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我国信用评级行业的现状及其发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国信用评级行业的现状我国信用评级行业基本是从1987年开始产生的,到现在已有20年的发展历史。对目前我国信用评级行业发展状态进行一个扼要的评估,可以得到以下结论:  相似文献   

经济下行:对中国商业的影响不可忽视 普华永道于2015年12月24日发布了2015亚太经合组织CEO调研报告之来自中国的观点——《中国踏上发展新道路:机遇在召唤》,报告呈现了2015年的调研结果,内容涉及商业信心、企业投资、服务需求预估、风险情境、促进互联互通和包容性增长因素的排名等指数.该报告显示,尽管中国国内生产总值增长预计放缓,但多数在华工商界领导人依然对商业机遇持乐观态度.  相似文献   

支付清算结算作为经济运行中债权债务关系转移和资金流动的基本方式并未改变。2000年,全球支付总额高达1800万亿美元,到2010年,该市场将增长66%。相应地,提供支付相关服务也是银行迅速增长的收入来源之一。2002年,全球支付相关收入总额达2600亿美元,预计到2009年这一数字将达3860亿美元。  相似文献   

近几年,俄罗斯巨大的矿产资源潜力吸引了众多国际矿业资本,我国"走出去"发展战略的实施,使许多企业也加入了这一热潮。虽然我国对外投资优惠政策不断出台,给企业发展带来利好,但投资俄罗斯矿业的风险正在加大,不容忽视。因此,我们对额尔古纳市境外投资企业在俄罗斯开发别列佐夫铁矿遭遇不利因素进行了分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

中国风电2008年很有可能突破1000万千瓦,2010年很有可能达到2500万千瓦。国家制定的2020年风电装机3000万千瓦的目标,有可能在2011年实现。2020年中国风电装机的最保守估计是8000万千瓦。根据可再生能源专业委员会的判断,2012年中国风电装机制造能力将达到1000- 1500万千瓦,有可能成为世界主要的风电装备制造基地。  相似文献   

矿业投资是指以一定的资金或实物直接或间接地从事矿产资源开发,并预测未来收益的行为。影响其投资决策的因素主要来自以下几个方面:投资环境,经济价值,技术探矿和采矿权证以及融资。其中以投资环境评价和投资价值评估最能体现管理的灵活性和决策者的战略。对两者各属性的敏感性分析是本文研究的重点,可以根据灵敏度的大小把投资环境和经济性评价的要点都梳理出来,并以此作为决策项目取舍、投资战略布局、商务谈判、运营管理及后评价的依据。  相似文献   

徐强 《中国外资》2006,(4):18-19
我们可以从以下方面认识中国当前中国民族零售企业发展所面临的行业环境。  相似文献   

中登公司最新发布的2014年7月统计月报数据显示,目前我国“基民”数量已经超过4700万户。尽管发展历史不长,我国基金行业已在经济社会中形成了广泛的影响力。虽然这一历程并不是一帆风顺,甚至有时受到了投资者的质疑,但伴随着资本市场、债券市场跌宕起伏,基金业仍实现了快速发展,特别是公募基金,已成为广大投资者重要的投资标的。  相似文献   

加入WTO以来,我国以越来越深的融入到全球化的浪潮之中,国际上风行的社会责任运动也越来越直接的影响到我国企业;同时,在人们生活水平不断提高的情况下,食品安全、生活质量、环境保护等问题逐渐成为社会公众关注的焦点.因此,倡导和落实企业社会责任是促进经济发展、构建和谐社会的重要举措.本文介绍并分析了我国企业社会责任报告的发展现状及存在的问题,并在此基础上就完善我国企业社会责任报告提出几点对策和思考.  相似文献   

许敏  杜承云 《中国外资》2011,(23):244-244
在知识经济时代以及社会主义市场经济飞速发展的今天,代替金融资本的人力资源、创造力、知识以及才能等逐渐成为提高企业竞争力的宝贵资源,"以人为本"的发展策略是企业在激烈的市场竞争中占据有力地位的法宝之一。企业培训不仅可以提高员工素质,而且为企业的长足发展提供了更多的保证。在新形势下,如何正确认识到企业培训的现状,是企业调整和改革发展规划的重要举措之一。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of idea mining filtering on web-based weak signal detection to improve strategic decision making. Existing approaches for identifying weak signals in strategic decision making use environmental scanning procedures based on standard filtering algorithms. These algorithms discard patterns with low information content; however, they are not able to discard patterns with low relevance to a given strategic problem. Idea mining is proposed as an algorithm that identifies relevant textual patterns from documents or websites to solve a given (strategic) problem. Thus, it enables to estimate patterns’ relevance to the given strategic problem. The provided new methodology that combines weak signal analysis and idea mining is in contrast to existing methodologies. In a case study, a web-based scanning procedure is implemented to identify textual internet data in the field of self-sufficient energy supply. Idea mining is applied for filtering and weak signals are identified based on the proposed approach. The proposed approach is compared to a further – already evaluated – approach processed without using idea mining. The results show that idea mining filtering improves quality of weak signal analysis. This supports decision makers by providing early and suggestive signals of potentially emerging trends, even with only little expressive strength.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time series of realized correlations between global industries and the world market over the 1979–2008 period. The behavior of industry correlations is characterized by long-term swings, with a period of historically low correlations in the late 1990s. The Telecommunications and the Financials industries show a positive secular trend. Global industry correlations move countercyclically. Furthermore, there is evidence that industry correlations are higher for market downside moves than for upside moves.  相似文献   

