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This paper investigates the Feldstein-Horioka coefficients and evaluates the degree of international capital mobility for ten newly industrialized countries (NICs) over the different sub-periods from 1970 to 2010. By applying the Pedroni and Westerlund cointegration tests, we find that saving and investment are indeed cointegrated. The estimated FH coefficients using FMOLS and DOLS are 0.24 and 0.33, respectively, for the period 1970–1980. Furthermore, the estimated FH coefficients reduce from 0.80 (FMOLS) in 1991–2000 to 0.36 (FMOLS) in 1970–1980. The small FH coefficients suggest that international capital mobility increased in the NICs during the sub-periods 1970–1980 and 2001–2010.  相似文献   

Tarlok Singh 《Applied economics》2013,45(46):4993-5011
This study uses the flow of funds accounts framework and undertakes an in-depth analysis of the inter-sectoral mobility of capital in India. Unlike previous studies, the FH model is estimated at the sectoral level using annual data for the period 1950–51 to 2012–13. The model estimated in one-regime setting with no structural break provides a weak and mixed support and that estimated in a sample-split setting with a single structural break provides no support for the presence of a long-run relationship between saving and investment for all the sectors. In contrast, the model estimated with multiple structural breaks provides dominant support for the presence of cointegration between saving and investment for all the sectors. The end-of-sample cointegration breakdown tests suggest the breakdowns of cointegration between saving and investment in all the sub-sample periods for the household and PCB sectors, but not for the public sector. The FOF accounts could be used to monitor the borrowing and lending operations of both financial and non-financial sectors and to identify any deformities in the system. The regulatory and supervisory policies need to be put in place promptly to resolve the identified deformities at their early stages, before they magnify and make the entire system dysfunctional.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the savings and investment rates for 37 African countries over the period 1970-2006, using the recently developed Pooled Mean Group cointegration technique. Our results show that in the long-run, capital was relatively mobile in African countries, while, in the short-run, coefficients are not significant. However, there are marked differences in ratio retentions between country groups. The savings retention coefficient is higher in civil law countries than in common law countries. Furthermore, our results show that the Feldstein-Horioka coefficient is relatively lower in non-CFA than in CFA countries. These results have some policy implications.  相似文献   

首先对资本流动性进行了概念界定,认为资本流动性即为资本流入流出占一国国民生产总值的比值,并对几种测量资本流动性的方法进行了简要评述。在总量规模法的基础上运用直接测算法、间接测算法、克莱因测算法、非直接投资净额调整法测量了我国的资本流动性。结合对我国资本流动性结构特征的变化的分析,发现直接投资的流动性稳步下降,证券投资和其他投资的流动性为上升趋势,而总资本流动性呈震荡上升趋势。其中,在不考虑资本外逃时,其他投资对总资本的流动性变化起到主要作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between saving and investment in an effort to shed light on the issue of mobility of capital and whether or not this is prevented by the presence of any barriers. The data of our analysis are annual and come from 14 E.U. countries during the 1960–1994 period. The econometric analysis shows that for the E.U. countries, saving and the provision of credit are two cointegrated variables, which means that for each E.U. country (Belgium was the only exception) the amount of money saved is closely related to the amount of money that is ultimately invested. This result lends support to the view that in E.U. countries the degree of capital mobility plays a minor role in investment, which is primarily influenced by the conditions affecting the domestic provision of savings. In addition, the econometric analysis shows that the causal linkage is in most countries from savings to investment.  相似文献   

Does unrestricted control on the movement of capital increase capital mobility? Theoretically, the answer is yes. This paper uses the Feldstein–Horioka savings–investment methodology to examine the impact of financial openness on the degree of capital mobility in 104 countries. Our estimates suggest that financial openness has increased capital mobility in developing countries, while its effect is statistically insignificant in OECD countries. This also implies that a developing country with more financial openness can have more access to external capital markets for borrowings. Foreign aid also appears to supplement domestic savings for investment in developing countries. In line with the previous findings, our study also confirms that capital is more mobile for developing countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dynamics of national saving-investment relationship in order to determine the degree of capital mobility in 12 Latin American countries. The analytically relevant correlation is the short-term one, defined as that between changes in saving and investment. Of special interest is the speed at which variables return to the long run equilibrium relationship, which is interpreted as being negatively related to the degree of capital mobility. The long run correlation, in turn, captures the coefficient implied by the solvency constraint. We find that heterogeneity and cross-section dependence completely change the estimation of the long run coefficient. Besides we obtain a more precise short run coefficient estimate compared to the existent estimates in the literature. There is evidence of an intermediate degree of capital mobility, and the coefficients are extremely stable over time.   相似文献   

