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Consumer satisfaction is a key determinant of consumer retention, consumer welfare, and is also a strategic variable for competition and international comparisons. Spain's mobile customer satisfaction is the lowest in the European Union. The focus of this paper is to identify the determinants of residential mobile phone users' satisfaction among private consumers of mobile telecommunications in Spain. Two innovative aspects of this paper are the focus on a nationwide representative sample of residential consumers in Spain, and the usage of rich individual data to convey high quality statistical information. The correlation of each of the aspects to the overall satisfaction are measured. Also, relationships between different aspects of satisfaction and its determinants are formulated. The paper specifies econometric models and estimates them using a survey of 4249 mobile phone users. The results indicate that customers are less satisfied with larger carriers, and are more satisfied with smaller and newer operators. Policy recommendations are suggested to improve customer satisfaction, contribute to customer retention and improve the position of the country in the international rankings.  相似文献   

We estimate the tax burden on the mobile telecommunication sector in twenty-five African countries. This tax burden encompasses not only standard and special taxes under the control of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) but also fees raised by the national telecommunication Regulatory Agency (RA). Given the lack of financial data at the country level, we build a representative mobile network operator named TELCO, using the GSMA Intelligence database. We compute the Average Effective Tax Rate (AETR) for this firm considering general and special taxes and fees levied only on the telecommunication sector. We develop a web application (https://data.cerdi.uca.fr/telecom/), allowing the reader to replicate our analysis or modify TELCO and tax parameters. The AETR varies significantly across countries, ranging from 33 percent in Ethiopia to 118 percent in Niger. Special taxes and fees represent a large share of the AETR, illustrating some taxation by regulation and a potential tax competition (a race to the top) between the MoF and the RA. We compare TELCO's AETR with that of a representative gold mining plant and a standard company with a similar gross return. The tax burden of the telecommunications sector is higher than that of the mining sector in 15 of the 19 countries for which we have data on the gold mining sector.  相似文献   

Mobile phones are recognized as a primary platform for mitigating the digital divide and increasing economic growth, and the same appears to be true for Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa. Since 2012, mobile phone penetration has shown nearly linear growth, reaching 83% in 2016. However, this statistic falls to only 46% after correcting for ownership of multiple SIM cards and sharing of mobile phones among multiple users. The determinants of mobile phone ownership in Nigeria are poorly understood, which hinders research that could inform policies capable of increasing mobile phone penetration and eliminating the digital divide. To begin to fill this research gap, we have analyzed socio-economic factors related to mobile phone ownership in the country. We used a logit model and the latest national-level Datafirst ICT dataset (2012) about mobile phone adoption from 1552 individuals. The sample was stratified, clustered, and probability-weighted to make it representative of the situation at the national level. The results suggest that factors such as geographic location and income may not strongly influence mobile phone ownership, in contrast to what was previously thought. Instead, the strongest factors appeared to be education level, informal work, social engagement, type of electricity supply and employment status. Our analysis suggests that to increase mobile phone ownership and close the digital divide, policy makers should target younger adults, provide training in digital literacy specifically for mobile phone use, invest in electricity supply infrastructure, and develop content and applications in non-English languages. These findings may contribute to understanding mobile phone distribution in Nigeria as well as inform implementation of the country's ICT Roadmap 2017–2020 and Vision 2020.  相似文献   

West African consumption of wheat and rice is growing rapidly despite technological barriers to production of these cereals in the region. Soaring imports are of particular concern in view of likely consumption trends. Maize imports are also growing rapidly, as is production in the more humid countries, to the detriment of sorghum. The latter is performing relatively better in the drier countries. Possible factors underlying consumption shifts are discussed, including price policies at variance with stated objectives. Possible policies to slow down these shifts are discussed, along with research requirements for effective diagnosis and implementation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the adoption of e-government in three Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. The study first presents a conceptual framework to examine the development and services of e-government, which is applied to assess its adoption in these leading Latin American economies. Study findings can shed some light on each nation as a model for successful development as well as the implementation of e-government in a non-industrialized, developing nation. The analysis also seeks to fill a void in the study of e-government in less developed nations, most of which are trying to catch up with their developed counterparts in this crucial aspect of digital governmental development.  相似文献   

