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Abstract:  This paper examines the relation between the speed of price adjustment and stock ownership by foreign and local institutional investors using data from the Korean stock market. We show that returns of stocks with high foreign institutional ownership lead returns of stocks with low foreign institutional ownership, especially after foreign ownership restriction is lifted. Likewise, returns of stocks with high local institutional ownership lead returns of stocks with low local institutional ownership. These results support the idea that foreign institutional (local institutional) investors have faster access to or processing power of new information than local institutional (local individual) investors.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the intertemporal behavior of accruals and uses the results to offer some perspectives on models of accruals. Separate adjustment rates are estimated for total and managed accruals and further compared to assess the influence of managers on accrual adjustment. Analysis is further performed to test whether there is an industry-specific adjustment rate for either total or managed accruals. The results show that both the total and managed accruals follow a partial adjustment process rather than a pure-adjustment or random-walk process. Nonetheless, managed accruals exhibit longer adjustment length than total accruals in each industry sample. In addition, total and managed accruals appear to follow certain adjustment patterns that are industry-specific, consistent with the view that common industry practices and norms lead to benchmark adjustment rates to which industry firms conform. Based on the results showing that accruals exhibit lagged and industry-specific adjustments, an extension of the modified Jones model is proposed. The extended model incorporates lagged accruals and an industry accrual index in an attempt to exploit the lagged-adjustment and industry effects and, in that context, improve the temporal classification of accrual innovations. Simple tests show that the extended model achieves substantial improvements in specification over the modified Jones model.  相似文献   

We state an Aggregation Theorem which shows that the recursion value of equity is functionally proportional to its adaptation value. Since the recursion value of equity is equal to its book value plus the expected present value of its abnormal earnings, it follows that the adaptation value of equity can normally be determined by a process of simple quadrature. We demonstrate the application of the Aggregation Theorem using two stochastic processes. The first uses the linear information dynamics of the Ohlson (1995) model. The second uses linear information dynamics based on the Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1985)'square root' process. Both these processes lead to closed form expressions for the adaptation and overall market value of equity. There are, however, many other processes which are compatible with the Aggregation Theorem. These all show that the market value of equity will be a highly convex function of its recursion value. The empirical evidence we report for UK companies largely supports the convexity hypothesis.  相似文献   

The conventional dividend–price ratio is highly persistent, and the literature reports mixed evidence on its role in predicting stock returns. We argue that the decreasing number of firms with a traditional dividend‐payout policy is responsible for these results, and develop a model in which the long‐run relationship between the dividends and stock price is time varying. An adjusted dividend–price ratio that accounts for the time‐varying long‐run relationship is considerably less persistent. Furthermore, the predictive regression model that employs the adjusted dividend–price ratio as a regressor outperforms the random‐walk model. These results are robust with respect to the firm size.  相似文献   

本文根据现行企业职工基本养老保险基金中央调剂制度的相关规定,利用2017年不同省份的历史数据,通过定量测算考察了不同中央调剂金比例对缩小养老保险基金地区差距的影响,并分别从“补缺口角度”和“公平角度”提出最优中央调剂金比例的设定原则。测算结果显示:中央调剂制度可以在短期内缩小不同省份之间的养老保险基金差距,缓解部分省份的养老金支出压力,但是随着中央调剂金比例的逐步上调,可能会出现新的不公平现象。本文建议中央调剂金比例控制在5%左右。  相似文献   

We examine the clustering pattern in trade and quote prices on the electronic limit order book of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK). Earlier research into clustering focuses on transaction prices only. We study clustering on quote prices over a maximum of five queues on the limit order book. We observe an abnormally high frequency of even and integer prices in trade and quote prices for all tick size groups on the SEHK. The deeper quotes display stronger clustering than the best quotes, indicating that the farther away the quotes are from the best queue, the less information they carry. Our analysis further reveals that an extremely fine tick size itself works as a binding constraint to hinder the price resolution process. We also find that short sale prohibition imposed on the majority of stocks listed on the SEHK causes a significant bias in clustering towards the ask side of the limit order book. This implies that a short sale prohibition impairs efficient price discovery in the market.  相似文献   

