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精对苯二甲酸(PTA)是生产聚酯的主要原料。近年来,随着我国聚酯工业的高速发展,PTA的需求量迅速增加,进口量急剧上升,我国聚酯原料PTA的发展严重滞后。 一、世界聚酯原料现状及市场趋势 据资料显示,自90年代以来,世界PTA工业发展较快,生产能力以年均12%左右的速度递增,2000年能力约2550万吨,产量2108万吨。90年代后期,世界PTA生产中心和消费中心逐步向亚洲转移,2000年亚洲地区生产能力达1640万吨,约占全球的65%,产量1438万吨,消费量约1430万吨,均占全球的68%左右。2001年需求量增长较快,目前,PTA市场正在发生根本变化,由供大于求,转变为供求基本平衡,预测今后几  相似文献   

本文分析了聚酯原料PTA在94-95年国内外市场的供求情况。 由于世界性的PTA生产能力扩充与聚酸生产能力扩充不配套,加剧了PTA的供求紧张;PX、醋酸的货紧价扬推动了PTA的价格上涨;美国国内PET包装树酯及涤纶纤维需求转旺,导致对PTA需求增加等原因,使94年国际市场聚酯原料PTA供应紧张,价格节节上涨。 95年国际市场聚酯需求仍居高不下,PTA缺口加大,价格持续上扬。由于亚洲许多国家扩大了聚酯及涤纶纤维生产规模;欧美国家对聚酯原料需求亦加大,供求的不平衡使PTA市场供应紧张程度比94年更甚。 95年国内PTA市场形势更加严峻。国内供应缺口大,国际行情变幻莫测,国内棉花生产令人担忧,加之通货膨胀、成本增加,价格定会居高不下。  相似文献   

由于预计全球PTA下游聚酯化纤产业未来5年的需求将稳定增长,各PTA生产商纷纷扩增产能,估计今年全球将新增PTA产能240万吨。 据报道,全球PTA下游聚酯化纤产业未来5年的年增长率预计至少在5%-6%之间,其中中国大陆的化纤产业年增长率将高达11%,将是全球化纤产业增长最快的地区。 市场分析家估计,在今后3年内,全球PTA年产能将增加近500万吨。这将导致PTA市场在短期内出现供过于求的局面。  相似文献   

精对苯二甲酸(PTA)是生产聚酯的主要原料。近年来,随着我国聚酯工业的高速发展,PTA的需求量迅速增加,进口量急剧上升,我国聚酯原料PTA发展滞后的问题也暴露出来,其主要表现在以下几方面:1.能力缺口大。我国PTA生产能力不能满足市场需求,过分依赖进口,必然受国际市场供应和价格波动的影响较大,隐含一定的风险,不利于聚酯生产企业和聚酯原料生产企业的整体配套,制约我国PTA工业和聚酯工业的协调健康发展。2.企业规模偏小。目前,我国8户PTA生产企业平均规模不足30万吨,45万吨以上规模的企业只有1户,与国外同…  相似文献   

精对苯二甲酸(PTA)是聚酯生产的重要原料,也是聚酯产业链中的关键产品。重点分析了十一五期间国内PTA产业供需及盈利情况,对十二五期间国内PTA产业的供需趋势进行了预测,并对PTA产业的健康发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

韩钢 《中国石化》2004,(7):59-61
20世纪90年代以来,由于世界聚酯市场需求的增长,带动了乙二醇生产能力的扩大。1993年世界乙二醇生产能力为960万吨,2003年达到1561.9万吨,10年间年均复合增长率为4.8%。2001年2月道化学(Dow)收购联碳公司(UCC)之后,成为全球最大的乙二醇生产商,共有9套生产装置,分布在美国、加  相似文献   

PTA增长迅猛 MEG仍需大量进口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PTA(对苯二甲酸)和MEG(乙二醇)是聚酯涤纶行业的主要原料,在下游聚酯涤纶行业产能不断扩张的背景下,PTA和MEG仍需要进口相当数量才能满足生产。据中国化  相似文献   

2000年全球醋酸生产能力为827.9万吨,产量为626.3万吨。2001年醋酸生产能力达到881万吨,总需求量达到650万吨/年。2002年世界需求继续增长,达到671.1万吨。2003年全球醋酸生产能力为840万吨,产量为690万吨。鉴于亚太地区PTA和全球醋酸乙烯单体(VAM)需求增长,2003年醋酸需求的年增长率为3%,需求量达到694万吨,其中醋酸乙烯单体(VAM)占41%、PTA占20%、醋酐占9%、醋酸酯占15%、其他占15%。  相似文献   

据专家预测,未来几年我国PTA的发展势头迅猛,生产PTA的主要原料PX(对二甲苯)的供应问题将日益严重。PTA俗称“精对苯二甲酸”,主要用于生产聚酯,而聚酯纤维是合成纤维最主要的品种,在世界合成纤维总产量中占近80%的比例。在中国,以聚酯为原料生产的聚酯纤维已经在合成纤维总产量中超过了80%的比例。加之,聚酯还用于生产非纤维产品,非纤维产品消耗的PTA数量近来增长迅速,非纤领域聚酯的用量持续增长。2002年,我国PTA的生产量在230万吨以上,进口400万吨。由于中国国内PTA需求很大,国外投资者纷纷来到中国建立合资或是独资企业。目前,…  相似文献   

