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一个企业家是否具有创新能力,是衡量企业家素质高低的一个重要标志,也是企业家成功与否的关键因素。环顾当今世界,谁在知识和技术创新上占有优势,谁就在发展中占据主导地位。  相似文献   

企业家在现代企业中发挥着越来越大的作用,企业的发展与企业家的素质息息相关,谁拥有了卓越的高素质的企业家,谁就拥有了挑战未来的武器。企业家是创新者,是促进经济发展和变革的行动者,其主要作用不仅仅是管理好企业的现在,最重要的是如何创造企业的未来。要使企业有一个长远的美好的未来,必须实现企业。  相似文献   

这是一个新的时代。资本市场与实体经济的边界被打破,谁理解不了市值背后的意义,谁就将输掉下一轮商业竞赛。中国的企业家们必须在市值时代,重新思考和定义企业的竞争策略  相似文献   

“东北企业家太缺少这样的机会来沟通和交流了。”2003年9月16日,当《中国企业家》假借东软软件园举办“第四极的新力量”座谈会时,几乎所有参会的东北企业家都这样感慨。但既然有了这么一个场合,有了这么一个大家无法回避的主题,东北人的话匣子是关不住的。 谁将成为东北开发的主角 牛文文(《中国企业家》杂志总编辑):这是《中国企业家》杂志第一次  相似文献   

随着市场经济的飞速发展,品牌的重要作用日益凸现,谁能创出享誉市场的品牌,谁就拥有了称雄市场的资本。一个成功的品牌,凝结着企业家成功的品牌战略思想和坚忍不拔的辛勤付出,具有不可估量的市场效应和价值。实施品牌战略,已经成为广大企业家的共识。  相似文献   

赵龙 《英才》2003,(5):30-30
有一个哲学上的问题,当每一个人被问到的时候都会引起深深地思索。它就是:我是谁?我从哪里来?我又要到哪里去?今天,如果把这个问题摆到裘丽蓉面前,那么,她的答案一定是企业家尤其是女企业家当中最具有代表性的。  相似文献   

企业家是一个追求最大效用的经济人。在企业家的效用函数中,休闲和经济利益是两个重要的变量,企业家对休闲和经济利益的追求可能损害所有者的资本收益。因此,在现代企业中,构建一种所有者利益和企业家利益相容的企业家行为激励机制和约束机制是至关重要的。企业的经营是有风险的,这种风险是由所有者承担,还是由企业家承担,要以社会福利最大化为准则。由于人们的风险偏好不同,同一风险收益的效用值以及由此体现的社会福利水平是不同的,因此,企业经营风险由谁承担,要视所有者和企业家的风险偏好而定。现代委托代理理论认为,一个风…  相似文献   

九十年代是品牌的年代。在日趋白热化的商战中,谁拥有驰名商标,谁拥有一大批狂热的品牌忠诚者(Brand Royalist),谁就会在商场上“横刀立马,所向披靡”,这已成为企业家们的共识。越来越多的企业家清醒的认识到,没有消费者对品牌的忠诚并长久的维持这种忠诚,企业的繁荣只能是过眼烟云、昙花一现。  相似文献   

“过热”还是“不热”?企业家自己判断错了不要紧,就是一个企业的损失,如果是国家错的话,损失就大了,这个损失谁负责?有没有宏观调控失误问责制?如何看待宏观经济形势,两会期间,本刊特邀请部分企业家和学者对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