The purpose here is to assess empirically the quasi-supply side model of the firm developed in the paper by Ashton et al. (2004 ) by testing the prediction of the model that the evolution of a firm's debt to equity ratio will be compatible with a non-linear (target adjustment) process whose underlying probability density function possesses no convergent moments. Using a thirty-two-year history of the debt to equity ratio for each of ninety 'mature' United Kingdom firms, a non-parametric estimation procedure shows that the debt to equity ratio evolves in terms of a process which is largely consistent with the predictions of this model. In particular, the evolution of the debt to equity ratio is compatible with a 'long (fat) tailed' density function with no convergent moments. This has the important implication, supported by our empirical analysis, that the linear dynamic models which characterize empirical work in this area will be mis-specified and will return inconsistent and temporally unstable estimates of the target adjustment process as a consequence.  相似文献   

This paper investigates public‐trader order‐placement strategies by examining the relations between the state of the limit‐order book and previous price movements. There is support for an information effect, as traders become more aggressive in buying and more patient in selling after previous positive stock returns. The widening of the bid‐ask spread also causes traders to place less aggressive orders. However, there is no evidence of the options effect on limit‐order trading. This study also reveals that orders at the best quotes react faster and complete the adjustment earlier than orders that are far away from the best quotes.  相似文献   

我国财政支出比率呈现出非合理的下降趋势,与理论和国际上大多数国家的实际情况都相悖.本文通过实证分析,研究了形成这一趋势的原因,并给出了改善我国财政支出比率的政策建议.  相似文献   

本文以2006~2017年中国39家产险公司的非平衡面板数据为研究样本,从产险公司再保险决策的持续性和趋同性特征入手,测度了固定效应和传统因素对再保险决策的解释能力,并首次探析了产险公司再保险决策的调整机制问题。本文运用方差分解方法量化了固定效应和传统因素对再保险决策的解释能力;采用分布滞后模型估计了传统因素对再保险决策的中长期影响;运用局部调整模型识别了固定效应和传统因素对再保险决策的影响机制。研究发现:受公司固定效应的影响,产险公司的再保险决策具有很强的持续性,每年主要是根据年份固定效应所代表的监管政策等宏观因素的变化做出迅速调整,而根据反映公司经营特征的传统因素的时间序列变化所做出的调整并不明显。基于上述结果,本文建议监管者应注重提升监管政策的针对性,引导产险公司在综合考量各项经营指标的基础上,把再保险作为全面风险管理、经营效率提升的一项中长期战略安排。  相似文献   

Several repeat-sales models have been advanced over the years for estimating real estate price indices. This article proposes a general model which incorporates earlier works as special cases and compares the alternative repeat-sales models using posterior odds ratios as criteria. While the existing literature estimates the real estate indices from the sampling point of view, in this article indices are constructed and then compared using a Bayesian approach. In general, the two-error term models outperform the one-error models. The model with a nontemporal component proposed by Goetzmann and Spiegel is found to be superior in three out of four cities. There is a significant discrepancy among the returns and indices obtained from different models.  相似文献   

物价变动是世界各国普遍关心的问题,针对目前我国市场存在的通货膨胀问题,物价变动会计的研究提上了日程。文章分析了我国推行物价变动会计的客观要求,分析了我国物价变动会计的现状,提出了我国发展物价变动会计的难题,并讨论了相关的对策。  相似文献   

The American Housing Survey (AHS) is a valuable source of information on houses and occupants over time. The AHS has several advantages over sales data for use in the creation of price indices: it is readily available, has frequent observations over time and space, has data from the late 1970s through the mid-1990s, includes houses that do not sell, as well as those that do, and has information on the occupants. The drawbacks include: a time lag between the interview and the release of the data, data suppression issues, owner-stated house values, and a lack of neighborhood information. In this study, we use the metropolitan version of the AHS, which has been supplemented with the original survey data as well as Census tract data for three cities over 14 years to examine whether the AHS can be used to create indices. Indices are estimated using hedonic, repeat valuation, and hybrid techniques, overcoming some of the problems inherent in the estimation of indices. We find that the data-suppression issues and the owner-stated house values are not problematic. The biggest drawback of the AHS is its lack of objective information on neighborhood quality.  相似文献   