声誉卓著的伊文达-菲瑟公司 伊文达-菲瑟是建造第一家以PTA和MEG为原材料生产工业聚酯工厂的设计公司,从1964年开始,他们为其母公司EMS-CHEMIE在瑞士进行生产。现在,这一点还不是广为人知的。 这家工厂当时的生产能力约为每天10吨(每年3300吨),明显地非常广泛地为人认识的是37年以后,伊文达-菲瑟设计、调试和开车的世界最大的聚酯生产线,生产能力为每天600吨(每年200,000吨)。该工厂是伊文达-菲瑟最现代化的四釜设计(图1)建造,生产聚酯瓶级树脂。  相似文献   

我国精对苯二甲酸的生产现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来由于PTA法逐步取代DMT法生产PET,对PTA需求增长加快;国外各大公司纷纷提出在中国的改扩建和增建计划。建议大力支持聚酯产品及其原料生产和技术国产化进程。  相似文献   

目前我国对PTA的需求量很大,国内供应量缺口较大,供需矛盾相当突出,各地争相投资建设PTA工厂,但PTA工厂建设具有资本密集、技术密集、管理要求高,投资建设风险较大。为此就建设PTA工厂的条件、环境保护、投资风险等进行探讨。  相似文献   

Following reforms to the market, China’s hog industry has developed rapidly, however, with social and economic transitions, China’s hog industry is facing challenges which might restrict long-term growth in production. This paper analyzes the changes in regional scale, organization, input factors, and technological progress for China’s hog production over the last few decades. The paper seeks to reveal the sources of hog production growth and provide some suggestions for future development of the hog industry. To achieve these aims, the paper uses stochastic frontier production functions and the Malmquist index to measure total factor productivity (TFP) in the hog industry and decompose TFP into technical efficiency; technological progress; scale efficiency; and allocative efficiency using data for 25 provinces from 1980 to 2008. The results show firstly that; the TFP of hog production increased by 64.3% from 1980 to 2008, and allocative efficiency and scale efficiency improvements played a key role in this TFP growth. In contrast, technical efficiency and technical progress have changed little over this period. Secondly, TFP’s contribution to output was 39.7%, it being less than that of factor inputs to output. Thirdly, the results suggest that the growth of China’s pork production depends mostly on the increase in the quantity of factor inputs, especially feed. As a consequence, the key to ensuring long-term and stable development of China’s hog production would seem to involve focusing on enhancing total factor productivity and changing the pattern of production growth.  相似文献   

An innovator without production facilities owns a patented invention that lasts two periods, and looks for the best licensing arrangement with a producer that has private information about the market value of the invention. The license is either a single long-term contract in force over both periods or a series of short-term contracts, one per period. Under short-term contracts, the licensee can strategically signal the value of the invention with its level of production in the first period and thus influence the terms of the contract in the second period. We show that the licensor prefers successive short-term contracts rather than a single long-term contract for intermediate-level probabilities of dealing with an efficient licensee, while the first-period contract may optimally include a per-unit subsidy (a negative royalty rate) in order to correct signaling distortions in the licensee’s production for this period. We also show that prohibiting such subsidies can lead to welfare losses.  相似文献   

PTA生产工艺进展及工艺技术比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来全球对PTA的需求增长推动了PTA生产技术的不断发展,寻求更经济的生产工艺或高纯度对苯二甲酸制造技术已经成为研究的主要方向。文章综合介绍了目前国内外各类PTA的生产工艺及其技术发展状况,并对其中两种主要生产工艺就技术、产品质量、成本、投资费用及其发展前景进行了横向比较分析,展望了PTA新技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

Manufacturing plants have been producing an increasingly homogeneous product mix over recent years. Individual plants have been manufacturing fewer and less dissimilar products. The trend is ubiquitous across industries and is unlikely to be a random event. An index of product diversification is introduced into a fixed-effects model of productivity growth derived formally from a factor-minimal cost function. Specialization at the production site is found to have spurred productivity growth. Over the 1963–87 period, decreasing product heterogeneity has accounted for about 17 percent of productivity growth in U.S. manufacturing, second in importance only to technical change and equaling the contribution of scale economies.  相似文献   

扬子PTA装置是70年代末引进的,虽是国内最大的PTA装置,但与世界上发达国家的装置相比,无论在规模或技术水平上都存在不小的差距,在分析了装置的现状的条件下,对该装置进行了扩容改造,并取得了成功,使装置的生产能力提高了30%,单耗和能耗均有一程度的降低。  相似文献   

In recent decades, agricultural production in the U.S. has continued to shift to large-scale operations, raising concerns about the economic viability of small and midsized farms. To understand whether economies of size provided an incentive for the consolidation of production, the study estimates the total factor productivity (TFP) of five size classes of grain-producing farms in the U.S. Heartland (Corn Belt) region. Using quinquennial Agricultural Census data from 1982 to 2012 the study also compares TFP growth rates across farm sizes to gain insight into whether observed productivity differences are likely to persist. The finding of a strong positive relationship between farm size and TFP suggests that consolidation of production has contributed to recent aggregate productivity growth in the crop sector. The study estimates the extent to which sectoral productivity growth can be attributed to structural change versus other factors including technological change. The study also explores some tradeoffs associated with policies that raise the productivity of small versus large farms.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe our investigation of the role of investment in information technology (IT) on economic output and productivity in Australia over a period of about four decades. The framework used in this paper is the aggregate production function, where IT capital is considered as a separate input of production along with non-IT capital and labour. The empirical results from the study indicate the evidence of robust technical progress in the Australian economy in the 1990s. IT capital had a significant impact on output, labour productivity and technical progress in the 1990s. In recent years, however, the contribution of IT capital on output and labour productivity has slowed down. Regaining the IT capital productivity therefore remains as a key challenge for Australia, especially in the context of greater IT investment in the future.  相似文献   

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