We propose an empirical framework that allows us to jointly test for the sustainability of the current account deficit and evaluate the capital mobility thesis by examining the time series properties of the current account. We argue that this approach is more useful than the Feldstein-Horioka (1980) cross-section regression because of its firm basis on the long run inter-temporal budget constraint and of its richer dynamics that allow for a more useful method to evaluate the capital mobility thesis. Based on a century and half of U.S. current account data, we find evidence of current account sustainability and major breaks in the current account dynamics such that adjustment in the current account switches off allowing the current account to accumulate at a non-stationary rate. We assess whether periods in which the current account accumulates in a non-stationary way correspond to historical periods believed to have witnessed high degree of capital mobility.First version received: June 2003/ Final version received: January 2004  相似文献   

This short paper explores the relationship between investment and saving rates in a sample of 13 OECD countries over the period 1885–1992. To this end, I employ panel cointegration tests based on the maximum likelihood approach developed by Johansen (J Economic Dynamics Control 12:231–254, 1988) instead of conventional panel cointegration residual based tests, in order to draw sharper conclusions. Using estimation techniques appropriate for heterogeneous panels I find a low degree of capital mobility for the sub-periods 1921–1992 and 1950–1992. The findings overwhelmingly support the hypothesis of perfect capital mobility in the short run.
Dimitris K. ChristopoulosEmail:

Many economists argue that the growth of international capital mobility has made the maintenance of pegged exchange rates more costly, forcing developing states to choose alternative arrangements. But some states do not simply abandon pegged exchange rates as their exposure to capital mobility rises. Some states abandon pegs long before a crisis can erupt, while others maintain pegs until the speculative pressures became unbearable. Why, in an environment of growing capital mobility, do some states maintain pegs longer than others do? One reason is that the more that bank lending dominates investment in a country, the more likely that state is to hold on to a pegged exchange rate. When banks have accumulated significant amounts of foreign debt they lobby for exchange rate stability. In a bank‐dominated financial system, a concentrated banking sector can organize easily and use its crucial role in the economy to exert influence over economic policy. This article presents new evidence from statistical tests on 61 developing countries that confirm that states with deeper banking systems are more likely to peg their exchange rates, in spite of growing capital mobility.  相似文献   

This paper uses an aggregate production function to examine the effect of government capital formation on growth of labour productivity in an annual panel of 12 developing and 12 OECD economies covering the period 1976–1989. The results from a pooled model of all 24 countries indicate that contribution of government capital to labour productivity is positive and statistically significant. This result also holds in separate samples of the industrialized and developing economies where we find that, while there are productivity differentials between the two types of economies with respect to private capital, there are no differences with regards to public capital.  相似文献   

Growth and equilibrium indeterminacy: the role of capital mobility   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. The paper presents a human capital driven endogenous growth model which, in general, permits a multiplicity of equilibrium balanced growth paths. It is shown that allowing for perfect capital mobility across countries increases the range of parameter values for which the model permits equilibrium indeterminacy. As opposed to the closed capital markets case, simple restrictions on preferences are no longer sufficient to eliminate the indeterminacy. Intuitively, under perfect capital mobility agents are able to smooth consumption completely. This induces an economy with open capital markets to behave like a closed economy with linear preferences thereby increasing the possibility of equilibrium indeterminacy. Received: 18 November 1998; revised version: 10 August 1999  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to the measurement of natural capital. A distinguishing feature of this approach is the use of investment criteria that are consistent with the main features of physical capital, thus maintaining consistency in the measurement of different types of capital. This new approach was applied to the expenditures of the federal government in Canada as recorded in the Public Accounts for fiscal year 2004-05. My results indicate that, in 2004-05, total investment in natural capital by the federal government amounted to 2.6% of net budgetary expenditures. Spending on physical capital, the only component that is currently included as investment in the National Accounts, represented only 5% of total investment in natural capital.  相似文献   

