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我走遍这里的一切,从乐清到瑞安,从鹿城区到龙湾区,从五马街到江心屿,我甚至远赴平阳和苍南,又到了有浙江西藏之称的青田,我见到了温州的一切,我惟独没有看见它的背景。  相似文献   

“一切从态度出发。”,这个我从一个“个人提升课程”学来的句子,看似简单内里却蕴含了很多很多,在课程毕业后的日子里,我从生活与工作中更深地体会到它的含义与潜在的巨大影响。  相似文献   

划时代的变革正在发生作为一项看不见、摸不着的技术,云计算正在彻底改变你我所看到的一切。从我们的工作方式到生活方式,远程IT服务正在把令人  相似文献   

划时代的变革正在发生作为一项看不见、摸不着的技术,云计算正在彻底改变你我所看到的一切。从我们的工作方式到生活方式,远程IT服务正在把令人难以置信的力量,带到我们指尖。越来越多的企业发现了云计算带来的惊人效益  相似文献   

<正> 南方的季节,是酸酸的季节。酸酸的雾,酸酸的雨,酸酸的河流。一切都让你感到酸,因为此刻我的思乡之情正溢满了我的心田,变成了一股酸楚的味儿。 夏天,这里有杨梅;冬季,有桔子,从嘴里到心里,我,一个游子的心思,顷刻问被南方的季节  相似文献   

我是1986年从乌龙泉矿考进武钢二技校,1989年毕业后分配到一炼钢厂整模车间的。刚到整模车间,整模工人高强度的体力劳动和艰苦的工作环境,使我怎么也无法把课本上学到的现代化管理和操作与眼前的一切联系起来。在现实面前,我退却了。因我家在外地,父母正在努力把我调回去,这样我更放纵自己,整天游手好闲:从进厂到1993年这四年时间里,我上的班加起来不过五、六个月,不上班当然拿不到钱,但因为我的家庭条件比较好,使我有依靠,每当经济危机时,我就跑回家,当时同事们都笑我:不怕没有钱,回趟乌龙泉。这种情况在我成家后也没有多大改变,爱人督促我上班,我就上班时间到外面玩,到了下班时间再回家,直到有一天爱人到厂里找我有事,才发现这一情况。前年公司搞合同制,我因为出勤率太低,被延迟签订合同,我不但不着  相似文献   

一同进步 一同成长 作为一名青年工人,我逐渐从一个门外汉成长为一个熟练技工。应该说,每一份成绩的取得都源于学习和实践,来自企业为我们创造的良好文化氛围。我热爱我的工作,从书本到实践,我始终不懈地努力着,并形成习惯。我坚信,态度决定一切:凭借思想、信仰、对自身能力的自信,就能激发出意想不到的潜能。  相似文献   

如果你问我写过什么好文案,我会愣住,无以应答。有新八行的小朋友说尹云从的文案还不错,可以学习一下。 老实说,我只不过早走了几步而已,千万别把尹云从的文案当成你努力的参照目标,不值得。 不过,我坚持认定的一条真理,你必须学习:除非我们切实从解决问题的角度去思考、从消费者的内心去洞察、从理性的具体产品到感性的人性需求去表达,否则,一切炫耀技巧的文字都只是着露破绽的皮毛。  相似文献   

<正>在一次朋友聚会中,有人问:要是让你来一次说走就走的旅行,你最想去的是哪?我脱口而出:稻城亚丁。因为那里有"雪域神峰"贡嘎雪山、明阔辽远的蓝天和遍地的草与鲜花……稻城,有你能够想象到的一切,也有你想象之外的一切。朋友们被我的描述吸引,约好要一起出发去稻城亚丁。从成都、海螺沟、康定,经新都桥、雅江、理塘、香格里拉,到稻城亚丁……陌生的站点,逐渐在我们的路线规划、日程制定中清晰起来,当这些名  相似文献   

情感不同分支的科学技术结合大众风格,致力于共同的目标。从建筑艺术到纳米科技,生物力学到机器人科技,数学研究到组织工程……一切的一切都敦促人们重新关注自然界。  相似文献   

Prices may fail to explain farmers’ land allocation if the relevant decision prices are “shadow prices” that deviate from market prices. This may be the case for farmers who attach significant non-market values to their crops. I theoretically explain why land allocation may not respond to market signals even if transaction costs are not binding. I use nationally representative rural household data from Mexico to show that shadow prices better explain the land subsistence farmers allocate to traditional maize in this center of maize diversity. I discuss the importance of non-market values in understanding supply response and on-farm conservation of traditional crops.  相似文献   

Research summary : Drawing on theory about signaling, sensemaking, and the romance of leadership, we extend inquiry on investors' perceptions of CEO succession following misconduct. Whereas past studies have treated misconduct monolithically, we examine failures of integrity and competence separately. Using a policy capturing methodology that isolates investors' decision making from potential confounds, we find that, following an integrity failure, investors perceive outside and interim successors positively but inside successors negatively. Following a competence failure, investors perceive outside successors positively but are ambivalent toward inside and interim successors. Our findings indicate that whether an act of misconduct was an integrity failure or a competence failure, and what type of successor the firm chooses, are important considerations when using CEO succession as a means to restore investor confidence. Managerial summary: Business headlines regularly feature episodes of organizational misconduct, such as product safety problems, environmental violations, employee mistreatment, and securities lawsuits, and their aftermath. In such scenarios, shareholders demand answers from the people at the top, even if those people were not directly responsible for the problem. As a result, companies often fire the CEO as a means to restore investor confidence. Does this work? It depends on the type of misconduct and who is the CEO's successor. Following a competence failure, investors welcome the appointment of an outsider, but they are indifferent to inside and interim successors. Following an integrity failure, shareholders greet outside and interim CEO successors favorably while frowning on the promotion of insiders. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes in unionization that have occurred over the last decade or so using individual level micro data on many countries, with particular emphasis on the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. I document an empirical regularity not hitherto identified, namely the probability of being unionized follows an inverted U‐shaped pattern in age, maximizing in the mid‐ to late 40s in 34 of the 38 countries I study. I consider the question of why union membership seems to follow a similar inverted U‐shape pattern in age across countries with such diverse industrial relations systems. I find evidence that this arises in part because of cohort effects, but even when cohort effects are removed a U‐shape remains.  相似文献   

