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This study extended previous research in the two-sided comparative area by considering such a strategy from a price disclaimer perspective. The effectiveness in usage of a two-sided comparative price appeal relative to a one-sided counterpart across increasing levels of savings between the sponsor’s average price for a supermarket basket of goods and that of the average competitor was considered. In general, the findings of the study were consistent with previous research involving comparative two-sided appeals. That is, the two-sided advertisement was found to be significantly more believable than its one-sided counterpart. However, this result was found to have little impact upon purchase intention.  相似文献   

The persuasive effectiveness of message sidedness (one versus two-sided messages) and message structure was assessed in the context of a personal selling appeal for a new home computer to an unfamiliar target audience. Contrary to some prior research, two-sided appeals were found to be less, not more, effective in promoting seller credibility and message acceptance than onesided appeals. To some extent, however, this effect was attenuated by placing unfavorable product arguments at the end rather than the beginning of the selling appeal. To account for these findings, a disarming effect is proposed. People who have little or no, knowledge regarding a seller’s particular offering tend to be disarmed by two-sided appeals. As a result, they discount the seller’s product-related knowledge. This effect is thought to be more pronounced when the unfavorable information is presented at the beginning of the message.  相似文献   

Teleshopping and other forms of electronic retailing promise to have tremendous impact upon the field of retailing. With respect to the impact of this emerging technology upon the channel structure it would seem that the channel members are “retreating” relative to the channel positions. That is, consumers have retreated to the retailer level where they have assumed many of the retailer functions; retailers have moved back to the wholesaler or supplier level; distributors have assumed some of the manufacturer initiative with respect to produc specification and design; and manufactures have retreated to the subcontractor or component supplier level.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the research published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). A brief history of the journal is chronicled, and its output in recent years is considered. Special attention is paid to the content of the articles published and the research methods used. An analysis of frequent contributors is also conducted. Much of the analysis focuses on the past 10 years. The conclusion is thatJAMS has made a significant impact on marketing scholarship and has emerged as a top marketing journal of which all the fellows of the academy can justifiably be proud. In an article by Wheatley and Wilson (1987), he was ranked number one in the country based on articles published in theJournal of Marketing Research during 1980–1985. He holds the all-time record for the maximum number of publications in theJournal of Health Care Marketing. He is ranked number one based on publications inJAMS since its inception through Volume 23 (1995). He is also number one based on publications inJAMS during the 10-year period of 1986–1995. He has published 67 articles in major refereed journals. The second edition of his book titledMarketing Research: An Applied Orientation was published recently (Prentice Hall, 1996). The book has received widespread adoption at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, with more than 100 schools using it. He is the winner of numerous awards and honors for research, teaching, and service to the profession. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Relationship marketing research and practice operate according to the paradigm that firms should invest in relationship marketing to build better relationships, which will generate improved financial performance. However, findings that relationship marketing efforts vary in their effectiveness across customers and may even be detrimental to performance challenge this belief. This article, therefore, offers a theoretical model that addresses three key issues: 1) what factors determine a customer’s need for relational governance (relationship orientation); 2) what mediating mechanism captures the negative effects of relationship marketing on performance (exchange inefficiency); and 3) how does a customer’s relationship orientation determine the effectiveness of relationship marketing, thus allowing for effective segmentation. The authors demonstrate in an empirical study that the trust in the salesperson and exchange inefficiency both mediate the effect of relationship marketing on seller financial outcomes. In addition, customers’ relationship orientation moderates the impact of relationship marketing on both trust and exchange inefficiency.  相似文献   

There is a compelling need to improve the relationship between managers in marketing and sales departments. This paper argues that one critical way of enhancing individual managers’ perceptions of relationship effectiveness between these departments is to view the issue as a matter of justice and suggests that perceived marketing–sales relationship effectiveness is positively influenced by managers’ perceptions of organizational justice. Furthermore, it proposes that interfunctional communication has the potential to enhance the proposed positive effects of justice and hence needs to be considered and effectively managed when looking at marketing–sales relationship effectiveness. Data drawn from a survey of 203 marketing and sales managers in 38 consumer packaged goods companies are used to empirically test these predictions. The authors find that perceived sales–marketing relationship effectiveness is influenced by perceptions of distributive, procedural and interactional justice. Greater interfunctional communication is found to further enhance the positive effects of distributive and procedural justice on perceived relationship effectiveness, but it does not contribute to the already strong positive effects of interactional justice. Furthermore, results reveal important differences in the effects of justice on perceived relationship effectiveness across the marketing and sales departments.  相似文献   

