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国际会计准则第40号:投资性房地产的计价模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《国际会计准则第40号——投资性房地产》适用于投资性房地产的确认、计量和披露,其目标是规范投资性房地产的会计处理和相关披露要求。2004年,国际会计准则委员会对该准则进行了修订,并自2005年1月1日生效,取代了2000年发布的《国际会计准则第40号——投资性房地产》。我国财政部于2006年2月15日发布的第3号会计准则即为投资性房地产准则,该准则体现了与国际会计惯例接轨的精神,  相似文献   

<正>新会计准则《企业会计准则第3号—投资性房地产》是我国第一部关于投资性房地产方面的准则。该准则借鉴了《国际会计准则第40号一投资性房地产》中的相关规定,体现了与国际会计惯例接轨的精神。投资性房地产准则的引入有利于反映企业房地产的实际构成情况及各类房地产对企业经营成果的贡献情况。总体上看,新准则与2003年12月修订后的《国际会计准则第40号—投资性房地产》规范基本一致,存在以下一些差别:  相似文献   

我国财政部于2006年2月15日发布的第3号准则《投资性房地产》。该准则体现了与国际会计惯例趋同的精神,借鉴了《国际会计准则第40号——投资性房地产》中的相关规定,对其与原会计准则的差异进行了对比分析,指出了准则实施对企业产生的影响,并提出了在实施中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

我国财政部于2006年2月15日发布的第3号准则<投资性房地产>.该准则体现了与国际会计惯例趋同的精神,借鉴了<国际会计准则第40号--投资性房地产>中的相关规定,对其与原会计准则的差异进行了对比分析,指出了准则实施对企业产生的影响,并提出了在实施中应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

2006年2月15日,财政部发布的《企业会计准则第3号——投资性房地产》(以下简称房地产准则),是我国在会计准则体系中首次引入投资性房地产这一概念。我国在2001年修订企业会计准则时曾取消公允价值这一计量属性后,重新启用公允价值。但仅就房地产准则而言,准则制订者对公允价值的采用还是持相当谨慎的态度。本文通过对房地产准则与《国际会计准则40号——投资性房地产》(IAS40)在主要几个方面的比较,说明公允价值在房地产准则中是谨慎使用的。  相似文献   

我国新会计准则投资性房地产、资产减值准备、非货币性交易、债务重组、金融资产等准则引入了公允价值计量属性,采用了与国际会计准则趋同的会计处理方法。其意义在于:使企业的会计信息更加有用,反映企业从事衍生金融工具业务可能承担的风险更加客观。  相似文献   

缪靖  黄俪 《时代金融》2009,(8X):110-111
我国财政部于2006年2月颁布了新会计准则。新会计准则体系将投资性房地产作为单独的一项具体准则进行规定,并规定在资产负债表中单独列示,其他房地产分类为作为存货的房地产开发产品与企业自用的固定资产中的房地产,并在存货和固定资产的相关准则中分别进行规定。新准则对房地产的不同分类、定义、确认标准以及计量模式进行了明确、具体的规定,尤其是对投资性房地产的计量更结合国际会计准则的规定,引入了公允价值计量模式,规定投资性房地产可选择采用成本模式或公允价值模式进行计量。新会计准则对房地产规定的一系列变化必将对房地产公司的会计核算产生较大的影响。  相似文献   

张磊 《财会学习》2022,(1):138-140
一直以来,我国以往的企业会计准则中并未对企业的投资性房地产和自用性房地产进行甄别.然而在企业实际经营运行过程中,很多企业都拥有大量投资性房地产,这使得企业会计核算与税务处理工作存在一定矛盾冲突,不利于企业的资产核算以及税务缴纳管理.在企业新会计准则背景下,投资性房地产的会计与税务处理发生了重要转变,也给企业投资性房地产...  相似文献   

国家财政部于2006年2月15日正式发布的新企业会计准则,标志着我国建立了与国际会计准则趋同的会计准则体系。在新企业会计准则体系中,最引入注目的一大亮点就是重新引入公允价值作为会计计量属性,要求在投资性房地产、生物资产、债务重组、非货币性资产交换、非同一控制下的企业合并、金融工具等方面采用公允价值,这表明我国对公允价值的研究与应用进入了一个新的时期。  相似文献   

秦玉 《时代金融》2014,(8X):28-28
近年来,国际会计准则及美国等一些市场经济发达国家的会计准则,纷纷将公允价值作为重要的计量属性加以运用。我国企业会计准则正逐步与国际财务会计准则趋同,新会计准则中引入了公允价值计量方法,其中投资性房地产在满足一定条件的情况下允许采用公允价值计量,可以更真实反应企业的现状,能为财务报表使用者提供更有价值的信息。并且在我国房地产价值攀高的时候,这无疑会增加企业的当期净资产,然而这样一个对企业有利的政策实施以后,有不少上市公司对投资性房地产对投资性房地产运用公允价值计量模式采取了回避的态度。  相似文献   

本文就我国会计界普遍关注的问题-有关会计准则和会计制度的关系问题进行了简要的分析论证。从两者各自的涵义和特点入手,继而分析了评价会计规范的标准,指出在我国现实情况下,既要致力于会计规范的国际协调,又要注重会计的中国特色。最后文章得出结论:在现阶段,我国应保持会计准则和会计制度并存并协调发展;但是,我国会计规范的远期目标则是建立单一的会计准则。  相似文献   

