台”,通过遍及全球的生产…  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence for the association between fiscal decentralisation and income distribution for a panel of 11 economies from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) during 1992–2016. We focus on three research topics: the effect of decentralisation on income inequality; the effects of the structure of subnational government finance on income inequality; and the validity of the Kuznets hypothesis. The main findings from the empirical exercise are as follows: first, we provide firm evidence on the presumed favourable effects of fiscal decentralisation on income distribution in the CEE countries; second, our empirical model suggests that the effects of fiscal decentralisation on income inequality are dependent on the source of finance of subnational governments, i.e. intergovernmental transfers may have a role in income equalisation; third, we cannot confirm the validity of the Kuznets hypothesis in CEE countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of globalization (lower trade costs) on production and trade patterns if, firms are vertically linked, stages of production differ in labor-factors intensity and countries differ in labor-factors prices. In order to reflect the “Continental Europe” experience, relative wages are assumed fixed and spatial changes in production are translated into changes in relative (skilled to unskilled) employment levels. The asymmetry in factors prices across countries results in a unique agglomeration equilibrium for a broad range of trade costs. At low trade costs, firms’ location depends on production costs—vertical specialization occurs. This paper also provides a consistent explanation of the observed increase in employment inequality between skilled and unskilled workers in relatively high-unskilled wage countries.  相似文献   

The impact of unemployment on inequality and poverty in OECD countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this research is to examine the contribution of unemployment to income inequality and poverty in various OECD countries. These relationships have been explored using Luxembourg Income Study micro-data. Considerable differences across OECD countries are revealed through the use of within-household unemployment distributions. These differences help to explain most of the observed divergences in the relationship between unemployment and income distribution, in conjunction with the heterogeneous influence of social benefits on the economic position of the unemployed in these countries. A sub-group decomposition analysis corroborates the limited effect of unemployment on income distribution in most of the considered countries. However, it seems clear that the unemployed are among those with the highest risk of experiencing poverty.
JEL classification: D31, I32, J31.  相似文献   

Economic theory predicts that changes in the distribution of wealth in an economy affect real interest rates if capital markets are imperfect. We investigate this link for the US, the UK, and Sweden, using multivariate time series analysis that explicitly allows for feedback effects between wealth inequality and real interest rates. Our estimates yield that, over the course of the twentieth century, decreases in wealth inequality led to significant declines in real interest rates. Our results therefore point to the importance of capital market imperfections that arise from moral hazard. They put to question the empirical relevance of a negative interest rate effect of inequality that may arise in variants of these models with high inequality, heterogeneous agents or adverse selection.  相似文献   

Due to behavioural effects triggered by redistributional interventions, it is still an open question whether government policies are able to effectively reduce income inequality. We contribute to this research question by using different country-level data sources to study inequality trends in OECD countries since 1980. We first investigate the development of inequality over time before analysing the question of whether governments can effectively reduce inequality. Different identification strategies, using fixed effects and instrumental variables models, provide some evidence that governments are capable of reducing income inequality despite countervailing behavioural responses. The effect is stronger for social expenditure policies than for progressive taxation.  相似文献   

How does foreign direct investment (FDI) affect economic growth in less developed countries (LDCs)? What is its association with changes in the income distribution? This paper empirically examines these issues within a cross section of less developed countries between 1970 and 1989. FDI is positively associated with economic growth within this sample of countries. However, there is no strong association between FDI and changes in income inequality within these same countries and over this same time period. Hence, there is no evidence that FDI is increasing income inequality within this group of LDCs.  相似文献   

经济全球化对发展中国家吸收外资的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的重要趋势,其宗旨是以生产力发展为动力,通过消除国别间阻碍经济发展的障碍使生产要素在全球范围内加速流动,实现资源的优化配置,世界各国经济在相互开放中形成相互依赖的有机体。20世纪80年代开始,世界经济体制改革之风在全球兴起,国际贸易和投资的规则得到大多数国家的认同,发展中国家开始推行经济发展自由化和国际化政策,通过减少国家干预,调整经济结构,开放国内市场,吸引外资等措施促进经济贸易的发展。与此同时,全球范围内社会生产力持续增长,特别是日新月异的科技革命所产生的国际经济的相…  相似文献   

According to recent econometric studies, technical progress is the main source of the increasing skill premium in the UK and the US. However, it is not yet clear if technical progress is skill-bias or sector-bias and, most importantly, if the use of foreign technology has a role to play. By using alternative AGE models for the UK economy, I show that both trade-induced sector-bias technical change and skill-bias technical change can explain the stylised facts of the UK economy: tertiarisation; deindustrialisation; openness to foreign markets; increased skill premium; rise in wage inequality within the skilled; and unskilled labour groups. However, the model with sector-bias technical change due to trade performs better, because it can also explain two other important stylised facts: the decline of the wage rate of unskilled workers; and the large increase of imported capital goods.  相似文献   

Satis Devkota 《Applied economics》2013,45(52):5583-5599
Using household survey data from four countries ? Albania, Nepal, Tajikistan and Tanzania ? this article calculates income-related inequality in health care utilization. We measure health disparity separately for generally and chronically ill individuals by constructing two models: one for the probability of a visit to a physician and another for the number of visits. Following model-based measurements, we decompose inequality into two major parts: one accounted for by identity-related factors and another by socioeconomic and other factors such as education, geography and distance to a clinic. We propose a new method to quantify the effect of changes in income and education on health disparity. One of our important findings suggests that health disparity is pro-rich in all our sample countries. The pro-rich disparity is prevalent among generally ill as well as chronically ill patients, in both visit probability and visit frequency models. Health inequality seems primarily driven by income differences followed by nonidentity factors. Further, the principle of equal treatment for equal need is not fulfilled in any of our countries. Among policy implications, increasing average income and education in a way that also reduces disparity in income and education, respectively, will substantially shrink inequality in health care utilization.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2017,71(2):306-336
The study presents comparative global evidence on the transformation of economic growth to poverty reduction in developing countries, with emphasis on the role of income inequality. The focus is on the period since the early-mid-1990s when growth in these countries as a group has been relatively strong, surpassing that of the advanced economies. Both regional and country-specific data are analyzed for the $1.25 and $2.50-level poverty headcount ratios using World Bank Povcalnet data. The study finds that on average income growth has been the major driving force behind both the declines and increases in poverty. The study, however, documents substantial regional and country differences that are masked by this ‘average’ dominant-growth story. While in the majority of countries, growth was the major factor behind falling or increasing poverty, inequality, nevertheless, played the crucial role in poverty behavior in a large number of countries. And, even in those countries where growth has been the main driver of poverty-reduction, further progress could have occurred under relatively favorable income distribution. For more efficient policymaking, therefore, idiosyncratic attributes of countries should be emphasized. In general, high initial levels of inequality limit the effectiveness of growth in reducing poverty while growing inequality increases poverty directly for a given level of growth. It would seem judicious, therefore, to accord special attention to reducing inequality in certain countries where income distribution is especially unfavorable. Unfortunately, the present study also points to the limited effects of growth and inequality-reducing policies in low-income countries.  相似文献   

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