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This systematic review of the literature focuses on the use of AR and its impacts in the marketing area. It provides a multidisciplinary, up-to-date synthesis of the literature and an exhaustive classification of AR. Through the use of the SPAR-4-SLR protocol, 148 articles were selected for analysis. The study has three main objectives. First, it reports the key characteristics (distribution by year, publication outlets, etc.), theoretical models, and methodologies used in this research domain. Second, it suggests a classification of the types of AR according to their triggers and the object of the augmentation (self vs. external). Third, it proposes a framework that presents (1) the AR features and attributes and the AR use experience; (2) the cognitive, affective, and social mediators; and (3) the outcomes of these experiences. Key moderators (types of AR, types of products, individual characteristics, etc.) are also discussed. Using the TCCM framework (theories, context, characteristics, and methodologies), this study offers several future research avenues and highlights the importance of considering the effects of the different types of AR. Finally, it offers pointers for managers on how to develop efficient AR solutions and how these can be used to reduce a company's carbon footprint.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the role of ad creativity in YouTube video ads featuring augmented reality (AR) technology. Through an online experiment, we compared people who hold positive preexisting attitudes toward a familiar brand, people who hold negative preexisting attitudes toward a familiar brand, and people who are unfamiliar with a brand in terms of their perceived creativity of a video ad featuring AR technology. Further, we explored the differential effect of three dimensions of ad creativity, namely, message usefulness, ad novelty, and ad-consumer association, on short and long-term brand name recall, short and long-term brand message recall, ad attitudes, and brand attitudes. Results demonstrated that for a familiar brand, people’s perceived creativity of an ad is biased by their preexisting brand attitudes. For an unfamiliar brand, since people do not hold preexisting attitudes toward it, their perceived creativity of an ad for the unfamiliar brand is mostly shaped by their ad evaluations. Moreover, results revealed that the three dimension of ad creativity play different roles in ad effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study examined consumers’ attitude toward the use of sexual content in advertisements among there different cultural groups; i.e., individualistic sample (White American), collectivistic sample (US temporal visitors from Asia), and acculturation sample (Asian immigrants). Sixty participants were asked about cultural acceptability of sexual content ads and the favorable attitude toward those ads by using Q-methodology. Asian participants reported less cultural acceptability for sexuality, than either Asian American or North American participants. The findings also revealed that North Americans are more likely to prefer the use of sexual content in advertisement than Asians. Asian-American participants agreed with North American participants in regard to sexually explicit advertising. Implications and limitations were discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the impact of individualism and collectivism on three basic aspects of ethical decision making – the perception of moral problems, moral reasoning, and behavior. We argue that the inclusion of business practices within the moral domain by the individual depends partly upon individualism and collectivism. We also propose a pluralistic approach to post-conventional moral judgment that includes developmental paths appropriate for individualist and collectivist cultures. Finally, we argue that the link between moral judgment and behavior is related to individualism and collectivism.
David B. AllenEmail:

Augmented reality retail applications (ARRAs) have emerged as rapidly developing innovative and futuristic retail innovation used in both physical store and online shops to improve the retail settings and customer experience. So, the objective of this research was to identify predictors of user benefits of ARRA in the retail food chain. By integrating the theory of information system success model, this study proposes a model to investigate the mediating effect of two values: (1) user satisfaction and (2) user continuance intention between quality perspective as explanatory variables (system, service, and information quality) and user benefits as the outcome variable. Both the mediating factors are found positively playing mediating roles among all proposed relationships. This paper provides valuable course of action for retailers and marketers on assessing customers satisfaction and using ARRA to create marketing strategies effectively.  相似文献   


The authors report a content analysis that assessed gender role portrayals in advertisements from highest circulation Japanese magazines. They found that, although some indigenous gender stereotyping was evident, several traits previously associated with Japanese women (devoted, obliging, rattle-brained, superstitious, thorough) were associated with men. Also, men were not linked with certain stereotypical male traits (autocratic, blustery, forgiving, generous, severe). Other findings included women being shown in a positive way as often as men. In terms of common international stereotypes, women were not associated with low priced products or portrayed as being more deferential than men. However, women still were portrayed as more concerned with appearance and as younger than men, were not depicted as product authorities, and were shown more often in sexist than in nonsexist depictions.  相似文献   

Most of the literature assumes that endorsements, particularly by celebrities, are a frequently used advertising strategy. However, no study has yet investigated the use of the different endorser types identified by academic literature. This study seeks to close this research gap by analyzing German print advertisements. It finds that endorsement strategy in general is used much less than academic literature assumes, and that the relative significance of the different endorser types is incongruent to expectations. Moreover, the data suggest that, contrary to the literature's assumptions, credibility is not the most important underlying construct for endorsement advertisements, the endorser type used is frequently determined by the product category that is being advertised, and campaigns based on authenticity and similarity are gaining considerable importance in advertising practice.  相似文献   

