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廖林 《中国金融》2021,(2):30-31
党的十九届五中全会将推动绿色发展,促进人与自然和谐共生作为“十四五”时期经济社会发展的重要任务,强调“绿水青山就是金山银山”,坚定不移贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念;全会对深入实施可持续发展战略、完善生态文明领域统筹协调机制、加快推动绿色低碳发展等作出重要部署,为推进生态文明建设、共筑美丽中国注入强大动力。  相似文献   

2020年9月25日,由《国际融资》杂志项目组策划,携手北京产权交易所、北京金融资产交易所、北京环境交易所共同主办的“2020(第11届)清洁发展国际融资论坛暨2020(第10届)‘十大绿色创新企业’颁奖典礼”在北京环境交易所大厅成功举行,论坛主题是:“绿色创新+绿色金融共促生产与产品双绿发展”。  相似文献   

刘玉 《国际融资》2014,(7):28-29
通标标准技术服务有限公司(简称:通标公司)是SGS集团和中国标准技术开发公司于1991年共同建立的合资公司,该公司在环境、新能源、能效和低碳领域不断为国内外企业、政府及机构提供全方位检测和认证,并提出可持续发展的解决方案,以第三方机构的身份助力中国的清洁发展和绿色创新,因此荣登国际融资2014“十大绿色创新企业”之榜。  相似文献   

2016年7月7日,由《国际融资》策划,并与北京金融资产交易所、北京环境交易所联合主办的2016(第七届)清洁发展国际融资论坛暨2016(第六届)“十大绿色创新企业”颁奖典礼在北京产权交易所成功举办。此次论坛上,原全国人大财经委研究室巡视员,中国《证券法》、《信托法》、《证券投资基金法》起草工作小组组长王连洲发表了演讲,他指出:企业科技研发投入需要持续性,这就需要政策、财税、金融、投融资各方面持续的支持。但中小创新型绿色企业的现状是前期投入严重不足,后期实际产出困难。  相似文献   

2016年7月7日,由《国际融资》策划,并和北京金融资产交易所、北京环境交易所联合主办的2016(第七届)清洁发展国际融资论坛暨2016(第六届)十大绿色创新企业颁奖典礼在北京产权交易所成功举办。此次论坛上,北京金融资产交易所董事长王乃祥发表了演讲。他指出:技术革命对社会经济发展往往具有颠覆性作用,但金融创新的力量能够最大限度扩大这种影响,助力绿色发展。  相似文献   

10月28日,英特尔(中国)有限公司(以下简称“英特尔”)携手新华网、计算机世界、计世资讯及产业合作伙伴在京共同发出“绿色IT,绿色创新”倡议,旨在呼唤企业的社会责任,同时呼吁信息产业界通过创新,不断推出更绿色节能的技术和产品,帮助用户实现节能降耗,以信息化促进工业化,实现社会的可持续发展。此举得到了来自工业和信息化部等中央部委、中国电子学会节能工作推进委员会的大力支持,  相似文献   

2016年7月7日,由《国际融资》策划,并和北京金融资产交易所、北京环境交易所联合主办的2016(第七届)清洁发展国际融资论坛暨2016(第六届)十大绿色创新企业颁奖典礼在北京产权交易所成功举办。此次论坛上,中节能财务有限公司副总经理韩巍发表了演讲,他认为:“长远来看,如果没有严格的标准和认证监督体系,绿色金融就无法有效区别于传统产业的融资,甚至演变为传统金融工具贴上绿色的标签。”  相似文献   

加强生态文明建设,大力发展循环经济、绿色经济,是建设美丽中国、实现中华民族永续发展的重要基础。金融是现代经济的核心,发展绿色经济离不开金融业的支持。作为我国金融业的主体,商业银行发展绿色金融不仅是履行社会责任的要求,更是转变发展模式、实现可持续发展的保证。近年来,华夏银行适应形势发展要求,积极响应政府号召,在全行发展规划中明确提出绿色金融战略,大力发展“绿色信贷”、推行“绿色服务”,打造“绿色银行”,初步走出了一条绿色发展之路。  相似文献   

