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In knowledge economy, the competitive power of each enterprise depends greatly on whether it has high-quality human resources. The measurement of the value of human resource is quite critical in evaluating and improving the quality of human resource in enterprises. Current human resource evaluating methods either merely concern about the investment on staff recruitment or estimate the value based on the assumed future salaries of staff, which fail to reveal the real value of human resources. In fact, the value of human resource is a gray system which consists of individual intelligence, physical strength and experiences, and it should be measured by using the gray model.  相似文献   

To break through the academic research tradition of isolating subjective performance evaluation (SPE) with objective evaluation, and enhance the application and explanation power of analytical research findings, this paper adopts a one-period principal-agent model, and solves programming problems by internalizing validity conditions for SPE as constraints according to revelation principle. We find that both SPE and its objectivization can achieve Pareto improvement for both the principal and the agent. Our findings have a general application beyond bonus contracts; it not only explains the pervasive existence of SPE, but also helps to interpret phenomena of the objectification of SPE.  相似文献   

Executive sponsorship is critical to project success; however, the impact of the sponsorship role on project management value and sustainability is not known. Using correlation analysis we examine survey responses from 91 U.S. executives. Formalizing and providing training on the sponsorship role and responsibilities are both significantly related to senior management's perception of the sustainability of project management value. Unexpectedly, no significant relationship exists between the prevalence of the sponsorship role and project management value outcomes. These results extend our understanding of the importance of the sponsorship role and provide practical guidance for those seeking to improve the sustainability of project management value.  相似文献   

Corporation reforming regards the building shareholder value as the first aim of financial management. As a new tool of strategy management, Business Performance Management (BPM) can rebuild shareholder value through greater transparency and enhanced compliance capabilities, and faster, more accurate reporting. The appliance of BPM in China must take more serious consideration.  相似文献   


Regulators such as the SEC and standard setting bodies such as the FASB and the IASB argue the case for the conceptual desirability of fair value measurement, notably on the relevance dimension. Recent standards on financial instruments and certain non-financial items adopt the new measurement paradigm. This paper takes issue with the notion of decision usefulness of a fair-value-based reporting system from a theoretical perspective. Emphasis is put on the evaluation of the theoretical soundness of the arguments put forward by regulators and standard setting bodies. The analysis is conducted as economic (a priori) analysis. Two approaches to decision usefulness are adopted, the measurement or valuation perspective and the information perspective. Findings indicate that the decision relevance of fair value measurement can be justified from both perspectives, yet the conceptual case is not strong. The information aggregation notion that underlies standard setters' endorsement of fair value measurement turns out to be theoretically restricted in its validity and applicability. Also, comparative analysis of fair value accounting vs. historical cost accounting yields mixed results. One immediate implication of the research – a condition for the further implementation of fair value accounting – is the need to clarify standard setters' notion of accounting income, its presumed contribution to decision relevance and its disaggregation.  相似文献   

With growing interest, the importance of speech characteristics is being discussed in business literature. Particularly speech varieties such as a regional dialect or a foreign accent of a speaker affect the success of business interaction significantly. The present paper systematically depicts these effects by conducting a literature review. The underlying processes of accent and dialect effects are discussed and empirical findings of business research are presented. Since this topic is highly interdisciplinary, findings of peripheral research disciplines such as linguistic science and social psychology are integrated. Having given a comprehensive state-of-art review, the present paper develops a theoretical framework, which integrates previous partial theories and the fragmentary empirical findings. Based on this framework, the paper suggests directives for future research.  相似文献   

In order to differentiate from their competitors, marketing managers increasingly count on relationship marketing instruments. As customer loyalty programs have gained importance during the last decade, retailers face various new possibilities to reach their customers on a one-to-one level. However, empirical evidence in this field shows that the enormous investments do not always yield the desired effects. One reason is that marketing managers disregard that the effectiveness of different instruments might depend on particular conditions, target groups, and situations. The article gives an overview about the influence of relationship marketing instruments on customers’ attitudes and behaviors. It provides a holistic classification of relationship marketing instruments and explains the effectiveness from a theoretical perspective. We summarize empirical studies dealing with the effectiveness of different instruments under certain conditions. Furthermore, we derive implications for retail managers about how to successfully use relationship marketing instruments. Finally, we discuss directions for future research.  相似文献   