This paper uses a binary logit model to investigate the factors that influence subscribers to stay or migrate based on the competitive nature of Taiwan's mobile phone industry and subscribers' habit formation regarding service providers. The results show that subscribers' satisfaction, switching costs, and habit strength negatively influence switching intentions, constituting a sucking effect that motivates subscribers to stay with their original providers. Alternative attractiveness, on the other hand, positively influences switching intentions, comprising a pulling effect that encourages subscribers to migrate to other providers. In spite of the promotional benefits offered by new service providers, Taiwanese mobile phone subscribers generally remain with their original providers. For instance, when subscribers perceive that there are no significant influences between service satisfaction and switching costs associated with different providers, what encourages subscribers to stay with their original providers is habit strength. Oftentimes, it is difficult for subscribers with strong habits to be attracted by promotions offered by alternative service providers. Because the concepts of suck-and-pull effects or habit-and-competition forces are infrequently studied, this paper explores these concepts and attempts to fill the void.  相似文献   

The Plenipotentiary Conference is the supreme organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Since the Nairobi Plenipotentiary in 1982, there has been much debate about the role of the Plenipotentiary and even the future of the ITU in the continuing telecommunications revolution. This article explores the major attributes of the Plenipotentiary by comparing the Nairobi Conference with the five post-second world war Plenipotentiaries that preceded it. Criticisms are evaluated and suggestions for improvement are made.  相似文献   

This paper assesses US resident support for mandatory labeling of animal welfare information on pork and egg products and outlines policy considerations for assessment prior to implementing any mandatory labeling policies regarding animal welfare practices. Results suggest consumers support mandatory labeling indicating use of gestation crates (stalls) and laying hen cages. Estimates suggest consumers would be willing to pay about 20% higher pork and egg prices to obtain this production practice information. Demographic and latent perception drivers of this support are highlighted. Multiple issues that warrant consideration prior to imposing mandatory labeling are discussed revealing lines of corresponding future research.  相似文献   

In the mobile telecommunication sector, the high competitiveness has increased the complexity of strategic interactions among operators. As the vertical integration has become anything but a choice and not a compelling technical solution, the contest takes place at different levels of the components of the operator value chain: the network infrastructure, the service development and supply, and the relationship with consumers.Mobile virtual network operators act as retailers and concentrate on the last segment of the value chain by establishing commercial agreements with hosting network operators, which act as manufacturers, to get access to radio communications infrastructure. Productive processes of mobile services offered by operators are different and this difference is imperceptible to customers. Processes difference mainly consists in the infrastructural diversity of the operators and implies different consequences on each network service element.A model has been defined to analyze the consequences of such diversity in the competition among HNOs, MNOs, and MVNOs by focusing the attention on the characteristics of the call path, in dependence of the types of operators. In fact, many variables interact to define the call path, such as marginal costs and revenues, infrastructural investments, and interconnection charges among operators. The analysis of the results, obtained by the model, gives information on variations of retail prices, market shares, and profit allotment, to adopt the proper strategies. In particular, the model results shed light on how certain MVNOs should enter the markets and adopt a collaborative strategy with HNOs. The model owns the capability of being applied to different contexts, thus representing for the regulator a potential instrument of relevant usefulness.  相似文献   

Consumer behavior in the Italian mobile telecommunication market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the characteristics of Italian cell phone users. A multidimensional segmentation approach was adopted, using concurrently three sets of variables: consumer/user lifestyles, use motivations and product/service attributes. Data on a national sample (1067 individuals) were collected and factor and cluster analysis were then performed on the database. The study led to the identification of three user segments, each with a diverse combination of the segmentation variables. Findings provide implications for the mobile telecommunication industry and could suggest strategic choices to mobile operators—especially cell phone producers—and constitute the basis for their strategic positioning.  相似文献   

The telecommunications sector has proliferated in recent years, especially in developing countries. However, little attention has been paid to consumer protection issues. As more people get connected to telecommunication networks and competition becomes increasingly fierce, it becomes essential to revamp institutions that ensure consumer protection in the telecommunication markets. This paper analyses the current status of institutions that protect consumers in the telecommunications sector in five African countries from the perspective of three pillars of sound institutional design. The findings indicate that while all cases analysed herein have some form of institution that upholds consumer protection, in most cases, such protection is limited to mobile communications. Furthermore, in most cases, there are only general sanction provisions that are either too weak to bind service providers or that leave overly discretionary powers to regulatory agencies, which can lead to corrupt practices, hence weakening consumer protection. This paper describes current affairs with regard to consumer protection in the telecom industry, identifies its weaknesses, and proposes areas of improvement to attain a healthier telecommunications sector.  相似文献   

Linda Marks 《Food Policy》1984,9(3):252-258
All industrialized countries share a minimum set of food-labelling regulations. A major purpose is to protect and inform the consumer and, in recent years, the labelling of nutritional content and of permitted additives has received increased attention. Differences in labelling practices between countries in these areas reflect differing approaches to complex policy issues such as the relative emphasis to be placed on consumer information, as opposed to price or product modification, and the extent of consumer participation in the policy-making process.  相似文献   

