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A bstract Several hypotheses are derived that relate social networks to the occupational prestige attainment process. These hypotheses are evaluated using theoretically derived indicators and ordinary least squares regression. Most of the hypotheses considered in this paper do not receive support, and the one hypothesis that does lacks a consistent theoretical explanation. From this analysis, I draw two important conclusions: First, the relationship between the prestige of a social network contact and prestige attainment may be empirically strong, but the theoretical explanation linking them lacks consistency. Secondly, empirical work performed to test social network theories should no longer focus on dyadic-data alone. The broader implications of these conclusions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

大学生弱势群体的救助问题已受到各方的重视,救助工作也在各高校有序的进行。只是在对大学生弱势群体的救助过程中,对物质方面的比较重视,而精神层面的就有点忽视,本文从社会工作的视角出发,运用其理论方法来探讨对大学生弱势群体的精神救助。  相似文献   

The article highlights and explains the neglect of the activity of work in much of the mainstream economics literature. The neglect of work is seen to have denied space for mainstream economists to engage with the full range of possibilities for progress in human well‐being. The article also considers perspectives on work from within heterodox or non‐mainstream economics and argues that these perspectives provide a superior foundation for the theorization of work.  相似文献   

张岳峰 《价值工程》2010,29(11):247-249
人们谈及作品的特征,总会提到作品具有"无形性"、"可复制性"、"非损耗性",这些可以归纳为作品的自然属性。作品是一种形式,手抄本时期的作品并非不具有"可复制性",可是手抄本时期作者可以控制基于作品价值而产生的利益,因此社会不需要著作权法来调整相关各方的利益关系。印刷机产生后,著作权法之所以产生,并不是由于作品的自然属性发生了改变,而是由于作品在传播中难以被作者所控制,即作品的社会属性发生了改变。在数字网络技术条件下,作品可以通过对作品设置技术措施控制作品。网络条件下作品的自然属性没有改变,而作品的社会属性却发生了改变,因此合理使用制度以及著作权法必然发生深层次的变化。  相似文献   

惠晓峰 《价值工程》2011,30(5):324-325
青年时期的毛泽东多次深入农村进行了一系列调查研究,为成功探索中国革命新道路做出了卓越贡献。兴国县长冈乡乡苏由于能够与群众打成一片,工作很有成效而成为"苏维埃工作的模范"。七十多年过去以后,重新解读二十世纪三十年代毛泽东的《长冈乡调查》,发现其中包含有许多社会工作元素,这为我们理解毛泽东著作提供了一个全新的视角。  相似文献   

杜琦琦 《价值工程》2014,(5):323-324
作为新社会组织的典型代表,律师事务所的发展在社会管理创新的大背景下越来越受到社会的关注。律师事务所的发展离不开党的领导,开展律师事务所党建是确保律师工作正确方向的必然要求。  相似文献   

田蕴祥 《企业活力》2010,(11):84-86
员工的工作压力管理是组织内部人力资源管理的重要工作,工作压力对组织所可能带来的负面冲击不容忽视。因此,组织管理当局应该从社会支持的角度来规划压力管理各个阶段的工作,尤其应该在组织成员工作压力的形成初期,提供及时适当的协助,以有效化解工作压力对个人及组织可能产生的负面影响。  相似文献   

The government's counter-inflation strategy is often described as an experiment Such a view implies that present policies are without historical precedent and their likely consequences unpredictable. This Briefing Paper attempts to broaden the current policy debate by placing the counter-inflation strategy in the historical context of the UK's inflationary experience of the past one hundred years. A hundred years' data allows a very wide range of economic experience to be studied. The methods used are a mixture of historical case studies and time series regression analysis (described in the Appendix). One case study describes the rapid inflation of the 1914-18 war and the successful counter-inflation strategy of the early 1920s. This period has remarkable similarities with the present. The second case study re-examines the inflation of the 1970s. Our research shows that the government's counter-inflation strategy has a much better chance of success than is often believed. The authorities can permanently reduce the inflation rate if they control both the PSBR and the money supply and resist pressure to peg the exchange rate. While this involves a severe recession, the evidence suggests that the real economy also has strong self-stabilising properties. In the past, even deep recessions have always been followed by recoveries, often spontaneously generated within the private sector.  相似文献   

贺明侠  宁博 《价值工程》2014,(31):99-100
文章从社会稳定风险分析和评估的基本概念、评估时机、所依据的法律法规、审批权限、工作流程以及在评估工作中应注意的问题等6个方面项目详细介绍了社会稳定风险分析和评估工作。  相似文献   

