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心理契约是一种无形的契约,但是它却发挥着一种有形契约的影响。心理契约的违背对建立企业与员工之间良好,稳定的关系有重大影响。文章分析了心理契约违背的原因及其产生的严重后果,然后通过博弈分析,得出规避心理契约违背的方法。  相似文献   

基于重复博弈的心理契约分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在市场经济条件下,由于个人理性与集体理性的矛盾,组织和个人都倾向于追求各自利益的最大化,从而容易陷入“囚徒困境”,给组织的生存与发展带来严重的威胁。本文通过阐释重复博弈条件下企业和员工双方心理契约的缔结过程,尝试从心理契约的角度来探讨促进双方实现有效沟通的途径。  相似文献   

浙江省企业用工荒现象非常严重,并呈现出第二、三产业的人员需求占总需求的主导、结构性缺工现象显著等特征。本文通过问卷调查和数据分析,发现心理契约违背在企业农民工中是一种普遍现象。比如,企业违背保健义务的程度高于企业违背关系义务的程度,企业农民工心理契约违背认知水平受多方面因素影响,农民工心理契约违背、工作满意度、离职意图三者之间关系显著。文章以浙江省企业用工荒问题为例证,从心理契约理论的角度提出了应对措施和建议,旨在为政府解决用工荒问题提供参考意见。  相似文献   

长期以来关于心理契约的主体构成一直存在争议,雇用双方所缔结的心理契约究竟是单向还是双向,学术界的意见并不统一。文章在心理契约相关概念厘定的基础上,借助爱迪思的企业生命周期理论,将心理契约放置于企业生命周期的全过程进行研究,认为在企业生命周期的不同阶段有不同的主体构成,具有不同的类型。  相似文献   

基于演化博弈的心理契约分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用演化博弈的方法,建立了一个企业和员工心理契约缔结的数理模型,分析了心理契约形成的动态过程。研究结果发现,该系统的演化方向与系统的初始状态有关,即单方面合作成本、超额利润和对超额利润的重视程度影响着系统的演化结果。  相似文献   

企业高管的心理契约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理契约最早是用来描述员工和企业双方不成文的、内隐的契约或相互期望,后来把它界定为员工和企业双方对相互责任的信念,具体体现为双方对相互责任义务的主观约定。心理契约可以分为两大类:交易型心理契约和关系型心理契约。它们在关注点、时间框架、稳定性、范围和明确程度上存在差异。交易型心理契约追求经济的、  相似文献   

职业高原期一方面破坏了组织与员工之间原有的心理契约,另一方面也为发展新型心理契约提供了机会.从心理契约的角度来分析职业高原期组织与员工之间关系变化的特点,并通过重塑组织和员工之间的心理契约来消除其带来的不良影响,将职业高原期转化为组织发展的契机.组织应采取各种有力措施重塑有利于组织发展的心理契约,从而增强职业高原员工的满意感.  相似文献   

如何防范心理契约的破裂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理契约破裂是指个体对组织未能按照与个体贡献相等的方式履行个体心理契约承诺的中一项或多项义务的主观感知,其对员工的相关工作态度及行为均存在一定的负面影响。文章在对心理契约破裂的产生机制以及影响效果进行总结的基础上,着重探讨了防范心理契约破裂的具体措施。  相似文献   

初论心理契约和经济契约的耦合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理契约和经济契约是联结企业与员工关系的纽带,两者共同组成企业的契约系统.企业通过招聘预告、差异化激励、情感管理和动态契约管理等措施,营造"场"效应,实现经济契约和心理契约的耦合,最终可达到人与企业和谐发展的目的.  相似文献   

This study investigates empirically the psychological contract of a sample of 205 Hong Kong junior and senior managers. It determines the perceptions of factors that employers and employees see as relevant to the employment relationship, and then analyses perceptions of and attitudes towards recent changes in the Hong Kong business environment. In addition to exploring the nature and content of manager's psychological contracts in Hong Kong, the study explores how contracts are related to and affected by both the external environment and internal management practices. A survey questionnaire is used to measure the promises and commitments perceived to have been made by organizations, and the obligations that employees perceive they owe to their employer. In addition, the actual policies and practices of the employing organizations are determined. The impact of the HRM climate of the employing organizations (actual policies and practices) and the attitudes, expectations and feelings of organizational members about ongoing changes in the business and management environment on this exchange relationship are isolated. The study makes two contributions to the psychological contract literature: it examines the relevance of a psychological contract approach in a nonWestern geographical region; and it moves the concept of HRM preferences more centrally into the psychological contracting literature. This enables a better understanding of the construct in relation to the comparative management literature. The content of the psychological contract is shown to be multi-dimensional. Perceptions of organizational commitments and promises focus around four judgements: an intrinsically satisfying and challenging environment; a secure and rewarding job; equity; and supportive leadership. By Western standards the employee side of the employment relationship 'deal' is more one-sided. The proportion of managers who believe employees are strongly obligated to do certain things for their employers is very high. The study examines the factors that predict employees' psychological contracts. Actual HRM practices are shown to predict perceived commitments and obligations, and the strength of obligation is related to perceived promises and commitments. In contrast to the emphasis on the internal cognitive and individualized conception of the psychological contract in much of the literature, this study indicates that this decontextualizes psychological contracts. The true nature of a psychological contract is shown to be an exchange relationship firmly linked to a culture's reciprocity norms.  相似文献   

