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本文从要素价格均等化理论及其扩展出发,揭示了外国直接投资对中国工资差距影响与理论不符的悖论,研究了FDI推动中国不同技能劳动力工资差距的原因,并提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的出口贸易快速发展,对经济社会发展发挥着重要的作用。与此同时,中国的出口贸易仍然存在低质、低价和低价格加成的问题。低价和低加成率导致企业低利润,不利于企业持续健康发展;且低价是国外反倾销诉讼的重要原因。中国出口企业价格加成显著低于非出口企业的事实与异质性企业贸易理论相违背,构成了中国出口企业"价格加成悖论"。本文基于中国工业企业数据测算的价格加成,从全部企业,以及基于不同行业、不同地区、不同企业所有制、不同企业规模、不同贸易方式的分样本,全面检验中国出口企业"价格加成悖论",并从出口规模、贸易方式等方面试图对其进行解释。  相似文献   

本文先采用行业绝对集中度具体衡量中国22个制造业企业的聚集程度,选出通信设备、计算机及电子设备这一行业作为典型,来分析影响制造业产业集聚的因素.由于本文考虑的是开放条件下的产业布局,因而外商资本、海外市场接近度等基于新经济地理理论的变量对产业份额的影响更大;相反,基于传统比较优势理论的大多数变量都未能获得本文数据分析的支持,更有甚者,最终需求度对产业集聚的影响是负的,与比较优势理论冲突,不过人口份额对产业集聚仍有显著的积极作用.  相似文献   

本文从金融化影响企业市场势力和劳动力市场竞争的角度出发,通过理论推导将金融化与劳动收入份额联系起来,分析实体企业金融化如何通过成本加成渠道和利润分成渠道对劳动收入份额产生影响。并利用2008—2016年中国上市公司的经验数据进行了实证检验。结果表明,金融化程度加深使实体企业成本加成率与利润分成下降,最终对劳动收入份额产生抑制作用,并且在东部地区、资本技术密集型行业以及货币政策紧缩时期金融化程度加深对实体企业劳动收入份额的负向影响更强。进一步,本文还对金融化不同动机以及不同配置方式的差异性进行了研究。结果表明,实体企业金融化与劳动收入份额的负向关系在融资约束不同的企业之间并不存在显著差异,而基于市场套利动机下的实体企业金融化则对劳动收入份额的负向影响更明显;实体企业金融化抑制劳动收入份额主要是通过发放贷款及垫款与投资性房地产发挥作用。  相似文献   

院文章采用静态面板模型和动态面板模型,既分析了中间产品贸易对我国制造业整体高技能劳动力工资份额的影响,也考察了中间产品贸易对基于要素密集度特征的分部门高技能劳动力工资份额的影响.结果表明从总体来说,中间产品贸易会拉大我国制造业整体高技能劳动力与低技能劳动力的工资差距.分部门来看,中间产品贸易对劳动和资源密集型部门高技能劳动力与低技能劳动力工资差距的正向影响要大于对资本和技术密集型部门的正向影响.  相似文献   

制造业对外贸易对我国制造业的发展起着举足轻重的作用,同时也间接影响着制造业各行业的工资差距.贸易开放通过部门间劳动力市场分割效应、外贸结构的变迁效应、名义关税下降效应、发达国家的"外购"效应、技术偏向的技术进步效应、劳动生产率效应六个方面的传导机制间接影响中国制造业行业间工资差距.加大教育投入、发挥贸易对低收入行业劳动生产率提高的传递效应、打破行业劳动市场的分割、给予加工贸易相应的政策扶持、采用政府再分配手段等措施有助于缩小行业间工资差距.  相似文献   

研究目标:探究外资银行进入对制造业企业加成率变化的影响和作用机制。研究方法:基于异质性企业和新增长理论,将企业异质性和新熊彼特模型有机整合到统一框架中提出命题,根据中国工业企业和海关数据库,通过外资银行进入这一外生冲击对银行业开放后的制造业企业“加成率效应”进行实证研究。研究发现:总体上外资银行进入后,进入区域内企业平均加成率显著增加。行业层面异质性渠道检验表明,行业与技术前沿差距越小、行业外部融资依赖度越高、与银行业投入产出关联度越大,外资银行进入“加成率效应”越大。分所有制类型的结果显示,民营和外资企业的正向效应更为显著,且大型民营企业的正向效应值最大。分地区和要素密集度的结果显示,东部和劳动密集型企业的正向“加成率效应”较大。研究创新:首次从企业盈利水平视角出发探讨外资银行进入对下游制造业加成率的影响。研究价值:证实金融业开放有利于提升我国制造业企业市场势力。  相似文献   

工资分配是企业再生产的重要环节,也是生产关系的核心内容。近年来,企业工资分配差距呈扩大趋势,已引起社会的广泛关注。造成的原因多样,但劳动力价格背离其价值是工资分配差距的主要因素之一。理论上进一步确立职工工资由劳动力市场价格决定的理论,对促进社会主义劳动力市场的完善,指导企业工资分配的实践,缓解收入差距悬殊问题,构建和谐社会具有十分重要的现实和长远意义。  相似文献   

