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裴艳 《财经窗》2003,(12):43-44
从16世纪起,以儒家为代表的先秦各家著作相继传入欧洲,欧洲思想界深受其影响,在西方经济学巨著《国富论》中,亚当斯密提出了“经济人”思想,这与先秦儒家推崇的自由经济思想实在是有着异曲同工之妙。  相似文献   

宋伟 《江南论坛》2011,(11):58-59
孔子和荀子是中国先秦儒家思想的代表人物。在音乐思想上,二人都重视音乐的社会教化和道德训诫,构成了中国儒家音乐思想重视教化作用的共性特征。一方面,苟子的音乐观点直接继承了孔子的思想。另一方面,由于特定的生活时代背景、哲学观念等诸多因素的差异,又使得苟子进一步发展了孔子的音乐思想观念,从而完成了对孔子音乐教化思想的发展。  相似文献   

经济伦理是人类对经济理性与经济人性的综合理解。经济伦理问题虽然是现代人正式提出来加以研究思考的问题,但关于经济理性和经济人性的思想却是人类很早就有的。早在二千多年前,大思想家亚里士多德就专门论述过“价格公平问题”。同一时期,我国古代思想家就“义利问题”也发表了极有影响的观点,如孟子曾慷慨陈辞:“万钟则不辩礼义而受之?万钟于我何加焉?”但基于对经济理性和价值的不同理解,不同思想流派之间的观点往往大相径庭,其经济伦理思想也存在巨大的差异。我国古代的一部名著《盐铁论》,正是展现了这样两种经济伦理思想的…  相似文献   

林俊俊 《经济论坛》2010,(3):180-181
荀子是我国战国末期的杰出的思想家之一,他继承和发展了儒家尚贤的思想,并吸收借鉴了百家思想的精华。荀子主张尚贤使能,并在选人、用人、考核人等要素中提出了许多科学的管理方法。因此,本文选取苟子人才观为切入点进行剖析,并论述其对现代管理者的重要启示。  相似文献   

儒家法律思想的发展,可分为先秦儒家法律思想和秦汉以后的正统儒家法律思想两个阶段。前一阶段以孔孟为代表,后一阶段以荀况为代表。儒家法律思想的主要观点是“礼治”、“德治”、“人治”。这三者互相渗透、互相作用.不可分割。同时,儒家法律思想也不排除法治。  相似文献   

《孟子》的民本、仁政思想及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张立环 《现代财经》2002,22(5):61-64,F003
孟子主张以“仁政”治国,以民为本,仁政,爱民是孟子思想的出发点和落脚点。其对义利关系,经济政策标准以及对某些社会经济如生态环境问题的认识,分析,无一不落在“以民为本”这个核心上,孟子思想所体现出的人类关怀的精神,在当代经济的发展中仍然具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

林毅夫教授是著名经济学家,对于许多经济问题,他的见解独树一帜,且言之成理,这在学界已广为人知。而作为经济学家,他对孔子、孟子等古代思想家的学说的见解就很少为人所知。  相似文献   

本文着重论述荀子“裕民富国”经济思想形成的基础,从三个方面来进行阐述:第一,荀子对“非命”的看法,强调了人这种经济资源的重要性;第二,对自然规律的看法,强调发展规律的重要性;第三,“制天命而用之”,论证了生产过程中人与自然的关系。  相似文献   

中国企业家与欧美企业家在时代背景、文化传统、社会制度、现代化速度等各方面有所不同,而在自然法则和经济规律方面又大体相同,因此中国企业家的成长和发展有其一定的特殊性。试论述如下:1.中国是拥有12亿人口、960万平方公里的大国,有5000年悠久的历史,早在2000多年前春秋战国时代不仅出现了如老子、孔子、墨子、荀子、孟子、孙子等等大思想家、教育家、军事理论家,而且出现了一批善于经营管理的如范蠡、白圭等著名企业家,唐代以来更出现了跨欧亚大陆经营的“丝绸之路”,以及钢铁武器等的大量输人欧洲,成为当时最…  相似文献   

孔子作为伟大的思想家和教育家,他的传播思想对我们有深远的影响。本文从传播学的角度分析了孔子的传播实践活动,从而得出孔子的传播思想、传播思想产生的原因、传播思想特征,为今天的传播实践提供了借鉴的意义。  相似文献   