By examining only dysfunctional conflict and ignoring functional conflict, empirical research in marketing has presented only part of the story. This research offers the first systematic look at the antecedents and consequences of both functionaland dysfunctional conflict in intraorganiational relationships. The authors develop and empirically test a causal model for key organizational antecedents of new product strategy quality and market performance. They find that dysfunctional conflict in the decision-making process has deleterious consequences for quality of strategy and market performance, whereas functional conflict improves both quality of strategy and performance. Specifically, organizational design characteristics such as formalization, interdepartmental interconnectedness, low communication barriers, and team spirit improve new product performance by enhancing functional conflict, whereas centralization and high communication barriers lower new product performance by increasing dysfunctional conflict. A post hoc test for common method bias or variance suggests that bias or variance alone cannot explain these findings. His general research interests focus on strategic issues relating to internal relationships, market learning, and organizational context of marketing strategy. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising, andJournal of Services Marketing, among others. His general research interests focus on strategic issues relating to relationship marketing, firm performance, sustainable competitive advantage, timing of market entry, and information technology. His past research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Services Marketing, andMarketing Education Review, among others. His research interests are in the areas of marketing research methods, structural equations modeling, cellular automata theories and methods, and Taoist methodologies for marketing strategy. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, andJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, among others.  相似文献   

In the past decade, several organization theorists have begun to examine the organization—environmental interface in the functioning of complex organizations and have argued that an organization's internal structural arrangement is contingent upon the demands of the external environment. The purpose of this article is to further examine the validity of the findings of these theorists with reference to firms operating in Italy. The variables studied consisted of: a) Market conditions—which was divided into the two categories of high and low competition. b) Decentralization of decision-making, and c) Organization effectiveness. To investigate the impact of decentralization on the organization effectiveness of firms under differing market conditions the statistical techniques of a Mann-Whitney U Test and Kendall's Tau Measure of Correlation were used to compute the scores. The resulting computations provide some support for the contingency theory of organization, but also indicates areas of disagreement.  相似文献   

Advertising effectiveness is often measured by its ability to impact attitudes and purchase intentions among those positively predisposed and negatively predisposed toward the brand. As a consequence, selecting the appropriate appeal is crucial. Information processing theory suggests that the choice should reflect both consumer’s predispositions and their level of involvement. The espoused theories together with prior empirical evidence promoted six sets of hypotheses relating to the comparative effectiveness of rational, emotional, and discrepant appeals. The respective appeals were administered to positively predisposed and negatively predisposed subjects for both high involvement and low involvement products. A MANOVA analysis of the data from a 3×2×2 within-subjects experimental design revealed significant main effect differences in terms of both predisposition and type of appeal.  相似文献   

The concept of shared organizational values and its impact upon successful marketing strategy implementation are discussed. The need to measure the degree to which values within the organization are shared is stressed. A method to quantitatively measure the degree of value congruency and the strength of value consistency is proposed. An exploratory, empirical study is presented in which organization values are measured and found to impact upon strategy implementation.  相似文献   

It is apparent that the return percentages have been drastically reduced by using only the primary variable of temperature. The actual return percentage would have been even higher except that some route men ran out of hamburger buns and therefore had no returns. This did not show up in the aggregate figures because these were more than balanced by a surplus returned by the majority of route men.  相似文献   

While the controversy concerning the validity and purpose of broadening the concept of marketing is still an ongoing one, the present article focuses on the field of political marketing and compares its historical development with that of American business. In doing so, it is shown that political marketing, viz., the process by which political candidates and ideas are targeted at the voters in order to satisfy their political needs and thus gain their support, has gone through the stages of (1) candidate orientation. (2) sales-management orientation, and is presently experiencing a transition to a (3) marketing concept orientation. These orientations parallel the development in the orientation of American business from product to sales to marketing focus. In addition, the article also suggests that marketing and political marketing share many basic concepts and tools. Consequently, it is concluded that political marketing should be included within the boundaries of the existing marketing theory. The author would like to thank Professor Philip Kotler for his insightful comments on an earlier version of this paper, and for his encouragement.  相似文献   