税收价格论对强化税收征管的现实意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
税收价格论认为税收是纳税人为消费公共品而向政府支付的“价格”,税收征纳双方在本质上是平等的交换关系。借鉴税收价格论,应当以个人为基点,从利益交换关系的角度,赋予纳税人作为交换一方应有的权利。应在整个公共部门经济的全过程中体现税收本质上的平等交换关系,并以法律的形式予以确定和保护。引进税收价格论,对提供新的税收征管思路,强化税收征管工作,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the transitory price effects of index futures trading extension on the underlying stock market. Based on the model formulation of George and Hwang (1995) and Amihud and Mendelson (1987) and using the Hong Kong data, we find that the extension of futures trading hour helps to reduce the opening pricing errors and change the correlations between daytime and overnight stock returns. Our finding adds to the literature that the trading behavior of derivatives has a significant influence on the transitory price changes of the underlying cash products.
Louis T. W. ChengEmail:

This study compares the market–book relation of Australian and US firms using firm‐level dynamic analysis of using annual data for a long‐run period in error correction modelling. This paper contributes to a recent call for alternative ways of estimating Ohlson‐type linear valuation models (Ohlson and Kim, 2015). Log transformations of the data are used in this study to improve the statistical properties of the models. This study contributes to the findings on linear valuation model estimation for long‐run firms. Based on the returns model estimation, we find evidence of a higher level of co‐integration between market and book values for Australian firms.  相似文献   

医疗保险风险调剂机制在全民医保制度构建中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何毅 《保险研究》2011,(9):31-37
自荷兰、德国等国发端的医疗保险风险调剂机制在世界“全民医保”浪潮中越来越受到重视,并逐渐成为各国政府整合分散医保基金的重要手段。我国以“全民医保”为目标的新一轮医改是建立在财政分权、县域统筹等制度背景下的,医疗保险基金“碎片化”问题十分突出。科学引入医疗保险风险调剂机制,改变现有粗放的“调剂金”管理模式,有助于我们既兼...  相似文献   

Automobile and workers' compensation insurance are relatively homogeneous products sold under varying regulatory systems among the states. This paper investigates how price regulation affects the capital structure decisions of profit-maximizing insurers who sell insurance in both competitive and/or regulated markets. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that insurers subject to price regulation will choose to hold less capital. In addition, we hypothesize insurers subject to more stringent regulatory pricing constraints will choose even higher degrees of leverage because the benefits of holding additional amounts of capital are suppressed. We conduct empirical tests using cross-sectional data on insurers and find evidence consistent with both hypotheses. These findings have important implications for insurance price and solvency regulation. Stricter price regulation increases the default risk (i.e., reduces the financial quality) of insurance contracts purchased by individuals and firms.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a one-factor model of financial markets using a class of Gaussian process that can be decomposed into a Brownian motion and an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. It is shown that this “hybrid” process is obtained as a continuous-time scaling limit of the differenced first-order autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA(1,1,1)) process. Parameter estimations using an ARIMA(1,1,1) framework and its variance ratio test show the accuracy of the proposed model. Construction of the one-factor commodity futures price model is presented as an application. A multidimensional extension of the hybrid process is also presented in the Appendix.  相似文献   

Abstract:   We determine optimal investment criteria for a capital project whose cash flows evolve in terms of a 'modified square root' process. The modified square root process has properties similar to the Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1985) 'square root' process but in addition, encompasses the possibility of negative cash flows. Although closed form solutions for the valuation equations implied by the modified square root process are the exception rather than the rule we are able to show that analytic solutions, in the form of infinite power series expansions, will always exist. Furthermore, we also show that when a prescribed set of regularity conditions is satisfied, these power series expansions converge to closed form valuation functions. The optimality criteria for capital investment decisions are then simplified considerably.  相似文献   

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