The general trend of research specialisation in economics has contributed to the marginalisation of the history of economic thought. However, it has also led to a state of fragmentation in the profession and thereby increased the costs of neglecting the history of economic thought. This paper argues that historians of thought can help to counteract fragmentation because they are special generalists that fulfil multiple functions, for example, in the education of economists, the detection of blind spots in modern theories and the identification of routes for innovation by backtracking.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a classification of economic models into three types: historical, axiomatic and conditional. Historical or empirical models utilize the historical-deductive method, and are generalizations from the economic regularities and tendencies that we find in the real world. Axiomatic models utilize the hypothetical-deductive method; they are syllogisms whose major premise is an axiom – a self-evident truth; they are appropriate for methodological sciences such as mathematics and econometrics. Conditional economic models are likewise syllogisms, but they are suitable for economics because they make for clearer and more precise economic reasoning. The criterion of truth of the substantive sciences is the conformity with reality, of the methodological science, its internal consistency. When a school of economic thought adopts mainly axiomatic models, as is the case with neoclassical economics, it implicitly falls into contradiction because their best representatives believe in the conformity with reality criterion.  相似文献   


This paper continues an ongoing reflection on the ways we do the history of economic thought, marked some decades ago by Mark Blaug. It offers a non-canonical typology comprising three alternative approaches, distinguished on the basis of the way they conceive of the link between statements, old and contemporary: the extensive, the retrospective, and the intensive approaches. It shows that the latter potentially challenges contemporary knowledge by introducing statements which do not belong to it. Despite its being a heuristic, it appears as a privileged route by which the history of economic thought can begin to engage with economic theory.  相似文献   

郑观应经济思想研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国近代著名文学家、思想家和实业家郑观应(1842—1922)在其名著《盛世危言》中提出其经济思想的核心部分——商战思想,即发展中国的资本主义工商业,以商业竞争为手段,通过国际市场上竞争实力的比拼,最终战胜外来经济侵略。对其经济思想特别是商战思想研究从总论性研究和专门性研究两个方面入手进行归纳。  相似文献   

The thesis advanced in this paper is that economists, qua economists, need study and practise the history of economic thought. The ‘cumulative view’ of economics is criticized and opposed to the ‘competitive view’ stemming from Kuhn and Lakatos. Schumpeter's distinction between two stages of economic theorizing–conceptualization and model-building–is recalled. The role of the history of economic thought as a way to investigate the conceptual foundations of different theories is thus pointed out. Some conclusions are then drawn concerning the kind of history of economic thought relevant for the formation of economic theorists.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine two ways that they use music (i.e., popular song lyrics) as an active learning technique in an undergraduate history of economic thought course. First, they use music to help students grasp the ideas of the great thinkers in economics and see their relevance today. Second, because they require students to read original texts and write thesis-driven essays, they use music to teach essential skills related to such assignments. While the article focuses on how they use music as a pedagogical device to teach the history of economic thought, the use of music to teach essential skills could be applied to any economics course in which students engage in higher-level reading and writing.  相似文献   

Samuels reminds us of the influence that institutional economists have had on economic thought, and of the roles they have played as critics and specialists in various fields of economic inquiry.  相似文献   

梁启超是中国近代最早较为系统地研究中国古代经济思想的人。他的相关论著以西方经济理论为参照,为中国经济思想史学科的建立创造了条件。他的研究存在着观点跳跃和逻辑矛盾的现象,这种现象在此后中国经济思想的发展过程中仍然延续。文章在方法论的层面,从传统文化的角度对此进行了新的解析。  相似文献   

文章将1897-1949年间的中国经济思想史研究作为该学科的奠基时期。鉴于奠基时期的学术研究对后续研究的重要影响,以及学术界对该阶段研究的不足和对其评价肯定得不够充分,文章从学术史研究的角度出发,围绕研究成果、学术争鸣、学术价值以及研究特点等方面系统地阐述了奠基时期中国经济思想史研究的主要贡献与历史地位,并对经济思想史学科的发展提出了一些针对性的建议。  相似文献   

分工思想是古典经济学的重要组成部分,但在马歇尔之后的新古典经济学中却一度被忽视。其缘由何在?本文以马歇尔为中心,做了思想史的考察。发现马歇尔的分工思想内含于对组织的分析中,这一分析采用了生物类比的方法。该方法与经济力学方法的兼容性是有争议的,这引发了20世纪20-30年代有关“报酬递增与代表性企业”的争论,使主流经济学走向了“去经济生物学,近经济力学”这一背离马歇尔思想的道路,这是分工思想被忽视的重要原因。  相似文献   

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