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Insights on Development from the Economics of Happiness   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The literature on the economics of happiness in developed economiesfinds discrepancies between reported measures of well-beingand income measures. One is the so-called Easterlin paradox:that average happiness levels do not increase as countries growwealthier. This article explores how that paradox—andsurvey research on reported well-being in general—canprovide insights into the gaps between standard measures ofeconomic development and individual assessments of welfare.Analysis of research on reported well-being in Latin Americaand Russia finds notable discrepancies between respondents’assessments of their own well-being and income- or expenditure-basedmeasures. Accepting a wide margin for error in both types ofmeasures, the article posits that taking such discrepanciesinto account may improve the understanding of development outcomesby providing a broader view on well-being than do income- orexpenditure-based measures alone. It suggests particular areaswhere research on reported well-being has the most potentialto contribute. Yet the article also notes that some interpretationsof happiness research—psychologists’ set point theory,in particular—may be quite limited in their applicationto development questions and cautions against the direct translationof results of happiness surveys into policy recommendations.   相似文献   

Liquidity-Based Competition for Order Flow   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a microstructure model of competition for order flowbetween exchanges based on liquidity provision. We find thatneither a pure limit order market (PLM) nor a hybrid specialist/limitorder market (HM) structure is competition-proof. A PLM canalways be supported in equilibrium as the dominant market (i.e.,where the hybrid limit book is empty), but an HM can also besupported, for some market parameterizations, as the dominantmarket. We also show the possible coexistence of competing markets.Order preferencing—that is, decisions about where ordersare routed when investors are indifferent—is a key determinantof market viability. Welfare comparisons show that competitionbetween exchanges can increase as well as reduce the cost ofliquidity.  相似文献   

Price Informativeness and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Price   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The article shows that two measures of the amount of privateinformation in stock price—price nonsynchronicity andprobability of informed trading (PIN)—have a strong positiveeffect on the sensitivity of corporate investment to stock price.Moreover, the effect is robust to the inclusion of controlsfor managerial information and for other information-relatedvariables. The results suggest that firm managers learn fromthe private information in stock price about their own firms’fundamentals and incorporate this information in the corporateinvestment decisions. We relate our findings to an alternativeexplanation for the investment-to-price sensitivity, namelythat it is generated by capital constraints, and show that boththe learning channel and the alternative channel contributeto this sensitivity. (JEL G14, G31)  相似文献   

Countries vary in their political commitment to change and inthe capability of their bureaucracies. Policies vary in theirorganizational and political demands. These institutional variationscan be incorporated into the design of trade and investmentpolicy reform. In virtually all countries the presumption shouldbe for reforms to dismantle—not reconfigure—restrictiveentry rules and dysfunctional discretionary investment incentives.But there is no single approach, common across countries, throughwhich trade policy reform should proceed. Countries with weakadministrative capabilities should push import liberalizationto the limits. But politically constrained countries with astronger administrative capability might consider roundaboutreforms that secure outward orientation without full-scale,prior import liberalization.  相似文献   

Transactions Accounts and Loan Monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We show that transactions accounts, by providing ongoing dataon borrowers’ activities, help financial intermediariesmonitor borrowers. This information is most readily availableto commercial banks, which offer these accounts and lendingtogether. We find that (1) monthly changes in accounts receivableare reflected in transactions accounts; (2) borrowings in excessof collateral predict credit downgrades and loan write-downs;and (3) the lender intensifies monitoring in response. Thisis evidence on a key issue in financial intermediation—thereis an advantage to providing deposit-taking and lending jointly.But this advantage may have fallen as the cost of communicationhas declined. (JEL G10, G20, G21)  相似文献   

Service Sector Protection: Considerations for Developing Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inclusion of services in the Uruguay Round of multilateraltrade negotiations has focused attention on the protection ofdomestic service suppliers against competition from foreignsuppliers. Issues arising from these negotiations, however,may obscure another and more important issue: the case for unilateralliberalization. This article first surveys methods of protectionin the service sector, and then examines the likely cost ofprotection. Particular attention is given to developing countries.What evidence there is suggests that the costs of protectionmay be high. The article also discusses economic principlesthat could guide a review of policy toward international transactionsin the service sector. Quantitative restrictions or bans onforeign service suppliers—whether they wish to supplythrough trade or establishment—cannot easily be defendedin economic terms, and provide an obvious first target.  相似文献   

