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提高民族预科教学质量,对促进民族预科教育稳定健康发展具有重要的实践意义。民族预科生的化学素质偏低,如果只按一般的教学策略和手段进行教学,不仅不能有效避免预科生对中学化学知识厌学的倾向,而且难以在短短一年时间里使预科生的化学素质有长足的进步。因此,必须采取有效的特殊的教学策略,对教学理念、教学方法、教学内容以及教学手段等做相应调整。  相似文献   

Hu  Xiangting  Liu  Xiangbo  He  Chao  Dai  Tiantian 《Journal of Economics》2020,129(3):241-270
Journal of Economics - This paper employs a search and matching model featuring endogenous pre-college human capital investment to examine how education policies, such as subsidies, scholarships,...  相似文献   

本文通过对几位研究方向和研究方法具有明显差异的著名经济学家对经济学的看法以及他们研究领域的简要评述,力图勾画出当代经济学不同的发展走向,并结合中国经济学研究的某些现状提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

经济学科在美国   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文将介绍经济学科在美国的情况.由于美国代表了目前全世界现代经济学教学和研究的前沿,了解经济学科在美国的情况,对于如何参与国际经济学界的学术活动是很有必要的.我介绍以下四个方面的情况:第一,美国大学中经济学科的设置;第二,美国大学的经济学教育;第三,美国的经济学博士教育模式在欧洲;第四,中国学生申请留学美国攻读经济学学位时应注意的事项.  相似文献   

行为经济学:当代西方经济学最新思潮   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
行为经济学兴起于20世纪90年代,它对传统经济学的基础,即假设人的行为准则是理性的,不动感情的自我利益,提出了挑战,正式承认人也有生性活泼的一面。行为经济学采用心理分析的方法,研究市场上人们行为的有限性和复杂性。这一学说是西方国家经济学研究的前沿课题,并已在多个领域指导人们的实践。  相似文献   

诺贝尔经济学奖是经济学领域的最高荣誉,获奖领域包括微观经济学、宏观经济学、计量经济学,以及许多相对"小众"的经济学分支。经济学思想和分析方法被应用于越来越多的社会科学领域当中,被称为"经济学帝国主义";其他学科相关理论和方法的引入也促进了经济学研究的不断深入。经济学是经世致用之学,以解释、解决时代的重大问题为使命。回顾百年经济思想史可以发现,宏观经济学经历了三次思想分野:1929年"大萧条"是第一次分野,1970年代的"大滞胀"是第二次分野,2008年全球金融危机是第三次分野。诺贝尔经济学奖缺乏对中国问题的应有关注,中国经济发展及学术规范进步或催生出属于中国的诺奖。  相似文献   

法律经济学:经济学帝国主义的重要表现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李树 《当代财经》2003,(1):10-14
近数十年来,在西方经济学界,经济学不断向其他社会科学学科渗透,形成了许多以经济学方法作为分析方法或体现经济学基本理论的新兴学科,西方经济学家称这种现象为“经济学帝国主义“。法律经济学作为经济学帝国主义的重要表现,它是用经济学的方法和理论来考察、研究法律和法律制度的形成、结构、过程、效果、效率及未来发展的学科;它是法学和经济学科整合的边缘学科。本文在阐述了法律经济学的基本轮廓后,提出了法律经济学形成给予我们的几点启示。  相似文献   

法经济学体系的建立,依赖于两大理论作基础,一是经济学理论,二是法理学基础。在经济学方面,古典自由主义的经济学说为法经济学提供了思想武器,新古典经济学为法经济学提供了重要的理论基础,新制度经济学则直接为法经济学提供了方法论基础。  相似文献   

实证经济学与规范经济学: 科学标准的辨析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杜金沛  邢祖礼 《财经研究》2005,31(12):41-53
经济学研究中的实证方法和规范方法的运用历来都存在争议.文章在对实证经济学和规范经济学区分的缘起、内容和产生后果的分析基础上,对经济学的"科学性"标准进行了较详细的分析,对经济学研究中忽视甚至无视价值判断等一系列规范性问题带来的严重后果进行了阐述.文章认为,经济学作为社会科学,规范方法的运用是不可避免的,这是由经济学本身的学科属性决定的.实证主义经济学和规范主义经济学之间并没有不可逾越的鸿沟.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors update their previous study of terminal master's degree in economics programs to determine whether changes in the characteristics and students or the desired outcomes of master's programs have occurred during the decade between the two studies. The authors find that there are now fewer programs and on average, there has been a reduction in rigor in terms of degree requirements. They also find some evidence for increased diversity of faculty in these programs. The average number of students in programs remained about the same over the decade, but the average number of faculty serving these students decreased. While some differences are found, overall the authors conclude that master's in economics programs have not dramatically changed over the past 10 years.  相似文献   

Nature has been ill-served by 20th century economics. When asked, economists acknowledge nature’s existence, but most would appear to deny that she is worth much. If ecologists worry about the contemporary nexus between population size (and growth), the standard of living, and the natural environment, we economists point to the accumulation of capital and technological progress and say Malthus got it wrong. In this paper I show by an appeal to theory that economics has been so badly misused, that it has deflected attention from deep problems at the nexus that are faced both regionally and globally. Text of the President’s introductory remarks at the proceedings of Section F (Economics) of the BA (British Association for the Advancement of Science) Festival of Science 2006, at the University of East Anglia, September 2006.  相似文献   

Academic departmentalization has limited the dimensionality and thus the richness of analysis in the social sciences. The author examines the case of a modern economics as an example. He reviews the ideas of Williamson (2000), who cites the limits of scope in the New Institutional Economics; Buchanan, who lays bare the ethical foundations of political economy in his constitutional economics; and Adam Smith, whose moral philosophy reflects a fully dimensional analysis. The author cites examples of how modern economic analysis can be enhanced by a reintegration with the other social sciences.  相似文献   

In 1963, the North Dakota Legislature amended the North Dakota Century Code to ensure that all licensed community pharmacies in the State are majority owned by pharmacists registered in the State. During the 2008-2009 legislative session, a debate arose about whether this law should be repealed. Those in favor of repeal attacked the law using the neoclassical arguments of efficiency, competition and lower prices. Those opposed to the law's repeal argued that pharmacists must own pharmacies in order to protect the public's welfare. This paper explores the arguments made for and against this law and draws two major conclusions. First, the arguments made by both sides are flawed because neither side fully incorporates the historical, physical and cultural characteristics of North Dakota communities into their analyses. Second, North Dakota legislators voted overwhelmingly to retain the law. Moreover, prima fascia evidence indicates that the legislators based their decisions on Institutional considerations.  相似文献   

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