本文选取2007~2011年中国多个行业的相关数据,通过分析企业管理费用,对工资外收入的统计来源进行研究,以航空运输业和医药制造业为例,对影响行业间收入差距的因素做了实证研究.实证分析表明,垄断因素是造成行业间收入差距的最主要原因,其对行业间收入差距的贡献程度达到75%以上;人力资本对行业间收入差距的贡献很低;外商投资比例和成本费用利润率对行业间收入差距有一定贡献,并且对缩小行业间的收入差距有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文选取了我国制造业22个细分行业2002‐2008年的面板数据,借鉴Haskel和Slaughter(2001)中将贸易因素看做内生变量的研究方法考察其对收入差距的影响,为我国制造业相对工资差距问题提供了一种经验解释。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of trade union membership in Australia using the Engle and Granger (1987) theory of co-integrated economic variables. Applying the theory of co-integration yields a model of union membership which can be interpreted as distinguishing between long-run and ‘business cycle’ determinants of union membership. The principal long-run determinant of union membership is found to be the level of employment disaggregated by industry classification. Business cycle variables—the real wage and the change in unemployment—are also shown to influence movements in union density. These findings are consistent with recent studies which have attributed the decline in union membership in Australia since the early 1980s to the changing composition of employment and movements in the rate of unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper presents instrumental variables estimates of the effects of firm tenure, occupation specific work experience, industry specific work experience, and general work experience on wages using data from the 1979 Cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. The estimates indicate that both occupation and industry specific human capital are key determinants of wages, and the importance of various types of human capital varies widely across one-digit occupations. Human capital is primarily occupation specific in occupations such as craftsmen, where workers realize a 14% increase in wages after five years of occupation specific experience but do not realize wage gains from industry specific experience. In contrast, human capital is primarily industry specific in other occupations such as managerial employment where workers realize a 23% wage increase after five years of industry specific work experience. In other occupations, such as professional employment, both occupation and industry specific human capital are key determinants of wages.  相似文献   

在全球生产网络化的背景下,中国制造业广泛参与国际垂直专业化分工,对劳动收入分配产生了重要影响。本文以外向经济较为发达的浙江省为例,测算了浙江26个制造业部门参与垂直专业化分工的程度,并就垂直化专业分工对浙江制造业工资收入的影响进行了实证分析。研究结果显示:浙江制造业部门参与国际垂直专业化分工总体上提升了行业工资收入水平;垂直专业化分工对制造业工资收入的促进作用在资本密集型行业中比在劳动密集型行业中更大。本文最后就如何提升浙江制造业工资水平、缩小行业工资差距提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of spatial efficiency wage premiums as a partial explanation for both inter-industry and geographic wage differentials. The empirical approach is based on an analysis of panel data for six select manufacturing industries operating within specific (U.S.) states. Besides testing for the existence of a regional "wage curve," this research adds to the evidence on traditional determinants of spatial wage differentials. An explicit treatment of regional cost-of-living conditions is unique to the analysis; also, industry wage structures are accounted for in explaining regional wage differences. The findings here contribute to an initial body of evidence on regional efficiency wages. The empirical evidence indicates that the relationship between regional wages (nominal or real) and the local unemployment rate is much more complex than implied by the wage curve.  相似文献   

Empirical research on gender pay gaps has traditionally focused on the role of gender-specific factors, particularly gender differences in qualifications and differences in the treatment of otherwise equally qualified male and female workers (i.e., labor market discrimination). This paper explores the determinants of the gender pay gap and argues for the importance of an additional factor, wage structure, the array of prices set for labor market skills and the rewards received for employment in favored sectors. Drawing on our previous work we illustrate the impact of wage structure by presenting empirical results analyzing its effect on international differences in the gender gap and trends over time in the gender differential in the U.S.  相似文献   

This note comments on a recent article in this journal by Hollander. The principal points made are two. First, if Hollander's regressions are interpreted as representing the determinants of non-wage share of value-added, no evidence is provided by these regressions that monopsony power transfers income from factors in one industry to factors in another. Second, the interpretation of the regressions as representing the determinants of non-wage share of value-added is itself challenged. In so doing the role of capital intensity variables in these types of studies is clarified.  相似文献   

The change from a centrally planned economy into a market economy is likely to have created a unique situation in economic history. Consequently, no existing economy theory is able to depict the process of transformation. It is argued in this paper that a Kaleckian theoretical approach may provide a starting point for the analysis of the formerly centrally planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe. This approach is applied to Hungary, within the framework of a computable general equilibrium model. A number of policy measures, such as wage constraint, devaluation and mark-up reduction, are considered and their effects on production, inflation and income distribution assessed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The paper presents empirical evidence on wage formation in Norway using annual time series data for manufacturing industry. First, we show that long-run effects on consumer prices and taxes depend strongly on the exact definition of the empirical variables. Using the implicit factor income deflator, the wedge between consumer's and producer's real wages is insignificant. Second, our results indicate that there is a long-run tradeoff between the wage level and the unemployment ratio and the Phillips curve specification is firmly rejected. Third, the paper presents empirical evidence in favour of a strongly non-linear wage curve. Fourth, our results support the long-term unemployment hypothesis, as increased proportion of long-term unemployment shifts the wage curve outwards and to the right.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - This work analyzed the wage discrimination in the Brazilian manufacturing industry. By recurring to the most updated database, several gaps were analyzed between white and...  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the liberalization process under NAFTA, this paper assesses the relative importance of the degree of trade openness and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in explaining inter-industry wage differentials for the case of Mexico. Using INEGI's National Survey of Urban Employment for the period 1994–2004, the empirical analysis is conducted on two stages. In the first stage, individual wages are regressed on worker characteristics, job and firm attributes, informality and a set of federal entity and industry indicators. In the second stage, inter-industry wage differentials (derived from the coefficient estimates of the industry indicators) are regressed on trade and FDI variables. The main findings show that trade openness does not have a statistically significant effect on inter-industry wage differentials, whereas for the case of FDI, a positive nonlinear relationship is found to exist.  相似文献   

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