每位成功企业家心中都藏着一个和自己的赌局,如果谁坐在赌桌上只有自信没有恐惧,那他就输定了。谁的恐惧感更强,反而可能赌赢自己  相似文献   

In the ‘knowledge economies’ era, most managers have discovered that technology can be considered as the key asset in sustaining the competitive advantage of their corporations. Many researchers have tried to discuss the relationships between technological performance and other influential factors, such as strategic management, information resources, etc. But they do not mention the issues concerning how each dimension influences innovation performance and how to forecast innovation performance based on these dimensions. This study presents a forecasting model that predicts innovation performance using technical informational resources and clear innovation objectives. Specifically, we propose a neural network approach, which utilizes the Back-Propagation Network (BPN) to solve this problem. Also we examine the results and compare them to those attained using the statistical regression method. The result shows that the BPN method outperforms the statistical regression method as far as forecasting performance concerned. With this method, a decision maker can predict innovation performance and adjust allocated resources to match his/her company's innovation objectives.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to disclose the properties of the equilibrium outcomes in the differentiated‐products model with two stages: (i) owner‐shareholders negotiate managerial compensation with their managers that comprises their profits and sales (sales delegation) and (ii) they engage in their market competition. The other purpose of this paper is to study the differentiated goods model in which an owner bargains the managerial compensation with her/his manager that comprises her/his profit and her/his rival's profit (relative performance delegation). We further investigate the situation wherein the firm with sales delegation and the firm with the relative performance delegation coexist. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper examines how an innovator's ability to enforce her patent rights affects (and is affected by) her decision to patent her innovation and her patent breadth decision. Specifically, the paper shows that the innovator may find it optimal to patent her innovation even if litigation is not pursued in the event of patent imitation. The patent is valuable because it can be used to influence the entrant's location decision in a way that is profitable for the incumbent. In addition to showing that a patent need not be legally enforced to be valuable, the paper shows that the lower is the entrant's R&D cost, the smaller is the innovator's incentive to patent her product. If patenting occurs, however, the lower is the R&D cost, the greater is the patent breadth that could be chosen without triggering imitation.  相似文献   

A bstract . Six different but common criteria for describing the meaning of distributive justice are examined. The six are (1) to each the same thing; (2) to each according to his or her merit or achievement; (3) to each according to his or her work or contribution; (4) to each according to his or her need or requirements; (5) to each according to his or her status or position; and (6) to each according to his or her contract or agreements. An attempt is made to show how these six can be viewed compatibly and how all support the right of equal access to land and the duty to pay to the community which created it the full economic rent on the site .  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to study the relationships between the successor's commitment and his/her perception of the success achieved in the succession process in family firms. Several variables in the context of succession were also included in the analysis to test their influence on the different dimensions of commitment and on success. The results indicate that only the affective dimension of commitment displays a significant relationship with success. The normative dimension exercises only an indirect influence through affective commitment. The satisfaction of the successor's personal and professional needs and his/her perception of autonomy about joining the family firm are particularly relevant in the development of the affective dimension of commitment.  相似文献   

We extend Kamien and Tauman's (1986) analysis of the value of a patent. We find that an inventor can always design a fixed fee plus royalty contract such that his revenue is equal to the profit a monopoly endowed with the innovation could make on the market. This implies that the social value of a patent can be strictly negative whenever the patented innovation is of bad quality. We also explain why a principal can have an interest in using performance-based contracts although the principal and the agents are risk-neutral, information is symmetric, and agents' actions are verifiable.  相似文献   

This paper studies a simple agency model where an agent's decision can affect his or her own future payoffs as well as the principal's. The threat of dismissal becomes an important part of an incentive scheme even if the principal can use the performance-based wage contract. However, if the agent's future payoffs depend on the past realized performance, but not on the past decision directly, or if the agent is risk-neutral, it is not optimal to use the threat of dismissal. As the agent's discretion over his future payoffs increases, the principal relies more on the threat of dismissal but less on the wage contract.  相似文献   

在申请专利时,经常需要申请人对申请文件进行修改。如何在专利审查过程中合理修改申请文件以获得适当的专利保护范围是专利申请人需要认真对待的问题。文章通过实例分析,为国内专利申请人获得与其技术贡献相适应的专利保护范围提供借鉴,使申请人的利益得到切实保护。  相似文献   

在申请专利时,经常需要申请人对申请文件进行修改。如何在专利审查过程中合理修改申请文件以获得适当的专利保护范围是专利申请人需要认真对待的问题。文章通过实例分析,为国内专利申请人获得与其技术贡献相适应的专利保护范围提供借鉴,使申请人的利益得到切实保护。  相似文献   

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