The investment strategy choice of state-owned commercial bank is related to its franchise value change information. This paper analyzes the franchise value change information of state-owned commercial bank. The franchise value change information shows that the franchise value of state-owned Commercial Bank is descending. Along with the descending of the franchise value, state-owned commercial bank strengthens its high risk investment motive when it chooses its investment strategy. State-owned commercial bank tends to run the high risk of investing securities because its investment variety is very sparse. Based on the theoretical principle of how to control securities investment risk, this paper proposes some countermeasures and suggestions that state-owned commercial bank strengthen the control of its securities investment risk in order to perfect its investment strategy.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical firms attribute high prices and high profits to costs associated with researching and developing the next generation of life-saving drugs. Using data from annual reports, this article tests the validity of this claim. We find that while pharmaceutical firms do invest in R&D, they also enjoy strong rents; between 1988 and 2009, pharmaceuticals enjoyed profits of 3 to 37 times the all-industry average, depending on the years, while investing proportionately less in R&D than other high-R&D firms. Costs of pharmaceutical drugs have successfully flown below the radar in much of the current health care debate, with producers managing to obstruct alternative sourcing as well as payment cuts. While health care is examined for savings in other areas, sustained high pharmaceutical profits suggest that as a new health care policy develops in the U.S., the pharmaceutical industry should not be excluded from examination for significant savings in health care costs.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden Verteilungen betrachtet, die (bezüglich irgendeines Ma?es) eine Dichte der GestaltC(ϑ) exp [ϑ x] besitzen. Für solche Verteilungen werden (ein- und zweiseitige) Tests und Konfidenzintervalle mit gewissen Optimalit?tseigenschaften entwickelt, und zwar fürϑ, für die Differenzϑ 1ϑ 2, sowie für einige Versionen desk-Stichproben Problems. Sodann werden einige Hilfss?tze über den bedingten Erwartungswert und die bedingte Varianz von zweiparametrigen Verteilungen abgeleitet, die bezüglich des einen Parameters reproduktiv sind und eine bezüglich des zweiten Parameters ersch?pfende und vollst?ndige Funktion besitzen. Schlie?lich werden die allgemeinen Ergebnisse auf einige diskrete Verteilungen (Binomial, Poisson, negativ Binomial, Pascal) angewendet und der Zusammenhang mit verschiedenen bekannten Tests diskutiert.
Summary Probability distributions are considered which (with respect to any measure) possess a density function of the typeC(ϑ) exp [ϑ x]. For distributions of this type (one and twosided) tests and confidence intervals with some optimal properties are given, namely forϑ, for the differenceϑ 1ϑ 2, and for several versions of thek-sample problem. Furthermore, some lemmas concerning the conditional expectation and the conditional variance are proved for two-parameter families of distributions which are reproductive in one parameter and possess a complete statistic, sufficient for the second parameter. Finally the general results are applied to some discrete distributions (binomial, Poisson, negative binomial, Pascal) and the relationship to several fairly known tests is discussed.

It is essential for companies that offered products meet consumer preferences to ensure the corporate performance in the long term. Besides Conjoint Approaches, Self-Explicated-Approaches are the most common approaches to determine consumer preferences. Surprisingly, despite the relevance of Self-Explicated-Approaches existing research has mainly focused on decompositional preference measurement approaches. The article provides an overview of all existing Self-Explicated-Approaches and shows that only a few have been implemented so far and identifies most promising new Self-Explicated-Approaches for future research. Besides an evaluation of Self-Explicated-Approaches based on accuracy criteria we also take application-oriented criteria into account in order to illustrate most appropriate Self-Explicated-Approaches for business applications.  相似文献   


PRAXIS | Magazin

Drehscheibe für das Finanz- und Rechnungswesen Konferenz-Preview  相似文献   

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