传统上美国高校会计制度采用"双轨制"方法,私立大学遵从财务会计准则委员会的准则,公立大学采用政府会计准则委员会的准则,二者一般都采用"基金"会计核算方法.近年来,财务会计准则委员会和政府会计准则委员会制定的有关高校会计信息披露法规出现了融合的趋势,两类高校会计信息披露的内容开始向企业会计靠拢.我国高校会计改革应吸收美国已有的成果,应尽量缩小与企业会计的差别.  相似文献   

由于我国会计准则是根据我国特定的社会主义市场经济环境制定的,必然与国际会计准则存在差异,但与国际会计准则趋同是一种必然趋势。本文在考虑成本因素,我国的利益及我国的现实经济环境的同时,认为我国会计准则与国际会计准则趋同需要经历一个长期过程。  相似文献   

On December 2015, the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) issued a consultation paper entitled ‘Meeting future expectations of professional competence: A consultation on the IAESB’s future strategy and priorities’. Its aim is ‘to obtain public comment on its vision for the next five years and the strategic priorities it believes need to be addressed in serving the public interest’ [International Accounting Education Standards Board [IAESB]. (2015a). Meeting future expectations of professional competence: A consultation on the IAESB’s future strategy and priorities. Consultation paper. Retrieved from https://www.ifac.org/publications-resources/consultation-paper-meeting-future-expectations-professional-competence, p. 3]. This article reports the answers of the European Accounting Association to the questions asked in the consultation paper. The comments suggest a reinforcement of the entry requirements that would include a proper education background, advanced levels of both some technical competences and interpersonal/communication skills as well as a very strong ethical commitment. They also recommend a more thorough development process for the continuous education of accountants, a stronger link between practitioners and academia, insights for new IESs and more effective communication strategies about IAESB activities.  相似文献   

Despite moves toward international harmonisation of accounting standards, there is evidence that standards regulating government accounting in various countries are diverging. This paper argues that, despite their similar federal systems and ostensibly similar objectives for federal government reporting, the accounting standards of the USA and Australia differ significantly in detail. A comparison of their objectives and standards reveals that the standards particularly differ in relation to accounting for assets, and in determining the performance of a reporting entity. Although these divergences emanate from differing philosophies underlying the standards of the two countries, they have implications for international harmonisation of accounting standards, and for reciprocity agreements.  相似文献   

We study the historical development of Slovenian Accounting Standards (SAS) and their association with accounting quality (AQ). We focus on private firms where the financial reporting process is characterised by low demand for high-quality reporting. We investigate three distinct editions of SAS since 1994 and test how their development towards international standards is related to AQ. Aggregate earnings management measures indicate that the use of accounting discretion decreases with less earnings smoothing over time. The main features of AQ have been consistent throughout historical development. Asymmetric timeliness of earnings, the ability of earnings to predict future cash flows, and the ability of accruals to mitigate mismatching are all present throughout. We also document typical departures from properties of high AQ. For example, accruals do not (always) facilitate timely recognition of losses. However, these can be attributed to the overwhelming influence of reporting incentives (e.g. taxation, debt, size) rather than to the (lower) quality of accounting standards.  相似文献   

新会计准则实施后上市公司财务监管研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在“十一五”规划的开局之年,新企业会计准则体系正式颁布。新会计准则的实施将有力地规范会计工作秩序和会计行为,提高我国会计信息质量,满足投资者、债权人、政府等利益相关者对会计信息的需求;同时,也可能在很大程度上改变财务报表数据,甚至出现新的财务操纵手法和现象。本文对新会计准则的重大变革进行了纵向比较分析,分析了这些变革即将对上市公司财务报表带来的现实影响和未来变化,提出了可能出现的新的操纵问题以及监管对策。  相似文献   

Evidence from the archives of the U.K. Accounting Standards Committee (ASC) is used to trace the events leading to the withdrawal of the current cost accounting standard, SSAP 16, from 1980 to 1988. Three central issues are addressed. First, the ASC's role as a regulatory body is considered in the light of the failure to obtain compliance with SSAP 16 and to find an acceptable replacement. Second, the decline in support for SSAP 16 is explained in terms of changes in the economic environment. Third, the roles of different interest groups in the process are analysed.  相似文献   

Due to the flexibility of domestic accounting regulations, French groups are entitled to refer to international or American standards for their consolidation. The objective of this research paper is to focus on the choices made by the 100 largest French companies during the last 16 years (1985-2000). In practice, apart from the French rules, three “alternative” sets of standards are used: the International Accounting Standards (IAS), “international principles,” and the U.S. GAAP. The percentage of companies referring to alternative (i.e., non-French) standards rose in the first part of the period, then fell. Additionally, while the number of companies choosing U.S. GAAP increased over the period as a whole, the number preferring IAS or “international principles” has been in sharp decline since 1994-1995. Our results show that in this voluntary move towards international accounting harmonization, the choices made by French companies have clearly varied according to developments in French accounting regulations and the changing power balance between the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) and the SEC-FASB. This indicates a certain degree of opportunism by the management, who clearly keeps one eye constantly on the cost-benefit trade-off.  相似文献   

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