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Camping is a nature-based tourism activity where individuals spend one or more night away from home in an outdoor setting. Inherent in the definition are time and space, as well as exposure to natural elements such as weather or extremes. This study introduces the novel Camping Climate Index (CCI) to explore the impacts of weather and climatic variability on camping occupancy and optimal camping conditions. Daily meteorological data for 29 for-profit camping locations is analyzed and matched with daily camping occupancy data for the tent, recreational vehicle, and cabin categories. The CCI is empirically validated for camping behaviors compared to other tourism indices including the Tourism Climate Index and Holiday Climate Index. This study is the first to create an index using observed camping occupancy data for the three categories of camping matched with daily weather data that also captures the overriding effects of extreme/adverse weather events.  相似文献   

Tourism needs to reduce emissions in line with other economic sectors, if the international community's objective of staying global warming at 1.5°-2.0 °C is to be achieved. This will require the industry to half emissions to 2030, and to reach net-zero by mid-century. Mitigation requires consideration of four dimensions, the Scales, Scopes, Stakeholders and Strategies of carbon management. The paper provides a systematic review of these dimensions and their interrelationships, with a focus on emission inventory comprehensiveness; allocation principles at different scales; clearly defined responsibilities for decarbonization; and the identification of significant mitigation strategies. The paper concludes that without mitigation efforts, tourism will deplete 40% of the world's remaining carbon budget to 1.5 °C. Yet, the most powerful decarbonization measures face major corporate, political and technical barriers. Without worldwide policy efforts at the national scale to manage the sector's emissions, tourism will turn into one of the major drivers of climate change.  相似文献   

科学界定旅游业碳排放统计边界既是低碳旅游研究的难点,也是制定旅游业碳减排政策与措施的关键。已有研究在统计指标选取上多以借鉴和优化为主,计算结果难以相互佐证。文章基于经济学和法学相关领域溯源,逐一评价了现行统计指标,研究发现:(1)影响旅游业碳排放统计边界的主要因素是研究视角不同、统计口径混用,导致研究结果之间横向不可比,纵向不可加;(2)狭义和广义统计边界的主要区别是后者在污染者付费的基础上兼顾受益者负担原则;(3)基于属地责任原则,外部交通不属于旅游目的地碳源,而应计入广义的统计边界。研究指出:旅游业碳减排措施应明晰责任边界和外部性,兼顾经济收益和环境代价;在边界相对统一的前提下,不同研究对象的碳强度不同,旅游业是否为绿色产业应视具体情况而定。  相似文献   

北京冬奥会是中国提出双碳目标后的首个大型国际体育赛事,绿色办奥是北京冬奥会的举办理念之一。本文采用文献资料法和案例分析法,以北京冬奥会中碳减排技术与碳中和措施为研究导向,挖掘北京冬奥会绿色低碳技术的应用情况与经验,以及对低碳旅游发展的启示。研究表明:(1)北京冬奥会以双碳目标、可持续性理念与两山理论为指引,将碳减排技术与碳中和措施贯彻到赛前、赛时、赛后利用的全过程,为绿色低碳技术的转化与应用提供参考,并取得良好的社会效益、生态效益与经济效益。(2)北京冬奥会绿色低碳技术的应用对低碳旅游的可持续发展具有借鉴意义,本文从科学选址旅游项目、制定低碳旅游标准、高效利用现有设施、构建低碳能源体系、建立低碳交通体系、打造低碳产品体系、构建碳中和机制、鼓励游客绿色消费八个维度探讨低碳旅游发展的现实路径。  相似文献   

积极响应全球气候变化和坚决贯彻党中央提出的碳达峰、碳中和(简称“双碳”)目标是中国旅游业高质量发展的重要使命。本文在评估1990—2020年中国旅游业碳排放状况基础上,预测2021—2060年中国旅游业碳排放,分析中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标的主要挑战、任务与实现路径。研究结果表明:(1)中国旅游业碳排放可分为4个阶段;碳排放结构特征显著,旅游交通及休闲度假是碳排放主体;旅游消费需求增长趋势下唯有以低碳情景推进,方能在2030—2035年间实现旅游业碳达峰,为实现碳中和目标减缓阻力。(2)中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标面临旅游碳排增速快、全球气候变化威胁、碳排放边界模糊、品质化旅游需求旺盛、减碳技术不足5大挑战;必须从宏观-产业、中观-目的地与企业、微观-游客3个维度确定实现“双碳”目标的主要任务;坚守统筹协调、因地制宜、尊重规律、推广科技、差异化实现5大发展原则。(3)高质量发展下中国旅游业“双碳”目标的实现路径应从供给侧、消费端、政策支撑3方面突破,在供给侧加快能源结构调整、加大减碳技术投入、增强碳汇能力,在消费端促进旅游消费主体、消费场所、服务组织的减碳全面响应,在政策支撑加快完善低碳政策、鼓励低碳政策创新。本文立足中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标的研究前沿,初步建立了旅游“双碳”理论,丰富了低碳旅游理论,可为高质量发展下中国旅游业“双碳”目标实现提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of tourism on economic growth considering CO2 emissions utilizing panel data techniques for a sample of Mediterranean countries. The cointegration tests reveal that there is a positive long-run equilibrium between tourism, CO2 emissions and economic growth. This positive long-run relationship may suggest that tourism increases the level of CO2 emissions and has a statistically significant impact on economic growth in Mediterranean countries. Emirmahmutoglu and Kose (2011. Testing for Granger causality in heterogeneous mixed panels. Economic Modelling, 28(3), 870–876.) test results reveal that the tourism-led growth hypothesis, which suggests that tourism contributes to economic growth, is valid for Egypt, Italy, and Spain. Additionally, there exists a bidirectional relationship between tourism and economic growth both in Morocco and Turkey.  相似文献   

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