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政府应鼓励天使投资 关于科技金融,税收政策环境的看法:第一,股权投资和证券投资应该分开,现在证券投资有法可依,但用证券投资法来谈泛泛的股权投资会带来一些市场行为和监管上的冲突.股权投资就是高风险高回报,不能所有的风险都让社会和政府承担,这涉及到市场准入和监管,应该恢复它本身的规律,所有的法规、监管都要符合投资性质、投资链条.当市场很热的时候,政府就不要再插一脚.前几年创业环境遇冷时政府呼吁创业投资,尤其是国有创业公司应起骨干作用,大家应积极鼓励天使投资,重心前移,市场应与时俱进,适时调节,政府也要定好自己的位置.  相似文献   

老法师通过财政部有关人士得知,根据国务院批准的财政部、国家税务总局、海关总署关于2000年底到期税收优惠政策调整方案,2000年底到期的43项税收优惠政策在期满之后将各有说法。  相似文献   

荣守俊 《国际融资》2014,(10):56-58
近年来,中国与欧洲经贸关系稳步发展,中国企业在欧洲投资势头良好,欧洲的投资环境总体向好。但是,在欧洲有些国家,中国企业不断遭遇到政治、经济、政策和环保等多方面风险。如何有效应对或化解这些风险,就成为中国政府和企业共同面对的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

智利与阿根廷和巴西并列为南美洲“ABC”强国,被世界银行视为高收入经济体。近年来,中智双边经贸关系保持稳定发展势头。目前,智利是中国在拉美地区的第三大贸易伙伴以及进口铜的最大供应国;中国是智利第一大贸易伙伴、第一大出口目的地和第一大进口来源国。随着《中智自贸协定》的不断深化和“一带一路”倡议的对接,中国企业对智利的投资兴趣逐渐增长。但是,智利经济结构单一、对外依存度高、能源短缺等问题突出,收入分配失衡较为严重,部分社会矛盾较为突出,对外籍劳务限制严格,仍存在一定的投资风险。中企贸易投资新机遇智利油气资源较为稀缺,石油主要依靠进口,但拥有非常丰富的矿产、森林和渔业资源,在矿业、农业、林业、渔业等行业拥有产业优势。2018年,智利经济开始复苏,GDP增长3.9%,是2013年以来的最好表现。这主要得益于食品制造业的突出表现、投资的快速增长以及全要素生产率的提升。  相似文献   

当你和家人在大都市享受天伦之乐时,你会离开爱妻和可爱的孩子,一个人到环境十分艰苦的西沙去吗?工行海口市琼山支行共产党员李果红却毅然抉择,到党最需要的地方去,到西沙去。他说:“作为一名党员就是要吃苦在前,享乐在后,党的需要就是自己的行动指南。”  相似文献   

近日,一位大客户的经办员打电话向我诉苦:说是某日下午到某营业网点替法人代表夫人办张银联卡,到甲柜柜员先是说不可以代他人办卡,后又说太忙叫其到乙柜去办,走到乙柜柜员说没卡了到甲柜去办,这样来回了几次卡也没办成。听了此话我觉得很诧异,现在全行都在抓营业网点的规范化建设和优质服务,抓明单位的创建,  相似文献   

Mia 《投资与理财》2014,(6):102-104
智利,南美最繁荣稳定的国家之一,靠近南极洲。这里虽没有纽约的繁华,没有巴黎的浪漫,没有伦敦的典雅,但是,在这里,你可以和大自然尽情地交流,文明都消散于荒野之中。峡湾、半岛、冰川和那些寒风呼呼的企鹅之家,都好像在诉说着,这片面向太平洋的狭长土地,和今天的现代化节奏有点不搭调。  相似文献   

张勇 《云南金融》2010,(4):67-68
随着中国百姓家庭财富的增加和人们法治意识的增强,离婚时产生的矛盾也越来越多,并成为法律争议的焦点。案例:“夫妻忠诚协议”是否为有效合同?侯先生和张女土于2008年6月结婚时签订了一份协议,约定双方洁身自好,  相似文献   

论国有商业银行同各方面的关系王兰国有商业银行要办成真正的商业银行,建立现代银行制度,需要处理好同各方面的关系。一、处理好同政府的关系国有商业银行是经营货币这种特殊商品的独立法人企业,同政府的关系是政企关系,应按政企分开的原则处理。按照“产权清晰、权责...  相似文献   