Paths of Institutional Development: A View from Economic History   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article surveys an influential new research program onhistorical paths of institutional development and their consequencesfor growth. The research program exploits the experience ofEuropean colonialism as a kind of "natural experiment" whoseresults bear on the way institutions affect development. Thecentral hypothesis of this research is that societies that beganwith more extreme inequality were more likely to develop institutionsallowing much of the population only limited access to economicopportunities. The research has uncovered a striking reversalof fortune among the areas colonized by Europe; those that wererelatively rich in the 1600s are today far poorer than the areas(such as the United States and Canada) that initially were viewedas relatively undesirable. The timing of the reversal—atthe onset of the Industrial Revolution, when there was probablya premium on broad participation in commercial activity—suggeststhat institutions associated with high inequality may be a causalfactor in low aggregate incomes. This research program is stillin its early stages. But studies of institutions in India usingdata rich enough to permit hypothesis-testing provide evidencesupporting the hypotheses developed in the analysis of the Europeancolonial experience.   相似文献   

The well-known ARCH/GARCH models for financial time series havebeen criticized of late for their poor performance in volatilityprediction, that is, prediction of squared returns.1 Focusingon three representative data series, namely a foreign exchangeseries (Yen vs. Dollar), a stock index series (the S&P500index), and a stock price series (IBM), the case is made thatfinancial returns may not possess a finite fourth moment. Takingthis into account, we show how and why ARCH/GARCH models—whenproperly applied and evaluated—actually do have nontrivialpredictive validity for volatility. Furthermore, we show howa simple model-free variation on the ARCH theme can performeven better in that respect. The model-free approach is basedon a novel normalizing and variance–stabilizing transformation(NoVaS, for short) that can be seen as an alternative to parametricmodeling. Properties of this transformation are discussed, andpractical algorithms for optimizing it are given.  相似文献   

Trading Arrangements and Industrial Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article outlines a new approach for analyzing the roleof trade in promoting industrial development. It offers an explanationas to why firms are reluctant to move to countries with lowerlabor costs and shows how trade liberalization can change theincentives for firms to locate in developing countries. It modelseconomic development as the spread of concentrations of firmsfrom country to country. Different trading arrangements mayhave a major impact on this development process. By changingthe attractiveness of countries as a base for manufacturingproduction, they can potentially trigger—or postpone—industrialdevelopment. The analysis shows that unilaterally liberalizingimports of manufactures can promote industrialization but thatmembership in a preferential trading arrangement is likely tocreate larger gains. South-South preferential trading arrangementswill be sensitive to the market size of member states, whileNorth-South arrangements seem to offer better prospects forparticipating southern countries, if not for excluded countries.  相似文献   

Inequality Constraints in the Fractionally Integrated GARCH Model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article we derive necessary and sufficient conditionsfor the nonnegativity of the conditional variance in the fractionallyintegrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic(p, d, q) (FIGARCH) model of the order p 2 and sufficient conditionsfor the general model. These conditions can be seen as beinganalogous to those derived by Nelson and Cao (1992, Journalof Business & Economic Statistics 10, 229–235) forthe GARCH(p, q) model. However, the inequality constraints whichwe derive for the FIGARCH model illustrate two remarkable propertiesof the FIGARCH model which are in contrast to the GARCH model:(i) even if all parameters are nonnegative, the conditionalvariance can become negative and (ii) even if all parametersare negative (apart from d), the conditional variance can benonnegative almost surely. In particular, the conditions forthe (1, d, 1) model substantially enlarge the sufficient parameterset provided by Bollerslev and Mikkelsen (1996, Journal of Econometrics73, 151–184). The importance of the result is illustratedin an empirical application of the FIGARCH(1, d, 1) model toJapanese yen versus U.S. dollar exchange rate data.  相似文献   

Competing Theories of Financial Anomalies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We compare two competing theories of financial anomalies: "behavioral"theories built on investor irrationality, and "rational structuraluncertainty" theories built on incomplete information aboutthe structure of the economic environment. We find that althoughthe theories relax opposite assumptions of the rational expectationsideal, their mathematical and predictive similarities make themdifficult to distinguish. Even if irrationality generates financialanomalies, their disappearance still may hinge on rational learning—thatis, on the ability of rational arbitrageurs and their investorsto reject competing rational explanations for observed pricepatterns.  相似文献   

Financial reforms initiated in most transitional socialist economiesdo not yet adequately provide many of the financial servicesassociated with market-oriented financial systems. Such services—mobilizingresources, selecting firms and allocating capital, monitoringfirm managers, and facilitating the management of transactionsand risk—are a necessary condition for economic reformto improve living standards. This article envisages four central strategies to guide reformof the financial sector: • Building an infrastructure based on clear and enforceableproperty rights, modern accounting and auditing standards, reliablepayments systems, sound prudential and enforcement regulations,and professionals trained in finance • Ending the shell game of trying to hide the losses ofstate-owned enterprises, and separating government decisionsto finance "priority" firms from the allocation decisions ofindependent financial institutions • Privatizing some financial institutions early—althoughnot necessarily precipitously—in concert with the privatizationof firms and supervisory capabilities, meanwhile cleaning upbank loans to maximize the chances that firms and banks willsucceed as private entities • Improving the tax system and stressing a prudent interestrate policy to reduce uncertainty, distortions, and excessiverepression of the financial sector.   相似文献   

