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Celebrity and brand mascot endorsements are very popular and often-used techniques by marketers. Marketers believe that celebrity and brand mascot endorsements provide a higher degree of appeal, attention, and customer recall ability compared with when this technique is not used. Marketers also claim that a celebrity affects the credibility of claims about a product and increases the memorabilia factor of the message, which may provide a positive effect that could be generalized to the brand. Primarily this essay has been designed such that it examines various parameters related to advertisements containing celebrity and brand mascot endorsements. Data were been collected from 150 respondents through questionnaire and subjected to t test, χ2 test, and difference of means test to enforce the hypotheses that celebrity endorsements have impacts on customers’ perceptions and their purchase intentions. The findings of this study provide insights for marketing and brand managers to design and market their campaigns effectively.  相似文献   

The buying power of millennial consumers is ever growing. They are social consumers, sharing all aspects of their experiences on social media. One advertising technique that may sway millennial consumers is using a celebrity endorser. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the presence of a congruent product-endorser match helped influence purchase intent of millennial consumers and aide in favourable attitudes toward the advertisement. Millennials evaluated an unfamiliar celebrity endorsement where they indicated they had little intent to purchase the product endorsed by the unfamiliar celebrity, but the unfamiliar celebrity did lead to favourable evaluations of the advertisement.  相似文献   

This article explores the effect of store characteristics and interpersonal trust on formation of attitude and intention to purchase from online stores in the context of online social media marketing. Store Brand Knowledge, Store Reputation, Perceived Store Size, and Perceived Store Risk have been considered as antecedents of trust. Based on existing literature, a conceptual model is proposed and empirically tested with a sample (n = 424) of online social media users with the help of partial least square path modeling. This study is among the very few empirical investigations done in the context of trust in online social media marketing and focuses only on consumer-perceived store-controlled factors as antecedents of trust.  相似文献   

The reach of internet technology and social media has opened abundance of opportunities for marketers as well as for consumers across the globe. To anticipate future purchase behavior of consumers, marketers are not leaving any stone unturned. The main objective of this study is to investigate the direct and indirect impacts of social media marketing activities (entertainment, customization, interaction, word of mouth, and trend) on consumers' purchase intentions in luxury fashion brands. This study employed higher order Structural Equation Modeling to test the study model with (n = 243) sample data. We found positive significant impacts of social media marketing and customer relationships on consumers' purchase intentions. In addition, our study model confirmed full mediation of customer relationships in the relationship between social media marketing and consumers' purchase intentions. Based on our research findings, we strongly recommend that marketers of luxury fashion brands engage in social media marketing activities to provide value to customers.  相似文献   


In this study, a theoretical framework is developed to explain the differential effects of country-of-manufacture (COM) and brand image on the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of Koreans' consumer decision making. Although effects are product specific, findings, overall, indicate that brand image has a stronger effect than COM on Koreans' perceptions of hybrid global products. Moving the production of an electronic product (TV) to a developing country, however, negatively affected Koreans' evaluation of product performance, prestige (brand and technical), and purchase attitudes. The findings have interesting marketing implications for hybrid global brands and contribute to building a theory of COM.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,传统企业开展网络业务已成为大势所趋。企业在转型发展的过程中,企业品牌资产起到的作用以及线下品牌资产对消费者线上购买意愿的影响是值得探讨的课题。本研究将线下品牌资产分为线下品牌认知、线下品牌形象和线下品牌态度三个维度,并构建了线下品牌资产对消费者线上购买意愿的影响研究模型。通过实证研究的结果表明,线下品牌资产通过线上信任和线上态度间接影响消费者的线上购买意愿。  相似文献   

It is not uncommon for advertisers to present required product disclaimers quickly at the end of advertisements. We show that fast disclaimers greatly reduce consumer comprehension of product risks and benefits, creating implications for social responsibility. In addition, across two studies, we found that disclaimer speed and brand familiarity interact to predict brand trust and purchase intention, and that brand trust mediated the interactive effect of brand familiarity and disclaimer speed on purchase intention. Our results indicate that fast disclaimers actually reduce brand trust and purchase intention for unfamiliar brands, suggesting that there are both economic and social responsibility reasons to use less rapid disclaimers for unfamiliar brands. Conversely, disclaimer speed had no negative effects on brand trust and purchase intention for highly familiar brands, presenting ethical tensions between economic interests (e.g., an efficient use of advertisement time) and social responsibility. We discuss the implications of our framework for advertising ethics, for corporate social performance, and for corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