2016年7月7日,由《国际融资》策划,并和北京金融资产交易所、北京环境交易所联合主办的2016(第七届)清洁发展国际融资论坛冀2016(第六届)十大绿色创新企业颁奖典礼在北京产权交易所成功举办。此次论坛上,君联资本董事总经理兼首席财务官王能光发表了演讲,他认为:“做好融资,看似很难,其实很容易,需熟悉行业情况,把握自己所在位置,了解投资者的诉求和优势,做好协调、平衡。”  相似文献   

在2018(第九届)清洁发展国际融资论坛上,北京金融资产交易所董事长王乃祥先生指出,过去,企业通常是利用土地、以房产作为抵押物来融资,希望企业家们能更加注重以企业的信用去发行债券融资,逐渐把企业的信用等级建立起来。他说近年来,绿色发展和生态文明建设倍受社会各界关注。在中共十八届五中全会上.  相似文献   

Match your innovation strategy to your innovation ecosystem   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Adner R 《Harvard business review》2006,84(4):98-107; 148
High-definition televisions should, by now, be a huge success. Philips, Sony, and Thompson invested billions of dollars to develop TV sets with astonishing picture quality. From a technology perspective, they've succeeded: Console manufacturers have been ready for the mass market since the early 1990s. Yet the category has been an unmitigated failure, not because of deficiencies, but because critical complements such as studio production equipment were not developed or adopted in time. Under-performing complements have left console producers in the position of offering a Ferrari in a world without gasoline or highways--an admirable engineering feat, but not one that creates value for customers. The HDTV story exemplifies the promise and peril of innovation ecosystems--the collaborative arrangements through which firms combine their individual offers into a coherent, customer-facing solution. When they work, innovation ecosystems allow companies to create value that no one firm could have created alone. The benefits of these systems are real. But for many organizations the attempt at ecosystem innovation has been a costly failure. This is because, along with new opportunities, innovation ecosystems also present a new set of risks that can brutally derail a firm's best efforts. Innovation ecosystems are characterized by three fundamental types of risk: initiative risks--the familiar uncertainties of managing a project; interdependence risks--the uncertainties of coordinating with complementary innovators; and integration risks--the uncertainties presented by the adoption process across the value chain. Firms that assess ecosystem risks holistically and systematically will be able to establish more realistic expectations, develop a more refined set of environmental contingencies, and arrive at a more robust innovation strategy. Collectively, these actions will lead to more effective implementation and more profitable innovation.  相似文献   

现代金融企业每一位员工都是营销员,员工营销的是客户,宣传思想工作营销的是员工,“产品”是思想政治工作,要尽最大努力做到服务企业发展,让领导放心、员工满意。  相似文献   

Open-market innovation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rigby D  Zook C 《Harvard business review》2002,80(10):80-9, 129
Companies in many industries are feeling immense pressure to improve their ability to innovate. Even in these tough economic times, executives have pushed innovation initiatives to the top of their priority lists, but they know that the best ideas aren't always coming out of their own R&D labs. That's why a growing number of companies are exploring the idea of open-market innovation--an approach that uses tools such as licensing, joint ventures, and strategic alliances to bring the benefits of free trade to the flow of new ideas. For instance, when faced with the unanticipated anthrax scare last fall, Pitney Bowes had nothing in its R&D pipeline to help its customers combat the deadly spores. So it sought help from outside innovators to come up with scanning and imaging technologies that could alert its customers to tainted letters and packages. And Dow Chemical and Cargill jointly produced a new form of plastic derived from plant starches--a breakthrough product that neither company could have created on its own. In this article, Bain consultants Darrell Rigby and Chris Zook describe the advantages and disadvantages of open-market innovation and the ways some companies are using it to gain competitive advantage. By importing ideas from the outside, the authors say, companies can collect more and better ideas from different kinds of experts. Creative types within a company will stick around longer if they know their ideas will eventually find a home--as internal R&D projects or as concepts licensed to outside buyers. Exporting ideas also gives companies a way to measure an innovation's real value. However, the authors warn against entering into open-market innovation without properly structuring deals: Xerox and TRW virtually gave away their innovations and had to stand by while other companies capitalized on them.  相似文献   