This paper aims to specify factors promoting the 3G mobile in Japan. The factors are represented by value-added services such as FeliCa, which enables e-payment, data roaming services, and full music downloads. Panel data from the three main carriers, which occupy over 90% of the Japanese mobile market, is utilized. In order to control network effects as well as the endogeneity of variables, the Arellano–Bond dynamic panel estimation is adopted. As a result, the launch of the iPhone 3G, FeliCa, data roaming, full music downloads, and the flat rate are revealed to have affected the diffusion of the 3G mobile in Japan. The results, reflecting the importance of value-added services, can be applied not only to the next generation mobile development, but also to the promotion of 3G networks in other countries.  相似文献   

The effects of a 90% reduction in mobile termination rates (MTRs) are evaluated over the period between 2009 and 2017 in South Africa. Prepaid prices and quality-adjusted postpaid prices declined by over 40%. However, only approximately 30% of the decline in prepaid prices and 60% of the reduction in quality-adjusted postpaid prices can be explained by lower MTR costs. On-net and off-net prepaid prices converged as MTR costs dropped. Regulators concerned about high retail prices and differences between on-net and off-net prices should reduce MTRs.  相似文献   

We assess the supply-side economic implications of introducing a strict mandatory labeling policy for genetically modified (GM) food in India as proposed in 2006. We apply our analysis to the case of cottonseed oil and soybean oil, two products that would be the first affected by such regulation. We find that GM food labeling would generate adjustment and implementation costs and consumer benefits would not always be visible and would highly depend on the degree of enforcement.  相似文献   

采用数据抓取方法获取京东商城在线评论数据,使用SPSS软件对数据进行多元回归,通过评论数量、负面评论、评论长度和评论时效性4个维度,研究了在线评论对电子商务网站产品销量的影响,并按照品牌的热门程度将产品分类,进一步分析了品牌对负面评论和评论时效性是否具有调节作用。研究发现,评论长度、评论时效性对销量具有显著的正向影响,而评论数量、负面评论和产品价格对销量具有显著的负向影响。在品牌的调节作用下,评论时效性的影响力减弱,而负面评论对销量的影响则增强。根据研究结果,提出改善电子商务网站在线评论机制的针对性建议。  相似文献   

Mobile cellular telecommunication success in target markets first requires ranking the customer’s expectations and then prioritizing the engineering characteristics (ECs) to meet the expectations. In this paper, two prioritization models based on quality function deployment (QFD) are developed to rank the strategic actions (SAs), or the ECs of Iran mobile cellular telecommunication. QFD is a widely used customer-driven tool for which the success of its applications may be the result of some of its benefits, such as greater customer focus. It uses a matrix called House of Quality (HOQ) to translate Customer Attributes (CAs) into ECs. However, due to the high degree of subjectivity in constructing the HOQ, the application of fuzzy logic provides an efficient tool to handle the subjective assessments. On the other hand, taking into consideration the gap between the current state and the positive ideal state for each CA, TOPSIS is used to rank CAs in a first model. In addition, in a second model, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), more criteria are taken into consideration in ranking CAs. Also, a fuzzy utility factor, Bj, is used to rank SAs in both models. Both presented models have the ability to capture the vagueness of human thinking style, and let customer oriented organizations, such as MCI, derive benefits from the voice of the customer (VOC) in a more expressive way.  相似文献   

This study explores whether increasing Information and Technology Communication (ICT) boosts government revenue mobilization for sustainable development in 48 Sub-Saharan African countries from 2004 to 2020. While total tax revenue non-resource as a percentage of GDP and tax revenue as a percentage of GDP are used to proxy for tax revenue mobilization, three ICT measures are used, namely; the telephone penetration rate, the mobile phone penetration rate and internet penetration rate. To perform the analysis, we adopt the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The empirical findings are as follows. First, while the calculated net impacts are substantially positive, the corresponding marginal ICT effects utilized for calculating net effects are extremely negative. Second, an extensive study is carried out to determine complementing policy thresholds. These thresholds include: 21.959 (per 100 people) telephone penetration for total income from tax revenue; 16.333 (per 100 people) internet penetration for total income from tax; 21.125 internet penetration (per 100 people) for the income from the tax on non-resource income. This study has policy relevance, and implications as the penetration of the ICT rate can be influenced by policies to mobilize government revenue effectively.  相似文献   

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