税收政策是各国激励慈善捐赠的重要手段。我国实施的税收激励政策包括针对慈善组织和针对捐赠人两类,目前存在享受税收优惠的慈善组织范围小、税种缺陷缺失以及纳税人税收抵扣手续烦琐等问题,针对这些问题,可以分别从扩大慈善组织受惠范围、开征遗产税与赠与税、完善相关税种以及简化税收抵扣程序等方面进行健全,促进慈善捐赠的发展。  相似文献   

The influence of a firm’s cause-related marketing efforts on sales representative attitudes and behavioral performance is investigated. Results from a field study indicate that the influence of a representative’s construed customer attitude toward the cause campaign on selling behavioral performance is mediated through cognitive identification and selling confidence. Further, the influence of construed customer attitude toward the campaign on selling confidence is moderated by cognitive identification such that the effects are stronger for salespeople with lower levels of identification with the company. The authors discuss the implications of the research and offer directions for further research.
Joshua L. WienerEmail:

Numerous marketing crises have gained media attention in recent years. The author examines the development of the concept of the crisis by political scientists, sociologists, and organizational theorists. Upon this base, a tentative definition for the marketing crisis is developed and a number of implications are drawn. Furthermore, the author suggests some directions for future research into the area of marketing crises.  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of the marketing concept appears to be in the making. The focus of research designed to facilitate this re-evaluation is likely to be of considerable importance to the future development of marketing theory. Research designed to better define the role and scope of the marketing concept seems to offer the most promise. Such research would be an aid to determining where the marketing concept should fit into a comprehensive theory of marketing. Limitations of the marketing concept are well documented in the literature suggesting a need for a broader framework of marketing theory. It seems imperative that academicians accept the responsibility for developing a more comprehensive general theory of marketing, one relevant to both the micro and macro aspects of a functioning system. Such flexibility seems to be a minimal requirement.  相似文献   

The structure of marketing channel relationships   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Distribution channel research has been advanced in recent years by contributions based on the political economy paradigm, transaction cost analysis, and relationship marketing. Drawing on these bodies of thought, we propose a new conceptualization of the structure of marketing channel relationships. Relationship structure is defined in terms of decision-making structure and operational integration. The proposed model of channel structure antecedents and consequences is consistent with the major research paradigms but extends beyond simple categorical assemblages of constructs to provide an ordered set of relationships based on theory and empirical research. This conceptualization reconciles some apparent contradictions in the literature and provides a clear focus for structure, process, and performance research in channels. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Louisiana State University. He has published in the areas of marketing channels, retailing, and logistics. His work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Channels, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, Journal of Marketing Education, and others. He served as the managing director of public relations with the Federal Express Corporation before entering the Ph.D. program at Alabama. He holds a B.B.A. in accountancy from the University of Mississippi and an M.A. in marketing from the University of Alabama.  相似文献   

The effects of manipulation of appeal types, anonymity/nonanonymity, and the promiselno promise of feedback of research results on response patterns were examined using a sales population. The results indicate that the use of these techniques can enhance the response patterns from salespeople. Specifically, the egoistic appeal, the interaction of egoistic appeal with anonymity, and feedback were shown to influence response rate, response speed, and response completeness.  相似文献   

The role of emotions in marketing   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Emotions are mental states of readiness that arise from appraisals of events or one’s own thoughts. In this article, the authors discuss the differentiation of emotions from affect, moods, and attitudes, and outline an appraisal theory of emotions. Next, various measurement issues are considered. This is followed by an analysis of the role of arousal in emotions. Emotions as markers, mediators, and moderators of consumer responses are then analyzed. The authors turn next to the influence of emotions on cognitive processes, which is followed by a study of the implications of emotions for volitions, goal-directed behavior, and decisions to help. Emotions and customer satisfaction are briefly explored, too. The article closes with a number of questions for future research. Richard P. Bagozzi is the Dwight F. Benton Professor of Behavioral Science in Management at the University of Michigan Business School. He is a graduate of Northwestern University and has been a faculty member at the University of California-Berkeley, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford University. He is currently doing research in emotions, goal-directed behavior, and social identity theory. Mahesh Gopinath is an assistant professor of marketing in the A. B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan Business School and is doing research in emotions and customer satisfaction. Prashanth U. Nyer is an assistant professor of marketing in the School of Business and Economics at Chapman University. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan Business School and is doing research in emotions and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

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