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The use of resource-based theory (RBT) in marketing research has increased by more than 500% in the past decade, which suggests its importance as a framework for explaining and predicting competitive advantages and performance outcomes. This article provides a comprehensive review of RBT, including a contemporary definitional foundation for relevant terms and assumptions and a synthesis of empirical findings from marketing literature. This multidimensional analysis of RBT also evaluates extant marketing research according to four perspectives: the marketing domains that use RBT, the characteristics and uses of market-based resources that differentiate it from other research contexts, the extension of RBT to the “marketing exchange” as a unit of analysis, and the connection of RBT to related theories. This analysis also reveals some common pitfalls associated with prior research, offers tentative guidelines on how to improve the use of RBT in marketing, and suggests research directions to advance the theorization and empirical testing of RBT in the future.  相似文献   

品牌权益可以从消费者和公司两个层面来定义和测量,其中消费者层面的品牌权益主要从品牌权益的来源来测量,公司层面的品牌权益主要从品牌权益的结果来测量.研究品牌活动对资本市场股东价值的影响主要有营销生产率链模型、营销价值链模型和品牌价值链模型;研究品牌价值的资本市场反映计量主要有“四因素”财务模型、“事件研究”法和“股票回报...  相似文献   

中国工程机械企业面临典型的"二元化"结构市场,其地域广阔和市场结构不成熟的特点,使得渠道变革成为无数工程机械企业又爱又恨的环节。本文以营销渠道整合理论为基础,以中联重科为对象,构建营销渠道整合的概念模型,提出了工程机械企业营销渠道整合的策略。  相似文献   

国外有关顾客参与的研究综述与发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾客参与已成为近年来国际营销学研究热点之一,西方学者针对顾客参与的研究取得了丰硕成果。通过对顾客参与的概念界定,顾客参与的过程和构成维度,企业管理学和服务营销学角度中有关顾客参与的角色,顾客参与的各种投入和强度等方面的国外顾客参与相关研究成果进行全面梳理,可以发现现有研究对顾客参与概念、顾客参与维度和测量均未形成一致观点,顾客参与的角色不清晰,缺乏系统、动态视角的观点。未来研究中应准确定位顾客参与的概念和维度,探索服务员工对顾客参与的影响、参与结构的效用,重点推进服务供应系统的顾客参与,关注服务供应环境。  相似文献   

营销情境中的炫耀性消费理论述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国经济的快速发展,炫耀性消费正日益成为备受关注的社会现象.但发端于经济学领域的炫耀性消费理论在营销学领域的研究却相对不足.本文在对国内外学者关于炫耀性消费的营销理论成果进行系统梳理的基础上,初步厘清了炫耀性消费的概念内涵,比较并分析了西方和中国消费者炫耀性消费的心理动机,并阐述了营销学领域研究炫耀性消费的重要意义和未来主要研究方向.  相似文献   

This paper traces the evolution of marketing thought in the United States and Russia and advances the argument that the marketing concept is not unique to free-market systems. Rather the acceptance and application of the marketing concept seems inevitable in any society which advances to the point where it has: (1) a high degree of specialization and division of labor in production, (2) a reward system based on generalized purchasing power, i.e., money, and (3) significant amounts of discretionary income in the hands of consumers. MacFarlane & Company, Inc.  相似文献   

While the controversy concerning the validity and purpose of broadening the concept of marketing is still an ongoing one, the present article focuses on the field of political marketing and compares its historical development with that of American business. In doing so, it is shown that political marketing, viz., the process by which political candidates and ideas are targeted at the voters in order to satisfy their political needs and thus gain their support, has gone through the stages of (1) candidate orientation. (2) sales-management orientation, and is presently experiencing a transition to a (3) marketing concept orientation. These orientations parallel the development in the orientation of American business from product to sales to marketing focus. In addition, the article also suggests that marketing and political marketing share many basic concepts and tools. Consequently, it is concluded that political marketing should be included within the boundaries of the existing marketing theory. The author would like to thank Professor Philip Kotler for his insightful comments on an earlier version of this paper, and for his encouragement.  相似文献   

Role stress and its effects on marketing organizations represents one of the most researched areas in marketing. In spite of this tremendous volume of research, the boundary spanning roles of marketing organizations continue to be plagued by the deleterious effects of role stress. The theory developed in this article expands current theoretical frameworks used to investigate role stress impacts in the marketing literature. The theory is integrative and expansive with relation to the body of knowledge and may serve as a framework for future research. Specific propositions from the model are developed and suggestions for their empirical testing are discussed.  相似文献   

构建强烈的旅游者——旅游地品牌关系对于旅游目的地赢得持续竞争优势具有重要战略意义。本文系统梳理了旅游学和营销学领域相关文献,将社会认同理论和自我归类论引入旅游目的地研究中,提出了旅游地品牌认同这一概念,明晰了其概念内涵与结构维度,并对旅游地品牌认同与旅游目的地品牌满意、信任和忠诚的关系进行了阐述,最终构建出一个实证研究框架,这为旅游者—旅游地关系、旅游地品牌忠诚以及旅游目的地形象的研究提供新的视角和研究启示。  相似文献   

交换与营销观念:一个营销理论的整合模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代营销哲学的形成与发展是以交换为核心的营销理论发展的逻辑结果。关系营销理论并不是对传统营销理论的替代,它是兴起于特定的市场领域。关系营销理论的关系范式实际上强调的是交换过程中对人与社会互动过程的关注,它不但没有超越现代营销哲学的范畴,更没有脱离"交换"这一营销学核心概念。  相似文献   