随着中国企业"走出去"谋求海外新发展,海外投资和经贸活动所面临的风险也进入高发期。在国际化进程中,中国企业该如何面对海外市场的挑战?如何融入当地社会?如何得到国际社会的接受和认可?全球投资并购的发展趋势将会怎样?等等,为此,《国际融资》记者专访了中国投资有限责任公司监事长金立群先生  相似文献   

陈北 《国际融资》2008,91(5):20-22
房地产问题是目前中国经济研究中最受关注的问题。人民币汇率对于中国房价的影响,是通过人民币升值预期,进而形成外资套利流入来实现的。在人民币汇率破“7”后,中国房地产业将会呈现怎样的走势  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the performance of the banking industry both prior to and during the global financial crisis (GFC). Through the application of a panel regime-switching model designed to capture heterogeneity, our findings suggest that global banking performance can be grouped into two distinctive clusters, each with its own specific regime dynamics. Before the crisis, a cluster of banking institutions pertaining to advanced economies stood out for its buoyant stock market performance, whereas a second cluster, mainly composed of banking indexes that belong to emerging economies, exhibited a more subdued performance. Further, this differentiation was accompanied by low regime synchronization between the clusters. During the crisis, banking institutions behaved similarly, regime synchronization increased, and the differences in the regime dynamics vanished. Finally, the GFC constituted a highly synchronized and systemic extreme financial event, as evidenced by our findings depicting the onset of severe underlying international financial contagion processes.  相似文献   

数据仓库是面向主题的(Subject-Oriented)、集成的(Integrated)、相对稳定的(Non-Volatile)、反映时间变化(Time-Variant)的数据集合,主要用于支持全局的信息共享和高层的管理决策。20世纪90年代中期以来,数据仓库技术受到学术界和产业界的广泛关注,逐渐成为企业信息化建设的主流技术之一,并为企业开发决策支持系统应用提供了重要基础。  相似文献   

Recent accounting scandals and a greater focus on sustainable development have highlighted the insufficiency of traditional financial statements in providing information about company value and performance. This study argues for the importance of reporting both IC information and non-economic performance. Based on an Extended Performance Reporting Framework, content analysis was conducted to examine the voluntary reporting practices within the annual reports of selected Australian mining companies. Results show that the sample companies tended to place greater emphases on IC information than non-economic performance information. The study provides a research opportunity, examining why the samples chose to report or not report various reporting elements.  相似文献   

一般来说,保险公司获得新客户的成本比维持老客户的成本要高得多,因此保险公司开始更多地关注现有客户的发展,交叉销售正是挖掘现有客户的消费潜力的有效方法。本文以CRISP-DM(Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining)方法论为基础,探讨聚类分析和关联规则在寿险行业交叉销售中的应用,并结合某寿险公司的基础数据应用Clementine挖掘工具建立了交叉销售模型,帮助寿险公司有针对性地开展产品营销。  相似文献   

When Roger Brown and Linda Mason decided to start a child care and early-education company 15 years ago, they knew about the challenges inherent in the industry: no barriers to entry, low margins, few economies of scale, heavy regulatory oversight--to name just a few. But that didn't stop them. They eventually built Bright Horizons Family Solutions, a company that now has more than 340 high-quality child care centers, serving 40,000 children and employing 12,000 people. How did they do it? Sheer determination helped. But even more important, they developed a business model that took advantage of industry weaknesses. When the couple sat down to hash out a plan for the company, they realized that the key to achieving profitability and creating barriers to entry was to partner with companies. They could achieve higher returns by having those companies build and outfit the centers and, at the same time, boost customer loyalty. Indeed, Bright Horizon's corporate clients came to see the state-of-the-art centers as a way to distinguish themselves in the eyes of current and prospective employees. The high-quality child care attracted the best employees and raised retention rates. Brown's first-person account describes the difficulties the couple and their company faced along the way, including the struggle for funding and a board that questioned Bright Horizons' business model and basic philosophy of good child care. But, Brown says, the commitment to a singular business model and the determination to make strengths out of weaknesses made the impossible possible.  相似文献   

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