We investigate the trading of institutions immediately beforethe release of analysts’ initial buy recommendations.We document abnormally high institutional trading volume andbuying beginning five days before recommendations are publiclyreleased. Abnormal buying is related to initiation characteristicsthat would require knowledge of the content of the report—suchas the identity of the analyst and brokerage firm, and whetherthe recommendation is a strong buy. We confirm that institutionsbuying before the recommendation release earn abnormal profits.Our results are consistent with institutional traders receivingtips regarding the contents of forthcoming analysts’ reports.(JEL G14, G18, G24)  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,高校传统观念上的“教书育人”的概念逐渐转变,而经济实体的属性日渐突出.高校的发展定位成为大学进行战略管理的必要举措,是高校办学特色形成的前提和基础.本文在回顾国内外关于高校发展定位的研究的基础上,从定位维度的角度,对高校发展战略定位维度进行重构;并结合西部地区财经院校发展的实际情况和特点,分析在重构维度下,西部地区财经类院校发展战略定位中存在的问题.  相似文献   

Standard methods of impact evaluation often leave significantgaps between what we know about development effectiveness andwhat we want to know—gaps that stem from distortions inthe market for knowledge. The author discusses how evaluationsmight better address these knowledge gaps and so be more relevantto the needs of practitioners. It is argued that more attentionneeds to be given to identifying policy-relevant questions (includingthe case for intervention), that a broader approach should betaken to the problems of internal validity (including heterogeneityand spillover effects), and that the problems of external validity(including scaling up) merit more attention by researchers. JEL codes: H43, O22  相似文献   

This article tests the arbitrage pricing theory in the contextof the unstable macroeconomic years in Mexico, 1977–87.Using information on returns on assets available to domesticinvestors—primarily stocks traded at the local stock exchange—anattempt is made to ascertain the extent to which these assetshave offered premia for a set of proposed sources of risk. Thepervasive factors that play an important role in asset pricingin Mexico are unexpected inflation, unexpected money growth,innovations in the Standard & Poor's 500 price series, andinnovations in the dollar oil price. A residual market factoris obtained, using the McElroy and Burmeister model. Given thatthese risks get premia over and above the riskless rate, expectedrates of return in Mexico have been higher during the yearsof erratic macroeconomic conditions. Mexico is not consideredto be well integrated with the international capital marketsbecause local sources of risk—such as inflation—arenot priced in the United States, whereas international sourcesof uncertainty—such as oil price shocks—are pricedlocally but not in the United States.  相似文献   

论文从生产率路径、融资约束路径和风险降低路径来论述金融发展对企业对外直接投资的影响。生产率路径主要表现为金融发展能够促进企业增加研发投入,能够帮助企业选择潜在收益最大项目进行投资,能够分散科技投资的风险从而提升企业生产率;融资约束路径主要表现为金融发展能够通过金融规模扩张、金融结构调整、金融效率提升来降低企业的融资约束;风险降低路径表现为金融发展能够通过市场深化与风险识别来降低企业对外直接投资的风险。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether firms manage analyst forecasts andthe associated value consequences. We find that earnings forecaststend to grow pessimistic over the forecast horizon and theseforecast changes and their timing are key determinants of whetherfirms generate positive earnings surprises: Late forecasts thatraise (lower) the consensus sharply reduce (raise) the probabilityof positive surprises. This findng is the opposite of that predictedif consensus revisions reflected new information arrival. Investorsseem to be "misled": downward consensus revisions lead to largeabnormal returns following the earnings announcement. Paradoxically,downward forecast management reduces post-announcement shareprice, as the impact of reduced forecasts dominates the gainfrom generating positive surprises.  相似文献   

This article shows how the market coskewness model of Rubinstein(1973) and Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) is altered when a nonredundantcall option is optimally traded. Owing to the option’snonredundancy, the economy’s stochastic discount factor(SDF) depends not only on the market return and the square ofthe market return but also on the option return, the squareof the option return, and the product of the market and optionreturns. This leads to an asset pricing model in which the expectedreturn on any risky asset depends explicitly on the asset’scoskewness with option returns. The empirical results show thatthe option coskewness model outperforms several competing benchmarkmodels. Furthermore, option coskewness captures some of thesame risks as the Fama–French factors small minus big(SMB) and high minus low (HML). These results suggest that thefactors that drive the pricing of nonredundant options are alsoimportant for pricing risky equities.(JEL G11, G12, D61)  相似文献   

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