Organizational scholarship has increasingly focused its attention to how nonprofit, for-profit, and government agencies develop their unique organizational identity through their strategic communication efforts. As social media continues to become more prominent in communication campaigns due to the high levels of public usage and public involvement with organizations on social media sites, it is important to examine these social media messages as they relate to organizational identity. YouTube videos increasingly are being used by organizations to educate and inform just as much as they are to entertain. Through a content analysis of the most viewed videos on the top 100 official nonprofit YouTube channels, this study found that nonprofit organizations primarily use their YouTube videos to inform and educate viewers about their missions, programs, and services. While the videos also occasionally discuss the organizations' advocacy, volunteering, and fundraising efforts, nonprofit organizations were not living up to their potential in terms of engagement through direct appeals for involvement. Additionally, the organizations were more likely to use outsiders' words and stories to build the videos' narratives rather than using internal stakeholders. The benchmark numbers provided by this study reiterate key rules that are stressed in practitioner-oriented work on video production for branding and identity-building efforts.  相似文献   

龚朴  王菁华 《财贸研究》2007,(1):140-144
本文在对业已存在于会计实务界和会计理论界的可转换公司债券交易特征分析的基础上,分析了可转换公司债券的经济实质所在,指出可转换公司债券是一种兼有债性、股性和转换期权三重特征的复合金融衍生工具。认识可转换公司债券的经济实质是对其进行会计确认、计量和报告的前提条件,是研究可转换公司债券问题的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

赵泉民 《财贸研究》2008,19(2):40-46
不同的文化信仰会引起不同的组织发展路径,进而影响博弈的规则,并最终影响到社会制度性结构的确定。西方经过了启蒙运动中的自由主义、功利主义及个人主义等思潮洗礼,形成了社会现代性的基本精神特征:以市场社会为基础的个性解放与主体自由、社会契约、经济自由。其客观实在就是独立于国家权力的自治的市民社会。西方的基层社会组织化、农业合作化正是这一现代性的历史趋向在经历了深刻的社会化修正后的一项成果。将根植于西方个人主义土壤中的社会组织化制度——合作社,移植到中国的以传统集体主义为核心价值观的社会中,其发生异化或难以很好成长是情理之中的事情。这也就是50年来"中国一直没有一种合作制机构真正成功过"的文化根源和精神制约。因为组织化、合作化首先孕育于个人主义的发展过程,然后才逐渐形成。  相似文献   

Given the recent ethics scandals in the United States, there has been a renewed focus on understanding the antecedents to ethical decision-making in the research literature. Since ethical norms and standards of behavior are not universally consistent, an individual’s choice of referent may exert a large influence on his/her ethical decision-making. This study used a social identity theory lens to empirically examine the relative influence of the macro- and micro-level variables of national culture and peers on an individual’s intention to behave ethically. Our sample consisted of respondents from Germany, Italy, and Japan. The results indicated that both national culture and peers were found to act as significant referents in ethical decision-making dilemmas. Although peers exerted a much stronger influence on an individual’s ethical decision-making, the impact of peers varied depending on the national culture levels of individualism and power distance. James W. Westerman is an Associate Professor of Management at Appalachian State University. He received his Ph.D in Management from the University of Colorado at Boulder and an MBA from Florida State University. His research interests include person-organization fit, compensation, and employee ethics, and has been published in the Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Group and Organization Management and the Journal of Business and Psychology, among others. Rafik I. Beekun (Ph.D., the University of Texas at Austin) is Professor of Management and Strategy in the Managerial Sciences Department at the University of Nevada. Reno, and Co-director, Center for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. His current research focuses on business ethics, national cultures and the link between management and spirituality. He has published in such journals as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics and Decision Sciences. Yvonne Stedham is a Professor of Management in College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno. She received a Ph.D. in Business and an MBA from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas and undergraduate degrees in Economics and Business from the University of Bonn, Germany. She joined the University of Nevada, Reno in 1988 and served as Chair of the Managerial Sciences Department from 1999-2002. Dr. Stedham's research covers a broad spectrum of management issues with a special focus on international, business ethics and gender aspects, and has been published in the Journal of Management. Women in Management Review, the Journal of Management Studies, the Journal of Business Ethics,the Journal of European Industrial Training, and the Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource, and others. Jeanne H. Yamamura, CPA, MIM, PHD, is Associate Professor at the University of Nevada Reno. Her research is focused in the area of the international management of accounting professionals and in ethical decision making. She has published in journals such as the International Journal of Accounting, the International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation and the International Journal of Human Resource Management.  相似文献   