I examine the relation between the presence of governance provisions and corporate innovation for a sample of firms between 1984 and 1997. I find a positive relation between four proxies for innovation and the broad Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) Index. However, in subsample analyses, I find that only those provisions that officers and directors actively adopt are positively related to innovation; coverage by state-level antitakeover legislation is typically unassociated or negatively associated with innovation. The evidence suggests that it is the visibility of officers and directors' actions rather than the potency of the takeover protection that best explains the observed pattern.  相似文献   

Based partially on the belief that innovation is not possible under perfect competition, a huge number of papers have been written about the nature of innovation under monopoly or oligopoly. In fact, competitive rents can and do sustain innovation in the complete absence of monopoly power. However, little is known about the source and significance of these rents, or about the way in which innovative activity takes place under conditions of competition. We begin to remedy this imbalance by examining the way in which competitive innovators earn rents both in theory and in practice.  相似文献   

Innovations and their adoption are the keys to growth and development. Innovations are less socially useful, but more profitable for the innovator, when they are adopted slowly and the innovator remains a monopolist. For this reason, rent-seeking, both public and private, plays an important role in determining the social usefulness of innovations. This paper examines the political economy of intellectual property, analyzing the trade-off between private and public rent-seeking. While it is true in principle that public rent-seeking may be a substitute for private rent-seeking, it is not true that this results always either in less private rent-seeking or in a welfare improvement. When the public sector itself is selfish and behaves rationally, we may experience the worst of public and private rent-seeking together.  相似文献   

A few years ago the software development company Intuit realized that it needed a new approach to galvanizing customers. The company's Net Promoter Score was faltering, and customer recommendations of new products were especially disappointing. Intuit decided to hold a two-day, off-site meeting for the company's top 300 managers with a focus on the role of design in innovation. One of the days was dedicated to a program called Design for Delight. The centerpiece of the day was a PowerPoint presentation by Intuit founder Scott Cook, who realized midway through that he was no Steve Jobs: The managers listened dutifully, but there was little energy in the room. By contrast, a subsequent exercise in which the participants worked through a design challenge by creating prototypes, getting feedback, iterating, and refining, had them mesmerized. The eventual result was the creation of a team of nine design-thinking coaches--"innovation catalysts"--from across Intuit who were made available to help any work group create prototypes, run experiments, and learn from customers. The process includes a "painstorm" (to determine the customer's greatest pain point), a "soljam" (to generate and then winnow possible solutions), and a "code-jam" (to write code "good enough" to take to customers within two weeks). Design for Delight has enabled employees throughout Intuit to move from satisfying customers to delighting them.  相似文献   

在“2016中国金融论坛”上,全国社会保障基金理事会副理事长王忠民、中国人民银行原副行长、中国金融会计学会会长马德伦,中国人民银行金融市场司副司长邹澜围绕“金融创新服务助力‘双创’引擎”的话题分享了自己的观点。  相似文献   

To help promote innovation in health care, nursing and finance leaders can: Begin by asking the "why" and "why not" questions. Earmark dollars for experimental care models. Advocate for eliminating legal and regulatory barriers that prevent innovation.  相似文献   

The customer-centered innovation map   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We all know that people "hire" products and services to get a job done. Surgeons hire scalpels to dissect soft tissue. Janitors hire soap dispensers and paper towels to remove grime from their hands. To find ways to innovate, it's critical to deconstruct the job the customer is trying to get done from beginning to end, to gain a complete view of all the points at which a customer might desire more help from a product or service. A methodology called job mapping helps companies analyze the biggest drawbacks of the products and services customers currently use and discover opportunities for innovation. It involves breaking down the task the customer wants to accomplish into the eight universal steps of a job: (1) defining the objectives, (2) locating the necessary inputs, (3) preparing the physical environment, (4) confirming that everything is ready, (5) executing the task, (6) monitoring its progress, (7) making modifications as necessary, and (8) concluding the job. Job mapping differs substantively from process mapping in that the goal is to identify what customers are trying to get done at every step, not what they are doing currently. For example, when an anesthesiologist checks a monitor during a surgical procedure, the action taken is just a means to the end. Detecting a change in patient vital signs is the job the doctor is trying to get done. Within each of the discrete steps lie multiple opportunities for making the job simpler, easier, or faster. By mapping out every step of the job and locating those opportunities, companies can discover new ways to differentiate their offerings.  相似文献   

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