心理契约对组织成员的心理行为有一定的引导和约束作用。单位组织不能只运用有形契约手段,还可以运用心理契约手段来管理约束其成员,以引导成员的心理行为朝着有利于组织管理的方向发展。相容的心理契约对于单位组织管理能起到角色关系定位、增进互信、行为导向、行为约束、安定军心、稳定队伍和鼓舞士气的作用。相容的心理契约需要培育与维护,单位组织应重视签约与入职培训时加强相容的心理契约的培育,管理制度与管理办法的制定与执行应维护原已相容的心理契约,并应通过组织行为措施强化与巩固。  相似文献   

This article explores the psychological contract of female clerical homeworkers who work from home full‐time and are employed at a local authority. Qualitative interviews were carried out with homeworkers and their supervisors. Temporal flexibility was desired by all the homeworkers in order to achieve a better work–life balance, and was deemed important by women without children as well as those with childcare responsibilities. Our findings highlight that homeworkers were able to negotiate their own idiosyncratic deals with line managers in order to attain their desired levels of temporal flexibility. However, the issue of flexibility remains ambiguous with some supervisory staff being more comfortable with the concept than others, leading to some homeworkers enjoying different levels of temporal flexibility than their co‐workers. Our findings suggest that employees perceive flexibility idiosyncratic deals of co‐workers as fair as long as they achieve their own personal levels of temporal flexibility. The potential implications for organisations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops the critique of psychologisation by going narrow and deep into the analysis of the concept of the psychological contract. In its early incarnation, the psychological contract literature explored key elements at the heart of the employment relationship. However, in the current mainstream psychological contract literature, there are four key problems. The paper shows that these problems match on to the wider problems associated with pyschologisation. The concept of the social contract of work is put forward as a way to return productively to the original focus of the field. The social contract of work is defined as workers' implicit, collective, and socially embedded understanding of the effort bargain at work.  相似文献   

The concept of the psychological contract, with its focus on the exchange of perceived promises and commitments, is increasingly used as a framework to study the employment relationship. Yet research has predominantly focused on employee views and has largely neglected the organisational perspective and the management of the psychological contract. This article begins to redress the balance by reporting a study, based on a survey of 1,306 senior HR managers, that explores the management of the psychological contract and in particular the role of organisational communication. Three distinct and relevant aspects of organisational communication are identified, concerned with initial entry, day‐to‐day work and more future‐oriented, top‐down communication. Effective use of these forms of communication is associated with what managers judge to be a clearer and less frequently breached set of organisational promises and commitments, as well as with a fairer exchange and a more positive impact of policies and practices on employee attitudes and behaviour. The findings are discussed within the context of the wider literature on psychological contracts, organisational culture and HRM. The study confirms that the psychological contract offers managers a useful framework within which to consider and manage the employment relationship.  相似文献   

心理契约与员工满意度关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过问卷调查收集相关数据,采用定量分析方法,分析心理契约和员工满意度之间的关系。研究发现心理契约与员工满意度之间存在高度正相关的关系,心理契约的各构面中个人发展因子、工作本身因子、人与人之间关系因子与员工满意度显著相关。最后本研究提出一些基于心理契约提高员工满意度的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the psychological contract and human resource practices as communications relevant to that contract. We argue that employees, at certain times only, systematically analyze their employers' HR practices for meaning vis-ri-vis their psychological contract. Judgments about the adequacy with which their psychological contracts are fulfilled result from such systematic analyses, and these judgments have important effects on employee commitment. Practical implications of our analysis are also discussed.  相似文献   

组织行为与企业员工心理契约管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章拟通过对近年来组织行为和人力资源管理领域中兴起的组织中的心理契约问题的研究。探讨组织行为与员工心理契约的关系,并提出心理契约管理的方法,希望对提高组织管理绩效有所帮助。  相似文献   

组织行为与企业员工心理契约管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章拟通过对近年来组织行为和人力资源管理领域中兴起的组织中的心理契约问题的研究,探讨组织行为与员工心理契约的关系,并提出心理契约管理的方法,希望对提高组织管理绩效有所帮助。  相似文献   

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