陈思进 《新理财》2010,(10):21-21
自今年6月中国暗示将松动人民币汇率以来,人民币升值幅度仅为0.4%,这大大低于华盛顿的期待,因此,中美两国的关系日益紧张起来。随着失业率的膨胀,以及选举年即将到来,美国国会再一次将人民币汇率摆上了议事日程:9月6日,华盛顿两位高官为缓和中美关系前往北京,就人民币及其他重要问题进行高峰会晤,以期达成共识。  相似文献   

Technological advances impact a firm’s investment decision, as they affect the investment cost. They can also affect the profitability due to demand shocks. We study a firm’s optimal investment decision when technological advances occur as surprises and induce uncertain reductions in the investment cost and in earnings. Despite this complex setting we derive closed-form solutions for the investment option value and the investment threshold. When technological advances only impact the investment cost, we demonstrate significant contributions compared to existing research, which restricts the analysis by keeping the expected investment cost path constant. For example, we show that, albeit the investment threshold is constant, the option value is very sensitive in the expected impact of technological advances. Leaving the restrictive setting, we obtain more intuitive results, e.g. that more frequent technological advances increase the option value. When technological advances impact future earnings we find important long-term effects: the investment threshold increases, whereas the option value decreases. Finally, earnings volatility postpones investment, while uncertainty due to technological advances expedites investment.  相似文献   

How to invest in social capital.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Business runs better when people within a company have close ties and trust one another. But the relationships that make organizations work effectively are under assault for several reasons. Building such "social capital" is difficult in volatile times. Disruptive technologies spawn new markets daily, and organizations respond with constantly changing structures. The problem is worsened by the virtuality of many of today's workplaces, with employees working off-site or on their own. What's more, few managers know how to invest in such social capital. The authors describe how managers can help their organizations thrive by making effective investments in social capital. For instance, companies that value social capital demonstrate a commitment to retention as a way of limiting workplace volatility. The authors cite SAS's extensive efforts to signal to employees that it sees them as human beings, not just workers. Managers can build trust by showing trust themselves, as well as by rewarding trust and sending clear signals to employees. They can foster cooperation by giving employees a common sense of purpose through good strategic communication and inspirational leadership. Johnson & Johnson's well-known credo, which says the company's first responsibility is to the people who use its products, has helped the company in time of adversity, as in 1982 when cyanide in Tylenol capsules killed seven people. Other methods of fostering cooperation include rewarding the behavior with cash and establishing rules that get people into the habit of cooperating. Social capital, once a given in organizations, is now rare and endangered. By investing in it, companies will be better positioned to seize the opportunities in today's volatile, virtual business environment.  相似文献   

要主动配合"外国控制"的交易审查 美国外资投资委员会是美国政府的一个机构,受美国政府的委托负责对那些在美国投资但可能对美国国防和安全产生威胁的交易进行审查.该机构审查这些交易关键审查交易本身是否会导致被外国的控制.所谓"外国控制"是指一个外资投资方在美国投资了一个企业并成为控股方,即便不是百分之百收购企业股权,但因为投资交易可能会产生诸如董事会席位的变化,C E O或者董事会大部分成员将变成外国居民.  相似文献   

机构天使管理的资本虽然比个人天使要多,但相较于创业投资机构和私募股权投资机构,仍然不在一个数量级。从而。在行业的选择上,所投企业多偏向轻资产行业,比如互联网和移动互联网行业  相似文献   

翟鹏 《银行家》2007,(10):68-71
未来一段时间,物价会持续上涨,也就是说,证券市场处于温和通胀环境中。而通货膨胀改变资源配置方式,是造成投资机会变化的主要原因。如何在这种通胀环境下选择投资机会,是投资者面临的主要问题。  相似文献   

Owners of property and assets frequently delegate decisions about operating and maintaining their property to managers who are better informed about local market conditions. We analyze how owners optimally contract with managers who vary in their expertise at prescribing service. We show that the most expert managers offer the greatest variation in operating recommendations. Owners benefit from dealing with experts provided they contract sequentially, whereby terms are negotiated gradually as the manager acquires information.  相似文献   

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