Nigel Healey and Bob Leach of Leeds Polytechnic Policy Research Unit put the current controversies over local government into historical perspective.  相似文献   

民营企业被誉为中国经济发展的推动者和先锋,然而其在快速发展过程中也产生了系列问题,引起了社会各界的广泛关注,促使了社会各界对民营企业家社会责任进行深入的思考。从社会角色理论角度对民营企业家社会责任的内涵和内容进行讨论。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国当下劳动关系制度研究的反思,提出过往研究缺乏将制度置于具体的社会情境与历史变迁的过程中进行考察,这样导致了从结构功能主义视角僵化地分析制度,以及把制度作为理性选择结果的误判.而历史制度主义的相关理论为克服这一缺陷提供了有益的理论洞见.因此,未来我国劳动关系制度研究应站在历史制度主义的视角,提出新的研究问题.  相似文献   

The work–nonwork supportiveness of an organization may influence applicant decision making among young applicants. This possibility was tested using a phased narrowing decision making task and three organizational attributes (salary, number of work–nonwork supportive policies/benefits and their related culture supportiveness). Data gathered from a sample of 110 graduating college business majors partially supported the hypotheses (p < 0.05), revealing a dynamic influence of the organizational attributes across decision making stages and a differential impact of the attributes depending on their framing as family-friendly or life-friendly. Salary was especially important in initial screening of organizational options, and the organizational culture support of work–nonwork challenges was increasingly influential as the final choice was formed. Implications for young applicant attraction are discussed. The research presented here (a portion of the author’s master’s thesis at Bowling Green State University) was presented at the 2006 Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Dallas, TX. Thanks go to Dr. Steve M. Jex, Dr. Scott Highhouse, and Dr. Cathy Stein for their assistance in the development of this study. Thanks are also owed to Dr. Michael Doherty for his thoughtful comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

刘夕民 《价值工程》2011,30(3):131-131
随着经济的发展,统计工作在企业中的作用也越来越重要,成为企业进行科学管理和对企业的各种经营活动进行监督和计划的一个重要工具。本文将对提高社会统计检测水平的方法进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-term effects of assisted housing on the educational attainment of children. It is based on unique data, the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)-Assisted Housing Database, in which we have matched addresses of all PSID sample members to addresses of federal and state assisted housing. Using a two-stage instrumental variable approach, the inferior educational outcomes of children who live in public housing disappear when measured characteristics are taken into account, while unmeasured characteristics have insignificant effects. We also find neither positive nor negative effects of privately owned assisted housing. These findings are similar to those on the effects of other social welfare programs.  相似文献   

王惠 《价值工程》2014,(18):325-326
我国的工会工作在价值理念、工作方法、具体技术的挑战以及服务内容等方面需要不断地发展和创新。本文主要就对社会工作的理念和方法在工会当中的价值应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

王平 《价值工程》2012,31(32):250-251
高校的安全稳定是高校改革发展的基础,是促进社会稳定的需要,是建设和谐社会的需要。而高校贫困生作为大学校园内的一个特殊群体,做好贫困生的资助工作关乎校园稳定,也是和谐社会构建的必然要求。因此,高校资助工作中必须在保证公平的前提下,注重对贫困生的思想政治教育、心理辅导和贫困生管理工作,并切实发挥高校辅导员的实际作用,从而为建设和谐校园、和谐社会打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

按照党的十八大报告精神,中国正处在全面建成小康社会的攻坚期和实现两个百年奋斗目标的新征程。统战工作必须充分发挥夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利的法宝作用,协调和处理好"五大关系",凝聚力量共同完成国内转型升级,国际上和平发展的历史重任。来华留学生是一个特殊的群体,新时期来华留学生工作有着突出重要的统战意义。作为来华留学生工作的主要承担者,高校统战部门应积极拓展工作领域与思维,不断凝聚新力量。  相似文献   

社会工作与社会治理互为关联,二者缺一不可。其在社会治理创新过程中极具价值。十八届三中全会的召开,使创新社会治理体制的战略任务更加明确,不仅实现了社会工作的有效介入,也使其作用更加突出。可通过社会各类人才培养,落实该项工作目标。本文主要对社会工作与社会治理的内涵和关系进行分析,并探索社会工作介入社会治理创新的有效路径,推进社会工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   

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