This paper provides a hedonic price analysis of mobile telephones for the German market, based on data of 302 different handsets from 25 manufacturers over the period from May 1998 to November 2003. By measuring shadow prices for different product characteristics, the authors find that volume, for example, has a negative effect on the price of a mobile handset, while the number of ringtones and the talk time battery life relative to the handset's weight positively affect mobile phone prices. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, radiation is statistically insignificant. Also handsets have become cheaper over time, and handsets with additional features, such as MMS, MP3 or Bluetooth, command a higher price. In addition, there are positive brand name effects for some brands. According to the estimations presented in this paper the brand name premiums may range from 57 to 172 euro.  相似文献   

本文以温州大学服装设计与工程专业为例,以温州大学人才培养模式创新实验区为依托,结合温州男装人才市场的实际需求,提出了面向能力培养的服装类院校男装课程体系教学改革方法。针对男装课程的具体特点和要求,在分析授课内容,总结实践教学经验的基础上,提出以课程项目为驱动,开展专项性与综合性相结合的教学设计,以此提升学生的学习兴趣,提升学生对男装的设计整合能力。  相似文献   

通过对温州金融危机进行个案考察发现, 民间金融对民营中小企业的发展具有不可或缺的作用, 但在外部宏观经济环境发生转变进而恶化中小企业生存环境时, 民间借贷的性质将从互助合作性转向投机性, 民间借贷参与者的范围也将超越有效信任边界; 于是, 其私人治理机制再也无法有效约束借款人的败德行为, 从而为金融危机的爆发提供了可能。 由温州个案还可引申出如下结论: 中国长期实践的金融管制政策不仅为温州式金融危机的生成提供了必要条件, 还抑制了非正规金融自发地向正规金融转型, 并引发了一系列的扭曲效应,如企业家人力资本才能错配、 民间金融内聚高违约风险、 投机行为泛滥以及租值耗散等。  相似文献   

李鹏 《河北工业科技》2014,31(5):361-365
将运动目标从背景中准确分割出的过程中,阴影的检测和消除起着重要作用。传统的目标和阴影检测算法一般都是基于目标颜色等单特征信息,因此在很大程度上受到了场景光照条件变化的影响而导致算法的执行效果降低。提出一种基于颜色信息和纹理信息的多特征融合的混合高斯模型检测算法,可以降低由单特征检测所带来较高的误检率。其中采用了两重阴影判决方法以确定真实阴影,首先通过颜色夹角进行疑似阴影的判决,进而根据前景区域和背景区域的相似度和颜色分量差值再次判决阴影。最后通过实验对阴影检测算法进行比较,表明了本文提出算法能够对阴影进行准确消除。  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the scope of Chadwick’s claim on the superiority of competition for the market over competition in the market under incomplete information. We firstly characterize the expected outcome achieved under competition in the market at a Cournot Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. Then we characterize the optimal expected outcome achieved under a competition for the market mechanism designed by a government facing a shadow cost of public funds. We show that a regulated monopoly selected by an auction mechanism results in higher expected welfare than does duopoly competition when the entry cost is low but that the opposite holds when the market size is small and the entry cost is high for some values of the shadow cost of public funds. These results are explained by the influence of adverse selection on the entry decision at the Cournot equilibrium and by the level of expected total fixed costs in both mechanisms.   相似文献   

I consider optimal auctions for a seller who is bound to sell a single item to one of two potential buyers, organized in a ‘well‐coordinated’ cartel. I show that, even though the seller cannot deter collusion, he can optimally accommodate it by employing a simple mechanism which imposes an inefficient allocation on the bidders unless they pay a sufficiently high amount to avoid it.  相似文献   

Capacity reservation under spot market price uncertainty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Capacity reservation contracts and spot markets are two alternative purchasing practices. We focus on the cost-effective management of the combined use of these two procurement sources. Due to the variability of the spot market prices and demand uncertainty, the flexibility of combined sourcing can be advantageous. Spot market purchasing is a benefit in case of low spot market prices or insufficient reserved capacity, and the capacity reservation contract is an operational risk hedging for high spot market price incidents. The structure of the optimal combined purchasing policy is complex. In this paper we consider a simple and easy-to-implement capacity reservation—base stock policy and compare it to single sourcing options. We examine the joint effect of demand and spot market price uncertainty. Our analysis shows that in the case of large spot market price variability the combined sourcing is superior over spot market sourcing even in the case of low average spot price. The combined sourcing is also superior over long-term sourcing even in the case of high average spot price if there is large spot market price variability. Analytical and simulation results are presented to show the effect of the different price, cost, and uncertainty parameters on the optimal capacity reservation—base stock policy and on the expected percentage gain over single sourcing.  相似文献   

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