Consumers are using social media platform to gain and share knowledge on brands. In the virtual environment, consumers are exposed to various online reviews on brands that leave an impression of brands on the minds of the consumers. The present study combines Yale attitude change model and attribution theory to examine the effects of credible online reviews on brand equity dimensions. The present study views, through the lens of Yale attitude change model, the various factors that affect credibility evaluation of online reviews. Further, attribution theory is used as the theoretical backbone to analyze the effects of credible online reviews on brand equity dimensions and finally on purchase intention. This study uses structural equations modeling (SEM) to investigate the impact of online credible reviews on customer based brand equity (CBBE) dimensions and its consequence on consumer behavior (purchase intention). Results indicate that source and review quality are the most important factors that affect consumer's credibility evaluation of a review. Online credible reviews have more significant impact on brand awareness, perceived value and organizational associations and thus leads to consumer's purchase intention in the context of consumer electronic products in India.  相似文献   

近年来品牌跨界联合的案例不断推陈出新,在品牌跨界中的联合产品差异较大,这与过去品牌联合追求匹配性存在巨大反差。企业如何提高品牌跨界联合效果成为学术界与实践界的关注热点。文章聚焦品牌跨界情境,探究产品联合距离与概念组合解释策略对联合产品评价及购买意愿的影响机制。实验研究表明,与近距离的产品联合相比,远距离的产品联合会引起更低的联合产品评价和更低的消费者购买意愿;感知风险和感知创新在产品联合距离与消费者对联合产品评价和购买意愿影响中起到中介作用;关系链接和属性映射的解释策略在产品联合距离对联合产品评价与购买意愿的影响关系以及产品联合距离对感知风险与感知创新的影响关系中起到调节作用。  相似文献   

O2O生鲜电商平台消费者重购意愿影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于迁徙理论,从驱动与锁定双视角出发,从推力因素、拉力因素和锁定因素三个层面对线上线下融合(O2O)生鲜电商平台重复购买意愿影响因素与内在机理进行实证研究。通过网络调查问卷采集886份消费者样本数据,运用结构方程模型对研究假说进行检验,结果表明,影响O2O生鲜电商平台重复购买意愿具有驱动效应和锁定效应两大机制,其中顾客满意度是驱动效应中的中介变量,顾客惰性是锁定效应中的中介变量。此外,推力因素的便利性、拉力因素的感知价值、锁定因素的转换成本、主观规范与在线涉入度均对消费者重复购买意愿产生正向影响。在后疫情时代,O2O生鲜电商企业应重视以消费者为中心的关系型营销理念,强化体验营销手段,在满足消费者便利性需求与高价值感受的同时,增强消费者对O2O生鲜电商平台的交易依赖,提高消费者黏性。  相似文献   

在广告设计中如何使用环保主张是影响广告效果和公司声誉的一项重要决策。基于此,文章引入归因理论和精细加工可能性模型对企业环保主张的效果和发生机制进行分析。结果表明:相较于关联型环保主张,消费者面对实质型环保主张时的绿色购买意愿更高;消费者环境关注调节了环保主张对绿色购买意愿的影响,即相较于关联型(实质型)环保主张,高环境关注(低环境关注)的消费者面对实质型(关联型)环保主张时绿色购买意愿更强;同时消费者的CSR内部动机感知在环保主张对消费者绿色购买意愿的影响中起中介作用。文章丰富了绿色广告理论体系,为增强企业环保主张的说服效果提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This study identified the underlying structure and the dimensional properties of multiplayer online game (MOG) expectations by adopting expectancy violations theory (EVT) and examined its effects on attitudes and behavioral intention for in-game ads. We found a multi-dimensional structure for MOG expectations consisting of three factors. While each of the expectation factors significantly predicted attitudes toward the advertising, no specific factor predicted purchase intent or brand attitude. Attitudes toward the advertising partially mediated the effects of MOG expectations (centrality, socialness, and features) on brand attitudes and fully mediated the effect of socialness on purchase intent. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Although diversification has been the subject of a large amount of research (Bettis & Hall, 1982; Dess, Gupta, Hennart, & Hill, 1995; Montgomery, 1985; Varadarajan & Ramanujam, 1987) very little consensus exists in the strategic management literature. One possible reason for such confusion is the incomplete conceptualization of the construct. The present study proposes the use of an international-based perspective of diversification. Utilizing a multinational sample comprised of firms from the United States, Japan, and Korea, we tested the relationships between a variety of diversification measures and firm performance. Results suggest that countries differ with regard to resource profiles and their inherent perspectives when diversifying.  相似文献   