This study provides an understanding of the underlying processes and attitudes toward advertising while watching in TV and YouTube. We intend to contribute to better understand what could lead senior consumers to avoid advertising. The aims are to (i) analyze the relationship between drivers to ad avoidance among senior viewers and (ii) compare the perceptions about those drivers between TV advertising and YouTube advertising among senior viewers. A sample of 214 senior viewers provided data to test the hypotheses. Findings reveal that irritation seems to be the crucial factor that lead consumers to avoid whacking advertising. A negative attitude toward advertising and skepticism do not mediate the effect between advertising irritation and avoidance. The article also provides managerial implications and suggestions to further research.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The number of advertisements in the People's Daily newspaper has increased, as has the proportion of advertisements whose objective is to introduce new Chinese industrial products targeted towards corporate audiences. Also consistent with modernization and marketization efforts, there are more foreign advertisers and a wider variety of written and visual execution styles.  相似文献   


This study was designed to compare the ways the websites promote giving campaigns between the United States and South Korea. Furthermore, this study explored how the campaign appeals are associated with the distinct cultural values between universities in the United States and Korea. Guided by a content analysis of 200 universities in the United States and South Korea, the findings of this study demonstrated that, compared to the Korean university websites, U.S. university websites more frequently targeted university-affiliated donors, including alumni, students, parents, and so forth, and used multimedia-based exemplars about the giving campaigns.  相似文献   

Consumers' intentions are crucial to the wide usage of augmented reality shopping applications (ARSAs). Combining innovation diffusion, perceived value, and attitude theories, this study proposes a theoretical model that identifies the antecedents of consumers' innovation to use ARSAs and specifies their interrelationships. A total of 379 consumers were surveyed using questionnaires, and the data were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Results show that the effects of the perceived relative advantage, perceived compatibility, and perceived observability on consumers' intentions to use ARSAs are mediated by consumers' attitudes toward ARSAs. In addition, attitudes have an indirect impact on consumers' intentions to use ARSAs through perceived value. Theoretically, this study synthesizes behavioral theories anchored on innovation and marketing to explain consumer's use intention. Managerially, this study provides strategic recommendations for technology companies developing ARSAs and retailers wishing to adopt ARSAs.  相似文献   

The recent prominence of culturally rich visuals for effective global communication and establishing brands of organizations cannot be denied. This inquest observed how Pakistan universities used their homepages to demonstrate culture through a content analysis of 1064 pictures from 100 top universities. The researcher tried to take a stance on visual presentation of cultural aspects by using Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory, and evaluated the impact of cultural elements in choosing pictures as part of web design and marketing strategy. Results indicated that faculty in groups doing academic and official activities were the predominant visual element, and websites mostly marketed faculty. Choice of pictures was positively correlated with Hofstede’s scores on power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance and indulgence, but a different trend was observed for masculinity and pragmatism. Findings suggest that institutions should ameliorate their web marketing according to cultural needs of local as well as international students, and further research is needed.  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) is rapidly gaining attention in practice, and research as the adoption of smartphones and technological advancements persist. The focus of current literature on AR has been on its use for improving visual and display quality. However, limited guidance is offered on how consumers evaluate their experience and how that, in turn, influences their behaviors, especially in the smartphone context. This study seeks to extend this line of research by applying the cognition-affect-conation framework to examine how mobile augmented reality (MAR) experiences shape the consumer decision-making process. Data collected from 316 users in the United States were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results reveal that consumers’ cognitive evaluation of MAR applications stimulates their affective reactions, which eventually create conative behaviors. Thus, this study offers an integrated perspective for investigating continuous use and purchase intentions jointly in one research model. In addition, it examines how perceived value, a cognitive trait variable, influences consumer conative responses directly and indirectly through affective responses. The results confirm the relationships proposed in the cognition-affect-conation framework and empirically support the direct and indirect influence of perceived value on conative efforts in the MAR context. The findings contribute to AR theory building, application design, and marketing strategy development.  相似文献   

This study measures the degree of advertising effectiveness in previous advertising research studies. By analyzing 324 meta-analytic effect sizes taken from 44 meta-analyses that included more than 1,700 primary studies with more than 2.4 million subjects, the meta-meta-analytic effect size of .2 shows that advertising is effective. The findings differ across advertising inputs and outcomes, and identify different hierarchies of effects due to different underlying processes. The source primarily influences attitudes and behavior due to an acceptability–inference process; the message influences cognitions and emotions due to an emotion–cognition process; strategies foster processing and effects on memory due to a retrieval process; and receiver characteristics primarily influence attitudes, cognitions, and emotions due to a sense-making process. These findings provide quantitative evidence for the effectiveness of advertising and major advertising tools, provide empirical generalizations for researchers and practitioners, and suggest a new contingency for the applicability of hierarchy of effects models.  相似文献   

Virtual mirror, an increasingly popular application of augmented reality, allows consumers to view their visages overlaid with product images on digital displays. The authors of this study examine how augmented reality technology affects consumers’ brand perceptions and purchase intentions. Study 1, using a real brand, demonstrates that consumers tend to form higher self-brand connections and purchase intention when viewing themselves trying a product via a virtual mirror, rather than when viewing professional models wearing the product. Study 2, using a fictitious brand, reveals that narcissistic participants show pronounced positive self-viewing effects, but non-narcissistic participants show attenuated effects. Implications for digital marketers are discussed.  相似文献   

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