消费者情感依恋是消费者与产品或者品牌之间的情感联结,是研究消费者忠诚形成的一条新路径,也是近年来消费者行为研究的新视角.综观20多年来国外心理学依恋理论及营销学中有关消费者情感依恋的研究成果,人们对情感依恋理论的起源、内涵、影响因素及作用机理已有相当了解,这对于企业与消费者形成稳固的长期关系、赢得持续竞争优势具有重要的...  相似文献   

针对美国市场营销学会对营销概念的重新界定之弊端,本文以服务和关系营销为研究的逻辑起点,对一般意义上的营销概念进行了拓展,提出了新的营销定义。首先,对传统和新的营销概念进行深层次分析;其次,结合营销定义最重要的构成要素,对营销作为一项组织职能的拓展与延伸进行了探讨;最后,通过对上述命题的分析,将营销概念与承诺管理等概念进行耦合,阐述本文所提出的新营销概念的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

边缘型古镇在明星景区的遮蔽效应之下,其旅游资源的优势将会逐渐消失,为了更好地发挥边缘型古镇的旅游资源的优势和潜力,必须从一个新的角度构建该类旅游市场营销战略。借鉴旅游营销的意境流理论,通过营造良好的意境来更好地塑造芙蓉古镇旅游的整体形象,在此基础上确定了营销理念与定位,以此冲破张(家界)、凤(凰)两地的旅游遮蔽效应,从营销4P(产品、价格、分销、促销)理论入手,制定出适于芙蓉古镇旅游市场发展的营销策略。  相似文献   

An analysis to define or segment contributor markets is fundamental to fund raising for charities and other nonprofit organizations. By using the concept on market segmentation, such organizations can aim their efforts toward those target segments most favorable to the particular philanthropy. The article shows how segmentation procedures, well tested in the field of marketing, can be applied by all types of fund-raising organizations. The procedures are particularly effective if based on marketing research. The article concludes by suggesting how tactical use of the marketing mix can be combined in a fund-raising strategy.  相似文献   

生活方式的概念与研究最初起源于心理学与社会学,20世纪60年代,市场营销研究者将生活方式的概念引入了营销学领域,特别是应用在消费者市场细分上,逐步在营销管理与消费行为研究领域中得到了广泛地应用与关注。本文从生活方式的概念出发,着重研究了国内外衡量生活方式的衡量方法,最后分析了生活方式的发展趋势,提出了将来的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this issue of JAMS, Dr. Lyn Amine presents a “comment and an extension” to our previously published article. Such efforts are often constructive, and in this spirit, we present a discussion responding to Dr. Amine’s comments. Our response, combined with Dr. Amine’s comments, hopefully will provide constructive research avenues in international product and marketing strategy development. He has published extensively in the areas of international marketing and retailing. His research and publication areas include international marketing, high tech marketing, and advertising management. His research and publication interests include sales management, international marketing, and retail management.  相似文献   

绿色营销:中国企业的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色营销是人类环境保护意识与市场营销观念相结合的一种现代市场营销观念,随着可持续发展战略的提出,绿色意识的加强,为有效突破贸易壁垒,提升企业形象,增强企业竞争力,倡导绿色营销必将成为我国企业市场营销的必然选择。  相似文献   

饭店企业的关系营销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的市场营销观念已经越来越不适应现代饭店企业的经营,在实践中表现出一定的阻碍作用。以系统论为基础的关系营销的出现,解决了饭店在新的竞争环境下遇到的困境。通过对关系营销涵义的剖析,结合饭店服务产品的特点,从实践的角度提出了饭店关系营销的具体实施战略。  相似文献   

There is an often overlooked substitute for exchange in the marketplace. Organizational units in the form of house-holds and businesses can create, consume and/or use goods and services internally and thus avoid markets. This article offers a unified discussion of why organizations engage in internal as well as external exchange activity, with the objective of encouraging marketing theorists to integrate internal exchange into the discipline. By addressing internal exchange activity, scholars should be able to construct more comprehensive theories of macromarketing, competitive strategy, and perhaps even a general theory of marketing.  相似文献   

A growing concern among international marketing managers is how to increase the market orientation and thereby performance of their transnational organizations. This study broaches this issue by investigating how the marketing concept, the heart of the market orientation, may be established in a multinational setting and the effects of national culture on that process. From a wide array of literature, the authors construct a theoretical framework and propositions on how global organizations may transform this philosophy from an abstract platitude to an operational reality. Their findings suggest that the process consists of complex, interdependent steps—interpretation, adoption, and implementation of the marketing concept. Cultural values shape interpretation and facilitate or impede adoption and implementation. The overall framework and findings can be used to guide institutionalization of the marketing concept across the organizational span, in particular by anticipating culture-based reactions from international subsidiaries. Cheryl Nakata is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Illinois at Chicago and received her doctorate from the same institution in 1997. Her work appears in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Product Innovation and Management, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series, International Marketing Review, and other publications. Her primary interests are in global marketing and marketing management and strategy. K. Sivakumar (Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1992) is the Arthur Tauck Professor of international marketing and logistics at Lehigh University. His research interests include pricing, international marketing, and technology management. His research has been published or is forthcoming in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Marketing Letters, Pricing Strategy & Practice, and other journals. He has won several awards for research and is on the editorial boards of six scholarly journals.  相似文献   

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