This study explores product value with reference to brand development. The question of which perceived product value acts dominantly has received very little attention, in particular, whether multiple product value may importantly enhance consumers' brand preference/purchase. This research investigates relationships between multiple perceived snack foods' product value, brand preference and purchase intention. Findings show significantly positive effects of brand preference on purchase intention, and brand preference as a mediator between multiple perceived product value and purchase intention. Findings also reveal multiple value perceptions of snack foods, (e.g., functional-price/value for the money and performance/quality, emotional, and social dimensions) be significant in the formation of brand preference, whereas only functional-price/value for the money and emotional value relate to purchase intention directly.  相似文献   

蜀地自古移民频繁,其民问信仰既有一以贯之的蜀地本土传统,又有历史上几次大规模移民所带来的移民文化痕迹。因而,蜀地民间偶像崇拜经历了大的历史变迁,其民间祭祀对象纷繁驳杂。这些民间偶像崇拜是构成蜀地风俗民情的重要组成部分,在构建社会主义和谐社会的今天,具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

酒店员工流动率过高是目前困扰酒店管理者的难题,利用压力系统理论,通过对浙江省杭州市的两个高星级酒店员工进行调查研究,结果表明压力系统因素是影响员工离职倾向的重要方面,包括压力反应、应对方式、社会支持,以及与工作相关的一些因素。职业态度也是影响员工离职倾向的重要因素。为了能有效稳定酒店员工队伍,酒店管理者应高度重视员工职业态度的培养,改善员工的压力反应水平,帮助他们摆脱心理压力,有效缓解员工的心理压力。  相似文献   

文章从消费者行为视角切入,运用结构方程的定量研究方法,通过"消费者—品牌"关系分析了利益相关者(居民、潜在迁入者、旅游者、投资者等)城市品牌依恋对其城市品牌忠诚的影响机理。实证结果表明,城市品牌个性、城市品牌享乐主义价值、怀旧情感、城市品牌涉入度对利益相关者城市品牌依恋的形成具有直接影响;利益相关者对城市品牌的依恋通过消费者—品牌关系(信任、满意、承诺维度)对其城市品牌忠诚产生显著影响。  相似文献   


CRM is an effective tool for differentiating brands and for obtaining emotional positioning among consumers. However, an utilitarian use of this tool might be counteractive. This research aims to better understand the effect of CRM on attitude towards the brand. For this purpose, Pepsi's CRM campaigns in Spain have been analyzed. Results show that, unexpectedly, CRM campaigns might lead to adverse effects as a result of the mercantilist abuse of the concept of solidarity.  相似文献   

How can flagships and brand stores contribute to building brands? We inquire about the relationships between store image, brand experience, brand attitude, brand attachment and brand equity using store intercepts. We find that flagships, due to the powerful brand experiences they allow, have a stronger impact on brand attitude, brand attachment and brand equity compared to brand stores. We provide retail marketers with avenues to offer increased in-store brand experiences by appealing to consumers’ emotions, senses, behaviors, and cognition.  相似文献   

The sponsorship of football is a multi‐million pound industry. Sponsors hope that supporters' enthusiasm for their team will translate into long‐term benefits for the sponsor. However, the intensity of team rivalry means that a sponsorship may also alienate opposing supporters. The rival Glasgow clubs, Celtic and Rangers, therefore undertook a joint sponsorship arrangement with the communications company NTL. This paper investigates how the benefits obtained compared to those that may have been expected from a single sponsorship. While the sponsorship was very effective in creating awareness for NTL, ambivalent attitudes were found towards the company. The most committed supporters were the least accepting of the sponsorship and the expected positive relationship between support for the club and brand preference for NTL was not found.  相似文献   

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