In this paper, capital market imperfections are endogenized considering an adverse selection problem between banks and borrowers. We develop a growth model with linear OLG wealth dynamics, where agents are heterogeneous in terms of observable wealth and ability, which is private information. We show that banks react to this informational asymmetry by granting higher loans to talented borrowers. This, in turn, helps poor and talented agents to become educated and catch up with the rich agents. Furthermore, the credit market friction leads to greater human capital accumulation.  相似文献   

This article empirically analyses real per capita GDP growth for six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, Venezuela) in terms of real exchange rate depreciations, inflation and US interest rates, focussing on the role of the real exchange rate. We find evidence of nonlinearity in this relationship, which we capture through a smooth transition regression model. With the exception of Mexico, nonlinearity in economic growth is associated with changes in the real exchange rate, with depreciations leading to different relationships compared with appreciations. Regimes for Mexico are associated with the past growth rates, with effectively symmetric effects of real exchange rate changes. Although our results are in accord with other recent literature in that depreciations may have negative effects for growth, the asymmetries we uncover indicate that these effects depend on the conditioning state.  相似文献   

The spur for privatization and its impact on economic performance have been analysed from many perspectives, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, and institutional economics. Previous research has focused on efficiency reasons for privatization at the level of the firm, and the relative performance of state‐owned enterprises and privately owned firms. This article investigates the macroeconomic facet of privatization with particular attention paid to the relation between privatization and capital formation in developing countries. Our study uses recent World Bank data on privatization for 105 countries over the time period 1988–2003. We explore the impact of privatization on capital formation by conducting two‐stage least squares and ordinary least squares estimations within three time frames. Our findings indicate that the effect of privatization on capital formation varies across regions and time frames. In general, privatization is neutral with regard to investment.  相似文献   

The realization of the value of training for employees can take time as the training contributes dynamically to an extended development process. This research examines the empirical returns to training in three post-training situations: when the employee remains in the same job and with the same employer; when the employee transfers to a different job but remains with the same employer (internal mobility); and when the employee moves to a different employer (external mobility). Panel data and fixed effects (FE) methodology are used to quantify the joint effects of in-job training and mobility, while minimizing the potentially biasing effect of unobserved ability. In a period when public sector employment in Britain was contracting sharply, the short-term returns to training are nonetheless greater in the public sector, while the medium-term returns for both public sector and private sector employees depend on remaining within sector. The general/specific training mix, institutional influences, adverse selection, and the concept of ‘transferable’ training, all contribute to interpretation.  相似文献   

This paper compares the inflation rate before and after monetary coordination between two benevolent governments. Many authors have previously argued that monetary coordination will reduce inflation [e.g., Aizenman, 1992; Beetsma & Bovenberg, 1998; Jensen, 1997; Kimbrough, 1993; Sibert, 1992; Tori, 1997]. Unlike these studies, the present paper introduces a mobile factor, which is capital. While capital may move freely between countries, it is subject to the inflation tax of the country in which it is located. This is because of a cash-in-advance type constraint governing investment expenditures. Since capital is perfectly mobile, inflation tax competition between governments leads to suboptimally low inflation. When countries coordinate their monetary policies, they can raise the inflation tax simultaneously without fear of capital flight. Hence, inflation tends to increase rather than decrease after monetary coordination.  相似文献   

董志勇 《经济学家》2007,35(5):113-120
无论是对发达国家还是发展中国家资本账户的开放性研究,人们都倾注了大量的精力.但是回顾这争鸣的百家,对发展中国家资本账户开放后的经济效应,也莫衷一是.尽管如此,被经济学界广泛承认的事实是,资本账户开放后的效应是因各国情况不同而不同的,需要决策者审时度势,慎之又慎,尤其要避免伴随资本账户开放而可能带来的金融冲击甚至危机.  相似文献   

Cao Dong  Wang Yaozhong   《Economic Modelling》2009,26(6):1335-1340
A bifurcation occurs when there is a sudden qualitative or topological change in the behavior of the original system by varying one or more parameters (the bifurcation parameters) of the original system. Bifurcation can cause unacceptable new conditions or instability in the economy system. Its control is done by designing a controller input, thereby achieving desirable dynamical behavior. This paper deals with the control of a bifurcation caused by a rise in information costs in a human capital investment model. By employing the delayed feedback control (DFC) method, unstable fluctuations stemming from the system can be controlled without changing its original properties. In addition, we show the effectiveness and feasibility of the developed methods in the system with explicit functions.  相似文献   

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